I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

it would make kondor happy. then the laws would be enforced.

clearly the way things are being run now isn't working. we have not put the necessary resources into enforcement of the laws we have now. that means we can either greatly increase the committed resources, or we can adjust our expectations. i would think that a compromise between the two ends of the spectrum would be the best option, but that's one that only congress can really make.
the president can just allocate the resources he already has in a different manner to produce better results.
If Shit-For-Brains Holder would have allowed the Border Patrol and DHS do their jobs the past 6 years we wouldn't have an illegal trespasser problem. Now the BP are having their rifles taken away.
Right. Im sure you can source that.
Saw it on the news and read it in the newspapers. Not some shit on Huffington Post.
Rifles are being recalled to be repaired. I was more concerned with the claim that somehow eric holder was preventing the border patrol from performing its job.
Riiiiiiight! 60,000 rifles broke down at the same time and all need repair. What were they doing with them. Cracking coconuts or using them for oars?
Recalled. As in not all malfunctioning, but all with the same flaw. If they aren't returned after repair houll be justified in the outrage, not really until then
Wrong. What Reagan did actually was amnesty. What Obama is proposing is not. Words have meaning.
Both actions have the effect of allowing the plague of 12,000,000 locusts to remain upon United States soil, to reward their trespass, and encouraging more millions to produce yet another wave of invaders in future.

Technically or precisely inaccurate?


Functionally accurate?


Close enough for government work.

As good an emotion-triggering label as any.
Kondor3 , our friends here have no imagination, no concept of consequences or what situational awareness is all about. I bet they don't drive with their eyes closed like they live with their brain boxed up.
Perhaps you should deal with what words actually mean and not what you imagine them to mean? :dunno:
...Kondor3, our friends here have no imagination, no concept of consequences or what situational awareness is all about. I bet they don't drive with their eyes closed like they live with their brain boxed up.
Yes... the sad, blinkered overreliance upon literalism in the face of visceral issues is rather significant in its own right, isn't it?
Seems you're hoping to spin words into meaning something they don't in order to further your agenda. :dunno:

Let's say, for argument's sake, the House impeaches and the Senate acquits ... do you think dragging the nation through such an ordeal for political purposes is good or bad for the country?
Bad for the country.

Impeaching in the House and convicting in the Senate?

Good for the country, if Obama goes through with his threat to act on immigration unilaterally via an EO.

Think January, after the new Congress is sworn-in.

Think a handful of Dems looking to put as much distance between themselves and Obama as they possibly can.

Only 2/3 of the Senate (66?) are needed to convict.

The Pubs walk in the door of the new Congress, already having - what? - 52? 53? 54?

66 might very well be in-reach, if Obama pisses in the face of the American People and declares war on Congress like that.

Not saying it's going to happen.

But it'll be a damned sight more likely, if Obama goes through with this, after the new Congress is sworn in.
...Kondor3, our friends here have no imagination, no concept of consequences or what situational awareness is all about. I bet they don't drive with their eyes closed like they live with their brain boxed up.
Yes... the sad, blinkered overreliance upon literalism in the face of visceral issues is rather significant in its own right, isn't it?
This is why I laugh when righties spout how Liberals think with their emotions whereas Conservatives think with their brains. :lol:
Perhaps you should deal with what words actually mean and not what you imagine them to mean? :dunno:
The phukking words matter FAR less than the idea that the Failed Messiah is preparing to entrench many of the 12,000,000 invaders upon US soil more solidly.

The label matters FAR less than the outcome.

An outcome which is unacceptable.
...Kondor3, our friends here have no imagination, no concept of consequences or what situational awareness is all about. I bet they don't drive with their eyes closed like they live with their brain boxed up.
Yes... the sad, blinkered overreliance upon literalism in the face of visceral issues is rather significant in its own right, isn't it?
This is why I laugh when righties spout how Liberals think with their emotions whereas Conservatives think with their brains. :lol:
The label doesn't matter one goddamned bit.

The allowing of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens to remain upon US soil is what is at issue here.

Let's stay focused upon the 12,000,000.

And what may end-up happening to the Failed Messiah, if he insists on going through with this.
Seems you're hoping to spin words into meaning something they don't in order to further your agenda. :dunno:

Let's say, for argument's sake, the House impeaches and the Senate acquits ... do you think dragging the nation through such an ordeal for political purposes is good or bad for the country?
Bad for the country.

Impeaching in the House and convicting in the Senate?

Good for the country, if Obama goes through with his threat to act on immigration unilaterally via an EO.

Think January, after the new Congress is sworn-in.

Think a handful of Dems looking to put as much distance between themselves and Obama as they possibly can.

Only 2/3 of the Senate (66?) are needed to convict.

The Pubs walk in the door of the new Congress, already having - what? - 52? 53? 54?

66 might very well be in-reach, if Obama pisses in the face of the American People and declares war on Congress like that.

Not saying it's going to happen.

But it'll be a damned sight more likely, if Obama goes through with this, after the new Congress is sworn in.
Why would any Democrat vote to convict, even those seeking to distance themselves from Obama, since a conviction over trumped up charges for political purposes hurts the party more than an acquittal. Seems to me, there would be few, if any at all, voting to convict. Especially under the guise where the GOP has to "conjure up" charges where no such charge exists
Perhaps you should deal with what words actually mean and not what you imagine them to mean? :dunno:
The phukking words matter FAR less than the idea that the Failed Messiah is preparing to entrench many of the 12,000,000 invaders upon US soil more solidly.

The label matters FAR less than the outcome.

An outcome which is unacceptable.
And yet, it's still not amnesty no matter how hard you try to make it just so you can play on the emotions of the American people in order to get an impeachment, even if the right has to lie to make it happen.
...Kondor3, our friends here have no imagination, no concept of consequences or what situational awareness is all about. I bet they don't drive with their eyes closed like they live with their brain boxed up.
Yes... the sad, blinkered overreliance upon literalism in the face of visceral issues is rather significant in its own right, isn't it?
This is why I laugh when righties spout how Liberals think with their emotions whereas Conservatives think with their brains. :lol:
The label doesn't matter one goddamned bit.

The allowing of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens to remain upon US soil is what is at issue here.

Let's stay focused upon the 12,000,000.

And what may end-up happening to the Failed Messiah, if he insists on going through with this.
A majority of those polled prefer illegal aliens who qualify be allowed a path to citizenship versus being deported.
...Why would any Democrat vote to convict, even those seeking to distance themselves from Obama, since a conviction over trumped up charges for political purposes hurts the party more than an acquittal...
1. a conviction still leaves a Democrat in control of the White House

2. a conviction shows that even the Democrats reached the conclusion that Obama's autocratic behaviors are unacceptable in our Republic

3. a great many Democrats are more worried about their own ethnic-white Blue Collar Constituencies and their jobs and property-tax rates (in support of welfare) than they are about offending a Hispanic minority in their jurisdictions.

4. a great many Democrats will flinch when they are associated with Obama's arrogant and unpopular action and may run for the door, and help to boot him out, and to install another brother Democrat who is not tainted with that arrogance and foolhardiness, in order to save something of the Party Brand and to avert total disaster in 2016.

...Seems to me, there would be few, if any at all, voting to convict. Especially under the guise where the GOP has to "conjure up" charges where no such charge exists
Oh, the charges can be made to look legitimate enough... hell, they actually MAY be legitimate enough... but that won't matter so much as the facade or IMPRESSION that they are legitimate, and that they can be made to stick in the Senate.

Like I said, I'm not convinced about that one either, but I see it as a far more realistic possibility than some others amongst us do.
A majority of those polled prefer illegal aliens who qualify be allowed a path to citizenship versus being deported.
I, for one, remain convinced that this was ever truly the case.

The results of the 2014 mid-terms make me doubt this even more.

And, of course, the public is a fickle creature, easily swayed, and easily changing its mind.

I would venture a guess that support for Shamnesty (anything that allows the 12,000,000 to stay) will drop 20 points at a minimum if Obumble pisses into the wind and acts unilaterally.

I could be wrong, of course, but I think at present that I'm closer to being right than wrong.

Besides, the American Public has only been thinking in terms of (1) letting them stay or (2) going to the expense of deporting them.

The possibility of (3) SELF-deportation (making them WANT to go home of their own volition) has yet to be adequately explored or considered.
When the number of executive orders that President Obama presents exceeds the number that President Bush presented, then maybe you will have a case. Until then, just sour grapes on your part. He is the President and has enumerated powers under our Constitution. In 2016, you will have the oppertunity to elect a President more to your liking. Play games, and you may throw away that oppertunity.

Even if they did, there's nothing unconstitutional about that any more than when Bush did it.

If they had grounds, it would be done.

Not liking him, not agreeing him, hating him cuz he's black - if those were reason for impeachment, they might get away with it. As it is, its all just big talk.

And that's all the Repubs do - talk, posture, pose for cameras and then they go back to obstructing and lying. And boozing and golfing.

Um.....Barry is NOT black. I am black. He, on the other hand, is a half breed.

Just to set the record straight... :)

Just to set the record straight, you are either the stupidest pretend Black Man in America or a White Guy stupid enough not to know that the majority of Black people in America are mixed with another race.

Go on with the "Barry" stuff, it's a cute way to ingratiate yourself with the "right" folk.

I'll say it one more time for you, sonny. I am Black - Black Father and Black Mother. Barry is a half-breed. Black Father - White Mother.

What part of that are you incapable of understanding?

Let me make it clear to you, you stupid old coot.

You have absolutely no idea who your parents, grand parents, great great grand parents, etc intermingled with and statistics supports my assertion that the overwhelming majority of Black people in this country have more than one race of blood running through their veins.

You are as stupid as the white racists who claim to have "100%" aryan blood and they can't even tell you who their great grand parents were.

So once again, you are either the stupidest Black man in America or a white guy trying to troll...

Still can't figure it out, can you? White Father - White Mother - White Child. Black Father - Black Mother - Black Child.

Black Father - White Mother - half breed. White Father - Black Mother - half breed.

Can it be made any clearer for you, you fool?
Even if they did, there's nothing unconstitutional about that any more than when Bush did it.

If they had grounds, it would be done.

Not liking him, not agreeing him, hating him cuz he's black - if those were reason for impeachment, they might get away with it. As it is, its all just big talk.

And that's all the Repubs do - talk, posture, pose for cameras and then they go back to obstructing and lying. And boozing and golfing.

Um.....Barry is NOT black. I am black. He, on the other hand, is a half breed.

Just to set the record straight... :)

Just to set the record straight, you are either the stupidest pretend Black Man in America or a White Guy stupid enough not to know that the majority of Black people in America are mixed with another race.

Go on with the "Barry" stuff, it's a cute way to ingratiate yourself with the "right" folk.

I'll say it one more time for you, sonny. I am Black - Black Father and Black Mother. Barry is a half-breed. Black Father - White Mother.

What part of that are you incapable of understanding?

Let me make it clear to you, you stupid old coot.

You have absolutely no idea who your parents, grand parents, great great grand parents, etc intermingled with and statistics supports my assertion that the overwhelming majority of Black people in this country have more than one race of blood running through their veins.

You are as stupid as the white racists who claim to have "100%" aryan blood and they can't even tell you who their great grand parents were.

So once again, you are either the stupidest Black man in America or a white guy trying to troll...

Still can't figure it out, can you? White Father - White Mother - White Child. Black Father - Black Mother - Black Child.

Black Father - White Mother - half breed. White Father - Black Mother - half breed.

Can it be made any clearer for you, you fool?

You're an idiot.

Black is a color, not a race.
Even if they did, there's nothing unconstitutional about that any more than when Bush did it.

If they had grounds, it would be done.

Not liking him, not agreeing him, hating him cuz he's black - if those were reason for impeachment, they might get away with it. As it is, its all just big talk.

And that's all the Repubs do - talk, posture, pose for cameras and then they go back to obstructing and lying. And boozing and golfing.

Um.....Barry is NOT black. I am black. He, on the other hand, is a half breed.

Just to set the record straight... :)

Just to set the record straight, you are either the stupidest pretend Black Man in America or a White Guy stupid enough not to know that the majority of Black people in America are mixed with another race.

Go on with the "Barry" stuff, it's a cute way to ingratiate yourself with the "right" folk.

I'll say it one more time for you, sonny. I am Black - Black Father and Black Mother. Barry is a half-breed. Black Father - White Mother.

What part of that are you incapable of understanding?

Let me make it clear to you, you stupid old coot.

You have absolutely no idea who your parents, grand parents, great great grand parents, etc intermingled with and statistics supports my assertion that the overwhelming majority of Black people in this country have more than one race of blood running through their veins.

You are as stupid as the white racists who claim to have "100%" aryan blood and they can't even tell you who their great grand parents were.

So once again, you are either the stupidest Black man in America or a white guy trying to troll...

Still can't figure it out, can you? White Father - White Mother - White Child. Black Father - Black Mother - Black Child.

Black Father - White Mother - half breed. White Father - Black Mother - half breed.

Can it be made any clearer for you, you fool?

Yes, you are quite the stupid old coot, the next thing you'll be telling us is that you are a direct descendent of Shaka Zulu....

According to Ancestry.com, the average African American is 65 percent sub-Saharan African, 29 percent European and 2 percent Native American.
* According to 23andme.com, the average African American is 75 percent sub-Saharan African, 22 percent European and only 0.6 percent Native American.

* According to Family Tree DNA.com, the average African American is 72.95 percent sub-Saharan African, 22.83 percent European and 1.7 percent Native American.

According to National Geographic's Genographic Project, the average African American is 80 percent sub-Saharan African, 19 percent European and 1 percent Native American

And for our African-American male guests, there has been still another astonishing fact revealed about their paternal ancestry -- their father's father's father's line -- through their y-DNA: A whopping 35 percent of all African-American men descend from a white male ancestor who fathered a mulatto child sometime in the slavery era, most probably from rape or coerced sexuality. In other words, if we tested the DNA of all of the black men in the NBA, for instance, just over one-third descend from a white second or third great-grandfather.

Facts...try them sometimes.
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

If you try and impeach him you are playing right into his hands. This is exactly what Obama wants and expects from Republicans. An impeachment process that would turn him into a martyr.

You're using emotion instead of your brain to play a political chess game. The threat of an immigration executive order is specifically designed to get Republicans into an hysterical tizzy fit. That is what Obama wants you to do.

Democrats running for reelection this year told Obama NOT to sign this executive order prior to the midterm election cycle for a reason. That reason is there are millions of Democrats in this country that are still looking for jobs, and many more than that whom are working part time jobs, that aren't going to be happy with this executive order.

Furthermore this executive order is nothing more than a temporary stay of deportation on 3 or 4 million aliens that have lived and worked in this country for a long time. It in no way makes them citizens or gives them voting rights.

It's Obama's Hail Mary pass, in a desperate attempt to get a boost in is personal approval ratings, while trying to make Republicans look mean and nasty, that could easily backfire into paving the way for Republicans victories in 2016, if they will ignore this, and get out of the way so Obama can commit political suicide.
Impeachment will reflect more poorly on Republicans than it will on Obama.

That's if you believe America does not think Obama has broken any laws that would warrant impeachment.


Good...why don't you start with naming some laws other than taking actions that Republicans don't like?

Once again, Republicans are overplaying a weak hand
my opinion? bullkurtz is an asshole. if he was ever in the military, he never served. it was a job, one he likely wasn't very good at, and now it's a means of inflating his own self importance. when he's not using his former job as a club to beat his poorly formed opinions into the heads of others he'll use it as a shield against those that point out his many failings and ineptitude, all the while bemoaning the 'military hatred' and the 'poor treatment of vets by the limp-wristed.' he'll never understand that choosing a vocation in the military does not make someone smarter, a better person, or even well informed than anyone else. he'll continue to believe that his opinion on all matters carries more weight because he used to cash a paycheck from the DoD.

but then i thought that my wife's saying made that point much more succinctly and frankly kinder than i did.

The "job" I got in the US Army was chosen for me, ya little pissant. Recon platoon....27 hops up to and during Tet...then MACV RECONDO school....again, chosen for an ALL STAR team....17 insertions/extractions...never lost a man. Got my E-5 for engineering an NVA payroll heist...222 days in combat during a 12 month tour....back home I was sent to Langley to teach future spooks how to properly brief and debrief forward observers. Airborne took over LRRPs so I left the Army for civilian life.

Now tell me pissant....what makes you think your sorry little ass is more deserving to have a voice in my country's future...you or me? Check fucking mate, loser.
my opinion? bullkurtz is an asshole. if he was ever in the military, he never served. it was a job, one he likely wasn't very good at, and now it's a means of inflating his own self importance. when he's not using his former job as a club to beat his poorly formed opinions into the heads of others he'll use it as a shield against those that point out his many failings and ineptitude, all the while bemoaning the 'military hatred' and the 'poor treatment of vets by the limp-wristed.' he'll never understand that choosing a vocation in the military does not make someone smarter, a better person, or even well informed than anyone else. he'll continue to believe that his opinion on all matters carries more weight because he used to cash a paycheck from the DoD.

but then i thought that my wife's saying made that point much more succinctly and frankly kinder than i did.

The "job" I got in the US Army was chosen for me, ya little pissant. Recon platoon....27 hops up to and during Tet...then MACV RECONDO school....again, chosen for an ALL STAR team....17 insertions/extractions...never lost a man. Got my E-5 for engineering an NVA payroll heist...222 days in combat during a 12 month tour....back home I was sent to Langley to teach future spooks how to properly brief and debrief forward observers. Airborne took over LRRPs so I left the Army for civilian life.

Now tell me pissant....what makes you think your sorry little ass is more deserving to have a voice in my country's future...you or me? Check fucking mate, loser.
it's as if you didn't even read my post, or as if you weren't able to stop yourself. not sure which is sadder.
my opinion? bullkurtz is an asshole. if he was ever in the military, he never served. it was a job, one he likely wasn't very good at, and now it's a means of inflating his own self importance. when he's not using his former job as a club to beat his poorly formed opinions into the heads of others he'll use it as a shield against those that point out his many failings and ineptitude, all the while bemoaning the 'military hatred' and the 'poor treatment of vets by the limp-wristed.' he'll never understand that choosing a vocation in the military does not make someone smarter, a better person, or even well informed than anyone else. he'll continue to believe that his opinion on all matters carries more weight because he used to cash a paycheck from the DoD.

but then i thought that my wife's saying made that point much more succinctly and frankly kinder than i did.

The "job" I got in the US Army was chosen for me, ya little pissant. Recon platoon....27 hops up to and during Tet...then MACV RECONDO school....again, chosen for an ALL STAR team....17 insertions/extractions...never lost a man. Got my E-5 for engineering an NVA payroll heist...222 days in combat during a 12 month tour....back home I was sent to Langley to teach future spooks how to properly brief and debrief forward observers. Airborne took over LRRPs so I left the Army for civilian life.

Now tell me pissant....what makes you think your sorry little ass is more deserving to have a voice in my country's future...you or me? Check fucking mate, loser.
it's as if you didn't even read my post, or as if you weren't able to stop yourself. not sure which is sadder.
You got owned bud. Best to sit down, shut the fuck up & hope no ones sees you licking your wounds

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