I have a serious question for Trump supporters...


VIP Member
Sep 2, 2018
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.
He works for ordinary people, and brings back jobs. He helps us with tax cuts and makes the economy boom.
Some of his nationalist rhetoric can be relatable to people. He's tough on China and our military presence internationally. I think he would bring most of our troops home if he actually knew how to achieve that.
You could ask that same question of every politician or person who has run for President. Most who run for President are career politicians who have lost touch with average working class Americans and their concerns long ago. That is the major reason Trump won in 2016 he talked about those concerns border security, bad trade deals, stagnant wages, outsourcing of jobs to name a few things that those who came before ignored or just gave lip service to.
He says the kind of simplistic bullshit that Trumpers need to hear.

He's a Demagogue pure and simple
You could ask that same question of every politician or person who has run for President. Most who run for President are career politicians who have lost touch with average working class Americans and their concerns long ago. That is the major reason Trump won in 2016 he talked about those concerns border security, bad trade deals, stagnant wages, outsourcing of jobs to name a few things that those who came before ignored or just gave lip service to.
Like I said
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.
He works for ordinary people, and brings back jobs. He helps us with tax cuts and makes the economy boom.

He inherited a economy that was already getting better. Is not telling people the truth about the virus really working for the people. 4 people died yesterday that included one of his supporters while he was in the White House, is that working for the people. Trump wasn't out there with his supporters. There is a lot of history that would show wealthy white men "using" working/poor class white people.
He says the kind of simplistic bullshit that Trumpers need to hear.

He's a Demagogue pure and simple
You could ask that same question of every politician or person who has run for President. Most who run for President are career politicians who have lost touch with average working class Americans and their concerns long ago. That is the major reason Trump won in 2016 he talked about those concerns border security, bad trade deals, stagnant wages, outsourcing of jobs to name a few things that those who came before ignored or just gave lip service to.
Like I said
Like I have said many times the TDS infected are incapable of seeing the irony in the bullshit they post.
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.

Only leftists believe in their egalitarian fantasy where their leader should be exactly like them.

Americans believe in leaders who get shit done. A leader should be a superior who lives a cartoonishly American life style in this vision. What else than a man who shits on a golden toilet is the embodiment of the American dream. Even Obama admitted it...
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.

Donald J. Trump is for real- he doesn't pretend to be something he isn't.

Sure, he's tremendous wealthy, but he respect those who aren't and doesn't patronize them.

When he went out to the cornfields of Iowa to campaign for votes, he didn't get into overalls and act like a stereotypical "hick"- he wore a suit and tie and behaved like the New Yorker he was raised as. He is comfortable in his skin, people like that.

Unlike Hillary Clinton and her phony black accent "no ways tired" in a black church.

It would have seemed that someone who was First Lady of Arkansas for a decade and had previously been a boss at Walmart like Mrs. Clinton- would have known the people a lot better, but she didn't.
1) He addressed unfair tariffs (China, NAFTA)
2) Lowered income taxes across the board
3) Significantly addressed the illegal immigration issues at the border, stopped catch and release and even convinced Mexico to stop caravans etc.
4) Significantly lowered the Corporate Tax rate so that it is line with especially European counterparts (Ireland probably still leads with the lowest)
5) Didn't start or escalate any wars.
6) Successfully brokered a bunch of normalization agreement between Israel and Gulf countries.
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.

Who says we need to identify with him?

He ran on policy points I agreed with, he tried to implement them.
Only leftists believe in their egalitarian fantasy where their leader should be exactly like them.
Oh really?

I clearly remember the Bush/Kerry campaign...and yea...you're just saying shit...


Do YOU believe Mark Zuckerberg represent you? Leftists always like to PRETEND their equality fantasy is real, now they do take things a bit far even for me. In their vision the pleb is worth exactly zero - while their leader has infinite value. That's the utopia. In the sane vision every American has right to his work and his body and if Zuckerberg does not come on top - that is fine.

Biden and his crack addict family who scammed millions of dollars from American tax payer - that represents YOU?

Insane folks...
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.

BTW, Obama was an extremely wealthy man from birth too. His father was a high muckymuck in the Kenyan government, his stepdad an oil executive, his mum a doctor, his grandmother a bank executive.

Everyone who runs for President is well off.
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.
Many people did not like him. He proposed agendas that all politicians at one time or another wanted. The ACA was questionable because that is a bastardized version of healthcare that cost people trillions of dollars. What has happened is that all of us are in different groups now. From religion to culture to ethnic to gender to sexual identity and then to working types of employment with the pay, benefits and pension superseding loyalty to the nation which causes fragmentation. One issue...In the extreme feminist agenda there are women who may not be as virulent in it as others and suffer for it. Men are affected by it also. So trying to get a few million of the women to not be shamed by their fellow women who are feminists to gosh darn it, get married is branded s hateful and mysogany. Lost in all of this is the decline of our nation with the added costs of raising children with many more single parents. Many issues need to be taken a step back to relieve the pressures. That ain't happening at this point. An economic contraction will show you the reality of what we have done to ourselves. Peer pressure is a mutha.
Bullshit. What you mean is that you were presented with an obvious FACT that you would prefer to ignore because it doesn't fit your nonsensical narrative.

Kerry was attacked by REPUBLICANS (obviously NOT leftists) for being an "elitest" while Bush was lauded by those same people as "someone they would like to have a beer with" (in spite of the fact that he was also a child of privilege)

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