I just saw a desantis ad on TV for the first time!


Wow! A desantis for president sticker was placed over a trump sticker. LET THE GAMES BEGIN!
I saw.a headline somewhere that suggested that a Trump/Desantis ticket would win the W.H for certain based on their resesrch/polling. I don't see it, but this is what was stated.
I saw.a headline somewhere that suggested that a Trump/Desantis ticket would win the W.H for certain based on their resesrch/polling. I don't see it, but this is what was stated.
Yeah, I saw that on another message board. It has never really mattered who the VP candidate is, as far back as I can remember. In this case, trump would still be the top of the ticket, as damaged as he is and will be.
Yeah, I saw that on another message board. It has never really mattered who the VP candidate is, as far back as I can remember. In this case, trump would still be the top of the ticket, as damaged as he is and will be.
There is some irony here in that if DeSantis donors had a crystal ball and could see a win for Trump with Desantis as.V.P, I bet they would encourage it. I think some believe Ron can pull off the upset. I don't see either in the W.H in 2024, but I have been known to be wrong from time to time.
Yeah, I saw that on another message board. It has never really mattered who the VP candidate is, as far back as I can remember. In this case, trump would still be the top of the ticket, as damaged as he is and will be.
Pence was the perfect VP for trump...a milktoast right up to the end then, for a moment, he found his spine.
This group is either Democrats, or never Trump establishment Republicans. the worst thing Dr Santis could do is run this year.

He is in a unique position, that rarely occurs in history. If Trump runs against Biden in 2024, no matter who wins they will only have four years to serve period 2028 will be wide open period If Trump wins and does well, DeSantis can sell himself as another Trump.

If Biden wins, the disaster that follows will make 2028 a Reagan Carter style landslide.

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