I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

I hope they TRY to impeach President Obama! That would make TWO Democrat presidents in a row that NaziCons would try to impeach. NaziCons don't seem to know any other way to govern. Only a retarded moron would even suggest that President Obama should be impeached.

It is talk and who brought it more often with this President?
Dems - Dems talk about impeachment 20 times as much as Republicans
Dems talk about impeachment 20 times as much as Republicans TheHill
They want you to think that the Repubs want it, when it keeps getting repeated over and over even though it's a lie, the people begin to believe it.


Charles Krauthammer Calls Potential Obama Immigration Action An Impeachable Offense

Krauthammer is not in congress.
I see you did not read the article.

mcdonnell is in the senate. joe barton and walter jones are in the house.

Republicans threaten to impeach Obama if he issues executive action on immigration — RT USA
Is not doing what Republicans want now grounds for impeachment?
No, it's arrogantly doing what HE wants, pissing into the face of Mainstream America, that will get him into such trouble.

"Grounds? We don't got to show you no stinking grounds."


Mere detail, to be hashed-out in the backrooms, once it becomes necessary.

Whatever kind of gooey shit that will stick to the walls, once thrown.

Whatever it takes to fire Obumble, quite probably.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama is filling the void

If Congress does not like it, they can pass their own immigration bill
When are you lefties going to realize that Obama can't make or pass laws on his own?
If he can then we'll insist the next Republican president enact a law to sterilize all leftwingers so they can't breed.
He isn't passing any laws.
Do you think Obama isn't verifying whether his EOs are within the scope of his presidential powers ?
The EO will be carefully crafted. Republicans will not like it, but there is not much they can do about it
You might just want to tune in to C-Span and C-Span II to understand what the GOP is going to do instead of listening to rumors from left wing blogs.

You mean they're going to actually do something? This ought to be good. :)
Make up your mind. Was he a terrorist or a kid eating lunch with a known terrorist? Is that what it takes to give a U.S. Citizen a death sentence now? Lunch? Obama put the boy on his kill list because he ate lunch with a terrorist?

RKMBrown, do you seriously believe that no civilian casualties should be expected in the war on terror?
Is that what we call summary execution of a 16year old boy? A U.S. citizen who never did a thing wrong in his life?
Make up your mind. Was he a terrorist or a kid eating lunch with a known terrorist? Is that what it takes to give a U.S. Citizen a death sentence now? Lunch? Obama put the boy on his kill list because he ate lunch with a terrorist?

RKMBrown, do you seriously believe that no civilian casualties should be expected in the war on terror?
Is that what we call summary execution of a 16year old boy? A U.S. citizen who never did a thing wrong in his life?[/QUOT

Collateral damage. But then, you know that, don't you?

What happens in the US if you happen to be in the car with someone commiting a crime? Oh yeah. You go to prison. Guess what happens when you hang with a murdering scumbag terrorist?

You die.
Make up your mind. Was he a terrorist or a kid eating lunch with a known terrorist? Is that what it takes to give a U.S. Citizen a death sentence now? Lunch? Obama put the boy on his kill list because he ate lunch with a terrorist?

RKMBrown, do you seriously believe that no civilian casualties should be expected in the war on terror?
Is that what we call summary execution of a 16year old boy? A U.S. citizen who never did a thing wrong in his life?

Collateral damage. But then, you know that, don't you?

What happens in the US if you happen to be in the car with someone commiting a crime? Oh yeah. You go to prison. Guess what happens when you hang with a murdering scumbag terrorist?

You die.
I would doubt if the Republicans have the votes to bring up impeachment charges. No doubt, TeaTards would vote for impeachment but regular Republicans realize they can't take the political backlash
What about the political backlash of the democrats supporting the summary execution of U.S. Citizens?
You mean citizens that have taken up arms against our country?
Yeah cause a minor child who had never harmed a person in his life was guilty of taking up arms, this because Obama said so. That about sum up your excuse for murder?

Kamal Derwish (also Ahmed Hijazi) was an American citizen killed by the CIA as part of a covert targeted killing mission in Yemen on November 5, 2002. The CIA used an RQ-1 Predator drone to shoot a Hellfire missile, destroying the vehicle in which he was driving with five others.[1]

Kamal Derwish - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
dumb ass

Bush killed a US citizen with a drone. Why aren't you pissing yourself demanding that Bush be prosecuted?
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

Yes, of course... but the only way to do that well, would be to remove Boehner from the Speaker's seat, place Trey Gowdy as the Speaker and Impeach both The Peasantpimp and the Vice Peasantpimp simultaneously... placing Gowdy in the seat of the US Presidency.

At which time he can then appoint an Attorney General to set about the task of sending Holder, Lerner, Bubba's wife and the rest of the cult to either their executions or prison for the rest of their natural lives, for their crimes against the people of the United States, over these, the dark years of the socialist insurgency.
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You mean citizens that have taken up arms against our country?
Yeah cause a minor child who had never harmed a person in his life was guilty of taking up arms, this because Obama said so. That about sum up your excuse for murder?
The minor child was associating with terrorists, he was not the target but was in the company of targets
Not true, he was on Obama's list of approved kill targets. He was the target. Further, his only association was blood.

Repeating lies does not make them true

The kid was hanging out with a known terrorist when they missile hit. It is what happens when you use terrorists to babysit your kid
Make up your mind. Was he a terrorist or a kid eating lunch with a known terrorist? Is that what it takes to give a U.S. Citizen a death sentence now? Lunch? Obama put the boy on his kill list because he ate lunch with a terrorist?

We kill innocent people who are in the wrong place at the wrong time all the time. Just ask the innocent civilians of Hiroshima.
Make up your mind. Was he a terrorist or a kid eating lunch with a known terrorist? Is that what it takes to give a U.S. Citizen a death sentence now? Lunch? Obama put the boy on his kill list because he ate lunch with a terrorist?

RKMBrown, do you seriously believe that no civilian casualties should be expected in the war on terror?
Is that what we call summary execution of a 16year old boy? A U.S. citizen who never did a thing wrong in his life?

Collateral damage. But then, you know that, don't you?

What happens in the US if you happen to be in the car with someone commiting a crime? Oh yeah. You go to prison. Guess what happens when you hang with a murdering scumbag terrorist?

You die.
He was not on a kill list

You need to stay off the right wing hate blogs
When the number of executive orders that President Obama presents exceeds the number that President Bush presented, then maybe you will have a case. Until then, just sour grapes on your part. He is the President and has enumerated powers under our Constitution. In 2016, you will have the oppertunity to elect a President more to your liking. Play games, and you may throw away that oppertunity.

Even if they did, there's nothing unconstitutional about that any more than when Bush did it.

If they had grounds, it would be done.

Not liking him, not agreeing him, hating him cuz he's black - if those were reason for impeachment, they might get away with it. As it is, its all just big talk.

And that's all the Repubs do - talk, posture, pose for cameras and then they go back to obstructing and lying. And boozing and golfing.

Um.....Barry is NOT black. I am black. He, on the other hand, is a half breed.

Just to set the record straight... :)

I gotta disagree here. obama is more of a medium caramel.

But I will say that I, for one, feel SO BAD for you folks of the Black community. I grew up in the 60s watching as a very young child, all of the civil rights efforts... and I grew up in the deep south, knowing full well, instinctively that you guys were getting a raw deal.

And man, it is a CRIME that the first would-be black-guy that is elected to office, fits the worst of every racist stereo-type... shiftless, lazy, drug-addled spendthrift. I feel for you and all of the HONORABLE, HARD WORKING, SOBER and SERIOUS people of color whose best hopes and dreams of seeing a part of THEMSELVES in the Presidency... having been so MERCILESSLY DECEIVED and as such, so injured, as a result of that unmitigated jackass being elected as someone so directly representing YOU!

It isn't right and while I fought his election with every fiber of my being, I am sorry for you... that you've been so pathetically misrepresented.
No, it's arrogantly doing what HE wants, pissing into the face of Mainstream America, that will get him into such trouble.

"Grounds? We don't got to show you no stinking grounds."


Mere detail, to be hashed-out in the backrooms, once it becomes necessary.

Whatever kind of gooey shit that will stick to the walls, once thrown.

Whatever it takes to fire Obumble, quite probably.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama is filling the void

If Congress does not like it, they can pass their own immigration bill
When are you lefties going to realize that Obama can't make or pass laws on his own?
If he can then we'll insist the next Republican president enact a law to sterilize all leftwingers so they can't breed.
He isn't passing any laws.
Do you think Obama isn't verifying whether his EOs are within the scope of his presidential powers ?
The EO will be carefully crafted. Republicans will not like it, but there is not much they can do about it

Granting amnesty to 5 million here illegally would be changing our immigration laws, no president has that authority.
*cough *cough Reagan *cough *cough

I reiterate, there is NO FUCKING WAY you were an officer in the Navy, you are entirely too stupid.

Reagan signed a bill passed by Congress, he did NOT issue an EO concerning amnesty.
What about the political backlash of the democrats supporting the summary execution of U.S. Citizens?
You mean citizens that have taken up arms against our country?
Yeah cause a minor child who had never harmed a person in his life was guilty of taking up arms, this because Obama said so. That about sum up your excuse for murder?

Kamal Derwish (also Ahmed Hijazi) was an American citizen killed by the CIA as part of a covert targeted killing mission in Yemen on November 5, 2002. The CIA used an RQ-1 Predator drone to shoot a Hellfire missile, destroying the vehicle in which he was driving with five others.[1]

Kamal Derwish - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
dumb ass

Bush killed a US citizen with a drone. Why aren't you pissing yourself demanding that Bush be prosecuted?
Make up your mind. Was he a terrorist or a kid eating lunch with a known terrorist? Is that what it takes to give a U.S. Citizen a death sentence now? Lunch? Obama put the boy on his kill list because he ate lunch with a terrorist?

RKMBrown, do you seriously believe that no civilian casualties should be expected in the war on terror?
Is that what we call summary execution of a 16year old boy? A U.S. citizen who never did a thing wrong in his life?

Collateral damage. But then, you know that, don't you?

What happens in the US if you happen to be in the car with someone commiting a crime? Oh yeah. You go to prison. Guess what happens when you hang with a murdering scumbag terrorist?

You die.
He was not on a kill list

You need to stay off the right wing hate blogs
Yes, he was.
definition of a Retard ..

someone who will never accept something that will never happen.

take the impeachment retards for instance.
definition of a Retard ..

someone who will never accept something that will never happen.

take the impeachment retards for instance.
Don't need an impeachment. An embarrassing smackdown will do. But an impeachment would be nice.
All executive orders are not created equal. Unilateral amnesty is illegal and it is unconstitutional.

People keep saying this, and it really needs to end. Obama has never said or done anything to even remotely suggest he wants or plans to try to unilaterally grant legal status to illegal immigrants. Focus on the real issues. Border security, shutting down consumption of illegal labor and protecting American jobs for American workers, enforcing immigration laws, eliminating the anchor baby loophole, and punishing the criminals who invade us illegally.

Yes he has. He's been threatening to take unilateral action since the mid

He says he's going to act on his own, inasmuch as he has the capacity to do so via Executive Order, if Congress doesn't start producing immigration reform on their own. He has never said anything about amnesty. Making such accusations is a huge waste of time and is a major distraction. Instead of making false accusations, it is better for Republicans to focus on producing immigration reform legislation which will more effectively secure the borders and better pinpoint the enabling forces behind illegal immigration. Personally, I think the primary focus needs to be on targeting businesses and individuals who employ illegal labor, criminalizing illegal presence and entry, and eliminating the anchor baby loophole (though that part would require a constitutional amendment), etc.
...Of course the House may have enough radicals to bring up impeachment charges. But I doubt if they can convince the political moderates. It is DOA in the Senate
DOA in the Senate as presently constituted?Almost certainly.

DOA in the Senate once the new Congress is sworn-in, in January 2015? The odds are still in favor of No Conviction, but closer to the 2/3 needed, when you add-in the Senatorial gains, a few independents, a couple of Dem Senators looking to distance themselves from Obama, and a couple who can probably be bought, one way or another.

Bottom line - when a Legislature - or, certainly, when a People - want a leader gone (by legal means) badly enough, a way will be found.

That's the nature of politics.

The question is: Will Obama piss off enough people with his EO on Immigration, to set the stage for such an extraordinary effort?

My own personal answer? I really and truly do not know, but I sense that the possibility is closer to Reality than Obama's remaining defenders would like to contemplate, given the present sorry state of affairs.

You are completely delusional...
We can only hope you are right, for Obumble's sake.

...It will be Republicans who are going to vote for the other side because they understand the historical significance of what they are doing. Exactly what charges do you think all these politicians are going to hang their careers on?
Again, you can certainly hope that proves to be the case.

Me - I'm not so sure - not sufficiently delusional to believe in such as an absolute, but perceiving that there is a reasonable prospect that it will unfold that way.

I dunno - if the Failed Messiah screws the pooch and issues the appropriate EO - the Pubs are gonna try to crucify him - and I don't think that Obumble is bullet-proof (political metaphor pertaining to legal machinations, by the way) any longer.

We shall see.

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