I have a serious question for Trump supporters...

How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.
Yet the Left worships FDR and JFK. You can't make thsi shit up.
Those guys would be racists, bigots, homophobes, transphobes, xenophobes, etc today, but if you have a D next to your name one gets a pass.
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.
Because he does not coordinate, fake Russia hoaxes, fake impeachments, and coordinate riots and turn America to one big child temper tantrum.
Well their still rounding them all up.

Now we'll see who the fuck is behind it and the god damned media will have to reort it.

Now a riot hoax. Precoordinated attack. It was quite brilliant though.
The media will lie...count on it.
Well. When we ID these fucktards it will be hard to hide. This ain't no lap top of someone fucking his dead brothers 14 yr old infant.
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.
Because he does not coordinate, fake Russia hoaxes, fake impeachments, and coordinate riots and turn America to one big child temper tantrum.
Well their still rounding them all up.

Now we'll see who the fuck is behind it and the god damned media will have to reort it.

Now a riot hoax. Precoordinated attack. It was quite brilliant though.
The media will lie...count on it.
Well. When we ID these fucktards it will be hard to hide. This ain't no lap top of someone fucking his dead brothers 14 yr old infant.
The attorneys bought off by the media will cover this up.
You have no idea how much bullshit gets covered up in Nassau County and it’s worse almost everywhere else.
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.

Donald J. Trump is for real- he doesn't pretend to be something he isn't.

Sure, he's tremendous wealthy, but he respect those who aren't and doesn't patronize them.

When he went out to the cornfields of Iowa to campaign for votes, he didn't get into overalls and act like a stereotypical "hick"- he wore a suit and tie and behaved like the New Yorker he was raised as. He is comfortable in his skin, people like that.

Unlike Hillary Clinton and her phony black accent "no ways tired" in a black church.

It would have seemed that someone who was First Lady of Arkansas for a decade and had previously been a boss at Walmart like Mrs. Clinton- would have known the people a lot better, but she didn't.
Ha Ha Hah! You get the daily "Poke in the Eye Award" Congratulations!
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.
You mean Obama did? Bush? Clinton? Biden? Pelosi? Kerry?....and by the way, Trump did not grow up in Manhattan. Know your facts.
You could ask that same question of every politician or person who has run for President. Most who run for President are career politicians who have lost touch with average working class Americans and their concerns long ago. That is the major reason Trump won in 2016 he talked about those concerns border security, bad trade deals, stagnant wages, outsourcing of jobs to name a few things that those who came before ignored or just gave lip service to.
The thing about Trump supporters is that they're especially stupid.
Last election showed how many stupid people there are in the US.
The stupid people? You mean the ones that can tell the difference between a boy and a girl?

The stupid people? The ones who know the Democrats will raise taxes?
Yes, the ones who brag about knowing the difference between a boy and a girl.
You don't?
I do, but I do not brag about being smart because I do. Thank you for proving my point.
Bullshit. What you mean is that you were presented with an obvious FACT that you would prefer to ignore because it doesn't fit your nonsensical narrative.

Kerry was attacked by REPUBLICANS (obviously NOT leftists) for being an "elitest" while Bush was lauded by those same people as "someone they would like to have a beer with" (in spite of the fact that he was also a child of privilege)
Wrong....Kerry was attacked for claiming to be a non elitist when in fact he was. He was not attacked for being an elitist.
Know your facts.
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.

If you hate the rich would you hate yourself if you were rich?
One of the strangest things about Troglocrat Voters is that they hate rich people, but they keep electing greedy corrupt multi millionaire Democrat Politicians.
They actually believe that Democrat Politicians don't take donations from Billionaires and Corporations.
Barry the Magnificent used to have $40,000 per plate fund raisers almost every week.
The Democratic Party does not represent the middle class.
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.
You’re saying that successful athletes and entertainers cannot relate to the average person; OK.
Bullshit. What you mean is that you were presented with an obvious FACT that you would prefer to ignore because it doesn't fit your nonsensical narrative.

Kerry was attacked by REPUBLICANS (obviously NOT leftists) for being an "elitest" while Bush was lauded by those same people as "someone they would like to have a beer with" (in spite of the fact that he was also a child of privilege)
Wrong....Kerry was attacked for claiming to be a non elitist when in fact he was. He was not attacked for being an elitist.
Know your facts.
Hey dumfuk...he was responding to elitest accusations in the first place and thank you all for pointing out how right I was pages ago.
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.

If you hate the rich would you hate yourself if you were rich?
One of the strangest things about Troglocrat Voters is that they hate rich people, but they keep electing greedy corrupt multi millionaire Democrat Politicians.
They actually believe that Democrat Politicians don't take donations from Billionaires and Corporations.
Barry the Magnificent used to have $40,000 per plate fund raisers almost every week.
The Democratic Party does not represent the middle class.

No one cared that he son of a VP got kicked out of the military and with no experience became rich dealing with the nations his father was in charge of per order of Obama

Bit for some reason...."that is well warranted and earned wealth and thinking anyway else has been debunked"........but some guy who invests his life savings to start a new company, makes it big, pays 100's of thousands in payroll tax, employs dozens and makes a nice living....that is bad.

Typical leftist jealousy....unless....of course....they get a piece of the pie.

Fucking leaches.
This was what I was originally responding to

Norman said:
Only leftists believe in their egalitarian fantasy where their leader should be exactly like them.

Obviously bullshit
Bullshit. What you mean is that you were presented with an obvious FACT that you would prefer to ignore because it doesn't fit your nonsensical narrative.

Kerry was attacked by REPUBLICANS (obviously NOT leftists) for being an "elitest" while Bush was lauded by those same people as "someone they would like to have a beer with" (in spite of the fact that he was also a child of privilege)
Wrong....Kerry was attacked for claiming to be a non elitist when in fact he was. He was not attacked for being an elitist.
Know your facts.
Hey dumfuk...he was responding to elitest accusations in the first place and thank you all for pointing out how right I was pages ago.
OK...........and exactly how did he respond to the elitist accusations that were accurate?....


Dumbass. You walked right into that....
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.
Because you fed us 8 years of a racist America hating Muslim who did everything to destroy our country doofus. We are sick of lifer politicians who only look out for themselves...you know, like the idiot you just elected.
OK...........and exactly how did he respond to the elitist accusations that were accurate?....

My point was made.

Republicans are hypocrites with the memory of goldfish
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.
I deal with corporate CEOs all the time. I understand how they think. That is how I identify with him.
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.
Simple. Because he was totally against THESE Obama statements and policies!
I mean Keystone for one! How dumb must you be to be in favor of 1 million barrels of oil traveling on the Arctic ocean one mile versus 700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land along with 185,000 other miles of oil pipelines? But Obama and your ilk never considered the tremendous damage a 1 million barrel oil tanker could render.
Also, Obama signed fewer Federal land leases while Trump signed more in 4 years than Obama in 8 years!
Finally the USA is energy independent primarily because Trump encouraged oil exploration and energy independence.
Whereas dumb ass Dems like Obama proudly encouraged energy dependence. Look at Obama's quote regarding the USA to be Brazil's biggest oil customer!
NONE of the below including wanting 1,400 companies to go bankrupt as Obama bragged he would like to see were in favor of Trump!
Trump worked to make the USA energy independent. Trump nominated for 5 Nobel peace prizes ... seriously you think the world
dislikes Trump? They do! But more importantly they respected the USA/Trump and people like me...not you dips!
OK...........and exactly how did he respond to the elitist accusations that were accurate?....

My point was made.

Republicans are hypocrites with the memory of goldfish
Oh. I see. So an opponent states the truth about a candidate and he denies it even though it is true and the one who first pointed out the truth is the hypocrite.

Got it.

By the way....Trump never denied being wealthy. Actually, it was his opposition that claimed he was broke! Nor did Bush claim to be non wealthy. Clinton claimed to be broke when she left the white house after it was proven she and her husband had millions of dollars in book contracts.

Anything is better than the Democrat Chicom platform of hate whitey, hate police, hate capitalism, hate God, and hate America..

Trump whether you want to believe it, or not is the only elected official, I have ever seen in my life time that genuinely cared about changing things to better the lives of your average American.

President Trump was doing that pretty well even under attack from all the Chicom Dems, liberal media machine, and their woke domestic terrorist allies Antifa/BLM.

Imagine how much President Trump could have accomplished if everyone/everything had not been geared up trying to destroy him before he was even in office, and the Great Steal hadn't been allowed to be perpetrated..giving us four more years of MAGA.

It's a real shame..we almost had this country going in the right direction.
How does a wealthy man from birth, living in Manhattan Ny/Maralargo Fl, and from what I've heard "shits on a gold toilet" identify with you??? Why do you believe he has your best interest when he has never been in your shoes or hung around people in your shoes.

He's a gifted con man, and they are willing marks.

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