I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Obama is a Center-Left Democrat. Mary Landreui is a Center-Right Democrat. Of course she is going to vote with Democrats.

Now back up that 98% with a link, please.

Yeah whatever you want to believe ... LOL!

Mary Landrieu U.S. Senator for Louisiana - GovTrack.us
What are you trying to say? Use your words.

I said you are free to believe whatever you want ... And I supplied you with the link you asked for in regards to Senator Landrieu's voting record.

If you need to be spoon fed ... I would suggest you grab a spoon and dig in.

Impeached? for what pray tell? Acting within his purview when the Repub House invariably does nothing year after year after..... ?
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

Impeachment is a waste of time because the News media is controlled by the Libs. It will be bogged down and never happen. There arnt any Republicans strong enough I think. I think the Republicans need to spend their energy more wisely fighting the battles they can win or they will lose everything including
the news media war. You know how they would be portrayed to the american people
Impeached? for what pray tell? Acting within his purview when the Repub House does nothing year after year?

Actually, he stepped well out of the authority of his office ....

Does nothing? Maybe you can tell me about the 350 bills stalled on Harry Reid's desk? Maybe you can explain why the immigration bill passed with bipartisan support in the HOUSE was never considered by the Senate.

Maybe - but i doubt it.
Impeached? for what pray tell? Acting within his purview when the Repub House invariably does nothing year after year after..... ?
For giving them a sadz.

ROFL libs are sooo funny. Do what we say or we're gonna declare the president emperor and do it anyway. Ok no they are not funny.
Yes, because wanting women treated equally is a Liberal position.

I'll own that any day.

Uh ... You are a woman ... You aren't treated equally to what? **

As a woman I have never wanted to be treated equally to anyone ... I try to earn respect and get treated according to what I can accomplish. I never wanted to get paid the same as my male counterparts ... I really enjoy earning more than they do. I never wanted to be treated like a man ... That would really suck.

But then again ... I never blamed someone else for my failures.

** The concept of "equal" when dealing with anything other than math ... And especially in regards to humans and human activity is utter bullshit.

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And it's not a Liberal voting record.

Yes it is a Liberal voting record ... But thank you for your input.

Yes, because wanting women treated equally is a Liberal position.

I'll own that any day.

Actually, that's not what you want, is it?

You want to feel like you're saving the world by providing special privileges and gifts to your current project.

You're not interested in fairness, you're interested in feeding your ego.
Impeached? for what pray tell? Acting within his purview when the Repub House does nothing year after year?

Actually, he stepped well out of the authority of his office ....

Does nothing? Maybe you can tell me about the 350 bills stalled on Harry Reid's desk? Maybe you can explain why the immigration bill passed with bipartisan support in the HOUSE was never considered by the Senate.

Maybe - but i doubt it.
how many of those *cough* "bills" had a Obamneycare repeal rider n00b? :eusa_think: Spare_change
And it's not a Liberal voting record.

Yes it is a Liberal voting record ... But thank you for your input.

Yes, because wanting women treated equally is a Liberal position.

I'll own that any day.

Yeah, how equal is abortions? so don't come off how you all champion, women being treated equally.

Stephanie. I have no idea what you just posted. I'm not being gllib or smart ass. What exactly do you mean when you say "How equal is abortions?" Women having complete control over their own bodies, is being equal. Because men have control over their bodies.
And it's not a Liberal voting record.

Yes it is a Liberal voting record ... But thank you for your input.

Yes, because wanting women treated equally is a Liberal position.

I'll own that any day.

Yeah, how equal is abortions? so don't come off how you all champion, women being treated equally.

Ah... And NOW we see the REAL reason behind much of the disgusting actions of the Christrian Fascists. This is how they have acted and reacted since they stole the republican party and started calling themselves "conservatives".

First it was "The Christian Conservatives". Then when they discovered they had an "in house" built in vote getting aparatis all they had to do was file for local elected positions to unleash on America their religious agenda. The local elections led to state elections which led to national elections. Now with the engine of the republican party at their disposal they hold America hostage thinking they can force their religious convictions on the majority or shut down our government.

Don't kid yourselves. These people are not sane ..certainly not rational. They get their marching orders from "God" or what voices they hear that pass for "God. Bush II said he was told by God to run for prez and to invade Iraq. These people REALLY are that crazy.

One might wonder why Darryl Issa would chase such a vile lie so veimently and knowingly missuse our government is such a vile manner. It is because he simply believes he is right. He knows he was lying about Obama but he believes he is right because he believes if he is in power he can do God's work.

And why do people like Sefunny defend him and his obvious missuse of our government.. She does it for the same reason he does. She believes she is doing Gods work and it simply does not matter if some humans must suffer to have a chance at changing things like abortion. She knows in her heart that the means to her's and Issa's agenda is morally wrong and illegal. She just has it in her mind that Obama wants to kill unborn children and any and all methods to prevent that is fair game.

This is why we must rid our government from the clutches of the religious. They will never give up attempting to hold our society hostage trying to achieve their goals.

The reasons they give are as lame as imaginable because they know they cannot tell the real truth which compels their actions.

They REALLY do believe Obama is evil. Not for the stupid reasons they say publicly but because he stands in the way of God's work in their eyes.
Care to discuss legal grounds for impeaching?

Sure, but you're not equipped to handle what you'll learn about it....First off, are there illegal grounds for impeachment?:confused-84: Nah, you'll keep repeating defeated phrases or run away claiming your dog is on fire. Simple really...."high crimes and misdemeanors"....archaic language from the late 1700's meaning the president has either broken or failed to enforce laws in force. There can be a multitude of levels.....each one easily exceeded by this president's treachery. The House impeaches....the Senate convicts.....step one is a forgone conclusion if he tries to back-door in the illegals.

Your turn. :doubt:
Look ...the asshole Republicans in the House impeached over a blowjob.....they will obviously impeach if Obama is acting as President

Actually, they impeached him for not telling the truth in a deposition. But, you are free to fixate on blowjobs. Obviously, you haven't been allowed to enjoy one.
He lied about a blowjob
The correct action from Congress should have been a vote of censure
Impeachment was overplaying a bad hand and Republicans paid a political price.

It doesn't matter what he lied about, the issue is that he lied under oath. As long as you want to excuse that as if it's not important, you have nothing to add to the discussion.
Care to discuss legal grounds for impeaching?

Sure, but you're not equipped to handle what you'll learn about it....First off, are there illegal grounds for impeachment?:confused-84: Nah, you'll keep repeating defeated phrases or run away claiming your dog is on fire. Simple really...."high crimes and misdemeanors"....archaic language from the late 1700's meaning the president has either broken or failed to enforce laws in force. There can be a multitude of levels.....each one easily exceeded by this president's treachery. The House impeaches....the Senate convicts.....step one is a forgone conclusion if he tries to back-door in the illegals.

Your turn. :doubt:
Look ...the asshole Republicans in the House impeached over a blowjob.....they will obviously impeach if Obama is acting as President

Actually, they impeached him for not telling the truth in a deposition. But, you are free to fixate on blowjobs. Obviously, you haven't been allowed to enjoy one.
He lied about a blowjob
The correct action from Congress should have been a vote of censure
Impeachment was overplaying a bad hand and Republicans paid a political price.

It doesn't matter what he lied about, the issue is that he lied under oath. As long as you want to excuse that as if it's not important, you have nothing to add to the discussion.
Wait ... what ... ? Since when does the right give a shit about perjury??
Republicans had a chance to humiliate the President and they took it. The American people saw the impeachment for what it was.......a political ploy They will have the same reaction to any attempt to impeach Obama

Somehow, I don't think that we will see a visceral reaction against the impeachment of Obama, after the new Congress is sworn in, assuming that he is also convicted in the Senate and removed from office.

In truth, it seems like that it will the cause of a National Day of Celebration, given that the long national nightmare will have ended 1-1/2 to 2 years earlier than scheduled.

Once the new Congress is sworn-in, Impeachment in the House will be relatively easy. Conviction in the Senate will require some wheeling and dealing. However, it seems entirely possible that the Pubs could pull that off, given a little imagination and a little razzle-dazzle in the back rooms.

It seems fairly clear that the country has already had enough of Obama, and want him to go home.

An ill-considered ill-timed EO on Immigration could very well prove to be the flashpoint - with the reaction being delayed until after the first of the New Year.

The impeachment of Clinton was distasteful but at least there was some evidence of wrongdoing.....even if it wasn't criminal

Any impeachment of Obama would be seen for what it is.......political Butthurt because the president is acting like a president

You don't think perjury is criminal? THAT is funny...except to the people in prison for committing perjury. Remember Lil Kim? How about Marion Jones? Bet they wish you'd been right that perjury was not criminal.

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