I Have Figured Out Trump's Problem

A real man would not have had a hissy fit over the White House making fun of his hair.

more incorrect facts. Funny libturd acting like a dumb fk? Normal

Wrong as usual. Trump: 'Disgusting' For White House Spokesman To Make Fun Of My Hair This is not something real men get wrapped up in, I think G's point about low T is spot on.
thanks for posting up and showing everyone the lack of character coming from the white house. You're a proud little dumb fk libturd aren't you?

Takes a little man to get upset about something someone says about his hair. Wasn't this the same guy who knocked Hillary for her wig? The same guy who knocked Heidi Klum and Carly Fiorina for their looks? The guy who has always been respectful to the president? Respectfully, fuck you.

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