I have a problem with some of the rhetoric the left uses when talking about the wall

Billions to build, countless billions more to maintain over the decades, countless billions more to statf and upgrade over the decades, a blatant insult against our allies in Latin and South America, a symbol of cowardice replacing the Statue of Liberty, and people who really want to come here will still get in. Maybe the cartels will charge more, that will make them happy.

It'd be expensive for sure. If that's your argument against it then we don't have an issue. I just wanted to say that if we did build it it would do what it's intended to do, which is act as a deterrent. It would slow them down.
Not by much, and at an exorbitant cost. And sooner rather than later it would fall to ruin and just be a failed eyesore impacting the ecosystem and doing little else.
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
The wall won’t be built. If somehow part of it gets completed, the next President will run on tearing it down.

It’s a complete waste of money and a symbol of cowardice
Wouldn’t tearing it down be a waste of money and resources? Why would anyone do that?
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
The wall won’t be built. If somehow part of it gets completed, the next President will run on tearing it down.

It’s a complete waste of money and a symbol of cowardice
Wouldn’t tearing it down be a waste of money and resources? Why would anyone do that?
Because it’s ugly, insulting, ineffective, and damaging to wildlife and the ecosystem
The wall won’t be built. If somehow part of it gets completed, the next President will run on tearing it down.

It’s a complete waste of money and a symbol of cowardice

Fine, maybe it won't, but that's not really what I'm talking about in this thread. I'm talking about the common argument that it wouldn't serve a practical purpose.
To borrow a quote from the left "if it saves just one life, it's worth it!"

then wall off Detroit and Chicago ..
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
The wall won’t be built. If somehow part of it gets completed, the next President will run on tearing it down.

It’s a complete waste of money and a symbol of cowardice
Wouldn’t tearing it down be a waste of money and resources? Why would anyone do that?
Because it’s ugly, insulting, ineffective, and damaging to wildlife and the ecosystem
And because you want to make it easier for illegals to get in - must be if you’d deliberately knock down an existing wall.
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
The wall won’t be built. If somehow part of it gets completed, the next President will run on tearing it down.

It’s a complete waste of money and a symbol of cowardice
Wouldn’t tearing it down be a waste of money and resources? Why would anyone do that?
Because it’s ugly, insulting, ineffective, and damaging to wildlife and the ecosystem

these peoples grandkids will be drawing SS by the time Texans lose their land to the courts for a damn wall..

end of story
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
Doesn’t matter

We will tear down the wall once Trump is gone

Mexico may even pay for it

Sure you will.
Believe me

We will create a big pile of rubble, a big, beautiful pile of rubble

Destroying government property is a crime, asshole. Furthermore, I'll be there with my AR-15 to make sure you don't.

When the walls come tumblin' down
When the walls come crumblin' crumblin'
When the walls come tumblin' tumblin' down
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
If we are being honest I don’t think the issue is with the wall. Border security and fencing/wall/barriers have been supported and funded by democrats in the past. The backlash against the wall is coming from a disgust with Trump and the divisive rhetoric that has surrounded his campaign for the wall. The wall is more than just a barrier, it is a symbol, and it is a symbol that goes against how many identify with America. A wall, in places where it is needed, could have easily been funded and built if the rhetoric wasn’t as explosive and divisive as it has been
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
The wall won’t be built. If somehow part of it gets completed, the next President will run on tearing it down.

It’s a complete waste of money and a symbol of cowardice
Wouldn’t tearing it down be a waste of money and resources? Why would anyone do that?
Because it’s ugly, insulting, ineffective, and damaging to wildlife and the ecosystem
And because you want to make it easier for illegals to get in - must be if you’d deliberately knock down an existing wall.
Aw look at you lying like a bitch :itsok:
So when talking about the wall the left likes to imply that it won't serve any practical purpose. "People will dig under it, climb over it, fly over it and some of them will even blah blah blah..."

Yes, you are correct that a wall won't be an absolute solution to the problem of illegals crossing the border, but it's outright dishonest to say it won't at least be a powerful deterrent. It won't stop all of them, but it will stop some or many of them. Walls work, and there are a lot of modern examples that demonstrate that truth.
The wall won’t be built. If somehow part of it gets completed, the next President will run on tearing it down.

It’s a complete waste of money and a symbol of cowardice
Wouldn’t tearing it down be a waste of money and resources? Why would anyone do that?
Because it’s ugly, insulting, ineffective, and damaging to wildlife and the ecosystem
And because you want to make it easier for illegals to get in - must be if you’d deliberately knock down an existing wall.
Aw look at you lying like a bitch :itsok:
Lying? Anyone who would deliberately knock down an existing border wall would obviously be doing so with the aim of making it easier for illegals to get into the US.
The wall won’t be built. If somehow part of it gets completed, the next President will run on tearing it down.

It’s a complete waste of money and a symbol of cowardice

Fine, maybe it won't, but that's not really what I'm talking about in this thread. I'm talking about the common argument that it wouldn't serve a practical purpose.
To borrow a quote from the left "if it saves just one life, it's worth it!"

then wall off Detroit and Chicago ..

Good idea.
Just like most places require walls around junk yards because they're dangerous eyesores.
How about more border control, that's jobs for Americans, new tech cameras to watch the border made in America, that's jobs for Americans. fix our intrasture, that's jobs for Americans. there must be better ways, besides a big ugly wall that costs billions of dollars that we don't have. the Republicans are talking about cutting Social Security & Medicare because we don't have enough money to keep it. lets explore all options.
Yeah! How many years do you think it will be before we’ve totalled $1 trillion on wall spending, and there are still millions of illegals in the country and more still coming in?

Considering the construction is estimated to be like 30-40 billion I think it'd take a long time to reach a trillion dollars spent on the wall. Cost arguments aside, do you accept that a well built border wall would serve as a potentially strong deterrent to illegal immigrants?
Not by much

I can't really say for sure one way or the other. Can you? It seems to me that it could be a pretty effective deterrent if it's built right.
Yeah! How many years do you think it will be before we’ve totalled $1 trillion on wall spending, and there are still millions of illegals in the country and more still coming in?

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