I honestly want to know. Why do some of you intelligent, thoughtful and logical people support Biden?

The media/entertainers wing of the globalists brainwashed you. The morons of the Prog political class kept whipping up hatred. Trump was no worse verbally then a Prog. And Repub voters are not used to that.
I know that you believe that. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.
Not really when you consider the growth in the voting age population and take into account Biden got a lower percent of the vote than did Obama.

You also ignore the fact Biden was running again a historically unpopular president. Yes, he had his rabid worshipers like you, but the vast majority of the country did not like the man as POTUS.
Your comments on Trump may be true, but no one wanted Biden for potus other than the establishment.
I truly would like to understand your thinking.
I have no argument with you regarding Trump being a braggart. A loud mouth. All those adjectives you come up with. But in my 60 years of working with bosses, the few that accomplished anything, i.e. got things done were like Trump! And Trump in 3 years because COVID devoured almost all of 2020 news, lives, etc. got things done!
Attached is a list of things Obama wanted and Biden wanted and some are happening now.
So I'm asking those few of you that look beyond the peccadilloes of Trump. Beyond his bragging, etc. and tell me how has Biden with 47 years of political experiences helped the country?
1) Look at today's gas prices: A year ago nationally $2.152... Today nationally $3.321 a $1.169 increase on 54%!

View attachment 553451
Why? look at the attached chart: Obama stopped for all purposes signing and Trump was increasing!
And these are just two charts showing the affect of Obama/Biden on our economy after Trump had done something that hadn't been done for 62 years by other presidents!
The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957
So gas prices affect EVERYONE here but the attached sheet shows MORE ways Obama now Biden want to shut down our economy!
Why would any president want companies to go bankrupt? Obama did.
Why would any president want 500,000 people let go from 1,400 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes?
Why would any president want 34 million barrels of oil per month floating on the open ocean?
Truly those of you that I mentioned earlier that have some intelligence. Can't you look beyond the petty foibles of Trump and see HE GOT THINGS done in just 3 years! And by the way... some of you that are vaccinated... it was Trump's Operation Warp speed that got the FDA going to start in late 2020 vaccinations. Totally done by Trump!
View attachment 553453

View attachment 553454
There is no way that maga morons would understand the thinking of intelligent, moral, and logical people, be they Republican or Democrats. Trump was the most divisive president in our history, is lacking in moral compass, supported the Jan 6 insurrection, overcooked the wealth of the wealthy to put more money in his pocket, had a "locked and loaded" attitude toward other countries which alienated our allies, helped to make China an economic powerhouse with his pugnacious rhetoric, and generally made the world more unstable than it was.
  • Thanks
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I am surprised that’s question like this can be
There is no way that maga morons would understand the thinking of intelligent, moral, and logical people, be they Republican or Democrats. Trump was the most divisive president in our history, is lacking in moral compass, supported the Jan 6 insurrection, overcooked the wealth of the wealthy to put more money in his pocket, had a "locked and loaded" attitude toward other countries which alienated our allies, helped to make China an economic powerhouse with his pugnacious rhetoric, and generally made the world more unstable than it was.
The question asked by the OP is pure projection. Trump’s administration was a disaster for many of the reasons you state. There is a reason 80 million plus came out to vote for Biden. The real question is why would anyone have wanted to stay on that same track?
The question asked by the OP is pure projection. Trump’s administration was a disaster for many of the reasons you state. There is a reason 80 million plus came out to vote for Biden. The real question is why would anyone have wanted to stay on that same track?

Correct, this track is much better.

Natural gas prices expected to be over 50% higher this year than last.
Gasoline prices over 30% higher than last.
Out of control inflation.
Labor shortage.
Supply chain problem.
Border the worst it's been in 20 years according to the Border Patrol.
Afghanistan a complete mess and the US made the Taliban the most well armed fundamentalist group in the world.
Covid worse now than under Trump when we had no vaccines.

But hey! No more meanie Tweets. Isn't it all worth it? :aug08_031:
No a stolen election cost him the election.

Oh and once that pandemic hit our shores people were going to die. Its a pandemic shit for brains. Didn't matter who was in the WH. Who said what or who did what. Once it hit our shores people were going to die.

You want to assign blame then blame the Chinese. If they had locked their country down the rest of the world wouldn't have had to deal with their virus.

They are responsible for every death and every ruined economy worldwide.
Sorry Toots…
But I don’t engage in election fantasies
Yup it was all the mail in ballots. You know the ones that were in boxes under desks. The ones delivered in the night and counted long after the counters had gone home.

Sure wasn't those that showed up at the polls.

If we had a real election Dementia wouldn't have come close. They slapped ballots on the kitchen table of morons who don't understand the first thing about policy or politics and that's how we ended up with Biden.

The Democrats love the stupid vote because it's the only way they can win, that's why they want to make it standard. Even with my serious medical conditions that covid could end my life, I made sure I went in person to vote. If you're too lazy to vote, then stay home. it's obviously not that important to you. Voting from home should only be provided to the disabled and people in circumstances where there is no way to vote in person.
Biden was chosen as he was seen as boring and safe, the opposite of Trump. You are correct in that out of everyone I know that voted for Biden, none were really happy about it but they saw him as better than Trump.

I looked at Trump and thought he needed to be defeated at all costs

I looked at the Democrats and Biden was the best option by far. Better than Bernie Sanders, Liz Warren, Pete Butengeig

That was the field
If we had a real election Dementia wouldn't have come close. They slapped ballots on the kitchen table of morons who don't understand the first thing about policy or politics and that's how we ended up with Biden.

The Democrats love the stupid vote because it's the only way they can win, that's why they want to make it standard. Even with my serious medical conditions that covid could end my life, I made sure I went in person to vote. If you're too lazy to vote, then stay home. it's obviously not that important to you. Voting from home should only be provided to the disabled and people in circumstances where there is no way to vote in person.

You voted for Trump
The most inept President ever
Keystone had nothing to do with US oil supply.

There were a few thousand temporary jobs and a hundred or so permanent ones.

Intelligent, thoughtful, logical people look at facts instead of parroting fox news talking points.

Let me explain something to you: fuel prices are set in the commodities market. Those prices fluctuate by speculators. When speculators see two bozo's like Dementia and Whorris, talking about stopping fracking, anti-energy, stopping drilling, get into power and show the market they weren't just talking the talk, the market responds.

During the Bush years they found two cows that had hoof and mouth disease. My broker called me to get me in on this scam, but my money was tied up in another trade. The cattle market dropped 8 points over two cows. That's how it works. Of course Bush went out there to assure the public there was nothing to worry about while eating a hamburger on the news, and the market regained it's losses in a little over a month.

Oil is serious business. If you have a long contract (meaning you are betting the price will increase) you make $1,000 every time a barrel of oil goes up one dollar. However if you have a long contract and it goes down, you lose $1,000 for every dollar it goes down.

So now imagine yourself in the commodities market and your fancy is energy. What way will you invest with these two in office and their party in complete control of the federal government?
I truly would like to understand your thinking.
I have no argument with you regarding Trump being a braggart. A loud mouth. All those adjectives you come up with. But in my 60 years of working with bosses, the few that accomplished anything, i.e. got things done were like Trump! And Trump in 3 years because COVID devoured almost all of 2020 news, lives, etc. got things done!
Attached is a list of things Obama wanted and Biden wanted and some are happening now.
So I'm asking those few of you that look beyond the peccadilloes of Trump. Beyond his bragging, etc. and tell me how has Biden with 47 years of political experiences helped the country?
1) Look at today's gas prices: A year ago nationally $2.152... Today nationally $3.321 a $1.169 increase on 54%!

View attachment 553451
Why? look at the attached chart: Obama stopped for all purposes signing and Trump was increasing!
And these are just two charts showing the affect of Obama/Biden on our economy after Trump had done something that hadn't been done for 62 years by other presidents!
The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957
So gas prices affect EVERYONE here but the attached sheet shows MORE ways Obama now Biden want to shut down our economy!
Why would any president want companies to go bankrupt? Obama did.
Why would any president want 500,000 people let go from 1,400 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes?
Why would any president want 34 million barrels of oil per month floating on the open ocean?
Truly those of you that I mentioned earlier that have some intelligence. Can't you look beyond the petty foibles of Trump and see HE GOT THINGS done in just 3 years! And by the way... some of you that are vaccinated... it was Trump's Operation Warp speed that got the FDA going to start in late 2020 vaccinations. Totally done by Trump!
View attachment 553453

View attachment 553454
That‘s binary thinking. It’s about more than one person, something the Trumpistas should take into consideration and towards whom the question should be directed.

I honestly want to know. Why do some of you intelligent, thoughtful and logical people support Biden?​

Anyone who watched the events of Jan 6 understands why we needed to elect Joe Biden

Are you mixing vodka in your coffee this morning? Jan 6 happened after the election was over, not before. Yeah, Trump supporters had a riot. What is the riot ratio now with the left, like 100 to 1 or something like that?
Because running the Government is not like running a business.

Because we need a return to civil discourse and have the ability to compromises without demonizing.

Because if he had lost in 2020 he would have conceded.

Because he is not and never will be a "Cult of Personality"

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