I have NEVER seen a TV network promote a presidential candidate like Fox does Trump.

If hillary gets elected because of this bias, using your office to enrich yourself will become stylish.
And the left will cover for her just like they did for obama. Better resign yourself to that fact.
Yeah, no politician before Hillary has ever enriched themselves.
I had CNN on TV a lot today…they were anything but in the bag for Ms. Clinton.

not the way she has and the amount of money and lying and setting up a play to play foundation through the state dept. 95% of all money went to the clintons. Are you retarded?
The MSM is campaigning for Crooked Hillary 24/7. Hannity is the only program that objectively looks at both candidates. Hannity is respectful of The Donald so he does interviews with him. To think Hannity can offset the entire MSM is really a compliment to Hannity. Call him up tomorrow and congratulate him on his radio show.
There is nothing objective about hannity. His show is a liberal hatefest from start to finish and he doesn't even try to hide it
Exactly why I enjoy his show.
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.
I don't care for Trump but love him or hate him the fact is he draws ratings and there is not a network out there that would trun down interviews with him. I don't see his appearing on FOX with soft a interviewer like Hannity any different than Hillary going on MSNBC with Maddow as far as Networks promoting a candidate we will never see anything top 2008 when about 90% of the media was promoting Barak Obama.
My question is what is the matter with ha nitty doing trump. We know where ha nitty stands and it used to be that exposing the candidates to tough questions was a good thing. I watched some of the interview and ha nitty didn't give him softballs. What so many of you fail to realize is that ha nitty would interview Clinton in a heartbeat, he has invited her to come, the door is open, but unlike trump she can't stand the pressure. So don't blame a hannity for being one sided when the other candidate is a no show in hiding.
It's either Trump or Hillary. If you aren't supporting Trump, you're supporting hillary.

--- says the binarybot....
You think it's any different, dumass?

Do I think what's any different from what, shithead?
I don't feel like drawing pictures for libtards tonite.
Don't pick your nose - your head will cave in.

There's a new twist. A wag who can't even figure out what his own post means.
The MSM is campaigning for Crooked Hillary 24/7. Hannity is the only program that objectively looks at both candidates. Hannity is respectful of The Donald so he does interviews with him. To think Hannity can offset the entire MSM is really a compliment to Hannity. Call him up tomorrow and congratulate him on his radio show.
There is nothing objective about hannity. He is a pepper haired penis and his show is a liberal hatefest from start to finish. He doesn't even try to hide it
He's not supposed to hide it, you idiot.
The MSM is campaigning for Crooked Hillary 24/7. Hannity is the only program that objectively looks at both candidates. Hannity is respectful of The Donald so he does interviews with him. To think Hannity can offset the entire MSM is really a compliment to Hannity. Call him up tomorrow and congratulate him on his radio show.
There is nothing objective about hannity. His show is a liberal hatefest from start to finish and he doesn't even try to hide it
Exactly why I enjoy his show.
The MSM is campaigning for Crooked Hillary 24/7. Hannity is the only program that objectively looks at both candidates. Hannity is respectful of The Donald so he does interviews with him. To think Hannity can offset the entire MSM is really a compliment to Hannity. Call him up tomorrow and congratulate him on his radio show.
There is nothing objective about hannity. He is a pepper haired penis and his show is a liberal hatefest from start to finish. He doesn't even try to hide it
He's not supposed to hide it, you idiot.
If he wants to be taken seriously then he needs to show objectivity, not be a partisan lapdog hack which he is continually proving to be... Seeing how he sucks up on everything Trump is dishing out is truly pathetic. Add to that the distorted lies that he spreads about his opposition... it's an abuse of the position he holds in the media. I don't know how anybody can take him seriously and it is sad that there are people that do.
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.

FOX News has been in the hen house since Trump announced. Trump has received 2 billion dollars worth of free news coverage, mainly from FOX News. And Hannity has been Trumps adviser and is now 70 days before the election already pointing fingers at "Establishment Republicans" for Trump's upcoming loss in November. Blaming them for not endorsing Trump.

Trump stated he has received so much free media coverage he doesn't need to buy T.V. adds.

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has backed down from the $1 billion figure that his own campaign estimated he would need to raise to prepare for the general election. Instead, he said in an interview with Bloomberg, he would rely on free media attention instead of buying ad spots.

“There’s no reason to raise that,” he said when asked about the $1 billion fundraising goal. “I just don’t think I need nearly as much money as other people need because I get so much publicity. I get so many invitations to be on television. I get so many interviews, if I want them.” Trump: No need to raise much money because ‘I get so much publicity’

Also what's happened over this Trump affect is that FOX News has taken a nose dive in their ratings and viewership. CNN is now Number ONE.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

The MSM is campaigning for Crooked Hillary 24/7. Hannity is the only program that objectively looks at both candidates. Hannity is respectful of The Donald so he does interviews with him. To think Hannity can offset the entire MSM is really a compliment to Hannity. Call him up tomorrow and congratulate him on his radio show.
There is nothing objective about hannity. His show is a liberal hatefest from start to finish and he doesn't even try to hide it
Exactly why I enjoy his show.
The MSM is campaigning for Crooked Hillary 24/7. Hannity is the only program that objectively looks at both candidates. Hannity is respectful of The Donald so he does interviews with him. To think Hannity can offset the entire MSM is really a compliment to Hannity. Call him up tomorrow and congratulate him on his radio show.
There is nothing objective about hannity. He is a pepper haired penis and his show is a liberal hatefest from start to finish. He doesn't even try to hide it
He's not supposed to hide it, you idiot.
If he wants to be taken seriously then he needs to show objectivity, not be a partisan lapdog hack which he is continually proving to be... Seeing how he sucks up on everything Trump is dishing out is truly pathetic. Add to that the distorted lies that he spreads about his opposition... it's an abuse of the position he holds in the media. I don't know how anybody can take him seriously and it is sad that there are people that do.
When you start including some of the liberal hacks on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, PBS, etc. in your rant about objectivity, THEN we can talk.
The MSM is campaigning for Crooked Hillary 24/7. Hannity is the only program that objectively looks at both candidates. Hannity is respectful of The Donald so he does interviews with him. To think Hannity can offset the entire MSM is really a compliment to Hannity. Call him up tomorrow and congratulate him on his radio show.
There is nothing objective about hannity. His show is a liberal hatefest from start to finish and he doesn't even try to hide it
Exactly why I enjoy his show.
The MSM is campaigning for Crooked Hillary 24/7. Hannity is the only program that objectively looks at both candidates. Hannity is respectful of The Donald so he does interviews with him. To think Hannity can offset the entire MSM is really a compliment to Hannity. Call him up tomorrow and congratulate him on his radio show.
There is nothing objective about hannity. He is a pepper haired penis and his show is a liberal hatefest from start to finish. He doesn't even try to hide it
He's not supposed to hide it, you idiot.
If he wants to be taken seriously then he needs to show objectivity, not be a partisan lapdog hack which he is continually proving to be... Seeing how he sucks up on everything Trump is dishing out is truly pathetic. Add to that the distorted lies that he spreads about his opposition... it's an abuse of the position he holds in the media. I don't know how anybody can take him seriously and it is sad that there are people that do.
When you start including some of the liberal hacks on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, PBS, etc. in your rant about objectivity, THEN we can talk.
There are many included on the other side... I can't stand Sharpton, he is the lefts version of Hannity.
The MSM is campaigning for Crooked Hillary 24/7. Hannity is the only program that objectively looks at both candidates. Hannity is respectful of The Donald so he does interviews with him. To think Hannity can offset the entire MSM is really a compliment to Hannity. Call him up tomorrow and congratulate him on his radio show.
There is nothing objective about hannity. His show is a liberal hatefest from start to finish and he doesn't even try to hide it
Exactly why I enjoy his show.
The MSM is campaigning for Crooked Hillary 24/7. Hannity is the only program that objectively looks at both candidates. Hannity is respectful of The Donald so he does interviews with him. To think Hannity can offset the entire MSM is really a compliment to Hannity. Call him up tomorrow and congratulate him on his radio show.
There is nothing objective about hannity. He is a pepper haired penis and his show is a liberal hatefest from start to finish. He doesn't even try to hide it
He's not supposed to hide it, you idiot.
If he wants to be taken seriously then he needs to show objectivity, not be a partisan lapdog hack which he is continually proving to be... Seeing how he sucks up on everything Trump is dishing out is truly pathetic. Add to that the distorted lies that he spreads about his opposition... it's an abuse of the position he holds in the media. I don't know how anybody can take him seriously and it is sad that there are people that do.

You're not the only one that is pissed at FOX News I know lots of Republicans, including myself that turned them off several months ago, when they became the Trump news network.

Fox News, meanwhile, has given Donald Trump the level of positive coverage that money could never (legally) buy, and as a result, they’ve dropped in the ratings. It’s no coincidence that as Trump enablers and outright supporters have focused more and more on Trump, their level of appeal has dropped. They don’t have the diversity of panelists CNN has managed to grab, and they don’t have hosts who allow both sides to speak freely.

What’s more, the rising star of Fox News, Megyn Kelly, was fast becoming the most popular personality, and then Donald Trump not only insulted her, but the network on multiple occasions met with Trump to try to work things out and get him to come back on the air. If Kelly decided not to remain with Fox News when her contract is up, Fox News would fall even further – and they would deserve it.

The quality of coverage is key, and Fox News is not providing it. What they have failed to realize is that Donald Trump is but a blip in the ratings. What people will perceive of you when he has come and gone is what will decide your fate. And, if the numbers continue to fall, you can pretty much guess what life is going to be like for them after Trump has gone.But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState
The MSM is campaigning for Crooked Hillary 24/7. Hannity is the only program that objectively looks at both candidates. Hannity is respectful of The Donald so he does interviews with him. To think Hannity can offset the entire MSM is really a compliment to Hannity. Call him up tomorrow and congratulate him on his radio show.
There is nothing objective about hannity. His show is a liberal hatefest from start to finish and he doesn't even try to hide it
Exactly why I enjoy his show.
The MSM is campaigning for Crooked Hillary 24/7. Hannity is the only program that objectively looks at both candidates. Hannity is respectful of The Donald so he does interviews with him. To think Hannity can offset the entire MSM is really a compliment to Hannity. Call him up tomorrow and congratulate him on his radio show.
There is nothing objective about hannity. He is a pepper haired penis and his show is a liberal hatefest from start to finish. He doesn't even try to hide it
He's not supposed to hide it, you idiot.
If he wants to be taken seriously then he needs to show objectivity, not be a partisan lapdog hack which he is continually proving to be... Seeing how he sucks up on everything Trump is dishing out is truly pathetic. Add to that the distorted lies that he spreads about his opposition... it's an abuse of the position he holds in the media. I don't know how anybody can take him seriously and it is sad that there are people that do.

You're not the only one that is pissed at FOX News I know lots of Republicans, including myself that turned them off several months ago, when they became the Trump news network.

Fox News, meanwhile, has given Donald Trump the level of positive coverage that money could never (legally) buy, and as a result, they’ve dropped in the ratings. It’s no coincidence that as Trump enablers and outright supporters have focused more and more on Trump, their level of appeal has dropped. They don’t have the diversity of panelists CNN has managed to grab, and they don’t have hosts who allow both sides to speak freely.

What’s more, the rising star of Fox News, Megyn Kelly, was fast becoming the most popular personality, and then Donald Trump not only insulted her, but the network on multiple occasions met with Trump to try to work things out and get him to come back on the air. If Kelly decided not to remain with Fox News when her contract is up, Fox News would fall even further – and they would deserve it.

The quality of coverage is key, and Fox News is not providing it. What they have failed to realize is that Donald Trump is but a blip in the ratings. What people will perceive of you when he has come and gone is what will decide your fate. And, if the numbers continue to fall, you can pretty much guess what life is going to be like for them after Trump has gone.But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState
I flip through them all and still watch Fox but its more for entertainment value, not very newsworthy.... Shep keeps it real and Bill and Megan get good debates going sometimes... Hannity is a complete joke
The MSM is campaigning for Crooked Hillary 24/7. Hannity is the only program that objectively looks at both candidates. Hannity is respectful of The Donald so he does interviews with him. To think Hannity can offset the entire MSM is really a compliment to Hannity. Call him up tomorrow and congratulate him on his radio show.
There is nothing objective about hannity. His show is a liberal hatefest from start to finish and he doesn't even try to hide it
Exactly why I enjoy his show.
The MSM is campaigning for Crooked Hillary 24/7. Hannity is the only program that objectively looks at both candidates. Hannity is respectful of The Donald so he does interviews with him. To think Hannity can offset the entire MSM is really a compliment to Hannity. Call him up tomorrow and congratulate him on his radio show.
There is nothing objective about hannity. He is a pepper haired penis and his show is a liberal hatefest from start to finish. He doesn't even try to hide it
He's not supposed to hide it, you idiot.
If he wants to be taken seriously then he needs to show objectivity, not be a partisan lapdog hack which he is continually proving to be... Seeing how he sucks up on everything Trump is dishing out is truly pathetic. Add to that the distorted lies that he spreads about his opposition... it's an abuse of the position he holds in the media. I don't know how anybody can take him seriously and it is sad that there are people that do.

You're not the only one that is pissed at FOX News I know lots of Republicans, including myself that turned them off several months ago, when they became the Trump news network.

Fox News, meanwhile, has given Donald Trump the level of positive coverage that money could never (legally) buy, and as a result, they’ve dropped in the ratings. It’s no coincidence that as Trump enablers and outright supporters have focused more and more on Trump, their level of appeal has dropped. They don’t have the diversity of panelists CNN has managed to grab, and they don’t have hosts who allow both sides to speak freely.

What’s more, the rising star of Fox News, Megyn Kelly, was fast becoming the most popular personality, and then Donald Trump not only insulted her, but the network on multiple occasions met with Trump to try to work things out and get him to come back on the air. If Kelly decided not to remain with Fox News when her contract is up, Fox News would fall even further – and they would deserve it.

The quality of coverage is key, and Fox News is not providing it. What they have failed to realize is that Donald Trump is but a blip in the ratings. What people will perceive of you when he has come and gone is what will decide your fate. And, if the numbers continue to fall, you can pretty much guess what life is going to be like for them after Trump has gone.But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState
I flip through them all and still watch Fox but its more for entertainment value, not very newsworthy.... Shep keeps it real and Bill and Megan get good debates going sometimes... Hannity is a complete joke

I have switched over to CNN--they have better election coverage anyway. I am just am not going to promote any news media or Reich wing talk radio show host that has helped to shatter the Republican party into pieces while promoting this Chimpanzee nominee. Every time you turn them on--for no matter how long you're watching they get a little bump in their ratings, and none of them deserve that. They have insulted their audiences intelligence & integrity to no end by doing that. Fair and Balanced--is the biggest oxymoron they claim.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee
Fox has promoted every presidential candidate the same way they are promoting Trump. Have you been in a coma for the last few decades? The right is only slightly more disgusting and vile than they have always been, but there is no drastic change. Odd that you would just now recognize that.
Half of this board lost their minds because of how Megyn treated Trump. Now Hannity is all but cuckholding him.

It's only getting worse. I want a God damn media that reports to me not dictates to me.

better stop watching Hannity then .
yep ... he's biased toward Trump. doesn't hide it.
in fact , he admitted such to NYT's Rutenberg a few days ago , " i never claimed to be a journalist. "
except for O'reilly , most of the rest of FNC are just pro conservative. not pro trump.

meanwhile ... almost all CNN & MSNBC shows are HRC biased.
For the last week or so it seems like he has either had an hour long "Trump special" on every night or Hannity can't stop drooling over him every night Trump isn't on his program.

I don't want Hillary to win but at the same time I don't want a media that is in the hen house of a candidate like this. I get that the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary but you don't solve that PROBLEM by putting Trump on air every night. What happens after this election? The bar is now being established for are future elections and I don't like the direction we're heading.

The media is supposed to be a watchdog not a lapdog.

FOX News has been in the hen house since Trump announced. Trump has received 2 billion dollars worth of free news coverage, mainly from FOX News. And Hannity has been Trumps adviser and is now 70 days before the election already pointing fingers at "Establishment Republicans" for Trump's upcoming loss in November. Blaming them for not endorsing Trump.

Trump stated he has received so much free media coverage he doesn't need to buy T.V. adds.

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has backed down from the $1 billion figure that his own campaign estimated he would need to raise to prepare for the general election. Instead, he said in an interview with Bloomberg, he would rely on free media attention instead of buying ad spots.

“There’s no reason to raise that,” he said when asked about the $1 billion fundraising goal. “I just don’t think I need nearly as much money as other people need because I get so much publicity. I get so many invitations to be on television. I get so many interviews, if I want them.” Trump: No need to raise much money because ‘I get so much publicity’

Also what's happened over this Trump affect is that FOX News has taken a nose dive in their ratings and viewership. CNN is now Number ONE.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState


1. ya ratings article is from april.
2. came from Redstate ... a trump bashing outfit
3. FNC currently lead the ratings w/ CNN 3rd. MSNBC -#2
4. Hannity was highest rated cable news show tuesday night.
589 fox vs 294 cnn ... :biggrin:
msnbc - 329
same tonight prolly.

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