I just had to show my damn ID and sign a waiver just to get cold medicine.

Oh quit whining. That's all you do. You and the other non-thinking rw's. Every damn day, more whining threads from you.

In a different thread, one of your fellow ditto-heads is whining about TSA.

Don't like the US?


Too funny, what a fucked up American you are.

Don't like it leave You eat that bull shit for lunch to?

Whinny little bitch.
Americans have to apply for a gun permit and register their weapon.. that requires ID, you moron. The press had to show ID to enter the DNC Convention. Your entire argument is an argument for providing identification. Thanks!

^ Doesn't understand what safety precautions are.

Oh, I suspect she understands the importance of taking reasonable precautions to ensure the safety...and the integrity...of the voting process.
Thanks to the liberal Democrats, you won't have to show your ID to vote. You don't even have to be alive to vote in some places.

You do realize our Founding Fathers did not show ID to vote, right? RIGHT? Or did you think George Washington showed a dollar bill to vote?

I have news for you. For over two centuries we've been voting without ID. No, really!

And just like unthinking clockwork, I see you brought up the dead people voting thing. This is easily solved by proper management of the existing voter registration system. Why are you demanding a whole new layer of bureaucracy when you have evidence the existing bureaucracy is mismanaging itself? Does that make ANY sense to you?

Why are you not instead demanding the existing bureaucracy do its job properly? Since when do all you alleged "conservatives" demand more government hurdles to the exercise of one's constitutional rights?

You aren't conservatives. You are Unconservatives. Idiots. Morons. Completely lacking in critical thinking.

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Oh quit whining. That's all you do. You and the other non-thinking rw's. Every damn day, more whining threads from you.

In a different thread, one of your fellow ditto-heads is whining about TSA.

Don't like the US?


Since "The T" left, the post of resident dickhead has been vacant. I think Grumps is campaigning.
Please. I'm no where near as rude as half the people on here. But thanks for thinking about me
I bought nyquil with no I.D. literally an hour ago, but that's neither here n'or there.
Listen to the resident loser libs make excuses, attack the OP for making the very real point that if you have to provide an ID for fucking cough medicine, the integrity of the American ballot should be protected by no less!

This bullshit apples and oranges logical fallacy is getting really, really, really, really old. It comes up at least once a week. What, do you guys get an email from Idiot Central to bring it back up each week? You really should unsubscribe so you stop sounding so stupid.


WTF are you babbling about.. no wait, a better question would be, "Who the fuck cares what you're drooling all over your adult baby bib about tonight?!"
Over the fucking counter cold medicine.

Shove your ID complaints up your ass.

Happened to me too--got a bad head cold--had to show my I.D. sign for over the counter medicine--yet--democrats complain about having to show a picture i.D to vote--LOL. But they sure required an I.D. to get into the Democrat National Convention last week--:badgrin:
Just saying, but you guys know that cold medicine is abused ala~ alcohol, hopefully?

The analogy is decent, but it's not a wash.
Big fucking deal. It's like showing your ID to buy cigarettes.

You got the cold medicine, right?

They legally have to do that since there are tons of sue happy people ready to abuse and exploit the allready broken judicial system, and the over the counter drugs can abused, so hence the ID thing.

No, it's because a lot of that shit is used to make meth.
I had heard about them requiring ID now awhile back but I haven't been sick enough to need any for a few years. I have also heard recently that Missouri wants to make it even harder to obtain by requiring an actual prescription.

Politics gone haywire

no, meth heads gone haywire.

no, it's dems gone haywire.

Legal Requirements for the Sale and Purchase of Drug Products Containing Pseudoephedrine, Ephedrine, and Phenylpropanolamine

The Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005 has been incorporated into the Patriot Act signed by President Bush on March 9, 2006.
Thanks Jackson. Contrary to what lilolelady says the pills do help.

Well, I hope you are feeling better.

And it is amazing to hear of all the things you need an ID for, silly things, and then to cry foul when we ask for an ID for the most important privilege we have, fair elections to select our leaders!
Over the fucking counter cold medicine.

Shove your ID complaints up your ass.

They probably think you'll make drugs from it or something.

But that is fucking stupid. Why can't you buy it at the supermarket? You cannot honestly be saying that you have to go to the chemist for cough medicine?

If so, I must live in the lucky country. Oh wait...

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