I have a problem with some of the rhetoric the left uses when talking about the wall

So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
True, but for 25 billion, and it'll cost at least twice that in all what with buying property and cost overruns ....., and in the end it's just a publicity stunt.
It's a very effective means of controlling the border. That's why your ilk recoils in horror at the idea.
Billions to build, countless billions more to maintain over the decades, countless billions more to statf and upgrade over the decades, a blatant insult against our allies in Latin and South America, a symbol of cowardice replacing the Statue of Liberty, and people who really want to come here will still get in. Maybe the cartels will charge more, that will make them happy.

It'd be expensive for sure. If that's your argument against it then we don't have an issue. I just wanted to say that if we did build it it would do what it's intended to do, which is act as a deterrent. It would slow them down.

Instead of the wall beef up border patrol and deploy national guard on quarterly rotation and beef up electronic surveilance. If you don't think in the past year and a half they have already devised away to get around a wall then you're wrong.
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
The wall won’t be built. If somehow part of it gets completed, the next President will run on tearing it down.

It’s a complete waste of money and a symbol of cowardice
Wouldn’t tearing it down be a waste of money and resources? Why would anyone do that?
Because it’s ugly, insulting, ineffective, and damaging to wildlife and the ecosystem
It is very effective, and those who would tear it down would be exposed as traitors to America.

What would be your opinion if the cartels decided to use their weapons and explosives to make holes in the wall?

My reaction would be that the wall is working. Repairing a few holes will cost peanuts.
Billions to build, countless billions more to maintain over the decades, countless billions more to statf and upgrade over the decades, a blatant insult against our allies in Latin and South America, a symbol of cowardice replacing the Statue of Liberty, and people who really want to come here will still get in. Maybe the cartels will charge more, that will make them happy.

It'd be expensive for sure. If that's your argument against it then we don't have an issue. I just wanted to say that if we did build it it would do what it's intended to do, which is act as a deterrent. It would slow them down.

Instead of the wall beef up border patrol and deploy national guard on quarterly rotation and beef up electronic surveilance. If you don't think in the past year and a half they have already devised away to get around a wall then you're wrong.

That would cost more than building the wall and be less effective. Morons like you whine about the cost, and the propose alternatives that are more expensive, don't work, and can be repealed at the stroke of a pen. One would have to suspect that you don't really want to control the border.
You know, there are a lot of conservatives on here who think that the wall will somehow be the solution that stops all the bad people from coming here.

But, like it's already been noted, the cartels are VERY good at building tunnels to get under the wall, and they will more than likely do so.

The thing that makes me worry a bit is the way the cartels are armed. They have everything from grenades and guns to RPGs and high explosives. How much press do you think they would get if they decided to blow a hole in the wall? Or even worse, decided to blow several holes along the wall?

The tunnel theory has been debunked 1000 times. Just admit you want an open border so millions of new Democrat welfare cases can come flooding into the country.

No one is fooled.
It is very effective, and those who would tear it down would be exposed as traitors to America.

What would be your opinion if the cartels decided to use their weapons and explosives to make holes in the wall?
Kill them with overwhelming force.

What would be your option?

Okay, you can kill them with overwhelming force. But, what if they decided to blow a hole in the wall when there was nobody around? How would you catch them then?
You are making the assumption that there won't be surveillance on the wall 100%.

Tell Me, how does any law enforcement agency determine how something is done? Or are you saying that forensics will cease to exist when we build the wall?

No, I'm not assuming anything. I do know however that you won't be able to have people who would be able to quickly respond to something like that if it was in a remote area. All the cartels would have to do is watch and see what the routine for patrols is, and wait until there was a gap, and then use explosives or an RPG to blow a hole in the wall and then boogie.

The only way you could track someone who did something like that is if you had eyes on them when they did it and kept them on them until you caught them.

And, forensics generally only tells you how something happened, not who did it.

Any hole could be repaird in a matter of days. Furthermore, all the border patrol has to do is station a couple of agents near the hole, and anyone trying to get through it would be aprehended. All the schemes you open-borders dirtbags dream up require the border patrol to be positively retarded for them to work.
The idea that a wall will keep anyone or anything out of our country is ludicrous. I think we also need a mote to go along with it, a mine field and a free fire zone where real Americans can remote control the weapons (pay per shot only), all from the comfort of their own homes.
It's hardly ludicrous. Such claims are based on nothing aside from pure prejudice against the wall. The empirical evidence shows exactly the opposite.

You're just another sleazy lying open borders douchebag.

Entrepreneurs and capitalist will find a way to market their products. Necessity is the mother of invention. Customers will just pay more. Thank the phony populist Don.

Speaking The Mothers of Invention......a Song just for you.

Not by much

I can't really say for sure one way or the other. Can you? It seems to me that it could be a pretty effective deterrent if it's built right.
Yeah! How many years do you think it will be before we’ve totalled $1 trillion on wall spending, and there are still millions of illegals in the country and more still coming in?

Can you PROVE there will still be millions of illegals in the country and more still coming in?
Can you PROVE there won’t be? Fucking idiot.

So, you just make claims and provide NO foundation for the claim but I'm an idiot? Your performance in this thread reinforces the idea that you aren't worth the attention it takes to read your posts. Oh, and profanity in that context merely indicates an inferior vocabulary. Next time, try something like "idiotic buffoon", you uneducated twit.

Throughout history walls have consistently failed and been abandoned.

Trump's wall of bigotry and hate is no different.
It'd be expensive for sure. If that's your argument against it then we don't have an issue. I just wanted to say that if we did build it it would do what it's intended to do, which is act as a deterrent. It would slow them down.
Not by much, and at an exorbitant cost. And sooner rather than later it would fall to ruin and just be a failed eyesore impacting the ecosystem and doing little else.

$25 billion is trivial amount when compared against almost any Democrat progam. The cost of maintaining it is also trivil. It could easily last 5 years with almost no maintenance.

You know what's an eyesore? The cheap houses were illegals live 25 to a house.

As always, those who attack the wall are totally full of shit.
^ full of shit

That shoujld be 50 years, BTW.
LOL! Yeah go find a wall or building that hasn’t been maintenanced in 50 years and tell me what it looks like. :laugh:

So fucking stupid
Here's a 100 year old prestressed concrete bridge, built in 1915. It's still as beautiful as the day it was built.


So tell us who is stupid.
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I can't really say for sure one way or the other. Can you? It seems to me that it could be a pretty effective deterrent if it's built right.
Yeah! How many years do you think it will be before we’ve totalled $1 trillion on wall spending, and there are still millions of illegals in the country and more still coming in?

Can you PROVE there will still be millions of illegals in the country and more still coming in?
Can you PROVE there won’t be? Fucking idiot.

So, you just make claims and provide NO foundation for the claim but I'm an idiot? Your performance in this thread reinforces the idea that you aren't worth the attention it takes to read your posts. Oh, and profanity in that context merely indicates an inferior vocabulary. Next time, try something like "idiotic buffoon", you uneducated twit.

Throughout history walls have consistently failed and been abandoned.

Trump's wall of bigotry and hate is no different.

If you knew anything about history, you'd know it wasn't the wall that failed, it was the people in the society that failed. For example, the Great Wall in China was not breached by an enemy. It was defeated by bribing a Chinese general to open one of the gates. The wall worked well.
I can't really say for sure one way or the other. Can you? It seems to me that it could be a pretty effective deterrent if it's built right.
Yeah! How many years do you think it will be before we’ve totalled $1 trillion on wall spending, and there are still millions of illegals in the country and more still coming in?

Can you PROVE there will still be millions of illegals in the country and more still coming in?
Can you PROVE there won’t be? Fucking idiot.

So, you just make claims and provide NO foundation for the claim but I'm an idiot? Your performance in this thread reinforces the idea that you aren't worth the attention it takes to read your posts. Oh, and profanity in that context merely indicates an inferior vocabulary. Next time, try something like "idiotic buffoon", you uneducated twit.

Throughout history walls have consistently failed and been abandoned.

Trump's wall of bigotry and hate is no different.

They fail after working for 300 years. The great wall of China was maintained for 1600 years.

You're an imbecile.


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Yeah! How many years do you think it will be before we’ve totalled $1 trillion on wall spending, and there are still millions of illegals in the country and more still coming in?

Considering the construction is estimated to be like 30-40 billion I think it'd take a long time to reach a trillion dollars spent on the wall. Cost arguments aside, do you accept that a well built border wall would serve as a potentially strong deterrent to illegal immigrants?
Potentially strong? No. Not over 2,000 miles of widely varying terrain.

Factor in maintenance, staffing, and all costs that go with that and I say we spend a trillion within 10 years. And there will still be a over 11 million illegals in the country.
...and the lawsuits.
Attorney's FEES.
Settlement costs and just compensation...
I can't really say for sure one way or the other. Can you? It seems to me that it could be a pretty effective deterrent if it's built right.
Yeah! How many years do you think it will be before we’ve totalled $1 trillion on wall spending, and there are still millions of illegals in the country and more still coming in?

Can you PROVE there will still be millions of illegals in the country and more still coming in?
Can you PROVE there won’t be? Fucking idiot.

You wouldn't be crying about the wall of you knew it wouldn't work.
That’s the main reason I AM crying about it. Sooooo dumb why do I bother with you?
Yeah, right, because you are so concerned about more illegal aliens entering the country.

Who are you trying to kid?
It is very effective, and those who would tear it down would be exposed as traitors to America.

What would be your opinion if the cartels decided to use their weapons and explosives to make holes in the wall?
Kill them with overwhelming force.

What would be your option?

Okay, you can kill them with overwhelming force. But, what if they decided to blow a hole in the wall when there was nobody around? How would you catch them then?
You are making the assumption that there won't be surveillance on the wall 100%.

Tell Me, how does any law enforcement agency determine how something is done? Or are you saying that forensics will cease to exist when we build the wall?

No, I'm not assuming anything. I do know however that you won't be able to have people who would be able to quickly respond to something like that if it was in a remote area. All the cartels would have to do is watch and see what the routine for patrols is, and wait until there was a gap, and then use explosives or an RPG to blow a hole in the wall and then boogie.

The only way you could track someone who did something like that is if you had eyes on them when they did it and kept them on them until you caught them.

And, forensics generally only tells you how something happened, not who did it.


You are right, there won't be people to watch the entire wall.

But there will be motion detectors, cameras, satellites, and folks in rooms to respond to those detectors. And folks in other rooms, monitoring drones, flying drones, dispatching robots. It wouldn't surprise me if all of the smart devices of those cartels were being tracked as well.


And probably all along the wall, deploy-able robots. Lots and lots of robots. Deadly drones.
Yeah! How many years do you think it will be before we’ve totalled $1 trillion on wall spending, and there are still millions of illegals in the country and more still coming in?

Considering the construction is estimated to be like 30-40 billion I think it'd take a long time to reach a trillion dollars spent on the wall. Cost arguments aside, do you accept that a well built border wall would serve as a potentially strong deterrent to illegal immigrants?
Potentially strong? No. Not over 2,000 miles of widely varying terrain.

Factor in maintenance, staffing, and all costs that go with that and I say we spend a trillion within 10 years. And there will still be a over 11 million illegals in the country.
...and the lawsuits.
Attorney's FEES.
Settlement costs and just compensation...
Yeah. Well the gummit doesn't own much of the land abutting Me-he-ko. So the gummit has to buy an easement. And an owner can force the gummit to go to court for the sale. And the gummit will have to reimburse land owners for running const equip across their land to get to the easement. And I'd think the gummit would have to buy easements wide enough to get maintenance it there.

Picture one of those giant electrical utilities that stretch for miles......
The arguments suggesting that a modern wall won't do anything to mitigate illegal traffic across the border are pretty weak. You should stick to your other arguments, lest ye look a bit foolish.
The arguments suggesting that a modern wall won't do anything to mitigate illegal traffic across the border are pretty weak. You should stick to your other arguments, lest ye look a bit foolish.
The question is how much is the real cost, and how much is the benefit it would cause be worth? And how much of the real benefit is actually Trump's PR
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
Do we need a Canada wall too?

Canadians come down here and steal our women
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
Do we need a Canada wall too?

Canadians come down here and steal our women
Well, God who'd want theirs .... with their hairy legs and pits and fatbacon hanging off their nether regions.

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