I just had to show my damn ID and sign a waiver just to get cold medicine.

Over the fucking counter cold medicine.

Shove your ID complaints up your ass.

Wrong again, Gramps…

You don’t have a Constitutional right to buy cold medicine, you do have a Constitutional right to vote.

You’re comparing two separate issues which have noting to do with each other.
Over the fucking counter cold medicine.

Shove your ID complaints up your ass.

Wrong again, Gramps…

You don’t have a Constitutional right to buy cold medicine, you do have a Constitutional right to vote.

You’re comparing two separate issues which have noting to do with each other.

Wait a minute. You do have a Constitutional right to buy something. Until they made a rule, you had to show an ID and then you can buy it.. You have a Constitutional right to vote until they make the rule you have to show an ID and then you can exercise it. It's not taking your right away, it's just protecting your vote from anyone else using your name or you using someone elses.
Over the fucking counter cold medicine.

Shove your ID complaints up your ass.

Can you think of an alternative method for proving you have not bought more than Big Brother says you can buy?

Didn't think so.

That's why all these repetitive asinine topics about having to provide ID to fly or buy alcohol or whatever the fuck are over-the-top stupid. Do you people hit yourselves on the head with a hammer to forget the last time your ass was handed to you for making such a stupid mistake?

You see, we do have an existing system for voting for which Voter ID does not prevent or catch any additional types of fraud. That's why Voter ID proponents have to make up imaginary scenarios for which ONLY Voter ID would work. They cannot provide any REAL examples of fraud for which ONLY voter ID would work.

Even dumber, they frequently give examples of voter fraud which Voter ID would NOT catch, like fraudulent absentee voting or being registered to vote in more than one voting district. Or they bring up dead people voting which can be prevented by the existing system purging dead people from voter registration rolls. It is also why they have to lie and say opponents of Voter ID don't believe any fraud occurs, when in actuality they cannot comprehend that Voter ID does not add any value to preventing or catching the fraud which does exist. This is mental retardation we are looking at. That's why they cannot provide any real world examples of such.

It is simply astonishing that they want the same government that fucks up the management of registration rolls to add yet another layer of bureaucracy! I seriously do not understand the idiotic illogic these Unconservatives require to function.

Sorry to make your butt hurt. Again.


Naturally, this post was roundly ignored by the nutters.
Over the fucking counter cold medicine.

Shove your ID complaints up your ass.

Wrong again, Gramps…

You don’t have a Constitutional right to buy cold medicine, you do have a Constitutional right to vote.

You’re comparing two separate issues which have noting to do with each other.
Gramps must have received the talking points alert on this so he started a thread. I heard some moron politician on the radio trying to make the same ridiculous comparison.
Over the fucking counter cold medicine.

Shove your ID complaints up your ass.

Wrong again, Gramps…

You don’t have a Constitutional right to buy cold medicine, you do have a Constitutional right to vote.

You’re comparing two separate issues which have noting to do with each other.
Gramps must have received the talking points alert on this so he started a thread. I heard some moron politician on the radio trying to make the same ridiculous comparison.

If by talking points you mean a runny nose, fever and headache. Yes, I received them.
Over the fucking counter cold medicine.

Shove your ID complaints up your ass.

I think that's absolutely ridiculous. I suggest that you stop shopping at that particular private business, and take your money elsewhere. If enough people stop doing business with them because they are dissatisfied with their practices, then they'll change in order to stay in business.
Wow, I wish I got in this before it grew to it's current 6 pages. Classic. The OP was musing (or to you libs, read: ranting) about why he has to show ID for meds, but not to vote. Doesn't that strike you libs as a bit strange? If it doesn't, well, P.T. Barnum was indeed correct...
Over the fucking counter cold medicine.

Shove your ID complaints up your ass.

I think that's absolutely ridiculous. I suggest that you stop shopping at that particular private business, and take your money elsewhere. If enough people stop doing business with them because they are dissatisfied with their practices, then they'll change in order to stay in business.

Most places do the very same thing for certain cold medicine.
Having had a job stocking such things, people they had these laws you couldn't keep the stuff on the shelf. I would actually stalk a whole shelf and all if it would be gone by the end of my shift. Of course I worked in an area with a lot of meth production, but I am sure the same thing happened most places.
Wow, I wish I got in this before it grew to it's current 6 pages. Classic. The OP was musing (or to you libs, read: ranting) about why he has to show ID for meds, but not to vote. Doesn't that strike you libs as a bit strange? If it doesn't, well, P.T. Barnum was indeed correct...

Don't make meth in a voting booth.
Police States are fun, huh?

Living in a town like Spokane, that had one of the worst meth problems in the nation is even better. My friend moved to the LA area, she said you do not see the meth tweekers like you do here.
And I believe Spokane was one of the first places to do this.
Police States are fun, huh?

Living in a town like Spokane, that had one of the worst meth problems in the nation is even better. My friend moved to the LA area, she said you do not see the meth tweekers like you do here.
And I believe Spokane was one of the first places to do this.

Yes, punish the masses for the few assholes. Perfect Goose Stepper illogic. So sad.
Police States are fun, huh?

Living in a town like Spokane, that had one of the worst meth problems in the nation is even better. My friend moved to the LA area, she said you do not see the meth tweekers like you do here.
And I believe Spokane was one of the first places to do this.

Its State wide and has been for almost two decades now.
Police States are fun, huh?

Living in a town like Spokane, that had one of the worst meth problems in the nation is even better. My friend moved to the LA area, she said you do not see the meth tweekers like you do here.
And I believe Spokane was one of the first places to do this.

Yes, punish the masses for the few assholes. Perfect Goose Stepper illogic. So sad.

Well one of the problems was that cold medicine was flying off the shelves in some areas. Not sure what a good solution to this issue is, really.

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