I have a serious question for Trump supporters...

OK...........and exactly how did he respond to the elitist accusations that were accurate?....

My point was made.

Republicans are hypocrites with the memory of goldfish
Oh. I see. So an opponent states the truth about a candidate and he denies it even though it is true and the one who first pointed out the truth is the hypocrite.

Got it.

By the way....Trump never denied being wealthy. Actually, it was his opposition that claimed he was broke! Nor did Bush claim to be non wealthy. Clinton claimed to be broke when she left the white house after it was proven she and her husband had millions of dollars in book contracts.

Read the claim above stupid and try to follow along

Norman said:
Only leftists believe in their egalitarian fantasy where their leader should be exactly like them.

Obviously horse shit like everything else you morons spew
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.
Simple. Because he was totally against THESE Obama statements and policies!
I mean Keystone for one! How dumb must you be to be in favor of 1 million barrels of oil traveling on the Arctic ocean one mile versus 700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land along with 185,000 other miles of oil pipelines? But Obama and your ilk never considered the tremendous damage a 1 million barrel oil tanker could render.
Also, Obama signed fewer Federal land leases while Trump signed more in 4 years than Obama in 8 years!
Finally the USA is energy independent primarily because Trump encouraged oil exploration and energy independence.
Whereas dumb ass Dems like Obama proudly encouraged energy dependence. Look at Obama's quote regarding the USA to be Brazil's biggest oil customer!
NONE of the below including wanting 1,400 companies to go bankrupt as Obama bragged he would like to see were in favor of Trump!
Trump worked to make the USA energy independent. Trump nominated for 5 Nobel peace prizes ... seriously you think the world
dislikes Trump? They do! But more importantly they respected the USA/Trump and people like me...not you dips!
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Unless you're claiming we had a negative number of leases, there is
never a reduction of more than 100%.
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.

He's a gifted con man, and they are willing marks.
Your whole party is a con man all you lemmings are the dupes.
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.

He's a gifted con man, and they are willing marks.

He made some promises and we gambled that he would follow though. He was certainly a better choice than the woman that we could see actively hated US.

His first term was going fairly well, especially considering the massive hissy fit the Left was having up to and including open insurrection in the streets and a coup attempt. And then Covid.

So, calling us "marks" is bullshit.
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.
What on earth does this have to do with anything? The following people are all crooks. I do not care if they are super wealthy or paupers.
Hillary, obama, valerie jarrett, john podesta and his creepy brother tony, susan rice, loretta lynch, peter strzok, lisa page, bruce ohr and his wife, comey, rosenstein, mccabe, weissman, mueller, eric holder, lois lerner, james clapper, john brennan, wasserman-schultz, her Pakistani congressional hacker, huma abedin,. discredited lawyers avenatti and cohen, harry reid, pelosi, schumer, Schiff, Nadler, the clinton foundation, and the MSM itself.

PS -- Wealthy Donald Trump has been a blessing to the American people, despite his flaws and all of the foolish, secular, immoral creeps who have tried to destroy him for four years.
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.

^^^ a left wing divider attempting to divide Americans.
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.

BTW, Obama was an extremely wealthy man from birth too. His father was a high muckymuck in the Kenyan government, his stepdad an oil executive, his mum a doctor, his grandmother a bank executive.

Everyone who runs for President is well off.
Not really. Harry Truman was not rich. Neither was Abe Lincoln or Woodrow Wilson or Ulysses Grant.
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.

Here's a question for you.
You have 37 posts after a year and a half,why show up now and start blathering?
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.

Anyone who does what I think is right identifies with me:
* Oppose abortion.
* Support law and order.
* Regulate immigration.
* Reduce taxes as much as possible.
* Promote U.S. businesses by reducing (or eliminating) corporate taxes.
* Provide America with a strong military force.
* Improve health care.
* Put America's interests ahead of the rest of the world's.

A person's toileting habits don't concern me at all.
You could ask that same question of every politician or person who has run for President. Most who run for President are career politicians who have lost touch with average working class Americans and their concerns long ago. That is the major reason Trump won in 2016 he talked about those concerns border security, bad trade deals, stagnant wages, outsourcing of jobs to name a few things that those who came before ignored or just gave lip service to.
The op got his ass handed to him on a platter. :thankusmile: :yes_text12: :iyfyus.jpg:
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.
No president identifies with me, howler monkey.
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.
Is there something about Bidens life that you dems connect with? None of you have a thing in common with "the big guy". Are you all as rich as Bloomberg? NY dems sure had no problem electing him.
The op got his ass handed to him on a platter. :thankusmile: :yes_text12: :iyfyus.jpg:
I love getting lectured by these wackos on how Trump doesnt understand you and Trump is a criminal, blah blah blah....as they insert the head of a crime family larger than any Italian mafia family into the office of president. Poopeypants and his money laundering operation are legendary.

Do YOU believe Mark Zuckerberg represent you? Leftists always like to PRETEND their equality fantasy is real, now they do take things a bit far even for me. In their vision the pleb is worth exactly zero - while their leader has infinite value. That's the utopia. In the sane vision every American has right to his work and his body and if Zuckerberg does not come on top - that is fine.

Biden and his crack addict family who scammed millions of dollars from American tax payer - that represents YOU?

Insane folks...
Do not believe that ANY of the supper wealthy work in our behalf, Some May have a little interest in areas that support working persons. But ALL THERE BOTTOM LINE IS THE GETTING AND KEEPING THE WEALTH THEY HAVE AQUIRED.
I love getting lectured by these wackos on how Trump doesnt understand you and Trump is a criminal, blah blah blah....as they insert the head of a crime family larger than any Italian mafia family into the office of president. Poopeypants and his money laundering operation are legendary.
You handed the op his ass to him on a platter as well,he totally has shit on his face in embarrassment now. :laughing0301:

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