I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

...Look ...the asshole Republicans in the House impeached over a blowjob.....they will obviously impeach if Obama is acting as President

Especially if that 'acting as President' involves granting Shamnesty to millions of Illegal Aliens by Imperial Decree.

It is within his presidential powers. Prove otherwise

And, it's within Congress's powers to defund his activities in regard to immigration.

Indeed. Read the Constitution Article 1 Section 8. The CONGRESS makes immigration law - NOT the president. When he does this - there WILL be repercussions.
Yes, just like when the congress impeached Reagan for his EOs vis a vis immigration reform after November 1986. Oh wait, they didn't...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You are correct. Reagan's EOs were not challenged because the EOs issued by Reagan and Bush were intended as a one time fix to the agreed to legislation passed in Congress.

It would seem that Obama is actually making new law with his EO. You might claim his EO was designed to fix a "broken" Immigration policy, but that's not his job. His job is to enforce the laws as passed by Congress. He can ask that they be changed, but until they are changed, his job is still to enforce the law.
...Look ...the asshole Republicans in the House impeached over a blowjob.....they will obviously impeach if Obama is acting as President

Especially if that 'acting as President' involves granting Shamnesty to millions of Illegal Aliens by Imperial Decree.

It is within his presidential powers. Prove otherwise

And, it's within Congress's powers to defund his activities in regard to immigration.
Defund what?
Obama is not going to be deporting people. If anything, that will save money

Thank you for admitting you know Obama's not going to be doing his job.

I'm sure not enforcing laws saves a lot of money. But, is that really how you think business should be done in the USA?
And it's not a Liberal voting record.

Yes it is a Liberal voting record ... But thank you for your input.

Yes, because wanting women treated equally is a Liberal position.

I'll own that any day.

Yeah, how equal is abortions? so don't come off how you all champion, women being treated equally.

Ah... And NOW we see the REAL reason behind much of the disgusting actions of the Christrian Fascists. This is how they have acted and reacted since they stole the republican party and started calling themselves "conservatives".

First it was "The Christian Conservatives". Then when they discovered they had an "in house" built in vote getting aparatis all they had to do was file for local elected positions to unleash on America their religious agenda. The local elections led to state elections which led to national elections. Now with the engine of the republican party at their disposal they hold America hostage thinking they can force their religious convictions on the majority or shut down our government.

Don't kid yourselves. These people are not sane ..certainly not rational. They get their marching orders from "God" or what voices they hear that pass for "God. Bush II said he was told by God to run for prez and to invade Iraq. These people REALLY are that crazy.

One might wonder why Darryl Issa would chase such a vile lie so veimently and knowingly missuse our government is such a vile manner. It is because he simply believes he is right. He knows he was lying about Obama but he believes he is right because he believes if he is in power he can do God's work.

And why do people like Sefunny defend him and his obvious missuse of our government.. She does it for the same reason he does. She believes she is doing Gods work and it simply does not matter if some humans must suffer to have a chance at changing things like abortion. She knows in her heart that the means to her's and Issa's agenda is morally wrong and illegal. She just has it in her mind that Obama wants to kill unborn children and any and all methods to prevent that is fair game.

This is why we must rid our government from the clutches of the religious. They will never give up attempting to hold our society hostage trying to achieve their goals.

The reasons they give are as lame as imaginable because they know they cannot tell the real truth which compels their actions.

They REALLY do believe Obama is evil. Not for the stupid reasons they say publicly but because he stands in the way of God's work in their eyes.

What an annoying, fingernails on the chalkboard, screed ... devoid of facts, full of vitriol, and teeming with personal attacks. The sad part is, I suspect, this qualifies as reasoned analysis in your world.
Impeachment is not enough.

I want more....much, much more.

I want Karma to hit this man, Hussein, with all its power and might!

And I want to be witness to that too:popcorn:
...Look ...the asshole Republicans in the House impeached over a blowjob.....they will obviously impeach if Obama is acting as President

Especially if that 'acting as President' involves granting Shamnesty to millions of Illegal Aliens by Imperial Decree.

It is within his presidential powers. Prove otherwise

And, it's within Congress's powers to defund his activities in regard to immigration.
Defund what?
Obama is not going to be deporting people. If anything, that will save money

Thank you for admitting you know Obama's not going to be doing his job.

I'm sure not enforcing laws saves a lot of money. But, is that really how you think business should be done in the USA?
Why do you lie? Of course Obama will still be enforcing immigration laws. There are still millions of illegal aliens who, if caught, will be deported.
Obama says he wants to differentiate between those illegals that break our laws and illegals that are raising families and working hard to be good citizens. He knows he cannot remove all the illegals. He wants to concentrate on removing the bad apples. I see nothing wrong with that strategy.

BTW I know several of the good hard working illegals/Mexicans and feel this country is better off with them here. IMHO they are better people than many that would want them removed.
So, a few days after his much-publicized address, how is the witch-hunt coming Repubelicans? Any insight as to what your new senate will accomplish re: impeachment come January? Please make it interesting.
Yes, because wanting women treated equally is a Liberal position.

I'll own that any day.

Uh ... You are a woman ... You aren't treated equally to what? **

As a woman I have never wanted to be treated equally to anyone ... I try to earn respect and get treated according to what I can accomplish. I never wanted to get paid the same as my male counterparts ... I really enjoy earning more than they do. I never wanted to be treated like a man ... That would really suck.

But then again ... I never blamed someone else for my failures.

** The concept of "equal" when dealing with anything other than math ... And especially in regards to humans and human activity is utter bullshit.

I'm not a woman.

Republicans reject legislation that ensures equal rights.

It's as simple as that.
Republicans don't want to impeach him. Democrats do. Let obumble go on infuriating the public. By the time 2016 rolls around the country will be crawling with violent mexican murderers. They will slaughter by the busload. Just like back home. The economy will be a shambles. Health care will be for the very rich or someone who can find a friendly doctor.

All of what obumble does will be hung around the neck of the democrat nominee. It will make 2014 look like a squeaker.

Let him go and blow it all up.
Obama says he wants to differentiate between those illegals that break our laws and illegals that are raising families and working hard to be good citizens. He knows he cannot remove all the illegals. He wants to concentrate on removing the bad apples. I see nothing wrong with that strategy.

BTW I know several of the good hard working illegals/Mexicans and feel this country is better off with them here. IMHO they are better people than many that would want them removed.

Yep, that's what he said, all right ... only problem is, the way he wants to do it is unconstitutional.

Especially if that 'acting as President' involves granting Shamnesty to millions of Illegal Aliens by Imperial Decree.

It is within his presidential powers. Prove otherwise

And, it's within Congress's powers to defund his activities in regard to immigration.

Indeed. Read the Constitution Article 1 Section 8. The CONGRESS makes immigration law - NOT the president. When he does this - there WILL be repercussions.
Yes, just like when the congress impeached Reagan for his EOs vis a vis immigration reform after November 1986. Oh wait, they didn't...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You are correct. Reagan's EOs were not challenged because the EOs issued by Reagan and Bush were intended as a one time fix to the agreed to legislation passed in Congress.

It would seem that Obama is actually making new law with his EO. You might claim his EO was designed to fix a "broken" Immigration policy, but that's not his job. His job is to enforce the laws as passed by Congress. He can ask that they be changed, but until they are changed, his job is still to enforce the law.

They were intended to fix things that their Republican colleagues in the Congress did NOT want fixed, and yet, Republicans did not scream back then.

Obama is not making a new law with his EO. Nice try. What he is doing is within his pervue. End of story.
Republicans don't want to impeach him. Democrats do. Let obumble go on infuriating the public. By the time 2016 rolls around the country will be crawling with violent mexican murderers. They will slaughter by the busload. Just like back home. The economy will be a shambles. Health care will be for the very rich or someone who can find a friendly doctor.

All of what obumble does will be hung around the neck of the democrat nominee. It will make 2014 look like a squeaker.

Let him go and blow it all up.

Well, aren't you stupid as fuck.

Name one single Democrat who has called for Obama's impreachment. Just one.
You are a liar, a bald-faced, stupid liar. Typical RWNJ.
Obama says he wants to differentiate between those illegals that break our laws and illegals that are raising families and working hard to be good citizens. He knows he cannot remove all the illegals. He wants to concentrate on removing the bad apples. I see nothing wrong with that strategy.

BTW I know several of the good hard working illegals/Mexicans and feel this country is better off with them here. IMHO they are better people than many that would want them removed.

Yep, that's what he said, all right ... only problem is, the way he wants to do it is unconstitutional.

Well, aren't you stupid.

It is NOT unconstitutional. You can be guaranteed that a bevy of lawyers with constitutional law being their specialty combed over that EO many times before it was signed. You don't see even one single RW lawyer trained in constitutional law who is publicly saying that this EO can be successfully challenged in court. Not even one.

Good Lord, how unbelievably stupid RWNJS are.
...Look ...the asshole Republicans in the House impeached over a blowjob.....they will obviously impeach if Obama is acting as President

Especially if that 'acting as President' involves granting Shamnesty to millions of Illegal Aliens by Imperial Decree.

It is within his presidential powers. Prove otherwise

And, it's within Congress's powers to defund his activities in regard to immigration.
Defund what?
Obama is not going to be deporting people. If anything, that will save money

Thank you for admitting you know Obama's not going to be doing his job.

I'm sure not enforcing laws saves a lot of money. But, is that really how you think business should be done in the USA?

Obama is doing what is right....that is what true leaders do

Especially if that 'acting as President' involves granting Shamnesty to millions of Illegal Aliens by Imperial Decree.

It is within his presidential powers. Prove otherwise

And, it's within Congress's powers to defund his activities in regard to immigration.
Defund what?
Obama is not going to be deporting people. If anything, that will save money

Thank you for admitting you know Obama's not going to be doing his job.

I'm sure not enforcing laws saves a lot of money. But, is that really how you think business should be done in the USA?

Obama is doing what is right....that is what true leaders do
Obama is doing what is right for him, and to hell with everyone else... that is what Satan worshipers do.
I'm not a woman.

Republicans reject legislation that ensures equal rights.

It's as simple as that.

If you look to the government to define your abilities in regards to artificial equality ... Then you should be rejected. You can buy the lie if it makes you feel better ... It still won't make you any more equal.

You also need to brush up on your history ... The Civil Rights Act would never have passed without Republican support and more Democrats (96) voted against it than Republicans (34).

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No, Republicans aren’t going to impeach Obama. For example, Rep. Paul Ryan, said that Obama’s actions do not “rise to the high crime and misdemeanor level”. This won't happen. We should wait two more years. Just wait.
I'm not a woman.

Republicans reject legislation that ensures equal rights.

It's as simple as that.

If you look to the government to define your abilities in regards to artificial equality ... Then you should be rejected. You can buy the lie if it makes you feel better ... It still won't make you any more equal.
There is nothing artificial about being paid 30 cents less per dollar than a man.

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