I have a problem with some of the rhetoric the left uses when talking about the wall

Its funny watching people complain about a few billion dollars when they thing it will detour costs 4X that every fucking year.
At least be honest and just say you dont want a fucking Nation, you goddamn liars.
Either that or you are the dumbest mother fuckers on the planet.
Im fine with either
Come up with some ACTUAL arguments.
You know, there are a lot of conservatives on here who think that the wall will somehow be the solution that stops all the bad people from coming here.

But, like it's already been noted, the cartels are VERY good at building tunnels to get under the wall, and they will more than likely do so.

The thing that makes me worry a bit is the way the cartels are armed. They have everything from grenades and guns to RPGs and high explosives. How much press do you think they would get if they decided to blow a hole in the wall? Or even worse, decided to blow several holes along the wall?
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
The wall won’t be built. If somehow part of it gets completed, the next President will run on tearing it down.

It’s a complete waste of money and a symbol of cowardice
Wouldn’t tearing it down be a waste of money and resources? Why would anyone do that?
Because it’s ugly, insulting, ineffective, and damaging to wildlife and the ecosystem
It is very effective, and those who would tear it down would be exposed as traitors to America.
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
The wall won’t be built. If somehow part of it gets completed, the next President will run on tearing it down.

It’s a complete waste of money and a symbol of cowardice
Wouldn’t tearing it down be a waste of money and resources? Why would anyone do that?
Because it’s ugly, insulting, ineffective, and damaging to wildlife and the ecosystem
It is very effective, and those who would tear it down would be exposed as traitors to America.

What would be your opinion if the cartels decided to use their weapons and explosives to make holes in the wall?
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
The wall won’t be built. If somehow part of it gets completed, the next President will run on tearing it down.

It’s a complete waste of money and a symbol of cowardice
Wouldn’t tearing it down be a waste of money and resources? Why would anyone do that?
Because it’s ugly, insulting, ineffective, and damaging to wildlife and the ecosystem
It is very effective, and those who would tear it down would be exposed as traitors to America.

What would be your opinion if the cartels decided to use their weapons and explosives to make holes in the wall?
Kill them with overwhelming force.

What would be your option?
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
The wall won’t be built. If somehow part of it gets completed, the next President will run on tearing it down.

It’s a complete waste of money and a symbol of cowardice
Wouldn’t tearing it down be a waste of money and resources? Why would anyone do that?
Because it’s ugly, insulting, ineffective, and damaging to wildlife and the ecosystem
It is very effective, and those who would tear it down would be exposed as traitors to America.

What would be your opinion if the cartels decided to use their weapons and explosives to make holes in the wall?

Pretty much the same opinion as you would have if one of your kids died from drugs brought in by the cartels.
The wall won’t be built. If somehow part of it gets completed, the next President will run on tearing it down.

It’s a complete waste of money and a symbol of cowardice
Wouldn’t tearing it down be a waste of money and resources? Why would anyone do that?
Because it’s ugly, insulting, ineffective, and damaging to wildlife and the ecosystem
It is very effective, and those who would tear it down would be exposed as traitors to America.

What would be your opinion if the cartels decided to use their weapons and explosives to make holes in the wall?
Kill them with overwhelming force.

What would be your option?

Okay, you can kill them with overwhelming force. But, what if they decided to blow a hole in the wall when there was nobody around? How would you catch them then?
Wouldn’t tearing it down be a waste of money and resources? Why would anyone do that?
Because it’s ugly, insulting, ineffective, and damaging to wildlife and the ecosystem
It is very effective, and those who would tear it down would be exposed as traitors to America.

What would be your opinion if the cartels decided to use their weapons and explosives to make holes in the wall?
Kill them with overwhelming force.

What would be your option?

Okay, you can kill them with overwhelming force. But, what if they decided to blow a hole in the wall when there was nobody around? How would you catch them then?
You are making the assumption that there won't be surveillance on the wall 100%.

Tell Me, how does any law enforcement agency determine how something is done? Or are you saying that forensics will cease to exist when we build the wall?
You know, there are a lot of conservatives on here who think that the wall will somehow be the solution that stops all the bad people from coming here.

But, like it's already been noted, the cartels are VERY good at building tunnels to get under the wall, and they will more than likely do so.

The thing that makes me worry a bit is the way the cartels are armed. They have everything from grenades and guns to RPGs and high explosives. How much press do you think they would get if they decided to blow a hole in the wall? Or even worse, decided to blow several holes along the wall?

They are building tunnels now. They will continue. But, that's no reason to not build a wall. There is no one magic solution.
Because it’s ugly, insulting, ineffective, and damaging to wildlife and the ecosystem
It is very effective, and those who would tear it down would be exposed as traitors to America.

What would be your opinion if the cartels decided to use their weapons and explosives to make holes in the wall?
Kill them with overwhelming force.

What would be your option?

Okay, you can kill them with overwhelming force. But, what if they decided to blow a hole in the wall when there was nobody around? How would you catch them then?
You are making the assumption that there won't be surveillance on the wall 100%.

Tell Me, how does any law enforcement agency determine how something is done? Or are you saying that forensics will cease to exist when we build the wall?

No, I'm not assuming anything. I do know however that you won't be able to have people who would be able to quickly respond to something like that if it was in a remote area. All the cartels would have to do is watch and see what the routine for patrols is, and wait until there was a gap, and then use explosives or an RPG to blow a hole in the wall and then boogie.

The only way you could track someone who did something like that is if you had eyes on them when they did it and kept them on them until you caught them.

And, forensics generally only tells you how something happened, not who did it.
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
There are no examples that a wall of this length works.

The wall is a stupid symbolic gesture which will have no impact on our economy or our country whatsoever. It's a mental masturbation fantasy.

There are no examples that show a wall of this length will not serve as a deterrent, is there?
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
There are no examples that a wall of this length works.

The wall is a stupid symbolic gesture which will have no impact on our economy or our country whatsoever. It's a mental masturbation fantasy.

There are no examples that a wall of this length will not serve as a deterrent, is there?

If the cartels decided to blow holes in it, it wouldn't be much of a deterrent.
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
There are no examples that a wall of this length works.

The wall is a stupid symbolic gesture which will have no impact on our economy or our country whatsoever. It's a mental masturbation fantasy.

There are no examples that a wall of this length will not serve as a deterrent, is there?

If the cartels decided to blow holes in it, it wouldn't be much of a deterrent.

Well, then we should do nothing and stop pretending to be a nation. That seems to be the solution you prefer.
The idea that a wall will keep anyone or anything out of our country is ludicrous. I think we also need a mote to go along with it, a mine field and a free fire zone where real Americans can remote control the weapons (pay per shot only), all from the comfort of their own homes.
Israel’s wall and the Israeli/Egyptian Wall work pretty well.

Different dynamics. The Berlin Wall worked pretty well too.
The idea that a wall will keep anyone or anything out of our country is ludicrous. I think we also need a mote to go along with it, a mine field and a free fire zone where real Americans can remote control the weapons (pay per shot only), all from the comfort of their own homes.
Israel’s wall and the Israeli/Egyptian Wall work pretty well.

Different dynamics. The Berlin Wall worked pretty well too.

You're right, there are different dynamics between those walls. There are also different dynamics between those walls and the one proposed for the southern border.

All of those walls you listed are much shorter and are able to be patrolled 24/7. The southern wall with Mexico is too big for that.
Billions to build, countless billions more to maintain over the decades, countless billions more to statf and upgrade over the decades, a blatant insult against our allies in Latin and South America, a symbol of cowardice replacing the Statue of Liberty, and people who really want to come here will still get in. Maybe the cartels will charge more, that will make them happy.

It'd be expensive for sure. If that's your argument against it then we don't have an issue. I just wanted to say that if we did build it it would do what it's intended to do, which is act as a deterrent. It would slow them down.
Not by much, and at an exorbitant cost. And sooner rather than later it would fall to ruin and just be a failed eyesore impacting the ecosystem and doing little else.

$25 billion is trivial amount when compared against almost any Democrat progam. The cost of maintaining it is also trivil. It could easily last 50 years with almost no maintenance.

You know what's an eyesore? The cheap houses were illegals live 25 to a house.

As always, those who attack the wall are totally full of shit.
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The idea that a wall will keep anyone or anything out of our country is ludicrous. I think we also need a mote to go along with it, a mine field and a free fire zone where real Americans can remote control the weapons (pay per shot only), all from the comfort of their own homes.
Israel’s wall and the Israeli/Egyptian Wall work pretty well.

Different dynamics. The Berlin Wall worked pretty well too.

You're right, there are different dynamics between those walls. There are also different dynamics between those walls and the one proposed for the southern border.

All of those walls you listed are much shorter and are able to be patrolled 24/7. The southern wall with Mexico is too big for that.

Bullshit. We patrol the border 24/7 right now, moron. Without exception, everything those against the wall say about it is a huge lie. The real reason you're against it is because you know it will work beautifully. That's what scares you. The minute the wall goes up, there goes your permanent majority.
Billions to build, countless billions more to maintain over the decades, countless billions more to statf and upgrade over the decades, a blatant insult against our allies in Latin and South America, a symbol of cowardice replacing the Statue of Liberty, and people who really want to come here will still get in. Maybe the cartels will charge more, that will make them happy.

It'd be expensive for sure. If that's your argument against it then we don't have an issue. I just wanted to say that if we did build it it would do what it's intended to do, which is act as a deterrent. It would slow them down.
Not by much, and at an exorbitant cost. And sooner rather than later it would fall to ruin and just be a failed eyesore impacting the ecosystem and doing little else.

$25 billion is trivial amount when compared against almost any Democrat progam. The cost of maintaining it is also trivil. It could easily last 5 years with almost no maintenance.

You know what's an eyesore? The cheap houses were illegals live 25 to a house.

As always, those who attack the wall are totally full of shit.
^ full of shit

That shoujld be 50 years, BTW.
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
The wall won’t be built. If somehow part of it gets completed, the next President will run on tearing it down.

It’s a complete waste of money and a symbol of cowardice
Wouldn’t tearing it down be a waste of money and resources? Why would anyone do that?
Because it’s ugly, insulting, ineffective, and damaging to wildlife and the ecosystem
And because you want to make it easier for illegals to get in - must be if you’d deliberately knock down an existing wall.

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