I have NEVER seen a TV network promote a presidential candidate like Fox does Trump.

If hillary gets elected because of this bias, using your office to enrich yourself will become stylish.
And the left will cover for her just like they did for obama. Better resign yourself to that fact.
Yeah, no politician before Hillary has ever enriched themselves.
I had CNN on TV a lot today…they were anything but in the bag for Ms. Clinton.

No politicians have ever enriched themselves like the clintons..actually AL gore has them beat.

I would ask for a link but what is the use? you’re just making shit up. Tom DeLay was an exterminator and left the House on ethics charges, and indictment and 4 houses if memory serves.
If hillary gets elected because of this bias, using your office to enrich yourself will become stylish.
And the left will cover for her just like they did for obama. Better resign yourself to that fact.
Yeah, no politician before Hillary has ever enriched themselves.
I had CNN on TV a lot today…they were anything but in the bag for Ms. Clinton.
If we had an honest press and government Hillary would be in prison.
Half of this board lost their minds because of how Megyn treated Trump. Now Hannity is all but cuckholding him.

It's only getting worse. I want a God damn media that reports to me not dictates to me.
If hillary gets elected because of this bias, using your office to enrich yourself will become stylish.
And the left will cover for her just like they did for obama. Better resign yourself to that fact.
Yeah, no politician before Hillary has ever enriched themselves.
I had CNN on TV a lot today…they were anything but in the bag for Ms. Clinton.
If we had an honest press and government Hillary would be in prison.
Quite possibly. At the very least she wouldn't be the Democratic nominee
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.

Well gee now. Who really watches Fox? That might be a lot of Republicans and conservatives. How do broadcasting companies make their money? By selling advertising. How much can they charge advertisers? By how large of an audience they attract!

What the media is "supposed to be" died decades ago. The media is now a business. Like any other business, their main goal is profit.
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.
Watch every other news channel AKA parts of the Clinton Criminal Syndicate.
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.

You know, we have this notion that the media is supposed to be unbiased and present an appearance (if nothing else) of neutrality when it comes to politics. Nothing is further from the truth. Many newspapers (the original media) in this country are literally named for their political affiliations. The Press-Republican... The Arkansas Democrat... Miller County Liberal... They often have a tradition of endorsing a candidate formally.

This has gone on for many years and since at least the days of FDR, most journalists tend to be Democrats and liberals. Fox News made a name for themselves as "fair and balanced" as a direct result of the inherent bias from sources like CNN and the major 3 networks, who all presented the news from a decidedly left viewpoint. But now, Fox has completely abandoned any credibility it may have had as a fair and objective source in favor of blatant partiality.
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.

faux news and roger ailes created the trump candidacy. it's been pretty obvious for the last year. you might have had a candidate who isn't a con artist if they didn't put their thumbs on the scale

WRONG, SO WRONG! Fox did not want the big orange clown. Did you watch the debate that Megan Kelly moderated for Fox? She wanted to bury Trump and open the door for anybody else to be the GOP nominee. He got the nomination because the clueless RNC leadership was so out of touch with conservatives, and the whole thing got away from them. But I give you an A+ for revisionist history.
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.
Watch every other news channel AKA parts of the Clinton Criminal Syndicate.
This from a thread I wrote a few days ago..........

Sometimes when you go looking for one thing you find another. It was yesterday and I was digging on the legal background of Clinton's son in law and the 40 million he cheated investors out of. Well up pops a name I remembered as having direct ties to the Clintons.

The problem was two other thread starts I had already written had come up with more names. Slowly more names appeared with the SAME connection. It was no fluke or accident, it was far to direct. I'm going to lay those connections out before you and its NOT conspiracy because ANYBODY checking Wiki and public records can find them.

I don't think anybody here or even another forum has ever posted this because its a hard grind to dig up all this public info. Folks, just being honest with you I am about to show you the path to "Narrative Enslavement".

1, CNN president Virginia Moseley is MARRIED to Clinton's deputy Tom Nides.

2, CBS president David Rhodes is the BROTHER to Ben Rhodes who wrote the Benghazi talking points.

3, ABC president Ben Sherwood is the BROTHER to Obama's "special adviser" Elizabeth Sherwood.

4, ABC news producer Ian Cameron is MARRIED to Susan Rice, Obama's national security adviser.

5, ABC news reporter Claire Shipman is MARRIED to former White House press secretary Jay Carney.

6, ABC news and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is MARRIED to Katey Hogan. Obama's deputy press secretary.

7, CNN assignment manager Joe Lockhart is Clinton's press secretary.

8, CBS Vice president of communications is WAS Clinton's press secretary when she was first lady.

Folks, they are all connected directly to the narrative you are being fed. This connection is as bad or worse then PRAVDA back in the days of the Soviet Union. You simply do NOT have a "free press". You have a government controlled press as the press and the DNC literally ARE in the SAME bed together.

We face a crisis here in America, a woman running for office with 30 thousand PLUS emails "missing" but someone has them. That means she is open to blackmail from whatever world power or group has them. And while the press is covering HER ass we have NO ONE covering ours.

When you have a party, ANY party that has communist style press control, you CAN bet your ass you WILL have communist style government control. Feel free to Wiki biography my eight points.

Remember, freedom is only cheap when YOU throw it away.


Digging Through The Trash
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.

You know, we have this notion that the media is supposed to be unbiased and present an appearance (if nothing else) of neutrality when it comes to politics. Nothing is further from the truth. Many newspapers (the original media) in this country are literally named for their political affiliations. The Press-Republican... The Arkansas Democrat... Miller County Liberal... They often have a tradition of endorsing a candidate formally.

This has gone on for many years and since at least the days of FDR, most journalists tend to be Democrats and liberals. Fox News made a name for themselves as "fair and balanced" as a direct result of the inherent bias from sources like CNN and the major 3 networks, who all presented the news from a decidedly left viewpoint. But now, Fox has completely abandoned any credibility it may have had as a fair and objective source in favor of blatant partiality.

True, so true. Fox is anything but fair and balanced. They are the GOP version of MSNBC.
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.

You know, we have this notion that the media is supposed to be unbiased and present an appearance (if nothing else) of neutrality when it comes to politics. Nothing is further from the truth. Many newspapers (the original media) in this country are literally named for their political affiliations. The Press-Republican... The Arkansas Democrat... Miller County Liberal... They often have a tradition of endorsing a candidate formally.

This has gone on for many years and since at least the days of FDR, most journalists tend to be Democrats and liberals. Fox News made a name for themselves as "fair and balanced" as a direct result of the inherent bias from sources like CNN and the major 3 networks, who all presented the news from a decidedly left viewpoint. But now, Fox has completely abandoned any credibility it may have had as a fair and objective source in favor of blatant partiality.
Based on what I see at night I'm inclined to agree. Can't really speak to the daytime programming.
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.
Watch every other news channel AKA parts of the Clinton Criminal Syndicate.
This from a thread I wrote a few days ago..........

Sometimes when you go looking for one thing you find another. It was yesterday and I was digging on the legal background of Clinton's son in law and the 40 million he cheated investors out of. Well up pops a name I remembered as having direct ties to the Clintons.

The problem was two other thread starts I had already written had come up with more names. Slowly more names appeared with the SAME connection. It was no fluke or accident, it was far to direct. I'm going to lay those connections out before you and its NOT conspiracy because ANYBODY checking Wiki and public records can find them.

I don't think anybody here or even another forum has ever posted this because its a hard grind to dig up all this public info. Folks, just being honest with you I am about to show you the path to "Narrative Enslavement".

1, CNN president Virginia Moseley is MARRIED to Clinton's deputy Tom Nides.

2, CBS president David Rhodes is the BROTHER to Ben Rhodes who wrote the Benghazi talking points.

3, ABC president Ben Sherwood is the BROTHER to Obama's "special adviser" Elizabeth Sherwood.

4, ABC news producer Ian Cameron is MARRIED to Susan Rice, Obama's national security adviser.

5, ABC news reporter Claire Shipman is MARRIED to former White House press secretary Jay Carney.

6, ABC news and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is MARRIED to Katey Hogan. Obama's deputy press secretary.

7, CNN assignment manager Joe Lockhart is Clinton's press secretary.

8, CBS Vice president of communications is WAS Clinton's press secretary when she was first lady.

Folks, they are all connected directly to the narrative you are being fed. This connection is as bad or worse then PRAVDA back in the days of the Soviet Union. You simply do NOT have a "free press". You have a government controlled press as the press and the DNC literally ARE in the SAME bed together.

We face a crisis here in America, a woman running for office with 30 thousand PLUS emails "missing" but someone has them. That means she is open to blackmail from whatever world power or group has them. And while the press is covering HER ass we have NO ONE covering ours.

When you have a party, ANY party that has communist style press control, you CAN bet your ass you WILL have communist style government control. Feel free to Wiki biography my eight points.

Remember, freedom is only cheap when YOU throw it away.

Digging Through The Trash

Thanks for doing the digging Fury. You know the press is in the tank for the left when you watch and listen to their " reporting", but when the map is laid out like you have done, it just confirms what any honest, objective and reasonable person already suspected. Nice job.
If hillary gets elected because of this bias, using your office to enrich yourself will become stylish.
And the left will cover for her just like they did for obama. Better resign yourself to that fact.
You got that right Tyrone.

Here's the thing I always say: Fox News is ADMITTEDLY Republican. Built, founded and directed by. Breitbart ADMITTEDLY Republican.

Then Trump HIRES Roger "bowchicawowwow" Ailey. Who is by the way facing lawsuits from former employees right now. ANNNNNDD The Breitbart idiot to run his campaign!!

Direct link. Add in Hannity who'll say ANYTHING supporting Trump. Bam!

On the other side republicans just say EVERYONE ELSE IS LIBERAL!:bs1:
And this is what they argue and accuse. So now we're all just suppose to deal in this whining fictional reality. Ohhh the Clinton News Network! How? Oh because that's what republicans ACCUSE them of being! Huh?

You might find an anchor or two you don't like but to pretend that's ANY sort of equivilency is silly wingers shit.
If hillary gets elected because of this bias, using your office to enrich yourself will become stylish.
And the left will cover for her just like they did for obama. Better resign yourself to that fact.
Yeah, no politician before Hillary has ever enriched themselves.
I had CNN on TV a lot today…they were anything but in the bag for Ms. Clinton.

No politicians have ever enriched themselves like the clintons..actually AL gore has them beat.

I would ask for a link but what is the use? you’re just making shit up. Tom DeLay was an exterminator and left the House on ethics charges, and indictment and 4 houses if memory serves.

This is what you partisan people do. Tom delay was totally exonerated of the trumped up charges brought against him by democrats who hated his guts. You conveniently fail to mention that candy so you can cast aspersions. More,Alinsky tactics. You all just wanted him eliminated from public power and your,wish was granted. Hard to imagine Hilary could stand up to such a challenge, but she'll never have to cause the media is in the tank for HER. Oh yeah. I almost forgot. Here's the link

- Tom DeLay Exonerated by Final Court in Texas; Liberal Media Virtually Silent
The MSM is campaigning for Crooked Hillary 24/7. Hannity is the only program that objectively looks at both candidates. Hannity is respectful of The Donald so he does interviews with him. To think Hannity can offset the entire MSM is really a compliment to Hannity. Call him up tomorrow and congratulate him on his radio show.
There is nothing objective about hannity. He is a pepper haired penis and his show is a liberal hatefest from start to finish. He doesn't even try to hide it
Have you ever watched Clinton News Network? Fox has anchors that are both pro and anti Trump. CNN sings off the same sheet of pro Hillary music morning noon and night.
CNN has been reporting all day on the shady foundation buzz. How do you explain that?

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