I have NEVER seen a TV network promote a presidential candidate like Fox does Trump.

For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.
Your mistake is to perceive Fox as ‘news’ or ‘journalism’ – when in fact it’s entertainment for conservatives, devoid of objectivity and utterly unreliable.

As for ‘the direction we’re heading,’ that’s baseless nonsense and a slippery slope fallacy.

Republicans screwed up, nominated an un-electable candidate, and must suffer the consequences – end of story.

And believe that republicans won’t make the same mistake in 2020.

Indeed, there will likely be a republican president come 2021, with republicans controlling both Houses of Congress, either having not lost the Senate in in 2016 or regaining the Senate in 2018.

So cheer up.
The media is more "liberal" slanted because Conservatives are weak and do nothing but complain. You think they could get off their lazy asses and change it but turns out their rhetoric about "bootstraps" and "personal responsibility" doesn't apply to them. Bunch of losers and victims that complain on the internet instead of doing something about their grievances.

I'm sick of hearing their bitching. You don't like it do something about it.
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If hillary gets elected because of this bias, using your office to enrich yourself will become stylish.
And the left will cover for her just like they did for obama. Better resign yourself to that fact.
Yeah, no politician before Hillary has ever enriched themselves.
I had CNN on TV a lot today…they were anything but in the bag for Ms. Clinton.
As is the case with most other news outlets.

Such is the rightwing lie and myth of the ‘liberal media.’
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.
You mean you've never seen the major networks promote Hillary and Obama? Do you even have TV? Do you watch Jimmy Kimmel?
The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.

But they're not. And FNC is not about to throw away their corner on the cable conservative news market.

However, if you watch closely, you can see the subtle anti-Trump agenda perpetrated by FNC, which is still part of the corporate hierarchy at the end of the day.
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.

faux news and roger ailes created the trump candidacy. it's been pretty obvious for the last year. you might have had a candidate who isn't a con artist if they didn't put their thumbs on the scale

WRONG, SO WRONG! Fox did not want the big orange clown. Did you watch the debate that Megan Kelly moderated for Fox? She wanted to bury Trump and open the door for anybody else to be the GOP nominee. He got the nomination because the clueless RNC leadership was so out of touch with conservatives, and the whole thing got away from them. But I give you an A+ for revisionist history.

that is false. roger ailes wanted donald to be president. you really don't know what you're talking about. fox was the one who decided to use national polls to determine who was allowed in the debates at a time when national polls should have been irrelevant. then they proceeded to put donald center stage.

as for megyn kelly, she asked a reasonable question about donald's treatment of women. donald melted down. the only revisionist history is yours..

but then again, i'd expect nothing less from trumpsters.
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For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.
You mean you've never seen the major networks promote Hillary and Obama? Do you even have TV? Do you watch Jimmy Kimmel?

promote her? oh wow... you're so clueless... i guess that's what happens with someone like you who only reads the rightwingnut blogosphere. the "media" spends most of its time playing over and over every single rant that the donald spews out of his orange face.
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.
You mean you've never seen the major networks promote Hillary and Obama? Do you even have TV? Do you watch Jimmy Kimmel?

promote her? oh wow... you're so clueless... i guess that's what happens with someone like you who only reads the rightwingnut blogosphere. the "media" spends most of its time playing over and over every single rant that the donald spews out of his orange face.

As I said, do you watch Jimmy Kimmel? I've never seen such a blatant example of promotion in my life.
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.

Apparently you haven't been watching the rest of the TV media. The rest of them are in the tank for Hitlery.
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.
You mean you've never seen the major networks promote Hillary and Obama? Do you even have TV? Do you watch Jimmy Kimmel?
Jimmy Kimmel? Lol No
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.

faux news and roger ailes created the trump candidacy. it's been pretty obvious for the last year. you might have had a candidate who isn't a con artist if they didn't put their thumbs on the scale

WRONG, SO WRONG! Fox did not want the big orange clown. Did you watch the debate that Megan Kelly moderated for Fox? She wanted to bury Trump and open the door for anybody else to be the GOP nominee. He got the nomination because the clueless RNC leadership was so out of touch with conservatives, and the whole thing got away from them. But I give you an A+ for revisionist history.

that is false. roger ailes wanted donald to be president. you really don't know what you're talking about. fox was the one who decided to use national polls to determine who was allowed in the debates at a time when national polls should have been irrelevant. then they proceeded to put donald center stage.

as for megyn kelly, she asked a reasonable question about donald's treatment of women. donald melted down. the only revisionist history is yours..

but then again, i'd expect nothing less from trumpsters.

It's ok you haven't read or don't recall any of my previous post/positions, but for the record, I am not a Trumpster. I am 100% anti the pantsuit bulldyke. I get why you like her though. You guys make a striking couple.

Anybody who watched the debate with an objective eye saw what Kelly did.
I am surprised Hannity's core audience is even awake at the hour. lol
The major networks and CNN, MSNBC have all been frothing themselves over the hillary for months now.
Fox is an entertainment company by its by laws.

It does not have to be fair and balanced. It can even and does lie.
Notice how MSNBC dropped literally every negro news show bobble-head on prime time recently.
No more Sharpton, or the bitch who wore tampons as earrings.
Literally EVERY MSNBC news show host is now WHITE!!!!!!
Matthews, Madcow, O'Donnell to name a few.
As soon as they got rid of the negro 'talking heads' what happened to the MSNBC ratings????
They got a little bump. It appears very few 'Whities' wanted to watch radical BLM supporter 'cop-hater' race hustling negroes.
BTW can someone explain why literally every negro female MSNBC guest has straightened 'Whitey' hair?
Isn't that some sort of 'racial appropriation'? I guess they aren't proud enough of their race to wear the hair God gave them.
You'd think a negro female with the stature of MO would want to set an example for her fellow negro females and wear the hair God gave her.
I guess not.
Imagine if all the females on FOX all showed up with kinky 'negro' hair. Think of the outrage in the LIB MSM. HAAAA HAAAAA!
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For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.

I wish the media were more of a watchdog vs. a lapdog but at least Fox does not have a pundit saying he gets a tingle up his leg when Trump speaks.
Here's the thing I always say: Fox News is ADMITTEDLY Republican. Built, founded and directed by. Breitbart ADMITTEDLY Republican.

Then Trump HIRES Roger "bowchicawowwow" Ailey. Who is by the way facing lawsuits from former employees right now. ANNNNNDD The Breitbart idiot to run his campaign!!

Direct link. Add in Hannity who'll say ANYTHING supporting Trump. Bam!

On the other side republicans just say EVERYONE ELSE IS LIBERAL!:bs1:
And this is what they argue and accuse. So now we're all just suppose to deal in this whining fictional reality. Ohhh the Clinton News Network! How? Oh because that's what republicans ACCUSE them of being! Huh?

You might find an anchor or two you don't like but to pretend that's ANY sort of equivilency is silly wingers shit.

Uh...one problem with your scenario- CNN, MSNBC, and all the networks were anti-right long before the big orange clown decided to run for president.

Look- if I say something that offends you and don't realize it offends you, it could be because I don't understand your values. So when you as a liberal, tell me as as conservative that CNN, or any of the other stations are not at the very least left leaning, you say it without knowing what offends me about their reporting. I can watch Fox and know they are slanted right, because they are so different than all the others whose reporting offends me. If Fox were the sole source we would all be much more conservative because we would not have a perspective from the left.

I think most on the right accept Fox reports from the right, but it seems very difficult for those on the left to acknowledge the others report from the left. I believe it is because the left has owned all the media for so long.

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