I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!


^ Obama's Impeachment Insurance
my wife says there are two kinds of vets. those that served their country, and your kind.

"your wife says"? Maybe the most gutless reply I've ever seen on a political board. If I reply I'm insulting a "family member" and get suspended when this carp reports me. Notice he doesn't mention if his wife is male or female and what his/her background is to know "what kind" of Vet I am. Typical hatred of the Military is in evidence here...along with the bravery to insult us these carp can only show behind a keyboard.
i told you what my wife believes because she's the person whose opinion on the matter i most respect.
and you just keep proving her axiom true.
my wife says there are two kinds of vets. those that served their country, and your kind.

"your wife says"? Maybe the most gutless reply I've ever seen on a political board. If I reply I'm insulting a "family member" and get suspended when this carp reports me. Notice he doesn't mention if his wife is male or female and what his/her background is to know "what kind" of Vet I am. Typical hatred of the Military is in evidence here...along with the bravery to insult us these carp can only show behind a keyboard.
i told you what my wife believes because she's the person whose opinion on the matter i most respect.
and you just keep proving her axiom true.
What is your opinion? Or do you have a voice?
republicans are welcome to come up with an immigration reform program of their own and pass it through congress
We don't need immigration reform.

We need for Illegal Aliens to leave United States soil.

We need for our existing laws to be enforced, and we need our government to be willing to do that, before we even BEGIN to contemplate other measures.

In Liberal terms, 'Immigration Reform' = codespeak for Shamnesty.

No thank you.
my wife says there are two kinds of vets. those that served their country, and your kind.

"your wife says"? Maybe the most gutless reply I've ever seen on a political board. If I reply I'm insulting a "family member" and get suspended when this carp reports me. Notice he doesn't mention if his wife is male or female and what his/her background is to know "what kind" of Vet I am. Typical hatred of the Military is in evidence here...along with the bravery to insult us these carp can only show behind a keyboard.
i told you what my wife believes because she's the person whose opinion on the matter i most respect.
and you just keep proving her axiom true.
What is your opinion? Or do you have a voice?
my opinion? bullkurtz is an asshole. if he was ever in the military, he never served. it was a job, one he likely wasn't very good at, and now it's a means of inflating his own self importance. when he's not using his former job as a club to beat his poorly formed opinions into the heads of others he'll use it as a shield against those that point out his many failings and ineptitude, all the while bemoaning the 'military hatred' and the 'poor treatment of vets by the limp-wristed.' he'll never understand that choosing a vocation in the military does not make someone smarter, a better person, or even well informed than anyone else. he'll continue to believe that his opinion on all matters carries more weight because he used to cash a paycheck from the DoD.

but then i thought that my wife's saying made that point much more succinctly and frankly kinder than i did.
republicans are welcome to come up with an immigration reform program of their own and pass it through congress
We don't need immigration reform.

We need for Illegal Aliens to leave United States soil.

We need for our existing laws to be enforced, and we need our government to be willing to do that, before we even BEGIN to contemplate other measures.

In Liberal terms, 'Immigration Reform' = codespeak for Shamnesty.

No thank you.
so right now you think the government is unwilling to enforce immigration laws?
unwilling to commit the resources is more accurate. but then if you want better enforcement, you should support the president. after all, why should ice treat a person with no criminal record and a history of living here peacefully and productively the same as a drug smuggler?
republicans are welcome to come up with an immigration reform program of their own and pass it through congress
We don't need immigration reform.

We need for Illegal Aliens to leave United States soil.

We need for our existing laws to be enforced, and we need our government to be willing to do that, before we even BEGIN to contemplate other measures.

In Liberal terms, 'Immigration Reform' = codespeak for Shamnesty.

No thank you.
so right now you think the government is unwilling to enforce immigration laws?
unwilling to commit the resources is more accurate. but then if you want better enforcement, you should support the president. after all, why should ice treat a person with no criminal record and a history of living here peacefully and productively the same as a drug smuggler?
For your satisfaction, maybe the People and the Congress will come to their senses and strike down all immigration laws. Would that make you happy?
republicans are welcome to come up with an immigration reform program of their own and pass it through congress
We don't need immigration reform.

We need for Illegal Aliens to leave United States soil.

We need for our existing laws to be enforced, and we need our government to be willing to do that, before we even BEGIN to contemplate other measures.

In Liberal terms, 'Immigration Reform' = codespeak for Shamnesty.

No thank you.
so right now you think the government is unwilling to enforce immigration laws?
unwilling to commit the resources is more accurate. but then if you want better enforcement, you should support the president. after all, why should ice treat a person with no criminal record and a history of living here peacefully and productively the same as a drug smuggler?
For your satisfaction, maybe the People and the Congress will come to their senses and strike down all immigration laws. Would that make you happy?
it would make kondor happy. then the laws would be enforced.

clearly the way things are being run now isn't working. we have not put the necessary resources into enforcement of the laws we have now. that means we can either greatly increase the committed resources, or we can adjust our expectations. i would think that a compromise between the two ends of the spectrum would be the best option, but that's one that only congress can really make.
the president can just allocate the resources he already has in a different manner to produce better results.
republicans are welcome to come up with an immigration reform program of their own and pass it through congress
We don't need immigration reform.

We need for Illegal Aliens to leave United States soil.

We need for our existing laws to be enforced, and we need our government to be willing to do that, before we even BEGIN to contemplate other measures.

In Liberal terms, 'Immigration Reform' = codespeak for Shamnesty.

No thank you.

When the Nazi Left is screaming for "immigration reform" - it is nothing more than code for "Amnesty". There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with our immigration laws. ENFORCE THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS.

It really is - just that simple.
republicans are welcome to come up with an immigration reform program of their own and pass it through congress
We don't need immigration reform.

We need for Illegal Aliens to leave United States soil.

We need for our existing laws to be enforced, and we need our government to be willing to do that, before we even BEGIN to contemplate other measures.

In Liberal terms, 'Immigration Reform' = codespeak for Shamnesty.

No thank you.

When the Nazi Left is screaming for "immigration reform" - it is nothing more than code for "Amnesty". There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with our immigration laws. ENFORCE THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS.

It really is - just that simple.
are you willing to pay for it?
When the number of executive orders that President Obama presents exceeds the number that President Bush presented, then maybe you will have a case. Until then, just sour grapes on your part. He is the President and has enumerated powers under our Constitution. In 2016, you will have the oppertunity to elect a President more to your liking. Play games, and you may throw away that oppertunity.

Even if they did, there's nothing unconstitutional about that any more than when Bush did it.

If they had grounds, it would be done.

Not liking him, not agreeing him, hating him cuz he's black - if those were reason for impeachment, they might get away with it. As it is, its all just big talk.

And that's all the Repubs do - talk, posture, pose for cameras and then they go back to obstructing and lying. And boozing and golfing.

Um.....Barry is NOT black. I am black. He, on the other hand, is a half breed.

Just to set the record straight... :)

Just to set the record straight, you are either the stupidest pretend Black Man in America or a White Guy stupid enough not to know that the majority of Black people in America are mixed with another race.

Go on with the "Barry" stuff, it's a cute way to ingratiate yourself with the "right" folk.

I'll say it one more time for you, sonny. I am Black - Black Father and Black Mother. Barry is a half-breed. Black Father - White Mother.

What part of that are you incapable of understanding?

Let me make it clear to you, you stupid old coot.

You have absolutely no idea who your parents, grand parents, great great grand parents, etc intermingled with and statistics supports my assertion that the overwhelming majority of Black people in this country have more than one race of blood running through their veins.

You are as stupid as the white racists who claim to have "100%" aryan blood and they can't even tell you who their great grand parents were.

So once again, you are either the stupidest Black man in America or a white guy trying to troll...
republicans are welcome to come up with an immigration reform program of their own and pass it through congress
We don't need immigration reform.

We need for Illegal Aliens to leave United States soil.

We need for our existing laws to be enforced, and we need our government to be willing to do that, before we even BEGIN to contemplate other measures.

In Liberal terms, 'Immigration Reform' = codespeak for Shamnesty.

No thank you.
so right now you think the government is unwilling to enforce immigration laws?
unwilling to commit the resources is more accurate. but then if you want better enforcement, you should support the president. after all, why should ice treat a person with no criminal record and a history of living here peacefully and productively the same as a drug smuggler?
For every drug-smuggler, there are 100 or 500 or 1000 who are not.

Much of America wants the drug-smuggler gone, and ALSO the 100 or 500 or 1000.

Obumble will get rid of the drug-smuggler and then set the stage to make it impossible to eject the 100 or 500 or 1000.

They are like a plague of locusts, sucking-up resources and jobs meant for American citizens.

America wants the plague of locusts gone, and America wants the stage set so that future waves of locusts are discouraged from even trying to come here.

The Failed Messiah is putting the welfare of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens ahead of the best interests of the United States and its People.

So-called Immigration Reform that lets the plague of locusts stay here is unacceptable.
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“You have a Conviction on High Crimes and Misdemeanors... “


Issuing an executive order is neither a 'high crime' nor a 'misdemeanor,' even if the Supreme Court eventually rules that the order is un-Constitutional. Indeed, there would be nothing for the Senate to 'try.'
* sigh *

OK - for, like, the 10th time today - in this thread...

Of COURSE the issuing of an EO is not a 'high crime and misdemeanor'.

You know that... I know that... damned near anybody over the age of 10 knows that.

But that EO could very well prove to be the flashpoint or trigger that causes Congress to conjure-up some kind of 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors' that CAN be made to stick.

Doesn't matter whether it's true or not - merely that it can be made to stick - and that, by sticking, it is sufficient to result in a Conviction in the Senate.

Impeachment in the House will prove fairly easy, now, and especially after the new Congress is sworn-in, in January 2015.

The Pubs can't convict in the Senate - now - but after January 2015 - such an outcome seems more likely.

If you piss off the American People badly enough and you piss off the Congress badly enough they are going to find a legal way to fire you.

Such an EO just might do the trick.

And, given the godawful arrogance of the Failed Messiah, we just might get the chance to find out.
You think there are going to be Senate Democrats who will vote to convict based on the GOP "conjuring up" charges over an executive order even you acknowledge is not a crime??? Talk about wishful thinking.
Republican false outrage society logic goes like this: "It was not impeachable when President Reagan protected millions of illegals from deportation but it's a gross violation of the constitution and certainly impeachable when Obama does the same".

At the same point in his presidency, the bottom began to fall out of George W. Bush's approval ratings. He ended up in the high 20's/low 30's.

Obama's at about 40ish right now. After the public figures out that Republicans don't actually have a governing plan even though they control BOTH chambers of the legislative branch, Obama's approval will begin to rise just as Clinton's did when we all could no longer take the false outrage society seriously anymore.
You are correct in that Republicans can impeach just because they fucking feel like it. They did it over a blowjob, they can do it over whatever trumped up gripe they have against Obama
This is why liberals cannot be debated. They purposely argue with lies, never with facts. It's pointless.
It is not a lie. There were four articles of impeachment in the Clinton impeachment. Articles 1, 2, and 3 were for perjury and responses in the Paula Jones law suite. Article 4 was about Clinton's response in regards to Monica and blowjobs. Even articles 1, 2 and 3 were based on Clinton's cover up of his attempt to get a blowjob from Paula Jones.
He was not impeached over a blowjob. There is no law against that. He was impeached for perjury. Lying under oath is impeachable.
That's odd ... since when do righties think perjury is a crime?
...You think there are going to be Senate Democrats who will vote to convict based on the GOP "conjuring up" charges over an executive order even you acknowledge is not a crime??? Talk about wishful thinking.
The President is about to piss into the face of the American People and to declare war on Congress.

The Senate, as presently constituted, will not convict.

The Senate, as constituted after January, 2015, when the new Congress is sworn-in, may prove to be another matter.

If you think that Democrats have been running away from Obama during the run-up to the 2014 mid-terms, you ain't seen nuthin' yet...

An EO on so-called immigration reform at this time in history may prove infuriating to both the American People and large numbers of Elected Folk in the House and Senate...

I served-up an example of how the math could work out, in the Senate, in order to convict, in an earlier post...

Given the fair number of Democrats who will want to distance themselves from Obama on this one, coupled with an Independent or two, and, perhaps, buying-off one or two of the more corruptible ones, and consoling them with the idea that at least there would still be a Democrat in the White House to finish out the term...

I'm not convinced that it IS merely wishful thinking...

I think that the odds are against it...

I also think that the odds against it are diminishing as we watch...

If the President wants a (metaphorical) war with the American People and with the Congress, then he can certainly have one...

When a national leader no longer has the support of his people nor his legislators, that nation usually finds the means to 'fire' him, and remove him from office...

The particulars of the charge don't really matter all that much...

Only that the boys and girls in Congress conjure-up something that can be made to stick in the Senate during a trial...

But, of course, that's all crystal-ball -type stuff at this point...

Still, I think we're in for a rough and highly interesting ride, in the coming months...

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