I keep asking myself...

How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals? Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.
Perfectly reasonable question.

My guess would be that the GOP has provided cover for Hillary by running a candidate who is the ultimate media chew toy, the perfect distraction the media could use to avoid focusing on Hillary's questionable exploits. The Dems ran a terrible candidate and the GOP provided a huge assist.

Now, a question for you: Do you think the GOP will learn anything constructive from this experience?
How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals? Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.
Perfectly reasonable question.

My guess would be that the GOP has provided cover for Hillary by running a candidate who is the ultimate media chew toy, the perfect distraction the media could use to avoid focusing on Hillary's questionable exploits. The Dems ran a terrible candidate and the GOP provided a huge assist.

Now, a question for you: Do you think the GOP will learn anything constructive from this experience?

To answer your question, of course not. What has anyone with power ever learned that their responsibilities and integrity comes first?

As to your theory, I think it makes a lot of sense. I do not see elitist republicans in D.C. as honorable, only self serving. But to pull off that plan, i.e. letting an easy foil like Trump be the candidate, could not have been easily done. More luck than anything.
How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals?

Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.

I guess I can't get worked up about emails.

I really can't.

the problem with the whole "classified" system is that more often than not, it's not about keeping secrets from our "enemies" (not really, Israel's enemies aren't my enemies), but about keeping secrets from us, the American people.

Trump, on the other hand is a crazy person who might get control of the nukes.

I don't honestly care if Hillary sends out a Seal Team to knock off Monica. It doesn't efffect me.

But when you have National Security Experts saying that Trumpenfuhrer's policies would start a war and Economists saying his policies would trigger a recession, THAT shit is going to effect me.

There's nothing wrong with voting in your self interest.

Hillary will make my life better. Trump will make my life worse.

It's just that simple.
How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals? Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.
Perfectly reasonable question.

My guess would be that the GOP has provided cover for Hillary by running a candidate who is the ultimate media chew toy, the perfect distraction the media could use to avoid focusing on Hillary's questionable exploits. The Dems ran a terrible candidate and the GOP provided a huge assist.

Now, a question for you: Do you think the GOP will learn anything constructive from this experience?

Guy, lying about blow jobs and emails are not high crimes.

Did anyone DIE because of what Hillary did? (and, no Benghazi doesn't count)
Did anyone lose their livelihoods over what Hillary did?

What? No?

On the other hand, thousands of people died because of what Bush did and millions lost their homes and jobs.

Get real. If you don't like Hillary, or Bush, or Trump, the place to deal with that is at the ballot box, not some unelected investigator trolling the penal code trying to get them on something.

There's nothing wrong with voting in your self interest.

Hillary will make my life better. Trump will make my life worse.

It's just that simple.

That is very fair, Joe. You care only about yourself.

As for me, I vote what is best for the common good.

And in no way, shape or form could I in good conscience speak well of Obama or Hillary, or many of the secular liberal beliefs and designs.

(...which, unfortunately, still says nothing all that good about conservatives and their representatives.)
How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals? Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.
Perfectly reasonable question.

My guess would be that the GOP has provided cover for Hillary by running a candidate who is the ultimate media chew toy, the perfect distraction the media could use to avoid focusing on Hillary's questionable exploits. The Dems ran a terrible candidate and the GOP provided a huge assist.

Now, a question for you: Do you think the GOP will learn anything constructive from this experience?

Guy, lying about blow jobs and emails are not high crimes.

Did anyone DIE because of what Hillary did? (and, no Benghazi doesn't count)
Did anyone lose their livelihoods over what Hillary did?

What? No?

On the other hand, thousands of people died because of what Bush did and millions lost their homes and jobs.

Get real. If you don't like Hillary, or Bush, or Trump, the place to deal with that is at the ballot box, not some unelected investigator trolling the penal code trying to get them on something.

Benghazi does count.Though the Hillbots wish it didn't.
That is very fair, Joe. You care only about yourself.

As for me, I vote what is best for the common good.

And in no way, shape or form could I in good conscience speak well of Obama or Hillary, or many of the secular liberal beliefs and designs.

Well, that's because you spend your life wondering what an imaginary fairy in the sky wants instead of practical stuff.

The rich have been manipulating stupid people like you for decades. It's why abortion is still legal, but those big corporations got their tax breaks and their union busting and their trade treaties. But dumb shits like you keep voting Republican because they are Right With Jesus!!!

You see, I used to be one of you right wing nuts, and Clinton banging the intern made me so angry I voted for George W. Stupid because he was a moral guy who would never cheat on his wife.

And at the end of it, I had a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage and a 25% reduction in salary when his recession hit.

So frankly, if you aren't sitting down and saying, "Which one of these guys is going to make my life better?" - THEN YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!!!!!
Upped the security as had been requested hundreds of times, for starters. Her response after the fact is when it really headed downhill...
Upped the security as had been requested hundreds of times, for starters. Her response after the fact is when it really headed downhill...

anything she did after the fact is irrelevent. And since most of the security requests were related to the embassy in Tripoli and not the mission in Benghazi, also irrelevant.

Again- EIGHT investigations, all cleared her of wrongdoing.
I'm aware of Clinton's history. After 30 years, you'd think the professional hounds could come up with something indictable,

if there were an honest FBI and a Conservative/Republican A.G., she would be in prison by now, some folks are in prison for far less than the crimes against America she has committed. :up:
Conspiracy nut alert above.

Political preference, promotion, and greed prevents the scenarios above.

Trump gained his position because the GOP alliance of neo-cons, socons, corporatists, and hard cons and constitutionalists finally spun apart because the mainstream leadership kept making promises on which they could not, or would not, deliver.

Trump stepped forth to fill that need of the populist white working class to be relevant once more.

The pro-Putin and pro-Ruskies climbed on board right along with the white supremacists and nativists.

Stir in demagoguery and alt right media mantras, stew for one year, then mix with high octaine campaigning and lying.

Upped the security as had been requested hundreds of times, for starters. Her response after the fact is when it really headed downhill...

anything she did after the fact is irrelevent. And since most of the security requests were related to the embassy in Tripoli and not the mission in Benghazi, also irrelevant.

Again- EIGHT investigations, all cleared her of wrongdoing.
A large chunk of the people she works for say otherwise. So no. It's relevant. Whether you like it or not.
How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals?

Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.

There are no criminal acts by Clinton. There is only lies and innuendo put forth by Republicans. 16 investigations, $100 million, one special prosecutor and not one charge, no indictments, no evidence and no witnesses. Republicans make up shit about the Clintons, get it investigated, at taxpayers expense, find nothing, continue to repeat the unsubstantiated allegations are being true, and make up new rumours of wrong doing. Wash rinse repeat.

What is shameful, is the ease with which Republicans do this over, and over and over. That's because their followers swallow these lies enthusiastically.

What is also shameful is that Republicans have taught you to mistrust the mainstream media as biased, without telling you that the right wing media is also lying to you, about everything, and because you don't fact check, they get away with it. That's because you're also convinced that fact checking websites are also biased.

They claim that because right-wing "facts" are so often rated as "False", much more so than left-wing "facts", and more right-wing facts get questioned, this proves the bias. No, it proves that the right lies relentlessly.

You're living in this alternative universe where Republicans tell you down is up and you believe them. You don't ever even check to see if these facts are true, and when you're offered proof that they're not, you deny that truth.

Hillary Clinton is not a crook, as has been proven by 25 years of Republican led and taxpayer funded investigations - 16 of them in all. No evidence of wrong doing, no evidence of crimes, no witnesses - in spite of everyone around her being given immunity from prosecution, a special prosecutor who is now ashamed of his role in these Republican witch hunts, and nothing.

Any bias in the MSM, is mild compared to the bias in the alt-right media. I'm hopeful now that Roger Ailes is gone, perhaps FOX will tone down the lies too. There were 7 Benghazi investigations in part because FOX kept beating that dead horse, but mostly because Republicans wanted to be able to keep Benghazi front and centre in the election campaign, and keep slamming a very effective and very popular Secretary of State.

More than 80 people died in terrorist attacks on US diplomatic outposts and staff under the Bush Administration, but there wasn't one House investigation about any of those deaths, or those attacks. Not one.
A large chunk of the people she works for say otherwise. So no. It's relevant. Whether you like it or not.

That chunk has been consistently lied to by FOX and the Republicans for the past 5 years about what happened. So much so that people like you refuse to believe the findings contained in the 7 Benghazi reports, and instead, choose to believe the lies.
How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals?

Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.
Hillary's supporters worry about nasty words rather than look at heinous, criminal and in some cases fatal acts.
A large chunk of the people she works for say otherwise. So no. It's relevant. Whether you like it or not.

That chunk has been consistently lied to by FOX and the Republicans for the past 5 years about what happened. So much so that people like you refuse to believe the findings contained in the 7 Benghazi reports, and instead, choose to believe the lies.
You sound like the mother who has a son who's been committing criminal acts since he was four years old.
Now he's a convicted rapist murderer. And you are still claiming "no one ever gave him a chance".
Pathetic is what you are.
GOD your breath must stink!

There are no criminal acts by Clinton. There is only lies and innuendo put forth by Republicans.
Her violation of the Federal Records Act alone is a crime. All official records are to be kept, NOT destroyed to cover your ass.

You commie fuck, you come here every day to lie and propagandize in order to corrupt our political system.
How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals?

Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.

she committed no criminal acts. only loons think otherwise. trump is a lying loon who is an admitted sexual preditor.

let us know when the trumpsters dive a damn, that he's a bigoted, misogynist, fascist loon.
How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals?

Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.
As you say, "Trump or no Trump". One doesn't need to vote for Trump, or even like him .... it's got nothing to do with Hitlery's conduct.
It has everything to do with Hillary's conduct. It's either her or Trump.

yes.....and trump is clearly a lying loon who isn't tempermentally or intellectually or emotionally equipped to be president.

there is a reason the only demographic he wins are uneducated angry white males who are steeped in their own racial grievance.

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