I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

The republicans don't seem to recall this as we know from this one term president, Obama.

What, two terms? - so much for the bollocks printed in the right wing press.

Democracy is about the will of the people - not the will of the people unless the right wing don't like it.
The will of the people? How noble. Only thing is that it was wealth redistributors electing him. Stealing from others is hardly noble.

But voted in by the winning the most votes - not to be removed by silly political maneuvers.
That would make a mockery of your democracy.
All executive orders are not created equal. Unilateral amnesty is illegal and it is unconstitutional. Democrats might start impeachment themselves since such an action would destroy democrats for the next 100 years.

Not to mention that obola's act is a deferment. He can't pass anything by executive action guaranteed to survive the next two years. The next president could say deferment is over start packing.

Well, then they probably should have impeached Ronald Reagan for doing it back in the 1980's. Obama is not going to get impeached, but he sure likes the idea of Republicans starting an impeachment process. He would occupy the next two years headlines--tying up Republicans from here to eternity--securing a win for democrats in 2016 and go down as a martyr all at the same time.
Being an Indonesian, living in Indonesia, you probably lack the necessary insight into the meaning of the recent US mid-term elections,

Being a bloody moron, you lack the insight to realize I'm English.
Being an Indonesian, living in Indonesia, you probably lack the necessary insight into the meaning of the recent US mid-term elections,

Being a bloody moron, you lack the insight to realize I'm English.
Ahhhhhhh... a British Muslim ass-kisser... twenty pounds of shit in a ten pound bag... even less credibility, in commenting upon our mid-terms...
Last edited:
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"
You same people who stood up for Wall Streeters getting their bonuses and not going to jail because everything they did when the crashed the economy was legal under the law NOW want to impeach a president who is going to do something that is legal under the law.

no, what he wants to do is not legal.
Being an Indonesian, living in Indonesia, you probably lack the necessary insight into the meaning of the recent US mid-term elections,

Being a bloody moron, you lack the insight to realize I'm English.
Ahhhhhhh... a British Muslim ass-kisser... twenty pounds of shit in a ten pound bag... even less credibility, in commenting upon our mid-terms...

As usual, insults but nothing of substance.
This is the mark of a less than interesting poster.
Being an Indonesian, living in Indonesia, you probably lack the necessary insight into the meaning of the recent US mid-term elections,

Being a bloody moron, you lack the insight to realize I'm English.
Ahhhhhhh... a British Muslim ass-kisser... twenty pounds of shit in a ten pound bag... even less credibility, in commenting upon our mid-terms...

As usual, insults but nothing of substance.
This is the mark of a less than interesting poster.
So being called British is an insult? Truth is you are not credible if you are not an American discussing and supporting laws and it's political system of a country that will never effect you.
Being an Indonesian, living in Indonesia, you probably lack the necessary insight into the meaning of the recent US mid-term elections,

Being a bloody moron, you lack the insight to realize I'm English.
Ahhhhhhh... a British Muslim ass-kisser... twenty pounds of shit in a ten pound bag... even less credibility, in commenting upon our mid-terms...

As usual, insults but nothing of substance.
This is the mark of a less than interesting poster.
So being called British is an insult? Truth is you are not credible if you are not an American discussing and supporting laws and it's political system of a country that will never effect you.

Your interpretation of the nessary criteria for posting in this thread is not sponsored by this site.

Not your call, bud. Just stick to trying to write a coherent sentence and leave the moderating to the auto-bots.

Your efforts to act like you even have a say are applauded, however.
Being an Indonesian, living in Indonesia, you probably lack the necessary insight into the meaning of the recent US mid-term elections,

Being a bloody moron, you lack the insight to realize I'm English.
Ahhhhhhh... a British Muslim ass-kisser... twenty pounds of shit in a ten pound bag... even less credibility, in commenting upon our mid-terms...

You want to get back on topic or continue to out yourself as clueless?
my opinion? bullkurtz is an asshole. if he was ever in the military, he never served. it was a job, one he likely wasn't very good at, and now it's a means of inflating his own self importance. when he's not using his former job as a club to beat his poorly formed opinions into the heads of others he'll use it as a shield against those that point out his many failings and ineptitude, all the while bemoaning the 'military hatred' and the 'poor treatment of vets by the limp-wristed.' he'll never understand that choosing a vocation in the military does not make someone smarter, a better person, or even well informed than anyone else. he'll continue to believe that his opinion on all matters carries more weight because he used to cash a paycheck from the DoD.

but then i thought that my wife's saying made that point much more succinctly and frankly kinder than i did.

The "job" I got in the US Army was chosen for me, ya little pissant. Recon platoon....27 hops up to and during Tet...then MACV RECONDO school....again, chosen for an ALL STAR team....17 insertions/extractions...never lost a man. Got my E-5 for engineering an NVA payroll heist...222 days in combat during a 12 month tour....back home I was sent to Langley to teach future spooks how to properly brief and debrief forward observers. Airborne took over LRRPs so I left the Army for civilian life.

Now tell me pissant....what makes you think your sorry little ass is more deserving to have a voice in my country's future...you or me? Check fucking mate, loser.
it's as if you didn't even read my post, or as if you weren't able to stop yourself. not sure which is sadder.
You got owned bud. Best to sit down, shut the fuck up & hope no ones sees you licking your wounds
did i? his post amounted to "i'm a vet, i'm a vet, i'm a vet, so i'm more important" kinda like i said he would.
Being an Indonesian, living in Indonesia, you probably lack the necessary insight into the meaning of the recent US mid-term elections,

Being a bloody moron, you lack the insight to realize I'm English.
Ahhhhhhh... a British Muslim ass-kisser... twenty pounds of shit in a ten pound bag... even less credibility, in commenting upon our mid-terms...

As usual, insults but nothing of substance.
This is the mark of a less than interesting poster.
So being called British is an insult? Truth is you are not credible if you are not an American discussing and supporting laws and it's political system of a country that will never effect you.

Your interpretation of the nessary criteria for posting in this thread is not sponsored by this site.

Not your call, bud. Just stick to trying to write a coherent sentence and leave the moderating to the auto-bots.

Your efforts to act like you even have a say are applauded, however.
you have no opinion worth offering why don't you kill yourself and end your worthless life
Being an Indonesian, living in Indonesia, you probably lack the necessary insight into the meaning of the recent US mid-term elections,

Being a bloody moron, you lack the insight to realize I'm English.
Ahhhhhhh... a British Muslim ass-kisser... twenty pounds of shit in a ten pound bag... even less credibility, in commenting upon our mid-terms...

As usual, insults but nothing of substance. This is the mark of a less than interesting poster.
This is mildly amusing.

I politely remark that your earlier observation on our mid-term elections may be hobbled by your standing as an Indonesian rather than an American.

You viciously retaliate by calling me a 'moron' for not knowing that your are British - an honest mistake, based upon your historical Profile settings - it's not like I keep track of your or even give you much thought, for that matter.

A 'moron' - for no better reason than I misunderstood your citizenship - an honest mistake, given your Radical Muslim Extremist views and support online.

So, I 'return fire', and give you back better than you originally served-up.

Then I'm bashed for serving up insults rather than substance?

After YOU initiate the sequence, by calling me a 'moron'?

Nice try, but No Sale.

Look in the mirror, for the one who hurled the first insult in this sequence.

If you can't handle an escalation, when you, yourself, were the initiator, then maybe you need to stop bashing people, as a knee-jerk reaction.

That way, you won't get your ass kicked so often.

Just sayin'...

Now, are we done yet, so that we can focus more on the topic-at-hand?
Being an Indonesian, living in Indonesia, you probably lack the necessary insight into the meaning of the recent US mid-term elections,

Being a bloody moron, you lack the insight to realize I'm English.
Ahhhhhhh... a British Muslim ass-kisser... twenty pounds of shit in a ten pound bag... even less credibility, in commenting upon our mid-terms...

As usual, insults but nothing of substance.
This is the mark of a less than interesting poster.
So being called British is an insult? Truth is you are not credible if you are not an American discussing and supporting laws and it's political system of a country that will never effect you.
And credibility is doubly strained if you are actively supporting Radical Islam in its efforts to terrorize and conquer in the name of its sick vision of The Deity.
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

If you try and impeach him you are playing right into his hands. This is exactly what Obama wants and expects from Republicans. An impeachment process that would turn him into a martyr.

You're using emotion instead of your brain to play a political chess game. The threat of an immigration executive order is specifically designed to get Republicans into an hysterical tizzy fit. That is what Obama wants you to do.

Democrats running for reelection this year told Obama NOT to sign this executive order prior to the midterm election cycle for a reason. That reason is there are millions of Democrats in this country that are still looking for jobs, and many more than that whom are working part time jobs, that aren't going to be happy with this executive order.

Furthermore this executive order is nothing more than a temporary stay of deportation on 3 or 4 million aliens that have lived and worked in this country for a long time. It in no way makes them citizens or gives them voting rights.

It's Obama's Hail Mary pass, in a desperate attempt to get a boost in is personal approval ratings, while trying to make Republicans look mean and nasty, that could easily backfire into paving the way for Republicans victories in 2016, if they will ignore this, and get out of the way so Obama can commit political suicide.
Impeachment will reflect more poorly on Republicans than it will on Obama.

That's if you believe America does not think Obama has broken any laws that would warrant impeachment.


Good...why don't you start with naming some laws other than taking actions that Republicans don't like?

Once again, Republicans are overplaying a weak hand
I don't think the majority of the actual Republicans in office will over-reach, it is just talk for the crazies on here. You might get a few of the Ted Cruz stooges in Congress who will talk about impeachment but it isn't going to happen.
Being an Indonesian, living in Indonesia, you probably lack the necessary insight into the meaning of the recent US mid-term elections,

Being a bloody moron, you lack the insight to realize I'm English.
Ahhhhhhh... a British Muslim ass-kisser... twenty pounds of shit in a ten pound bag... even less credibility, in commenting upon our mid-terms...

You want to get back on topic or continue to out yourself as clueless?
I wasn't the one who deviated from topic in the first place - I merely defended myself - as explained here...

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama Page 74 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Your uninvited and biased and unwelcome interference, however, is further exacerbating the situation.

Consequently, the topic and the forum are better served if you keep your big fat nose out of matters that do not concern you.

Are you done yet?
Being an Indonesian, living in Indonesia, you probably lack the necessary insight into the meaning of the recent US mid-term elections,

Being a bloody moron, you lack the insight to realize I'm English.
Ahhhhhhh... a British Muslim ass-kisser... twenty pounds of shit in a ten pound bag... even less credibility, in commenting upon our mid-terms...

You want to get back on topic or continue to out yourself as clueless?
I wasn't the one who deviated from topic in the first place - I merely defended myself - as explained here...

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama Page 74 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Your uninvited and biased and unwelcome interference, however, is further exacerbating the situation.

Consequently, the topic and the forum are better served if you keep your big fat nose out of matters that do not concern you.

Are you done yet?

again, not your call. you are welcomed to comment, but so am i.

You aren't a moderator, so please knock it off; the man has every right to comment - quit trying to be the "thought police."
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

If you try and impeach him you are playing right into his hands. This is exactly what Obama wants and expects from Republicans. An impeachment process that would turn him into a martyr.

You're using emotion instead of your brain to play a political chess game. The threat of an immigration executive order is specifically designed to get Republicans into an hysterical tizzy fit. That is what Obama wants you to do.

Democrats running for reelection this year told Obama NOT to sign this executive order prior to the midterm election cycle for a reason. That reason is there are millions of Democrats in this country that are still looking for jobs, and many more than that whom are working part time jobs, that aren't going to be happy with this executive order.

Furthermore this executive order is nothing more than a temporary stay of deportation on 3 or 4 million aliens that have lived and worked in this country for a long time. It in no way makes them citizens or gives them voting rights.

It's Obama's Hail Mary pass, in a desperate attempt to get a boost in is personal approval ratings, while trying to make Republicans look mean and nasty, that could easily backfire into paving the way for Republicans victories in 2016, if they will ignore this, and get out of the way so Obama can commit political suicide.
Impeachment will reflect more poorly on Republicans than it will on Obama.

That's if you believe America does not think Obama has broken any laws that would warrant impeachment.


Good...why don't you start with naming some laws other than taking actions that Republicans don't like?

Once again, Republicans are overplaying a weak hand
I don't think the majority of the actual Republicans in office will over-reach, it is just talk for the crazies on here. You might get a few of the Ted Cruz stooges in Congress who will talk about impeachment but it isn't going to happen.
The self-assured arrogance and complacency of the Entrenched Left should make it fairly easy to blind-side your boy in the new Congress, should they decide to press the point.

I, for one, remain unconvinced that they will - the GOP is publicy making statements that Impeachment is not on the table, as a possible reaction to Obumble's looming Immigration EO - and they might just actually mean what they say.

Then again, given that most politicians on that level - of both parties - are lying sacks of shit - I would not be surprised in the slightest to see them say: ":Whoops... we've changed our minds... we're going to push for Impeachment, after all" - after January 2015 when the new Congress is sworn in.

On paper, they don't have enough to Convict in the Senate, but the possibility of several timely Democratic desertions and buy-outs - as well as 'turning' an Independent or two - should not be overlooked - if the reaction of Obama's upcoming EO triggers the sort of visceral reaction in both Congress and the American People that seems likely.

In any event, it will be interesting to watch what happens, with this possibility.

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