I have been tested/I have received the Covid 19 Vaccine

You are still weazeling. You'll either take it or be unemployed.
oh i don't doubt the mask nazi's will morph into vaccine nazi's Daryl.
they'll start w/HC workers , then it'll be passport/airport/theater & meal ticket dependent.

but how that same governance empowered to do so will distinguish betwixt those inoculated ,and those not is the big Q.......

View attachment 427291

A record 3,054 died from the COVIDS yesterday.

and less and less from influenza, etc etc....

In Unprecedented Move CDC Stops Tracking Influenza for 2020-21 Flu Season

View attachment 427292
multiply ^^^ X's the last 8 months, X's 52 states & 6000 hospitals

OR, maybe start seriously looking @ our national mortality rate>
View attachment 427293
then consider it by %.

we are 300 million residents

we loose 1% annually, an all inclusive #

Not 2%, or 3%

Europe lost 30 odd % during their black plague

THOUSANDS died because this country largely shut down cardiac and cancer care for 90 days or more this spring

Are Hospitals Really Over-Crowded due to COVID Sick Patients?

I had it... Why would I want the shot against it? What's it going to do, give me MORE antibodies? What's the point?

fear> rejects science > allows for control Shelzin.

panic porn abounds> Multiple experts say up to 70% of Americans could be infected with the coronavirus and 1 million could die if no treatment is found — so people over 60 should 'stay home unless it's critical'

the majority of us will contract covid, the majority of us will have our own immunological system beat it

but they'll keep beating the same old asymptomatic drum, which allows them to play us like a bad episode of walking dead

Very few cases but they have not stopped tracking flu cases. Don't know where you get your info but it's certainly not from the cdc.

Sparky let loose with a heapin' helpin' of fake medical news. I was unsure where to even start.
You are still weazeling. You'll either take it or be unemployed.
oh i don't doubt the mask nazi's will morph into vaccine nazi's Daryl.
they'll start w/HC workers , then it'll be passport/airport/theater & meal ticket dependent.

but how that same governance empowered to do so will distinguish betwixt those inoculated ,and those not is the big Q.......

View attachment 427291

A record 3,054 died from the COVIDS yesterday.

and less and less from influenza, etc etc....

In Unprecedented Move CDC Stops Tracking Influenza for 2020-21 Flu Season

View attachment 427292
multiply ^^^ X's the last 8 months, X's 52 states & 6000 hospitals

OR, maybe start seriously looking @ our national mortality rate>
View attachment 427293
then consider it by %.

we are 300 million residents

we loose 1% annually, an all inclusive #

Not 2%, or 3%

Europe lost 30 odd % during their black plague

THOUSANDS died because this country largely shut down cardiac and cancer care for 90 days or more this spring

Are Hospitals Really Over-Crowded due to COVID Sick Patients?

I had it... Why would I want the shot against it? What's it going to do, give me MORE antibodies? What's the point?

fear> rejects science > allows for control Shelzin.

panic porn abounds> Multiple experts say up to 70% of Americans could be infected with the coronavirus and 1 million could die if no treatment is found — so people over 60 should 'stay home unless it's critical'

the majority of us will contract covid, the majority of us will have our own immunological system beat it

but they'll keep beating the same old asymptomatic drum, which allows them to play us like a bad episode of walking dead

Very few cases but they have not stopped tracking flu cases. Don't know where you get your info but it's certainly not from the cdc.

Sparky let loose with a heapin' helpin' of fake medical news. I was unsure where to even start.
how's about you start with your wallet Doc?

I am not going to play the race game on this one. I am in the first bunch to receive the vaccine, just behind the rest homes and the health care. That won't change. We have the very highest death rate from covid and no court will dare try and object to that. Now, all the others below that may fight it out but we are pretty safe. Sorry, but the fear and doom and gloom just won't work on this one.

What I'm predicting here is NOT far fetched BECAUSE of precedence in the law and the courts. This may be NEWS to ya -- but RACIAL and sexual PREFERENCES EXIST in the law.. Your "pre-existing conditions do not..

So when the courts get faced with this -- ANY plan for priorities HAS to check all those boxes because the judges aren't gonna even TRY to sort out the medical logic and reasoning when the LAW SAYS "you WILL NOT DISCRIMINATE"...
The link you shoved at me PROVES you don't have a clue..

THOUSANDS died because this country largely shut down cardiac and cancer care for 90 days or more this spring

Are Hospitals Really Over-Crowded due to COVID Sick Patients?


Go back to April May June when the shutdowns were RAMPING UP.. HUNDREDS of cardiologists/oncologists and their societies PLEADED with the public to do what they COULD to get diagnosed or continue treatment..

The hospitals were NOT OVERCROWDED -- in most of the nation they were GHOST TOWNS.. Because in the zeal to prepare for Cvid beds, the hospitals CLOSED DOWN such drastic things as pace-makers, radiation treatment, most cardiac cath procedures.. There were HUNDREDS of stories from ER docs around the country lamenting that their stroke/cardiac emergencies were running around 40 to 50% of normal..

I repeat --

THOUSANDS died because this country largely shut down cardiac and cancer care for 90 days or more this spring.

I've got the links to the cardiac, stroke, cancer professional societies to back this up..
The Shots are good for about 90 days where they hope to turn the corner if everyone cooperates.
so we can expect 4 inoculations a year Daryl?


I expect the 2 shots while we get a handle on things. Employers area already gearing up to requiring their employees to receive the shots or be terminated with prejudice. Meaning, not a single dime of Unemployment Insurance money until the person can prove they have received the shot. A mandantory mask requirement in areas that have the Covid present just like they did with the Spanish Flu, Sars and all the others. The area I am in didn't get affected by any of them so we didn't have to do the PPP for them. But we ARE in the presence of Covid.

We can lick this thing in 3 months time by adhering to the PPP and get the shots. This removes the Hosts and the Virus has no where to spread and just dies out or gets down to the point where it's easily managed using very local isolation and contact tracing. All the other Pandemics were defeated the same way successfully.

We don't have a choice. Otherwise, next October, it's going to be worse than it is right now which was worse than last winter.
You are still weazeling. You'll either take it or be unemployed.
oh i don't doubt the mask nazi's will morph into vaccine nazi's Daryl.
they'll start w/HC workers , then it'll be passport/airport/theater & meal ticket dependent.

but how that same governance empowered to do so will distinguish betwixt those inoculated ,and those not is the big Q.......

View attachment 427291

A record 3,054 died from the COVIDS yesterday.

and less and less from influenza, etc etc....

In Unprecedented Move CDC Stops Tracking Influenza for 2020-21 Flu Season

View attachment 427292
multiply ^^^ X's the last 8 months, X's 52 states & 6000 hospitals

OR, maybe start seriously looking @ our national mortality rate>
View attachment 427293
then consider it by %.

we are 300 million residents

we loose 1% annually, an all inclusive #

Not 2%, or 3%

Europe lost 30 odd % during their black plague

THOUSANDS died because this country largely shut down cardiac and cancer care for 90 days or more this spring

Are Hospitals Really Over-Crowded due to COVID Sick Patients?

I had it... Why would I want the shot against it? What's it going to do, give me MORE antibodies? What's the point?

fear> rejects science > allows for control Shelzin.

panic porn abounds> Multiple experts say up to 70% of Americans could be infected with the coronavirus and 1 million could die if no treatment is found — so people over 60 should 'stay home unless it's critical'

the majority of us will contract covid, the majority of us will have our own immunological system beat it

but they'll keep beating the same old asymptomatic drum, which allows them to play us like a bad episode of walking dead

Very few cases but they have not stopped tracking flu cases. Don't know where you get your info but it's certainly not from the cdc.

Sparky let loose with a heapin' helpin' of fake medical news. I was unsure where to even start.
how's about you start with your wallet Doc?


Instead, we start with YOUR wallet.
I am not going to play the race game on this one. I am in the first bunch to receive the vaccine, just behind the rest homes and the health care. That won't change. We have the very highest death rate from covid and no court will dare try and object to that. Now, all the others below that may fight it out but we are pretty safe. Sorry, but the fear and doom and gloom just won't work on this one.

What I'm predicting here is NOT far fetched BECAUSE of precedence in the law and the courts. This may be NEWS to ya -- but RACIAL and sexual PREFERENCES EXIST in the law.. Your "pre-existing conditions do not..

So when the courts get faced with this -- ANY plan for priorities HAS to check all those boxes because the judges aren't gonna even TRY to sort out the medical logic and reasoning when the LAW SAYS "you WILL NOT DISCRIMINATE"...

If you want to discuss this how about starting your own thread and I would be happy to discuss it there. Where's a Moderator when you need one.
Rip sir ......I thought I'd get it out of the way

Vaccine whistle blower found dead after saying she would never commit suicide
Youtube yanked this one from his channel ....bitchute
The Shots are good for about 90 days where they hope to turn the corner if everyone cooperates.
so we can expect 4 inoculations a year Daryl?


I expect the 2 shots while we get a handle on things. Employers area already gearing up to requiring their employees to receive the shots or be terminated with prejudice. Meaning, not a single dime of Unemployment Insurance money until the person can prove they have received the shot. A mandantory mask requirement in areas that have the Covid present just like they did with the Spanish Flu, Sars and all the others. The area I am in didn't get affected by any of them so we didn't have to do the PPP for them. But we ARE in the presence of Covid.

We can lick this thing in 3 months time by adhering to the PPP and get the shots. This removes the Hosts and the Virus has no where to spread and just dies out or gets down to the point where it's easily managed using very local isolation and contact tracing. All the other Pandemics were defeated the same way successfully.

We don't have a choice. Otherwise, next October, it's going to be worse than it is right now which was worse than last winter.

We've been doing masks now for 9 months Daryl

in fact, many other countries waaAAAaay ahead of us were doing mandatory masks well before us

all of them had a significant spike , despite this>>>


edit, per usual social media has eradicated any pertinent statistic that does not fit the pandemic narrative
Almost all people that catch it once become true believers and take precautions to NOT get it a second time. Well, unless you are in the Health Industry. Or you are just plain stupid.
I believe it exists... I had it. Nature has taken precautions to NOT get it a second time.

Your links are actually something I would use to prove my own point here... So...................

From what I can see, Covid can't be depended on doing the same thing every time. You can catch it and them build up immunities that last anywhere from 45 to 180 days. But after the immunity wears off, you can catch it again. You may not even have symptoms the second time around but you are a carrier and can spread it. Or it may kick you in the ass.
Eh... Your own articles are suggesting that the main reason you would get it again is if the virus mutated. In which case... The vaccine likely wouldn't work either.
Almost all people that catch it once become true believers and take precautions to NOT get it a second time. Well, unless you are in the Health Industry. Or you are just plain stupid.
I believe it exists... I had it. Nature has taken precautions to NOT get it a second time.

Your links are actually something I would use to prove my own point here... So...................

From what I can see, Covid can't be depended on doing the same thing every time. You can catch it and them build up immunities that last anywhere from 45 to 180 days. But after the immunity wears off, you can catch it again. You may not even have symptoms the second time around but you are a carrier and can spread it. Or it may kick you in the ass.
Eh... Your own articles are suggesting that the main reason you would get it again is if the virus mutated. In which case... The vaccine likely wouldn't work either.

The Vaccine buys us the time for the PPP to get a handle on it. It temporarily removes the hosts so that the virus has no hosts to spread it and it dies out naturally. This is done along with the PPP techniques.

As for mutating, it's already mutated. The Covid coming in from Europe is slightly different from that coming in from China but the Vaccines work for both.

You are spreading misinformation pretty thick.
Rip sir ......I thought I'd get it out of the way

Vaccine whistle blower found dead after saying she would never commit suicide
Youtube yanked this one from his channel ....bitchute

Yah, except they don't tell you what they person died from. It could have been from anything. But since she was an antivaxer, it wasn't from taking a vaccine for sure. The site you are using is a fruitcake site.
The Shots are good for about 90 days where they hope to turn the corner if everyone cooperates.
so we can expect 4 inoculations a year Daryl?


I expect the 2 shots while we get a handle on things. Employers area already gearing up to requiring their employees to receive the shots or be terminated with prejudice. Meaning, not a single dime of Unemployment Insurance money until the person can prove they have received the shot. A mandantory mask requirement in areas that have the Covid present just like they did with the Spanish Flu, Sars and all the others. The area I am in didn't get affected by any of them so we didn't have to do the PPP for them. But we ARE in the presence of Covid.

We can lick this thing in 3 months time by adhering to the PPP and get the shots. This removes the Hosts and the Virus has no where to spread and just dies out or gets down to the point where it's easily managed using very local isolation and contact tracing. All the other Pandemics were defeated the same way successfully.

We don't have a choice. Otherwise, next October, it's going to be worse than it is right now which was worse than last winter.

We've been doing masks now for 9 months Daryl

in fact, many other countries waaAAAaay ahead of us were doing mandatory masks well before us

all of them had a significant spike , despite this>>>


edit, per usual social media has eradicated any pertinent statistic that does not fit the pandemic narrative

And we have been doing a very poor job of it. The countries that have made it mandatory for the PPP are doing great. The ones that aren't are doing terrible. Ever wonder why the US in on the No Fly List of many countries throughout the world today? Wow, such a great job. Do you wear a mask in the Public? Do you stay at least 6 feet away? Do you follow PPP Protocols? I can see from your posts the answer to those 3 are "NO" unless you are forced to.
The Vaccine buys us the time for the PPP to get a handle on it. It temporarily removes the hosts so that the virus has no hosts to spread it and it dies out naturally. This is done along with the PPP techniques.

As for mutating, it's already mutated. The Covid coming in from Europe is slightly different from that coming in from China but the Vaccines work for both.
I bet my own antibodies would work for both as well. Does everybody have that ability? Likely not. Do I know that absolutely? No. I don't know that a vaccine works for both either. I see you saying it though. I'm sure you don't trust my medical expertise on the subject, why would you expect me to trust yours?

If the vaccine is 90% or more effective, that would suggest that 10% or less of the people are likely to get it more than once regardless, and there are people who are just flat out weak against this virus. But 90% plus people are only going to get it once... Either they get it naturally though the spread, or artificially through a needle.

You are spreading misinformation pretty thick.
Asking you to prove what you are saying doesn't really jive with spreading misinformation... The links you have used I read, and frankly would use for my own points... So... I don't understand why you posted them.
The Vaccine buys us the time for the PPP to get a handle on it. It temporarily removes the hosts so that the virus has no hosts to spread it and it dies out naturally. This is done along with the PPP techniques.

As for mutating, it's already mutated. The Covid coming in from Europe is slightly different from that coming in from China but the Vaccines work for both.
I bet my own antibodies would work for both as well. Does everybody have that ability? Likely not. Do I know that absolutely? No. I don't know that a vaccine works for both either. I see you saying it though. I'm sure you don't trust my medical expertise on the subject, why would you expect me to trust yours?

If the vaccine is 90% or more effective, that would suggest that 10% or less of the people are likely to get it more than once regardless, and there are people who are just flat out weak against this virus. But 90% plus people are only going to get it once... Either they get it naturally though the spread, or artificially through a needle.

You are spreading misinformation pretty thick.
Asking you to prove what you are saying doesn't really jive with spreading misinformation... The links you have used I read, and frankly would use for my own points... So... I don't understand why you posted them.

Again, the way to defeat it is to remove the qualified Hosts either by vaccines or denial of physical hosts.

One fo the things that the Republicans in the Senate are worried about is Employer Liability. Okay, let's work with that. Have OSHA put out a min requirement for work place for covid or any other virus prevention and if they meet that requirement then there is no legal qualification for a suit. That also give the employer the right to terminate employees that refuse to comply with those safety regulations. The employer will have the legal right to terminate with prejudice meaning no unemployment insurance. Both sides needs to get together on this one. Until they do, it's not going to change with or without the vaccine.
Again, the way to defeat it is to remove the qualified Hosts either by vaccines or denial of physical hosts.
And nature.

One fo the things that the Republicans in the Senate are worried about is Employer Liability. Okay, let's work with that. Have OSHA put out a min requirement for work place for covid or any other virus prevention and if they meet that requirement then there is no legal qualification for a suit. That also give the employer the right to terminate employees that refuse to comply with those safety regulations. The employer will have the legal right to terminate with prejudice meaning no unemployment insurance. Both sides needs to get together on this one. Until they do, it's not going to change with or without the vaccine.
Again... That's the only way I'll take the vaccine. If my employer demands it.
The Shots are good for about 90 days where they hope to turn the corner if everyone cooperates.
so we can expect 4 inoculations a year Daryl?


I expect the 2 shots while we get a handle on things. Employers area already gearing up to requiring their employees to receive the shots or be terminated with prejudice. Meaning, not a single dime of Unemployment Insurance money until the person can prove they have received the shot. A mandantory mask requirement in areas that have the Covid present just like they did with the Spanish Flu, Sars and all the others. The area I am in didn't get affected by any of them so we didn't have to do the PPP for them. But we ARE in the presence of Covid.

We can lick this thing in 3 months time by adhering to the PPP and get the shots. This removes the Hosts and the Virus has no where to spread and just dies out or gets down to the point where it's easily managed using very local isolation and contact tracing. All the other Pandemics were defeated the same way successfully.

We don't have a choice. Otherwise, next October, it's going to be worse than it is right now which was worse than last winter.

We've been doing masks now for 9 months Daryl

in fact, many other countries waaAAAaay ahead of us were doing mandatory masks well before us

all of them had a significant spike , despite this>>>


edit, per usual social media has eradicated any pertinent statistic that does not fit the pandemic narrative

And we have been doing a very poor job of it. The countries that have made it mandatory for the PPP are doing great. The ones that aren't are doing terrible. Ever wonder why the US in on the No Fly List of many countries throughout the world today? Wow, such a great job. Do you wear a mask in the Public? Do you stay at least 6 feet away? Do you follow PPP Protocols? I can see from your posts the answer to those 3 are "NO" unless you are forced to.

Daryl , i would encourage you to back up a bit here. Masks were what the 'powers that be' decided to foist onto the public , lest they completely loose it.

PPE protocols can be found in OSHA 1910-1030 (google it !)

'mask' alone is about as effective as a mouthful of marbles

because the doctrine encompases far far more.....

so you see, it's not a matter of being 'forced', it's more a matter of being subjugated to a partial doctrine that is essentially ineffective w/o complying to it's entirety

further yet, is do know (despite my bluecollar redneck background) a little about this, and i do like and respect you, yet this issue is not as black / white as you (et all) are led to believe

Again, the way to defeat it is to remove the qualified Hosts either by vaccines or denial of physical hosts.
And nature.

One fo the things that the Republicans in the Senate are worried about is Employer Liability. Okay, let's work with that. Have OSHA put out a min requirement for work place for covid or any other virus prevention and if they meet that requirement then there is no legal qualification for a suit. That also give the employer the right to terminate employees that refuse to comply with those safety regulations. The employer will have the legal right to terminate with prejudice meaning no unemployment insurance. Both sides needs to get together on this one. Until they do, it's not going to change with or without the vaccine.
Again... That's the only way I'll take the vaccine. If my employer demands it.
sacrificing one's freedoms for a $$ is so last tuesday dude....~S~

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