I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Republican false outrage society logic goes like this: "It was not impeachable when President Reagan protected millions of illegals from deportation but it's a gross violation of the constitution and certainly impeachable when Obama does the same".

At the same point in his presidency, the bottom began to fall out of George W. Bush's approval ratings. He ended up in the high 20's/low 30's.

Obama's at about 40ish right now. After the public figures out that Republicans don't actually have a governing plan even though they control BOTH chambers of the legislative branch, Obama's approval will begin to rise just as Clinton's did when we all could no longer take the false outrage society seriously anymore.
Obama's numbers are going to tank, 5 minutes after he issues the Immigration EO...
republicans are welcome to come up with an immigration reform program of their own and pass it through congress
We don't need immigration reform.

We need for Illegal Aliens to leave United States soil.

We need for our existing laws to be enforced, and we need our government to be willing to do that, before we even BEGIN to contemplate other measures.

In Liberal terms, 'Immigration Reform' = codespeak for Shamnesty.

No thank you.
so right now you think the government is unwilling to enforce immigration laws?
unwilling to commit the resources is more accurate. but then if you want better enforcement, you should support the president. after all, why should ice treat a person with no criminal record and a history of living here peacefully and productively the same as a drug smuggler?
For your satisfaction, maybe the People and the Congress will come to their senses and strike down all immigration laws. Would that make you happy?
it would make kondor happy. then the laws would be enforced.

clearly the way things are being run now isn't working. we have not put the necessary resources into enforcement of the laws we have now. that means we can either greatly increase the committed resources, or we can adjust our expectations. i would think that a compromise between the two ends of the spectrum would be the best option, but that's one that only congress can really make.
the president can just allocate the resources he already has in a different manner to produce better results.
If Shit-For-Brains Holder would have allowed the Border Patrol and DHS do their jobs the past 6 years we wouldn't have an illegal trespasser problem. Now the BP are having their rifles taken away.
...If Republicans are going to "crucify" Obama, the tools they will use are denying court and executive branch appointments, cutting funding, defaulting on debt and government shutdowns Same shit they have been doing for six years
OK, RW, continue to believe that your boy cannot be un-seated, after pissing-off both the American People and the Congress, to the point of fury, by issuing that EO.

It will damage the Democratic Brand for years to come, it will poison the well for the Democrats for 2016, and it could very well get him fired; and, if not, the Congress may very well arrange for his last two years to be a Living Hell, so that future editions of dictionaries will read: "lame duck: see Obama" . Issuing that EO is both unnecessary and most unwise.
There is no burning reason to give amnesty to illegals at this time. Our people are being beheadied in a desert while this POS in the White House plays golf. At least Nero entertained the Romans playing his fiddle.
Huh? Who's proposing to give illegal aliens amnesty?? From my recollection, Raygun was the only president to ever grant amnesty to illegal aliens.
republicans are welcome to come up with an immigration reform program of their own and pass it through congress
We don't need immigration reform.

We need for Illegal Aliens to leave United States soil.

We need for our existing laws to be enforced, and we need our government to be willing to do that, before we even BEGIN to contemplate other measures.

In Liberal terms, 'Immigration Reform' = codespeak for Shamnesty.

No thank you.
so right now you think the government is unwilling to enforce immigration laws?
unwilling to commit the resources is more accurate. but then if you want better enforcement, you should support the president. after all, why should ice treat a person with no criminal record and a history of living here peacefully and productively the same as a drug smuggler?
For your satisfaction, maybe the People and the Congress will come to their senses and strike down all immigration laws. Would that make you happy?
it would make kondor happy. then the laws would be enforced.

clearly the way things are being run now isn't working. we have not put the necessary resources into enforcement of the laws we have now. that means we can either greatly increase the committed resources, or we can adjust our expectations. i would think that a compromise between the two ends of the spectrum would be the best option, but that's one that only congress can really make.
the president can just allocate the resources he already has in a different manner to produce better results.
If Shit-For-Brains Holder would have allowed the Border Patrol and DHS do their jobs the past 6 years we wouldn't have an illegal trespasser problem. Now the BP are having their rifles taken away.
Right. Im sure you can source that.
Republican false outrage society logic goes like this: "It was not impeachable when President Reagan protected millions of illegals from deportation but it's a gross violation of the constitution and certainly impeachable when Obama does the same".

At the same point in his presidency, the bottom began to fall out of George W. Bush's approval ratings. He ended up in the high 20's/low 30's.

Obama's at about 40ish right now. After the public figures out that Republicans don't actually have a governing plan even though they control BOTH chambers of the legislative branch, Obama's approval will begin to rise just as Clinton's did when we all could no longer take the false outrage society seriously anymore.
Reagan and Bush are not the subject of the OP. Neither are Herbert Hoover, Abe Lincoln or Davy Crockett. And of what practical value is the approval rating of a scumbag? Or of Blowjob Bubba?
...If Republicans are going to "crucify" Obama, the tools they will use are denying court and executive branch appointments, cutting funding, defaulting on debt and government shutdowns Same shit they have been doing for six years
OK, RW, continue to believe that your boy cannot be un-seated, after pissing-off both the American People and the Congress, to the point of fury, by issuing that EO.

It will damage the Democratic Brand for years to come, it will poison the well for the Democrats for 2016, and it could very well get him fired; and, if not, the Congress may very well arrange for his last two years to be a Living Hell, so that future editions of dictionaries will read: "lame duck: see Obama" . Issuing that EO is both unnecessary and most unwise.
There is no burning reason to give amnesty to illegals at this time. Our people are being beheadied in a desert while this POS in the White House plays golf. At least Nero entertained the Romans playing his fiddle.
Huh? Who's proposing to give illegal aliens amnesty?? From my recollection, Raygun was the only president to ever grant amnesty to illegal aliens.

Ronnie Raygun gave Shamnesty to 3,000,000 Illegal Aliens in 1986.

The Federal government promised that this was a one-time shot, and that we would never issue such an en masse amnesty again.

Here it is... 28 years later... and we're preparing to grant another Shamnesty to four times that many... 12,000,000 (3,000,000 X 4)...

Give it another 28 years... the year 2042... and at this rate we'll be granting Shamnesty No. 3 to four times THAT number... 48,000,000 (12,000,000 X 4)...

Enough already...

No more...

One need look no further than Obumble's pandering to the 2006 first annual March of the Illegals in Chicago, before he was artificially elevated to rock-star status and POTUS, to understand where he intends for this to go...

Nobody's talking about Amnesty?

Pull the other one.

Obama is not fooling anybody.

Enough, already.

Last edited:
We don't need immigration reform.

We need for Illegal Aliens to leave United States soil.

We need for our existing laws to be enforced, and we need our government to be willing to do that, before we even BEGIN to contemplate other measures.

In Liberal terms, 'Immigration Reform' = codespeak for Shamnesty.

No thank you.
so right now you think the government is unwilling to enforce immigration laws?
unwilling to commit the resources is more accurate. but then if you want better enforcement, you should support the president. after all, why should ice treat a person with no criminal record and a history of living here peacefully and productively the same as a drug smuggler?
For your satisfaction, maybe the People and the Congress will come to their senses and strike down all immigration laws. Would that make you happy?
it would make kondor happy. then the laws would be enforced.

clearly the way things are being run now isn't working. we have not put the necessary resources into enforcement of the laws we have now. that means we can either greatly increase the committed resources, or we can adjust our expectations. i would think that a compromise between the two ends of the spectrum would be the best option, but that's one that only congress can really make.
the president can just allocate the resources he already has in a different manner to produce better results.
If Shit-For-Brains Holder would have allowed the Border Patrol and DHS do their jobs the past 6 years we wouldn't have an illegal trespasser problem. Now the BP are having their rifles taken away.
Right. Im sure you can source that.
Saw it on the news and read it in the newspapers. Not some shit on Huffington Post.
republicans are welcome to come up with an immigration reform program of their own and pass it through congress
We don't need immigration reform.

We need for Illegal Aliens to leave United States soil.

We need for our existing laws to be enforced, and we need our government to be willing to do that, before we even BEGIN to contemplate other measures.

In Liberal terms, 'Immigration Reform' = codespeak for Shamnesty.

No thank you.
so right now you think the government is unwilling to enforce immigration laws?
unwilling to commit the resources is more accurate. but then if you want better enforcement, you should support the president. after all, why should ice treat a person with no criminal record and a history of living here peacefully and productively the same as a drug smuggler?
For every drug-smuggler, there are 100 or 500 or 1000 who are not.

Much of America wants the drug-smuggler gone, and ALSO the 100 or 500 or 1000.

Obumble will get rid of the drug-smuggler and then set the stage to make it impossible to eject the 100 or 500 or 1000.

They are like a plague of locusts, sucking-up resources and jobs meant for American citizens.

America wants the plague of locusts gone, and America wants the stage set so that future waves of locusts are discouraged from even trying to come here.

The Failed Messiah is putting the welfare of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens ahead of the best interests of the United States and its People.

So-called Immigration Reform that lets the plague of locusts stay here is unacceptable.
Looks to me like you don't know what you're talking about. More wishful thinking, I suppose?

Which comes closer to your view about how to handle undocumented immigrants who are now living in the U.S.? They should not be allowed to stay in this country legally. OR, There should be a way for them to stay in the country legally, if certain requirements are met.

  • NOT stay: 25%
  • Stay: 71%

Pew Research Center. Oct. 15-20, 2014. N=2,003 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 2.5.

Apparently, some 7 out of 10 adults agree with what Obama's proposing in terms of immigration reform. Good luck with your impeachment! :lol:
...Apparently, some 7 out of 10 adults agree with what Obama's proposing in terms of immigration reform. Good luck with your impeachment! :lol:
We are about to learn whether America wants Obama to act upon immigration on his own. I think you're in for a nasty surprise, but... let's wait and see. The more smug and convinced that you (r side) are that America is going to have his back on this one, the easier the take-down, if-and-when it comes. I'm looking forward to learning that answer.
Republican false outrage society logic goes like this: "It was not impeachable when President Reagan protected millions of illegals from deportation but it's a gross violation of the constitution and certainly impeachable when Obama does the same".

At the same point in his presidency, the bottom began to fall out of George W. Bush's approval ratings. He ended up in the high 20's/low 30's.

Obama's at about 40ish right now. After the public figures out that Republicans don't actually have a governing plan even though they control BOTH chambers of the legislative branch, Obama's approval will begin to rise just as Clinton's did when we all could no longer take the false outrage society seriously anymore.
Obama's numbers are going to tank, 5 minutes after he issues the Immigration EO...
How do you figure that given 7 out of 10 people agree with what Obama is proposing??
so right now you think the government is unwilling to enforce immigration laws?
unwilling to commit the resources is more accurate. but then if you want better enforcement, you should support the president. after all, why should ice treat a person with no criminal record and a history of living here peacefully and productively the same as a drug smuggler?
For your satisfaction, maybe the People and the Congress will come to their senses and strike down all immigration laws. Would that make you happy?
it would make kondor happy. then the laws would be enforced.

clearly the way things are being run now isn't working. we have not put the necessary resources into enforcement of the laws we have now. that means we can either greatly increase the committed resources, or we can adjust our expectations. i would think that a compromise between the two ends of the spectrum would be the best option, but that's one that only congress can really make.
the president can just allocate the resources he already has in a different manner to produce better results.
If Shit-For-Brains Holder would have allowed the Border Patrol and DHS do their jobs the past 6 years we wouldn't have an illegal trespasser problem. Now the BP are having their rifles taken away.
Right. Im sure you can source that.
Saw it on the news and read it in the newspapers. Not some shit on Huffington Post.
Rifles are being recalled to be repaired. I was more concerned with the claim that somehow eric holder was preventing the border patrol from performing its job.
...You think there are going to be Senate Democrats who will vote to convict based on the GOP "conjuring up" charges over an executive order even you acknowledge is not a crime??? Talk about wishful thinking.
The President is about to piss into the face of the American People and to declare war on Congress.

The Senate, as presently constituted, will not convict.

The Senate, as constituted after January, 2015, when the new Congress is sworn-in, may prove to be another matter.

If you think that Democrats have been running away from Obama during the run-up to the 2014 mid-terms, you ain't seen nuthin' yet...

An EO on so-called immigration reform at this time in history may prove infuriating to both the American People and large numbers of Elected Folk in the House and Senate...

I served-up an example of how the math could work out, in the Senate, in order to convict, in an earlier post...

Given the fair number of Democrats who will want to distance themselves from Obama on this one, coupled with an Independent or two, and, perhaps, buying-off one or two of the more corruptible ones, and consoling them with the idea that at least there would still be a Democrat in the White House to finish out the term...

I'm not convinced that it IS merely wishful thinking...

I think that the odds are against it...

I also think that the odds against it are diminishing as we watch...

If the President wants a (metaphorical) war with the American People and with the Congress, then he can certainly have one...

When a national leader no longer has the support of his people nor his legislators, that nation usually finds the means to 'fire' him, and remove him from office...

The particulars of the charge don't really matter all that much...

Only that the boys and girls in Congress conjure-up something that can be made to stick in the Senate during a trial...

But, of course, that's all crystal-ball -type stuff at this point...

Still, I think we're in for a rough and highly interesting ride, in the coming months...
All you'e served up was wishful thinking that the GOP could somehow "conjure up" a charge over Obama signing an executive order which you acknowledge is not a crime. Is that what you would like to see happen?
Republican false outrage society logic goes like this: "It was not impeachable when President Reagan protected millions of illegals from deportation but it's a gross violation of the constitution and certainly impeachable when Obama does the same".

At the same point in his presidency, the bottom began to fall out of George W. Bush's approval ratings. He ended up in the high 20's/low 30's.

Obama's at about 40ish right now. After the public figures out that Republicans don't actually have a governing plan even though they control BOTH chambers of the legislative branch, Obama's approval will begin to rise just as Clinton's did when we all could no longer take the false outrage society seriously anymore.
Obama's numbers are going to tank, 5 minutes after he issues the Immigration EO...
How do you figure that given 7 out of 10 people agree with what Obama is proposing??
I don't believe your numbers.

I don't believe the poll results.

But we will see who is closer to being right, once the Failed Messiah issues his ill-advised EO on Immgration-Shamnesty.

Until then, it's all speculation.
...You think there are going to be Senate Democrats who will vote to convict based on the GOP "conjuring up" charges over an executive order even you acknowledge is not a crime??? Talk about wishful thinking.
The President is about to piss into the face of the American People and to declare war on Congress.

The Senate, as presently constituted, will not convict.

The Senate, as constituted after January, 2015, when the new Congress is sworn-in, may prove to be another matter.

If you think that Democrats have been running away from Obama during the run-up to the 2014 mid-terms, you ain't seen nuthin' yet...

An EO on so-called immigration reform at this time in history may prove infuriating to both the American People and large numbers of Elected Folk in the House and Senate...

I served-up an example of how the math could work out, in the Senate, in order to convict, in an earlier post...

Given the fair number of Democrats who will want to distance themselves from Obama on this one, coupled with an Independent or two, and, perhaps, buying-off one or two of the more corruptible ones, and consoling them with the idea that at least there would still be a Democrat in the White House to finish out the term...

I'm not convinced that it IS merely wishful thinking...

I think that the odds are against it...

I also think that the odds against it are diminishing as we watch...

If the President wants a (metaphorical) war with the American People and with the Congress, then he can certainly have one...

When a national leader no longer has the support of his people nor his legislators, that nation usually finds the means to 'fire' him, and remove him from office...

The particulars of the charge don't really matter all that much...

Only that the boys and girls in Congress conjure-up something that can be made to stick in the Senate during a trial...

But, of course, that's all crystal-ball -type stuff at this point...

Still, I think we're in for a rough and highly interesting ride, in the coming months...
All you'e served up was wishful thinking that the GOP could somehow "conjure up" a charge over Obama signing an executive order which you acknowledge is not a crime. Is that what you would like to see happen?
If Obama acts upon Immigration-Shamnesty on his own, then, yes, I hope that the Pubs DO manage to remove him from office, after the new Congress is sworn-in, in January. I don't even care if they cheat and make-up shit in order to do it.

I see that removal as unlikely, but getting more likely by the minute, and certainly likely to be a more realistic prospect, after the new Congress is sworn-in.

In any event, this ought to prove interesting.
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...If Republicans are going to "crucify" Obama, the tools they will use are denying court and executive branch appointments, cutting funding, defaulting on debt and government shutdowns Same shit they have been doing for six years
OK, RW, continue to believe that your boy cannot be un-seated, after pissing-off both the American People and the Congress, to the point of fury, by issuing that EO.

It will damage the Democratic Brand for years to come, it will poison the well for the Democrats for 2016, and it could very well get him fired; and, if not, the Congress may very well arrange for his last two years to be a Living Hell, so that future editions of dictionaries will read: "lame duck: see Obama" . Issuing that EO is both unnecessary and most unwise.
There is no burning reason to give amnesty to illegals at this time. Our people are being beheadied in a desert while this POS in the White House plays golf. At least Nero entertained the Romans playing his fiddle.
Huh? Who's proposing to give illegal aliens amnesty?? From my recollection, Raygun was the only president to ever grant amnesty to illegal aliens.

Ronnie Raygun gave Shamnesty to 3,000,000 Illegal Aliens in 1986.

The Federal government promised that this was a one-time shot, and that we would never issue such an en masse amnesty again.

Here it is... 28 years later... and we're preparing to grant another Shamnesty to four times that many... 12,000,000 (3,000,000 X 4)...

Give it another 28 years... the year 2042... and at this rate we'll be granting Shamnesty No. 3 to four times THAT number... 48,000,000 (12,000,000 X 4)...

Enough already...

No more...

One need look no further than Obumble's pandering to the 2006 first annual March of the Illegals in Chicago, before he was artificially elevated to rock-star status and POTUS, to understand where he intends for this to go...

Nobody's talking about Amnesty?

Pull the other one.

Obama is not fooling anybody.

Enough, already.


Wrong. What Reagan did actually was amnesty. What Obama is proposing is not. Words have meaning.
...Apparently, some 7 out of 10 adults agree with what Obama's proposing in terms of immigration reform. Good luck with your impeachment! :lol:
We are about to learn whether America wants Obama to act upon immigration on his own. I think you're in for a nasty surprise, but... let's wait and see. The more smug and convinced that you (r side) are that America is going to have his back on this one, the easier the take-down, if-and-when it comes. I'm looking forward to learning that answer.
If Congress does not act to address the immigration issue, do you think Barack Obama should or should not take action using executive orders
  • Should: 51%
  • Should not: 43%
CBS News/New York Times Poll. Sept. 12-15, 2014. N=1,009 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
For your satisfaction, maybe the People and the Congress will come to their senses and strike down all immigration laws. Would that make you happy?
it would make kondor happy. then the laws would be enforced.

clearly the way things are being run now isn't working. we have not put the necessary resources into enforcement of the laws we have now. that means we can either greatly increase the committed resources, or we can adjust our expectations. i would think that a compromise between the two ends of the spectrum would be the best option, but that's one that only congress can really make.
the president can just allocate the resources he already has in a different manner to produce better results.
If Shit-For-Brains Holder would have allowed the Border Patrol and DHS do their jobs the past 6 years we wouldn't have an illegal trespasser problem. Now the BP are having their rifles taken away.
Right. Im sure you can source that.
Saw it on the news and read it in the newspapers. Not some shit on Huffington Post.
Rifles are being recalled to be repaired. I was more concerned with the claim that somehow eric holder was preventing the border patrol from performing its job.
Riiiiiiight! 60,000 rifles broke down at the same time and all need repair. What were they doing with them. Cracking coconuts or using them for oars?
Wrong. What Reagan did actually was amnesty. What Obama is proposing is not. Words have meaning.
Both actions have the effect of allowing the plague of 12,000,000 locusts to remain upon United States soil, to reward their trespass, and encouraging more millions to produce yet another wave of invaders in future.

Technically or precisely inaccurate?


Functionally accurate?


Close enough for government work.

As good an emotion-triggering label as any.
Wrong. What Reagan did actually was amnesty. What Obama is proposing is not. Words have meaning.
Both actions have the effect of allowing the plague of 12,000,000 locusts to remain upon United States soil, to reward their trespass, and encouraging more millions to produce yet another wave of invaders in future.

Technically or precisely inaccurate?


Functionally accurate?


Close enough for government work.

As good an emotion-triggering label as any.
Kondor3 , our friends here have no imagination, no concept of consequences or what situational awareness is all about. I bet they don't drive with their eyes closed like they live with their brain boxed up.
Wrong. What Reagan did actually was amnesty. What Obama is proposing is not. Words have meaning.
Both actions have the effect of allowing the plague of 12,000,000 locusts to remain upon United States soil, to reward their trespass, and encouraging more millions to produce yet another wave of invaders in future.

Technically or precisely inaccurate?


Functionally accurate?


Close enough for government work.

As good an emotion-triggering label as any.
Seems you're hoping to spin words into meaning something they don't in order to further your agenda. :dunno:

Let's say, for argument's sake, the House impeaches and the Senate acquits ... do you think dragging the nation through such an ordeal for political purposes is good or bad for the country?

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