I honenstly believe Trump is trying to lose the election


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
I wish I could lead off saying I am joking. But I am honestly not. Trump is trying to lose the election. I am sure of it now.

Ok, reading that article, we see the Trump Administration trying to block money for testing, tracking, and block more money to the CDC. Because in the midst of a Pandemic, the one thing you don't want to do is give money to the Centers for Disease Control. Because. Um. America I guess.

The problem is that the original response was not great. But you can recover from that, and improve. The problem comes when even as the evidence mounts, and it has been mounting for a while, you stubbornly stay the course. Even when it is wrong, Trump thinks he would look like a Pussy if he changed course. The problem is in avoiding the image of a pussy for changing course, you look like an ass for ignoring the evidence. Well the answer to that is to get rid of the evidence.

It is not just that there are more people testing positive. That could be explained by non symptomatic people testing positive. Ok. But locally, our Hospitals are approaching capacity. Hospitalizations increase in Coastal Health District; Savannah hospitals have surge plan

Now what does that mean? It means that for all those non symptomatic people, there are also seriously ill people overwhelming the Hospital's ability to care for them. But Trump wants to believe it is just testing that is the problem, and tracking, which leads to more testing.

That by the way is how we run down Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Let's say you test positive for Gonorrhea. You give the Health Department folks the names of people you have had sex with, and they contact those people and tell them to get tested right away. If they are positive, they give up names, and they track the disease until they run out of names. This technique is not new, and it isn't untried. It works. For COVID. you tell those who were exposed to get tested. Then anyone they interacted with gets tested. You throw out the net in an effort to minimize the spread.

True story. I was home from work for about three hours when I got a call from the Manager. I had used some equipment after another guy, and he had tested positive for COVID. When I went into that equipment I had sprayed Lysol and wiped down the surfaces with Alcohol wipes. I wore a mask for the first twenty minutes giving the stuff time to work. I came up with no symptoms and returned to work two weeks later. But that kept me from possibly spreading the disease if I had contracted it. During those two weeks I left the house twice. Both times I masked up to make sure I didn't spread the disease and maintained the social distance. Precautions seemed to have worked, since I did not get sick.

That is how you stop the disease from spreading. You contact those who may be infected, and tell them to get tested, and then if they turn up positive you track and track and track until you get the net cast wide enough to stop the spread.

Now there are two possible explanations for Trumps adamant determination to cancel testing and tracking. 1) He really wants to lose the election. 2) He is so petty that he wants to risk the entire nation to satisfy a grudge. I tend to believe that it is number one. While it is possible that he is that petty, it is not the most likely answer. The most likely answer is that Trump wants to lose. The economy will take a longer, harder hit, and that is his claim to fame, and he knows it. Unemployment will stay high through the election, and that will be a bodyblow to his campaign anyway. He might as well just lose and get it over with. Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America.
I wish I could lead off saying I am joking. But I am honestly not. Trump is trying to lose the election. I am sure of it now.

Ok, reading that article, we see the Trump Administration trying to block money for testing, tracking, and block more money to the CDC. Because in the midst of a Pandemic, the one thing you don't want to do is give money to the Centers for Disease Control. Because. Um. America I guess.

The problem is that the original response was not great. But you can recover from that, and improve. The problem comes when even as the evidence mounts, and it has been mounting for a while, you stubbornly stay the course. Even when it is wrong, Trump thinks he would look like a Pussy if he changed course. The problem is in avoiding the image of a pussy for changing course, you look like an ass for ignoring the evidence. Well the answer to that is to get rid of the evidence.

It is not just that there are more people testing positive. That could be explained by non symptomatic people testing positive. Ok. But locally, our Hospitals are approaching capacity. Hospitalizations increase in Coastal Health District; Savannah hospitals have surge plan

Now what does that mean? It means that for all those non symptomatic people, there are also seriously ill people overwhelming the Hospital's ability to care for them. But Trump wants to believe it is just testing that is the problem, and tracking, which leads to more testing.

That by the way is how we run down Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Let's say you test positive for Gonorrhea. You give the Health Department folks the names of people you have had sex with, and they contact those people and tell them to get tested right away. If they are positive, they give up names, and they track the disease until they run out of names. This technique is not new, and it isn't untried. It works. For COVID. you tell those who were exposed to get tested. Then anyone they interacted with gets tested. You throw out the net in an effort to minimize the spread.

True story. I was home from work for about three hours when I got a call from the Manager. I had used some equipment after another guy, and he had tested positive for COVID. When I went into that equipment I had sprayed Lysol and wiped down the surfaces with Alcohol wipes. I wore a mask for the first twenty minutes giving the stuff time to work. I came up with no symptoms and returned to work two weeks later. But that kept me from possibly spreading the disease if I had contracted it. During those two weeks I left the house twice. Both times I masked up to make sure I didn't spread the disease and maintained the social distance. Precautions seemed to have worked, since I did not get sick.

That is how you stop the disease from spreading. You contact those who may be infected, and tell them to get tested, and then if they turn up positive you track and track and track until you get the net cast wide enough to stop the spread.

Now there are two possible explanations for Trumps adamant determination to cancel testing and tracking. 1) He really wants to lose the election. 2) He is so petty that he wants to risk the entire nation to satisfy a grudge. I tend to believe that it is number one. While it is possible that he is that petty, it is not the most likely answer. The most likely answer is that Trump wants to lose. The economy will take a longer, harder hit, and that is his claim to fame, and he knows it. Unemployment will stay high through the election, and that will be a bodyblow to his campaign anyway. He might as well just lose and get it over with. Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America.
I'm sure it's all just like the hacks at MSN are spinning it, and doesn't have a single thing to do with this...

I wish I could lead off saying I am joking. But I am honestly not. Trump is trying to lose the election. I am sure of it now.

Ok, reading that article, we see the Trump Administration trying to block money for testing, tracking, and block more money to the CDC. Because in the midst of a Pandemic, the one thing you don't want to do is give money to the Centers for Disease Control. Because. Um. America I guess.

The problem is that the original response was not great. But you can recover from that, and improve. The problem comes when even as the evidence mounts, and it has been mounting for a while, you stubbornly stay the course. Even when it is wrong, Trump thinks he would look like a Pussy if he changed course. The problem is in avoiding the image of a pussy for changing course, you look like an ass for ignoring the evidence. Well the answer to that is to get rid of the evidence.

It is not just that there are more people testing positive. That could be explained by non symptomatic people testing positive. Ok. But locally, our Hospitals are approaching capacity. Hospitalizations increase in Coastal Health District; Savannah hospitals have surge plan

Now what does that mean? It means that for all those non symptomatic people, there are also seriously ill people overwhelming the Hospital's ability to care for them. But Trump wants to believe it is just testing that is the problem, and tracking, which leads to more testing.

That by the way is how we run down Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Let's say you test positive for Gonorrhea. You give the Health Department folks the names of people you have had sex with, and they contact those people and tell them to get tested right away. If they are positive, they give up names, and they track the disease until they run out of names. This technique is not new, and it isn't untried. It works. For COVID. you tell those who were exposed to get tested. Then anyone they interacted with gets tested. You throw out the net in an effort to minimize the spread.

True story. I was home from work for about three hours when I got a call from the Manager. I had used some equipment after another guy, and he had tested positive for COVID. When I went into that equipment I had sprayed Lysol and wiped down the surfaces with Alcohol wipes. I wore a mask for the first twenty minutes giving the stuff time to work. I came up with no symptoms and returned to work two weeks later. But that kept me from possibly spreading the disease if I had contracted it. During those two weeks I left the house twice. Both times I masked up to make sure I didn't spread the disease and maintained the social distance. Precautions seemed to have worked, since I did not get sick.

That is how you stop the disease from spreading. You contact those who may be infected, and tell them to get tested, and then if they turn up positive you track and track and track until you get the net cast wide enough to stop the spread.

Now there are two possible explanations for Trumps adamant determination to cancel testing and tracking. 1) He really wants to lose the election. 2) He is so petty that he wants to risk the entire nation to satisfy a grudge. I tend to believe that it is number one. While it is possible that he is that petty, it is not the most likely answer. The most likely answer is that Trump wants to lose. The economy will take a longer, harder hit, and that is his claim to fame, and he knows it. Unemployment will stay high through the election, and that will be a bodyblow to his campaign anyway. He might as well just lose and get it over with. Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America.

well how 'bout that. welcome to the light. however i will disagree with you on one thing:

' Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America. '

biden will listen to the scientists & will invoke the defensive production act, & isn't insane enough to think he's a stable genious who knows more than the generals & goes on his hunches about this fucking pandemic.
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I wish I could lead off saying I am joking. But I am honestly not. Trump is trying to lose the election. I am sure of it now.

Ok, reading that article, we see the Trump Administration trying to block money for testing, tracking, and block more money to the CDC. Because in the midst of a Pandemic, the one thing you don't want to do is give money to the Centers for Disease Control. Because. Um. America I guess.

The problem is that the original response was not great. But you can recover from that, and improve. The problem comes when even as the evidence mounts, and it has been mounting for a while, you stubbornly stay the course. Even when it is wrong, Trump thinks he would look like a Pussy if he changed course. The problem is in avoiding the image of a pussy for changing course, you look like an ass for ignoring the evidence. Well the answer to that is to get rid of the evidence.

It is not just that there are more people testing positive. That could be explained by non symptomatic people testing positive. Ok. But locally, our Hospitals are approaching capacity. Hospitalizations increase in Coastal Health District; Savannah hospitals have surge plan

Now what does that mean? It means that for all those non symptomatic people, there are also seriously ill people overwhelming the Hospital's ability to care for them. But Trump wants to believe it is just testing that is the problem, and tracking, which leads to more testing.

That by the way is how we run down Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Let's say you test positive for Gonorrhea. You give the Health Department folks the names of people you have had sex with, and they contact those people and tell them to get tested right away. If they are positive, they give up names, and they track the disease until they run out of names. This technique is not new, and it isn't untried. It works. For COVID. you tell those who were exposed to get tested. Then anyone they interacted with gets tested. You throw out the net in an effort to minimize the spread.

True story. I was home from work for about three hours when I got a call from the Manager. I had used some equipment after another guy, and he had tested positive for COVID. When I went into that equipment I had sprayed Lysol and wiped down the surfaces with Alcohol wipes. I wore a mask for the first twenty minutes giving the stuff time to work. I came up with no symptoms and returned to work two weeks later. But that kept me from possibly spreading the disease if I had contracted it. During those two weeks I left the house twice. Both times I masked up to make sure I didn't spread the disease and maintained the social distance. Precautions seemed to have worked, since I did not get sick.

That is how you stop the disease from spreading. You contact those who may be infected, and tell them to get tested, and then if they turn up positive you track and track and track until you get the net cast wide enough to stop the spread.

Now there are two possible explanations for Trumps adamant determination to cancel testing and tracking. 1) He really wants to lose the election. 2) He is so petty that he wants to risk the entire nation to satisfy a grudge. I tend to believe that it is number one. While it is possible that he is that petty, it is not the most likely answer. The most likely answer is that Trump wants to lose. The economy will take a longer, harder hit, and that is his claim to fame, and he knows it. Unemployment will stay high through the election, and that will be a bodyblow to his campaign anyway. He might as well just lose and get it over with. Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America.
I'm sure it's all just like the hacks at MSN are spinning it, and doesn't have a single thing to do with this...

But you do not cut money from testing and tracking. You fix the errors and you keep striving. The Surgeon General admitted they made a mistake in not mandating masks from the beginning. We can’t go back and undo the mistake. We can learn from them and go forward better.

Trump could have stood up and told the Country that he is briefed every day. And every day they are re-evaluating the response. That has led to us changing our approach. Every day we are striving to serve the people the very best we can. The I hate trump people would of course cackle and scream. The majority would understand that the more we learn the better we can do.

It is like a car trip when you make a wrong turn. The sooner you realize and admit it the sooner you can get back on track. Continuing to drive while refusing to admit that you made an honest mistake just compounds the mistake. Instead of looking like a Pussy. You look like an Ass.
  • Thread starter
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  • #6
I wish I could lead off saying I am joking. But I am honestly not. Trump is trying to lose the election. I am sure of it now.

Ok, reading that article, we see the Trump Administration trying to block money for testing, tracking, and block more money to the CDC. Because in the midst of a Pandemic, the one thing you don't want to do is give money to the Centers for Disease Control. Because. Um. America I guess.

The problem is that the original response was not great. But you can recover from that, and improve. The problem comes when even as the evidence mounts, and it has been mounting for a while, you stubbornly stay the course. Even when it is wrong, Trump thinks he would look like a Pussy if he changed course. The problem is in avoiding the image of a pussy for changing course, you look like an ass for ignoring the evidence. Well the answer to that is to get rid of the evidence.

It is not just that there are more people testing positive. That could be explained by non symptomatic people testing positive. Ok. But locally, our Hospitals are approaching capacity. Hospitalizations increase in Coastal Health District; Savannah hospitals have surge plan

Now what does that mean? It means that for all those non symptomatic people, there are also seriously ill people overwhelming the Hospital's ability to care for them. But Trump wants to believe it is just testing that is the problem, and tracking, which leads to more testing.

That by the way is how we run down Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Let's say you test positive for Gonorrhea. You give the Health Department folks the names of people you have had sex with, and they contact those people and tell them to get tested right away. If they are positive, they give up names, and they track the disease until they run out of names. This technique is not new, and it isn't untried. It works. For COVID. you tell those who were exposed to get tested. Then anyone they interacted with gets tested. You throw out the net in an effort to minimize the spread.

True story. I was home from work for about three hours when I got a call from the Manager. I had used some equipment after another guy, and he had tested positive for COVID. When I went into that equipment I had sprayed Lysol and wiped down the surfaces with Alcohol wipes. I wore a mask for the first twenty minutes giving the stuff time to work. I came up with no symptoms and returned to work two weeks later. But that kept me from possibly spreading the disease if I had contracted it. During those two weeks I left the house twice. Both times I masked up to make sure I didn't spread the disease and maintained the social distance. Precautions seemed to have worked, since I did not get sick.

That is how you stop the disease from spreading. You contact those who may be infected, and tell them to get tested, and then if they turn up positive you track and track and track until you get the net cast wide enough to stop the spread.

Now there are two possible explanations for Trumps adamant determination to cancel testing and tracking. 1) He really wants to lose the election. 2) He is so petty that he wants to risk the entire nation to satisfy a grudge. I tend to believe that it is number one. While it is possible that he is that petty, it is not the most likely answer. The most likely answer is that Trump wants to lose. The economy will take a longer, harder hit, and that is his claim to fame, and he knows it. Unemployment will stay high through the election, and that will be a bodyblow to his campaign anyway. He might as well just lose and get it over with. Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America.

well how 'bout that. welcome to the light. however i will disagree with you on one thing:

' Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America. '

biden will listen to the scientists & will invoke the defensive production act, & isn't insane enough to think he's a stable genious who knows more than the generals & goes on his hunches about this fucking pandemic.

Twenty years ago he was Crazy Uncle Joe. Now I honestly think he has dementia.
I wish I could lead off saying I am joking. But I am honestly not. Trump is trying to lose the election. I am sure of it now.

Ok, reading that article, we see the Trump Administration trying to block money for testing, tracking, and block more money to the CDC. Because in the midst of a Pandemic, the one thing you don't want to do is give money to the Centers for Disease Control. Because. Um. America I guess.

The problem is that the original response was not great. But you can recover from that, and improve. The problem comes when even as the evidence mounts, and it has been mounting for a while, you stubbornly stay the course. Even when it is wrong, Trump thinks he would look like a Pussy if he changed course. The problem is in avoiding the image of a pussy for changing course, you look like an ass for ignoring the evidence. Well the answer to that is to get rid of the evidence.

It is not just that there are more people testing positive. That could be explained by non symptomatic people testing positive. Ok. But locally, our Hospitals are approaching capacity. Hospitalizations increase in Coastal Health District; Savannah hospitals have surge plan

Now what does that mean? It means that for all those non symptomatic people, there are also seriously ill people overwhelming the Hospital's ability to care for them. But Trump wants to believe it is just testing that is the problem, and tracking, which leads to more testing.

That by the way is how we run down Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Let's say you test positive for Gonorrhea. You give the Health Department folks the names of people you have had sex with, and they contact those people and tell them to get tested right away. If they are positive, they give up names, and they track the disease until they run out of names. This technique is not new, and it isn't untried. It works. For COVID. you tell those who were exposed to get tested. Then anyone they interacted with gets tested. You throw out the net in an effort to minimize the spread.

True story. I was home from work for about three hours when I got a call from the Manager. I had used some equipment after another guy, and he had tested positive for COVID. When I went into that equipment I had sprayed Lysol and wiped down the surfaces with Alcohol wipes. I wore a mask for the first twenty minutes giving the stuff time to work. I came up with no symptoms and returned to work two weeks later. But that kept me from possibly spreading the disease if I had contracted it. During those two weeks I left the house twice. Both times I masked up to make sure I didn't spread the disease and maintained the social distance. Precautions seemed to have worked, since I did not get sick.

That is how you stop the disease from spreading. You contact those who may be infected, and tell them to get tested, and then if they turn up positive you track and track and track until you get the net cast wide enough to stop the spread.

Now there are two possible explanations for Trumps adamant determination to cancel testing and tracking. 1) He really wants to lose the election. 2) He is so petty that he wants to risk the entire nation to satisfy a grudge. I tend to believe that it is number one. While it is possible that he is that petty, it is not the most likely answer. The most likely answer is that Trump wants to lose. The economy will take a longer, harder hit, and that is his claim to fame, and he knows it. Unemployment will stay high through the election, and that will be a bodyblow to his campaign anyway. He might as well just lose and get it over with. Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America.
I'm sure it's all just like the hacks at MSN are spinning it, and doesn't have a single thing to do with this...

But you do not cut money from testing and tracking. You fix the errors and you keep striving. The Surgeon General admitted they made a mistake in not mandating masks from the beginning. We can’t go back and undo the mistake. We can learn from them and go forward better.

Trump could have stood up and told the Country that he is briefed every day. And every day they are re-evaluating the response. That has led to us changing our approach. Every day we are striving to serve the people the very best we can. The I hate trump people would of course cackle and scream. The majority would understand that the more we learn the better we can do.

It is like a car trip when you make a wrong turn. The sooner you realize and admit it the sooner you can get back on track. Continuing to drive while refusing to admit that you made an honest mistake just compounds the mistake. Instead of looking like a Pussy. You look like an Ass.
OK....The CDC is already flush with taxpayer loot....Why can't they move funds from other unnecessary/inefficient areas to testing and tracking?

Not a new question, BTW....This is the same question that I and others ask for other "underfunded" bureaucracies.
I wish I could lead off saying I am joking. But I am honestly not. Trump is trying to lose the election. I am sure of it now.

Ok, reading that article, we see the Trump Administration trying to block money for testing, tracking, and block more money to the CDC. Because in the midst of a Pandemic, the one thing you don't want to do is give money to the Centers for Disease Control. Because. Um. America I guess.

The problem is that the original response was not great. But you can recover from that, and improve. The problem comes when even as the evidence mounts, and it has been mounting for a while, you stubbornly stay the course. Even when it is wrong, Trump thinks he would look like a Pussy if he changed course. The problem is in avoiding the image of a pussy for changing course, you look like an ass for ignoring the evidence. Well the answer to that is to get rid of the evidence.

It is not just that there are more people testing positive. That could be explained by non symptomatic people testing positive. Ok. But locally, our Hospitals are approaching capacity. Hospitalizations increase in Coastal Health District; Savannah hospitals have surge plan

Now what does that mean? It means that for all those non symptomatic people, there are also seriously ill people overwhelming the Hospital's ability to care for them. But Trump wants to believe it is just testing that is the problem, and tracking, which leads to more testing.

That by the way is how we run down Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Let's say you test positive for Gonorrhea. You give the Health Department folks the names of people you have had sex with, and they contact those people and tell them to get tested right away. If they are positive, they give up names, and they track the disease until they run out of names. This technique is not new, and it isn't untried. It works. For COVID. you tell those who were exposed to get tested. Then anyone they interacted with gets tested. You throw out the net in an effort to minimize the spread.

True story. I was home from work for about three hours when I got a call from the Manager. I had used some equipment after another guy, and he had tested positive for COVID. When I went into that equipment I had sprayed Lysol and wiped down the surfaces with Alcohol wipes. I wore a mask for the first twenty minutes giving the stuff time to work. I came up with no symptoms and returned to work two weeks later. But that kept me from possibly spreading the disease if I had contracted it. During those two weeks I left the house twice. Both times I masked up to make sure I didn't spread the disease and maintained the social distance. Precautions seemed to have worked, since I did not get sick.

That is how you stop the disease from spreading. You contact those who may be infected, and tell them to get tested, and then if they turn up positive you track and track and track until you get the net cast wide enough to stop the spread.

Now there are two possible explanations for Trumps adamant determination to cancel testing and tracking. 1) He really wants to lose the election. 2) He is so petty that he wants to risk the entire nation to satisfy a grudge. I tend to believe that it is number one. While it is possible that he is that petty, it is not the most likely answer. The most likely answer is that Trump wants to lose. The economy will take a longer, harder hit, and that is his claim to fame, and he knows it. Unemployment will stay high through the election, and that will be a bodyblow to his campaign anyway. He might as well just lose and get it over with. Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America.

well how 'bout that. welcome to the light. however i will disagree with you on one thing:

' Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America. '

biden will listen to the scientists & will invoke the defensive production act, & isn't insane enough to think he's a stable genious who knows more than the generals & goes on his hunches about this fucking pandemic.

Twenty years ago he was Crazy Uncle Joe. Now I honestly think he has dementia.

just wait till the debates.
I wish I could lead off saying I am joking. But I am honestly not. Trump is trying to lose the election. I am sure of it now.

Ok, reading that article, we see the Trump Administration trying to block money for testing, tracking, and block more money to the CDC. Because in the midst of a Pandemic, the one thing you don't want to do is give money to the Centers for Disease Control. Because. Um. America I guess.

The problem is that the original response was not great. But you can recover from that, and improve. The problem comes when even as the evidence mounts, and it has been mounting for a while, you stubbornly stay the course. Even when it is wrong, Trump thinks he would look like a Pussy if he changed course. The problem is in avoiding the image of a pussy for changing course, you look like an ass for ignoring the evidence. Well the answer to that is to get rid of the evidence.

It is not just that there are more people testing positive. That could be explained by non symptomatic people testing positive. Ok. But locally, our Hospitals are approaching capacity. Hospitalizations increase in Coastal Health District; Savannah hospitals have surge plan

Now what does that mean? It means that for all those non symptomatic people, there are also seriously ill people overwhelming the Hospital's ability to care for them. But Trump wants to believe it is just testing that is the problem, and tracking, which leads to more testing.

That by the way is how we run down Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Let's say you test positive for Gonorrhea. You give the Health Department folks the names of people you have had sex with, and they contact those people and tell them to get tested right away. If they are positive, they give up names, and they track the disease until they run out of names. This technique is not new, and it isn't untried. It works. For COVID. you tell those who were exposed to get tested. Then anyone they interacted with gets tested. You throw out the net in an effort to minimize the spread.

True story. I was home from work for about three hours when I got a call from the Manager. I had used some equipment after another guy, and he had tested positive for COVID. When I went into that equipment I had sprayed Lysol and wiped down the surfaces with Alcohol wipes. I wore a mask for the first twenty minutes giving the stuff time to work. I came up with no symptoms and returned to work two weeks later. But that kept me from possibly spreading the disease if I had contracted it. During those two weeks I left the house twice. Both times I masked up to make sure I didn't spread the disease and maintained the social distance. Precautions seemed to have worked, since I did not get sick.

That is how you stop the disease from spreading. You contact those who may be infected, and tell them to get tested, and then if they turn up positive you track and track and track until you get the net cast wide enough to stop the spread.

Now there are two possible explanations for Trumps adamant determination to cancel testing and tracking. 1) He really wants to lose the election. 2) He is so petty that he wants to risk the entire nation to satisfy a grudge. I tend to believe that it is number one. While it is possible that he is that petty, it is not the most likely answer. The most likely answer is that Trump wants to lose. The economy will take a longer, harder hit, and that is his claim to fame, and he knows it. Unemployment will stay high through the election, and that will be a bodyblow to his campaign anyway. He might as well just lose and get it over with. Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America.
You really need to get a better source pal. 'MSN"???????????

Why JS Bach is God’s gift to music

Donald Trump continues to divide the nation as America mourns John Lewis

The Washington Post logoTrump administration pushing to block new money for testing, tracing and CDC in upcoming coronavirus relief bill


"The Trump administration is trying to block billions of dollars for states to conduct testing and contact tracing in the upcoming coronavirus relief bill, people involved in the talks said Saturday."
Who are these "unnamed people"????????? You're afucking fool to eat the shit MSNBC is feeding you.
Fucking wise up!
I wish I could lead off saying I am joking. But I am honestly not. Trump is trying to lose the election. I am sure of it now.

Ok, reading that article, we see the Trump Administration trying to block money for testing, tracking, and block more money to the CDC. Because in the midst of a Pandemic, the one thing you don't want to do is give money to the Centers for Disease Control. Because. Um. America I guess.

The problem is that the original response was not great. But you can recover from that, and improve. The problem comes when even as the evidence mounts, and it has been mounting for a while, you stubbornly stay the course. Even when it is wrong, Trump thinks he would look like a Pussy if he changed course. The problem is in avoiding the image of a pussy for changing course, you look like an ass for ignoring the evidence. Well the answer to that is to get rid of the evidence.

It is not just that there are more people testing positive. That could be explained by non symptomatic people testing positive. Ok. But locally, our Hospitals are approaching capacity. Hospitalizations increase in Coastal Health District; Savannah hospitals have surge plan

Now what does that mean? It means that for all those non symptomatic people, there are also seriously ill people overwhelming the Hospital's ability to care for them. But Trump wants to believe it is just testing that is the problem, and tracking, which leads to more testing.

That by the way is how we run down Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Let's say you test positive for Gonorrhea. You give the Health Department folks the names of people you have had sex with, and they contact those people and tell them to get tested right away. If they are positive, they give up names, and they track the disease until they run out of names. This technique is not new, and it isn't untried. It works. For COVID. you tell those who were exposed to get tested. Then anyone they interacted with gets tested. You throw out the net in an effort to minimize the spread.

True story. I was home from work for about three hours when I got a call from the Manager. I had used some equipment after another guy, and he had tested positive for COVID. When I went into that equipment I had sprayed Lysol and wiped down the surfaces with Alcohol wipes. I wore a mask for the first twenty minutes giving the stuff time to work. I came up with no symptoms and returned to work two weeks later. But that kept me from possibly spreading the disease if I had contracted it. During those two weeks I left the house twice. Both times I masked up to make sure I didn't spread the disease and maintained the social distance. Precautions seemed to have worked, since I did not get sick.

That is how you stop the disease from spreading. You contact those who may be infected, and tell them to get tested, and then if they turn up positive you track and track and track until you get the net cast wide enough to stop the spread.

Now there are two possible explanations for Trumps adamant determination to cancel testing and tracking. 1) He really wants to lose the election. 2) He is so petty that he wants to risk the entire nation to satisfy a grudge. I tend to believe that it is number one. While it is possible that he is that petty, it is not the most likely answer. The most likely answer is that Trump wants to lose. The economy will take a longer, harder hit, and that is his claim to fame, and he knows it. Unemployment will stay high through the election, and that will be a bodyblow to his campaign anyway. He might as well just lose and get it over with. Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America.

well how 'bout that. welcome to the light. however i will disagree with you on one thing:

' Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America. '

biden will listen to the scientists & will invoke the defensive production act, & isn't insane enough to think he's a stable genious who knows more than the generals & goes on his hunches about this fucking pandemic.

Biden? Competent? TODAY'S GRANDEST JOKE!
You FOOL !!!
Biden will be too busy collecting his 10k from China for abandoning the Philippines to China

I find it hard to believe the degree of stupidity among some people. FK
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if that's how he's thinking. It isn't fun for him anymore. Before the pandemic, he could golf, tweet, watch TV, and hold his pep rallies. Hell, he can't even hang at Mar-A-Lago anymore and have his peeps pump his ego up. It's not like he was ever involved in actually being President. He just wanted to perpetually run for it. If he quits (which I believe his ego would never allow him to do), then the Republican Party is finished...and they'll never let him forget it. And any side project he wanted to start after his Presidency like buying his own news network, will be ashes.
We can learn from them and go forward better.

Is this a joke? Our Government learn and move forward?
Have you seen our broken public education system? Our inner cities? Our military budget? Or any other FAILED GOVERNMENT PROGRAM that NEVER changes based on mistakes?
No other place on earth is failure blindly rewarded than in government
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if that's how he's thinking. It isn't fun for him anymore. Before the pandemic, he could golf, tweet, watch TV, and hold his pep rallies. Hell, he can't even hang at Mar-A-Lago anymore and have his peeps pump his ego up. It's not like he was ever involved in actually being President. He just wanted to perpetually run for it. If he quits (which I believe his ego would never allow him to do), then the Republican Party is finished...and they'll never let him forget it. And any side project he wanted to start after his Presidency like buying his own news network, will be ashes.

he would love to quit - no doubt about it. but donny knows the second he resigns, NYS has him nailed to the wall.
ALL I know for SURE is this.......

If trump is not re elected for ANY reason,
they are coming after your guns full assault no holds barred

There is no way to accomplish Agenda21 without it
And if there's ever going to be a Civil War, it will begin when they start to do that.

That said, no Trump is NOT "trying" to lose the election.
I wish I could lead off saying I am joking. But I am honestly not. Trump is trying to lose the election. I am sure of it now.

Ok, reading that article, we see the Trump Administration trying to block money for testing, tracking, and block more money to the CDC. Because in the midst of a Pandemic, the one thing you don't want to do is give money to the Centers for Disease Control. Because. Um. America I guess.

The problem is that the original response was not great. But you can recover from that, and improve. The problem comes when even as the evidence mounts, and it has been mounting for a while, you stubbornly stay the course. Even when it is wrong, Trump thinks he would look like a Pussy if he changed course. The problem is in avoiding the image of a pussy for changing course, you look like an ass for ignoring the evidence. Well the answer to that is to get rid of the evidence.

It is not just that there are more people testing positive. That could be explained by non symptomatic people testing positive. Ok. But locally, our Hospitals are approaching capacity. Hospitalizations increase in Coastal Health District; Savannah hospitals have surge plan

Now what does that mean? It means that for all those non symptomatic people, there are also seriously ill people overwhelming the Hospital's ability to care for them. But Trump wants to believe it is just testing that is the problem, and tracking, which leads to more testing.

That by the way is how we run down Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Let's say you test positive for Gonorrhea. You give the Health Department folks the names of people you have had sex with, and they contact those people and tell them to get tested right away. If they are positive, they give up names, and they track the disease until they run out of names. This technique is not new, and it isn't untried. It works. For COVID. you tell those who were exposed to get tested. Then anyone they interacted with gets tested. You throw out the net in an effort to minimize the spread.

True story. I was home from work for about three hours when I got a call from the Manager. I had used some equipment after another guy, and he had tested positive for COVID. When I went into that equipment I had sprayed Lysol and wiped down the surfaces with Alcohol wipes. I wore a mask for the first twenty minutes giving the stuff time to work. I came up with no symptoms and returned to work two weeks later. But that kept me from possibly spreading the disease if I had contracted it. During those two weeks I left the house twice. Both times I masked up to make sure I didn't spread the disease and maintained the social distance. Precautions seemed to have worked, since I did not get sick.

That is how you stop the disease from spreading. You contact those who may be infected, and tell them to get tested, and then if they turn up positive you track and track and track until you get the net cast wide enough to stop the spread.

Now there are two possible explanations for Trumps adamant determination to cancel testing and tracking. 1) He really wants to lose the election. 2) He is so petty that he wants to risk the entire nation to satisfy a grudge. I tend to believe that it is number one. While it is possible that he is that petty, it is not the most likely answer. The most likely answer is that Trump wants to lose. The economy will take a longer, harder hit, and that is his claim to fame, and he knows it. Unemployment will stay high through the election, and that will be a bodyblow to his campaign anyway. He might as well just lose and get it over with. Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America.
I think he's just that petty.

And Joe will do fine.

Biden is DONE.

Even blacks are turning on him. The ONLY blacks still rooting for Biden are BLM.
Democrats are panicked at the thought of him in a debate.


After Republicans win in November.....it's time to stop the nonsense and clean house once and for all.
It's not like he was ever involved in actually being President.
This is literally the most RETARDED post I've seen in awhile and thats saying something considering Penelope has been posting today.

Until the pandemic hit he literally had some of the best economic numbers in history.
Now I know your leftist masters will spin that into nothing but you buying their bullshit would not surprise me
I remember there were people who were saying that in 2016, though. He just said one stupid thing after another, and people wondered if was all a joke.

The joke was on us.
But it was all a joke. By all accounts nobody in the tRump campaign, even tRump himself, expected to win.
I wish I could lead off saying I am joking. But I am honestly not. Trump is trying to lose the election. I am sure of it now.

Ok, reading that article, we see the Trump Administration trying to block money for testing, tracking, and block more money to the CDC. Because in the midst of a Pandemic, the one thing you don't want to do is give money to the Centers for Disease Control. Because. Um. America I guess.

The problem is that the original response was not great. But you can recover from that, and improve. The problem comes when even as the evidence mounts, and it has been mounting for a while, you stubbornly stay the course. Even when it is wrong, Trump thinks he would look like a Pussy if he changed course. The problem is in avoiding the image of a pussy for changing course, you look like an ass for ignoring the evidence. Well the answer to that is to get rid of the evidence.

It is not just that there are more people testing positive. That could be explained by non symptomatic people testing positive. Ok. But locally, our Hospitals are approaching capacity. Hospitalizations increase in Coastal Health District; Savannah hospitals have surge plan

Now what does that mean? It means that for all those non symptomatic people, there are also seriously ill people overwhelming the Hospital's ability to care for them. But Trump wants to believe it is just testing that is the problem, and tracking, which leads to more testing.

That by the way is how we run down Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Let's say you test positive for Gonorrhea. You give the Health Department folks the names of people you have had sex with, and they contact those people and tell them to get tested right away. If they are positive, they give up names, and they track the disease until they run out of names. This technique is not new, and it isn't untried. It works. For COVID. you tell those who were exposed to get tested. Then anyone they interacted with gets tested. You throw out the net in an effort to minimize the spread.

True story. I was home from work for about three hours when I got a call from the Manager. I had used some equipment after another guy, and he had tested positive for COVID. When I went into that equipment I had sprayed Lysol and wiped down the surfaces with Alcohol wipes. I wore a mask for the first twenty minutes giving the stuff time to work. I came up with no symptoms and returned to work two weeks later. But that kept me from possibly spreading the disease if I had contracted it. During those two weeks I left the house twice. Both times I masked up to make sure I didn't spread the disease and maintained the social distance. Precautions seemed to have worked, since I did not get sick.

That is how you stop the disease from spreading. You contact those who may be infected, and tell them to get tested, and then if they turn up positive you track and track and track until you get the net cast wide enough to stop the spread.

Now there are two possible explanations for Trumps adamant determination to cancel testing and tracking. 1) He really wants to lose the election. 2) He is so petty that he wants to risk the entire nation to satisfy a grudge. I tend to believe that it is number one. While it is possible that he is that petty, it is not the most likely answer. The most likely answer is that Trump wants to lose. The economy will take a longer, harder hit, and that is his claim to fame, and he knows it. Unemployment will stay high through the election, and that will be a bodyblow to his campaign anyway. He might as well just lose and get it over with. Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America.
I'm sure it's all just like the hacks at MSN are spinning it, and doesn't have a single thing to do with this...

But see that's what a reputable, professional organization does when they fuck up. They come clean and work to fix it.

See any of the from the tRump *administration*?

Neither do I.

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