I keep asking myself...

...... trump ..... the only demographic he wins are uneducated angry white males who are steeped in their own racial grievance.
If that's true, Trump can just as well start moving in today. The majority vote is in his pocket!

If that's true, Trump can just as well start moving in today. The majority vote is in his pocket!


And given his background he will probably want to remodel and expand the whole building.
Plus sterilize the oval office.
How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals?

Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.
As you say, "Trump or no Trump". One doesn't need to vote for Trump, or even like him .... it's got nothing to do with Hitlery's conduct.
It has everything to do with Hillary's conduct. It's either her or Trump.

yes.....and trump is clearly a lying loon who isn't tempermentally or intellectually or emotionally equipped to be president.

there is a reason the only demographic he wins are uneducated angry white males who are steeped in their own racial grievance.
I have a college degree, not particularly angry, don't care much about race. I see lots and lots of angry libs, always spouting off about something. Trump is simply the latest vehicle for their emotional outlets.

As soon as he's done, like Bush, liberals will simply attach themselves to a new host to get their hate on.
How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals?

Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.
As you say, "Trump or no Trump". One doesn't need to vote for Trump, or even like him .... it's got nothing to do with Hitlery's conduct.
It has everything to do with Hillary's conduct. It's either her or Trump.

yes.....and trump is clearly a lying loon who isn't tempermentally or intellectually or emotionally equipped to be president.

there is a reason the only demographic he wins are uneducated angry white males who are steeped in their own racial grievance.
I have a college degree, not particularly angry, don't care much about race. I see lots and lots of angry libs, always spouting off about something. Trump is simply the latest vehicle for their emotional outlets.

As soon as he's done, like Bush, liberals will simply attach themselves to a new host to get their hate on.
"Trump is simply the latest vehicle for their emotional outlets."

On target as far as I am concerned
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A large chunk of the people she works for say otherwise. So no. It's relevant. Whether you like it or not.

she isn't working for anyone right now... and you Deplorables are going to find out how little you matter in three weeks.
It's that very mind set; which your Queen also holds, that makes her, and your party unfit to serve as POTUS.
How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals?

Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.
Turz, do you ever question any of the accusations against Hillary? Do you ever peruse and consider the debunks? I ask because it seems that accusations against Hillary seem to be all accepted without question, not necessarily by you but as a trend among Trump supporters. Yet when he speaks, few of his supporters seem to accept his slogans without substance as some sort of relief from their troubles. An example: Trump promises to return manufacture to America by punishing those who have fled the country thru taxes or tariffs or something. Yet if I recall, Obama tried that and got shot down by Congress. (I'll have to look that up, because I am not remembering dates or details. Do you?) Also, the only good blue collar jobs before the hemorrhage of 2007/2008 were union jobs. That's one of the reasons why I question Trump's promises, the ones he fails to detail.
I'm aware of Clinton's history. After 30 years, you'd think the professional hounds could come up with something indictable, wouldn't you? I've heard that if you look long enough you can indict a ham sandwich, but it seem they fall short when it comes to their favorite scapegoat. The court is public opinion is the only recourse for the haters it seems.
What can one do about the above?

How can one person be so clueless?
she committed no criminal acts. only loons think otherwise.
My name is loon.
Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
Scandals based on fiction aren't crimes. You rely on circumstantiality to convince yourself of a delusion. By relentlessly firing off a huge number of stupid fake scandals it makes it so there is really no time, nor is there a good reason, to refute them all.
and yet another clueless one.

I suspect they get all their news from left wing sources, so they don't know WTF is going on. They are brainwashed useful idiots.
It's that very mind set; which your Queen also holds, that makes her, and your party unfit to serve as POTUS.

The mindset that the dumb, uneducated, angry white males that make up your base and have kept voting for the rich to fuck the rest of us shouldn't be taken seriously?

sorry, guy, I've realized that reasoning with you people is impossible. so I don't really bother.
It's that very mind set; which your Queen also holds, that makes her, and your party unfit to serve as POTUS.

The mindset that the dumb, uneducated, angry white males that make up your base and have kept voting for the rich to fuck the rest of us shouldn't be taken seriously?

sorry, guy, I've realized that reasoning with you people is impossible. so I don't really bother.
You simply refuse and accept that other people can have, and hold different beliefs and values as yourself. And when you see people doing it; you and your ilk attempt to vigorously stamp them out. Which is actually just one more example of hypocrisy displayed by the party that cheerleads the value of diversity. Most of you hold very unAmerican ideals. And want your hive mind shillbot mentality to become the norm.
How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals?

Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.

Her supporters and defenders revel in what she can and has gotten away with. They rejoice in being HER enabler. Sad times indeed.
It's thier vicarious way of feeling like a winner. Because in real life they are losers. They only wish they could game thier personal lives, the way thier masters have gamed them.

I've seen "there" and "they're". But "thier" is a new one. And...it ain't a typo. Back to third grade with you.

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