I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

You are correct in that Republicans can impeach just because they fucking feel like it. They did it over a blowjob, they can do it over whatever trumped up gripe they have against Obama
This is why liberals cannot be debated. They purposely argue with lies, never with facts. It's pointless.
The best thing to do with ideologues is to sweep them aside, as often and as swiftly and unceremoniously as necessary.
In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

The republicans don't seem to recall this as we know from this one term president, Obama.

What, two terms? - so much for the bollocks printed in the right wing press.

Democracy is about the will of the people - not the will of the people unless the right wing don't like it.
Being an Indonesian, living in Indonesia, you probably lack the necessary insight into the meaning of the recent US mid-term elections, and what that tells a rational person, concerning course-corrections and 'tweaking' of the Will of the People, half-way through Obumble's second term.
The Founding Fathers are screaming from their graves. "This is what we warned you to avoid at all cost. You must impeach this dictator."

Well, then! You just killed it in this debate! What a masterful point you just made. Beautifully done.
The Founding Fathers are screaming from their graves. "This is what we warned you to avoid at all cost. You must impeach this dictator."

Well, then! You just killed it in this debate! What a masterful point you just made. Beautifully done.
Truth hurts doesn't it? Fact is we are being governed by unlawful fiat. A high crime because our government was not set up with a dictator leading it.
And, if that's not a 'High Crime', perhaps it can be spun that way, in a manner that will stick, given a little guts and imagination.
...Of course the House may have enough radicals to bring up impeachment charges. But I doubt if they can convince the political moderates. It is DOA in the Senate
DOA in the Senate as presently constituted?Almost certainly.

DOA in the Senate once the new Congress is sworn-in, in January 2015? The odds are still in favor of No Conviction, but closer to the 2/3 needed, when you add-in the Senatorial gains, a few independents, a couple of Dem Senators looking to distance themselves from Obama, and a couple who can probably be bought, one way or another.

Bottom line - when a Legislature - or, certainly, when a People - want a leader gone (by legal means) badly enough, a way will be found.

That's the nature of politics.

The question is: Will Obama piss off enough people with his EO on Immigration, to set the stage for such an extraordinary effort?

My own personal answer? I really and truly do not know, but I sense that the possibility is closer to Reality than Obama's remaining defenders would like to contemplate, given the present sorry state of affairs.

You are completely delusional...
We can only hope you are right, for Obumble's sake.

...It will be Republicans who are going to vote for the other side because they understand the historical significance of what they are doing. Exactly what charges do you think all these politicians are going to hang their careers on?
Again, you can certainly hope that proves to be the case.

Me - I'm not so sure - not sufficiently delusional to believe in such as an absolute, but perceiving that there is a reasonable prospect that it will unfold that way.

I dunno - if the Failed Messiah screws the pooch and issues the appropriate EO - the Pubs are gonna try to crucify him - and I don't think that Obumble is bullet-proof (political metaphor pertaining to legal machinations, by the way) any longer.

We shall see.
If Republicans are going to "crucify" Obama, the tools they will use are denying court and executive branch appointments, cutting funding, defaulting on debt and government shutdowns
Same shit they have been doing for six years
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

If you try and impeach him you are playing right into his hands. This is exactly what Obama wants and expects from Republicans. An impeachment process that would turn him into a martyr.

You're using emotion instead of your brain to play a political chess game. The threat of an immigration executive order is specifically designed to get Republicans into an hysterical tizzy fit. That is what Obama wants you to do.

Democrats running for reelection this year told Obama NOT to sign this executive order prior to the midterm election cycle for a reason. That reason is there are millions of Democrats in this country that are still looking for jobs, and many more than that whom are working part time jobs, that aren't going to be happy with this executive order.

Furthermore this executive order is nothing more than a temporary stay of deportation on 3 or 4 million aliens that have lived and worked in this country for a long time. It in no way makes them citizens or gives them voting rights.

It's Obama's Hail Mary pass, in a desperate attempt to get a boost in is personal approval ratings, while trying to make Republicans look mean and nasty, that could easily backfire into paving the way for Republicans victories in 2016, if they will ignore this, and get out of the way so Obama can commit political suicide.
Impeachment will reflect more poorly on Republicans than it will on Obama.
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

If you try and impeach him you are playing right into his hands. This is exactly what Obama wants and expects from Republicans. An impeachment process that would turn him into a martyr.

You're using emotion instead of your brain to play a political chess game. The threat of an immigration executive order is specifically designed to get Republicans into an hysterical tizzy fit. That is what Obama wants you to do.

Democrats running for reelection this year told Obama NOT to sign this executive order prior to the midterm election cycle for a reason. That reason is there are millions of Democrats in this country that are still looking for jobs, and many more than that whom are working part time jobs, that aren't going to be happy with this executive order.

Furthermore this executive order is nothing more than a temporary stay of deportation on 3 or 4 million aliens that have lived and worked in this country for a long time. It in no way makes them citizens or gives them voting rights.

It's Obama's Hail Mary pass, in a desperate attempt to get a boost in is personal approval ratings, while trying to make Republicans look mean and nasty, that could easily backfire into paving the way for Republicans victories in 2016, if they will ignore this, and get out of the way so Obama can commit political suicide.
Impeachment will reflect more poorly on Republicans than it will on Obama.

That's if you believe America does not think Obama has broken any laws that would warrant impeachment.

...Of course the House may have enough radicals to bring up impeachment charges. But I doubt if they can convince the political moderates. It is DOA in the Senate
DOA in the Senate as presently constituted?Almost certainly.

DOA in the Senate once the new Congress is sworn-in, in January 2015? The odds are still in favor of No Conviction, but closer to the 2/3 needed, when you add-in the Senatorial gains, a few independents, a couple of Dem Senators looking to distance themselves from Obama, and a couple who can probably be bought, one way or another.

Bottom line - when a Legislature - or, certainly, when a People - want a leader gone (by legal means) badly enough, a way will be found.

That's the nature of politics.

The question is: Will Obama piss off enough people with his EO on Immigration, to set the stage for such an extraordinary effort?

My own personal answer? I really and truly do not know, but I sense that the possibility is closer to Reality than Obama's remaining defenders would like to contemplate, given the present sorry state of affairs.

You are completely delusional...
We can only hope you are right, for Obumble's sake.

...It will be Republicans who are going to vote for the other side because they understand the historical significance of what they are doing. Exactly what charges do you think all these politicians are going to hang their careers on?
Again, you can certainly hope that proves to be the case.

Me - I'm not so sure - not sufficiently delusional to believe in such as an absolute, but perceiving that there is a reasonable prospect that it will unfold that way.

I dunno - if the Failed Messiah screws the pooch and issues the appropriate EO - the Pubs are gonna try to crucify him - and I don't think that Obumble is bullet-proof (political metaphor pertaining to legal machinations, by the way) any longer.

We shall see.
If Republicans are going to "crucify" Obama, the tools they will use are denying court and executive branch appointments, cutting funding, defaulting on debt and government shutdowns
Same shit they have been doing for six years

And the. very reason the US turned to a sea of Red.

That's what we expect Congress to do now

...If Republicans are going to "crucify" Obama, the tools they will use are denying court and executive branch appointments, cutting funding, defaulting on debt and government shutdowns Same shit they have been doing for six years
OK, RW, continue to believe that your boy cannot be un-seated, after pissing-off both the American People and the Congress, to the point of fury, by issuing that EO.

It will damage the Democratic Brand for years to come, it will poison the well for the Democrats for 2016, and it could very well get him fired; and, if not, the Congress may very well arrange for his last two years to be a Living Hell, so that future editions of dictionaries will read: "lame duck: see Obama" . Issuing that EO is both unnecessary and most unwise.
You are correct in that Republicans can impeach just because they fucking feel like it. They did it over a blowjob, they can do it over whatever trumped up gripe they have against Obama
This is why liberals cannot be debated. They purposely argue with lies, never with facts. It's pointless.
It is not a lie. There were four articles of impeachment in the Clinton impeachment. Articles 1, 2, and 3 were for perjury and responses in the Paula Jones law suite. Article 4 was about Clinton's response in regards to Monica and blowjobs. Even articles 1, 2 and 3 were based on Clinton's cover up of his attempt to get a blowjob from Paula Jones.
He was not impeached over a blowjob. There is no law against that. He was impeached for perjury. Lying under oath is impeachable.
...Impeachment will reflect more poorly on Republicans than it will on Obama.
Ordinarily, I might be inclined to agree with you.

But, in this matter, against the Will of the American People, and in an open Act of War against Congress, for no better reason than to advance his own agenda...

I'm not so sure that you would be correct in such an assessment, once the Failed Messiah compulsively shoots himself in the foot with that EO...

I could very well be wrong, of course, but, this time around, I have this odd sensation that I may be right.
...If Republicans are going to "crucify" Obama, the tools they will use are denying court and executive branch appointments, cutting funding, defaulting on debt and government shutdowns Same shit they have been doing for six years
OK, RW, continue to believe that your boy cannot be un-seated, after pissing-off both the American People and the Congress, to the point of fury, by issuing that EO.

It will damage the Democratic Brand for years to come, it will poison the well for the Democrats for 2016, and it could very well get him fired; and, if not, the Congress may very well arrange for his last two years to be a Living Hell, so that future editions of dictionaries will read: "lame duck: see Obama" . Issuing that EO is both unnecessary and most unwise.
There is no burning reason to give amnesty to illegals at this time. Our people are being beheadied in a desert while this POS in the White House plays golf. At least Nero entertained the Romans playing his fiddle.
The Founding Fathers are screaming from their graves. "This is what we warned you to avoid at all cost. You must impeach this dictator."
They said impeachment was appropriate when high crimes and misdemeanors were committed by a President. 64 pages in this thread and we still haven't heard about a specific high crime or misdemeanors. The founders are patting themselves on the back for being able to put up a firewall against nut jobs who hear voices in their heads or simply want to use impeachment as a tool for creating a coup
You are correct in that Republicans can impeach just because they fucking feel like it. They did it over a blowjob, they can do it over whatever trumped up gripe they have against Obama
This is why liberals cannot be debated. They purposely argue with lies, never with facts. It's pointless.
It is not a lie. There were four articles of impeachment in the Clinton impeachment. Articles 1, 2, and 3 were for perjury and responses in the Paula Jones law suite. Article 4 was about Clinton's response in regards to Monica and blowjobs. Even articles 1, 2 and 3 were based on Clinton's cover up of his attempt to get a blowjob from Paula Jones.
He was not impeached over a blowjob. There is no law against that. He was impeached for perjury. Lying under oath is impeachable.
Ya, he was impeached for lying to cover up trying to get a bj from Paula Jones and hiding about the bj's he got from Monica. That means his impeachment was all about getting bj's.
...64 pages in this thread and we still haven't heard about a specific high crime or misdemeanors...
What does it matter, what the charges are?

If the American People and the Congress want him out of there badly enough, they'll simply invent some kind of bullshit or another that can be made to stick, sufficient to convict in the Senate. Once convicted in the Senate, the Vice President gets sworn-in, to finish the term.

I'm sure that the bright boys and girls in Congress can conjure-up something that can be made to stick, if Obama declares war on Congress, as he is threatening.

The rest is mere detail.

Rather than focusing upon the petty details of the particular trumped-up charges by which they might bring about Fearless Leader's downfall...

Your time might be more profitably spent, focusing upon WHY the American People and the Congress are contemplating such a possibility...

And trying to convince your boy, not to give into OCD, and shoot himself in the foot like that..

But, mirroring the arrogance manifested by Obumble himself, his handful of remaining ObamaBots believe they're (metaphorically, politically) bullet-proof....

If Fearless Leader pisses on the Will of the American People and the Congress as he is threatening, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise, as the Unimaginable actually materializes. In any event, we're about to learn whether any of that will be necessary, or might actually unfold.
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The Founding Fathers are screaming from their graves. "This is what we warned you to avoid at all cost. You must impeach this dictator."
They said impeachment was appropriate when high crimes and misdemeanors were committed by a President. 64 pages in this thread and we still haven't heard about a specific high crime or misdemeanors. The founders are patting themselves on the back for being able to put up a firewall against nut jobs who hear voices in their heads or simply want to use impeachment as a tool for creating a coup
You are correct in that Republicans can impeach just because they fucking feel like it. They did it over a blowjob, they can do it over whatever trumped up gripe they have against Obama
This is why liberals cannot be debated. They purposely argue with lies, never with facts. It's pointless.
It is not a lie. There were four articles of impeachment in the Clinton impeachment. Articles 1, 2, and 3 were for perjury and responses in the Paula Jones law suite. Article 4 was about Clinton's response in regards to Monica and blowjobs. Even articles 1, 2 and 3 were based on Clinton's cover up of his attempt to get a blowjob from Paula Jones.
He was not impeached over a blowjob. There is no law against that. He was impeached for perjury. Lying under oath is impeachable.
Ya, he was impeached for lying to cover up trying to get a bj from Paula Jones and hiding about the bj's he got from Monica. That means his impeachment was all about getting bj's.

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath.

If Obama changes federal law by executive order, that is an impeachable offence. The POTUS does not have authority to change our immigration laws.

I don't think there will be an impeachment, but this is an interesting debate showing off liberal ignorance about the constitution and our laws.
...64 pages in this thread and we still haven't heard about a specific high crime or misdemeanors...
What does it matter, what the charges are?

If the American People and the Congress want him out of there badly enough, they'll simply invent some kind of bullshit or another that can be made to stick, sufficient to convict in the Senate. Once convicted in the Senate, the Vice President gets sworn-in, to finish the term.

I'm sure that the bright boys and girls in Congress can conjure-up something that can be made to stick, if Obama declares war on Congress, as he is threatening.

The rest is mere detail.

Rather than focusing upon the petty details of the particular trumped-up charges by which they might bring about Fearless Leader's downfall...

Your time might be more profitably spent, focusing upon WHY the American People and the Congress are contemplating such a possibility...

And trying to convince your boy, not to give into OCD, and shoot himself in the foot like that..

But, mirroring the arrogance manifested by Obumble himself, his handful of remaining ObamaBots believe they're (metaphorically, politically) bullet-proof....

If Fearless Leader pisses on the Will of the American People and the Congress as he is threatening, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise, as the Unimaginable actually materializes. In any event, we're about to learn whether any of that will be necessary, or might actually unfold.
If your scenario plays out the legitimacy of the impeachment powers used in such a way will go before the SCOTUS. It is doubtful that even the hard core conservatives will be willing to give up their authority to determine the constitutional authority to judge the constitutional legality of specific Executive Orders and hand them over to the House of Representative. At the present time the Congress can bring any EO the President attempts to implement in front of the Supreme Court. Why would the Supreme Court be willing to give up it's jurisdiction and assign it to the House?
Americans are sick of Obama.

Liberal scum here claiming impeachment would backfire are also the dumbfucks that believe Obama's lies and claim Democraps would keep the Senate.

Blacks hate Obama because he hasn't done shit for them and he has actually made their lives worse.

Whites are figuring out he is a race-pandering pile of shit that will cater to blacks and Hispanics at their expense.

Hispanics are mad because he hasn't given them amnesty yet.

If he grants amnesty, he will have more whites and blacks hating his ass compared to the few Hispanics he might win over for 1-2 months before the GOP shuts down the treasonous act via cutting off the funds.
...If your scenario plays out the legitimacy of the impeachment powers used in such a way will go before the SCOTUS...
No, mine good colleague, it will not.

It is given to the House to Impeach.

It is given to the Senate to try the Impeachment.

Upon conviction in the Senate, there is no appeal.


"...In Nixon v. United States (1993), the Supreme Court determined that the federal judiciary cannot review such proceedings..."

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


So, as you can see, once the Senate convicts, it's all over.

The President is no longer President, as of the split-second that Conviction is pronounced.

The Vice President is immediately sworn in by the Chief Justice (who is already on-hand), to finish the term.

SCOTUS has no right of review of a Conviction in the Senate.

Puts things in a slightly different light all of a sudden, doesn't it?

...It is doubtful that even the hard core conservatives will be willing to give up their authority to determine the constitutional authority to judge the constitutional legality of specific Executive Orders and hand them over to the House of Representative. At the present time the Congress can bring any EO the President attempts to implement in front of the Supreme Court. Why would the Supreme Court be willing to give up it's jurisdiction and assign it to the House?
This isn't about trying the validity of the EO in front of the Supreme Court.

This is about firing the POTUS, to install another POTUS, who will rescind the earlier EO, and thereby moot SCOTUS review in this context.

There are several ways to legally and metaphorically skin an arrogant President who will not bow to the Will of his own People.

Politicians phukk with the People of the United States at their own very great political peril.

Interesting times.
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