I Have A Solution To The Brexit Crisis

I have a solution to the Brexit "crisis" too

Let's mind out own fucking business. It's not our country it's none of our business

You could try, of course, and I sincerely mean it, good luck to you in the effort.

That said .. the EU is a major world economic power these days .. so, anything affecting it, has global implications.

Besides - I think that a display of freedom-seeking deserves some international recognition. But, well .. maybe that's just me ...
The only thing I see.Is a country putting itself and possibly the world into a recession, endangering the future of it's children over pride and xenofobia. But that's just me.

If that's the only thing you see, then you must've not noticed how much the UK paid into the EU. Thanks to Brexit, all Member States will have to take up the financial slack. I hope they enjoy it.

Perhaps, also, you've failed to understand the EU's foundling policy of the free movement of peoples within the EU, free to cross the borders of any / every EU Member State they choose, without restrictions ? Thanks to that, the EU contingent of immigration (roughly 50 percent of the total) were free to move here irrespective of any wish we might have had to control those numbers.

Imagine if, in your country, an overriding power INSISTED upon foisting an immigration quota on you which you had absolutely no control over, and insisted it happen perpetually. Are you telling me that any nation on earth - much less one with a small landmass, like ours - can take UNCONTROLLED numbers of people, INDEFINITELY ?

Brexit injects sanity into that nonsense for us, and in that way, we've HELPED future generations here.
Lol my country does since I'm Belgian. I hope you guys enjoy trying to get favorable trade agreements when you just spit into the face of Europe. I hope you guys enjoy splitting apart when Scotland and Northern Ireland seperate. Btw you might be able to keep Scotland against its will, lord knows you've done it before. But by treaty if Northern Ireland chooses to seperate you have to let it go. I hope you guys like being unemployed because of the massive economic damage you did to yourselfs.And in the end I hope none of it, because unlike you. I hope for people being happy.

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