I keep asking myself...

How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals?

Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.

Her supporters and defenders revel in what she can and has gotten away with. They rejoice in being HER enabler. Sad times indeed.
It's thier vicarious way of feeling like a winner. Because in real life they are losers. They only wish they could game thier personal lives, the way thier masters have gamed them.

I've seen "there" and "they're". But "thier" is a new one. And...it ain't a typo. Back to third grade with you.[/QUOTE./]
Actually a typo is exactly what it is... You really are a dumb mother fucker aren't you? Troll elswhere. You are now dismissed. Ignored till some other thread. Contribute. Or be left behind. You've made your choice on this thread. Perhaps you'll choose more wisely in the next...

Actually a typo is exactly what it is... You really are a dumb mother fucker aren't you? Troll elswhere. You are now dismissed. Ignored till some other thread. Contribute. Or be left behind. You've made your choice on this thread. Perhaps you'll choose more wisely in the next...
Last edited:
people can have, and hold different beliefs and values as yourself. And when you see people doing it; you and your ilk attempt to vigorously stamp them out. Which is actually just one more example of hypocrisy displayed by the party that cheerleads the value of diversity. Most of you hold very unAmerican ideals. And want your hive mind shillbot mentality to become the norm.
You simply refuse and accept that other people can have, and hold different beliefs and values as yourself. And when you see people doing it; you and your ilk attempt to vigorously stamp them out. Which is actually just one more example of hypocrisy displayed by the party that cheerleads the value of diversity. Most of you hold very unAmerican ideals. And want your hive mind shillbot mentality to become the norm.
This sounds like some shillbot, spewing stuff from a hive mind, which, of course, is protected by the first amendment.

So keep saying all the crazy shit that you want.
You simply refuse and accept that other people can have, and hold different beliefs and values as yourself. And when you see people doing it; you and your ilk attempt to vigorously stamp them out. Which is actually just one more example of hypocrisy displayed by the party that cheerleads the value of diversity. Most of you hold very unAmerican ideals. And want your hive mind shillbot mentality to become the norm.
This sounds like some shillbot, spewing stuff from a hive mind, which, of course, is protected by the first amendment.

So keep saying all the crazy shit that you want.
Turn-a-bout fail... You'll have to do better than that. Coming up with your own material would be a good start.
Now... I'll let you have a do-over. Go...!
I'll even reset the board for you...
People can have, and hold different beliefs and values as yourself. And when you see people doing it; you and your ilk attempt to vigorously stamp them out. Which is actually just one more example of hypocrisy displayed by the party that cheerleads the value of diversity. Most of you hold very unAmerican ideals. And want your hive mind shillbot mentality to become the norm.
I'll even reset the board for you...
People can have, and hold different beliefs and values as yourself. And when you see people doing it; you and your ilk attempt to vigorously stamp them out. Which is actually just one more example of hypocrisy displayed by the party that cheerleads the value of diversity. Most of you hold very unAmerican ideals. And want your hive mind shillbot mentality to become the norm.
You can pretend that you and your ilk are the vanguards of the first amendment, but you're not. Most conservatives, for example, wanted a flag burning amendment. They also would be pleased to see the NFL force its players to stand during the national anthem. You are the ones who want to ban sharia.

That is unAmerican

Your team wants to call massive corporations people. And those people can be immortal and they never have to face a jury of their peers. You want to worship so called corporate successes (e.g., the Trump brand), and the people who run them you want to make more equal than the rest of us (it's okay if they don't pay taxes, redistribution of wealth upward is A-OK!).

That is unAmerican.

We don't need your fucking tea.
I'll even reset the board for you...
People can have, and hold different beliefs and values as yourself. And when you see people doing it; you and your ilk attempt to vigorously stamp them out. Which is actually just one more example of hypocrisy displayed by the party that cheerleads the value of diversity. Most of you hold very unAmerican ideals. And want your hive mind shillbot mentality to become the norm.
You can pretend that you and your ilk are the vanguards of the first amendment, but you're not. Most conservatives, for example, wanted a flag burning amendment. They also would be pleased to see the NFL force its players to stand during the national anthem. You are the ones who want to ban sharia.

That is unAmerican

Your team wants to call massive corporations people. And those people can be immortal and they never have to face a jury of their peers. You want to worship so called corporate successes (e.g., the Trump brand), and the people who run them you want to make more equal than the rest of us (it's okay if they don't pay taxes, redistribution of wealth upward is A-OK!).

That is unAmerican.

We don't need your fucking tea.
"Most conservatives, for example, wanted a flag burning amendment."

Back that up.

"They also would be pleased to see the NFL force its players to stand during the national anthem. You are the ones who want to ban sharia."

Pleased to see is the same as by way of force of law to you?

"Your team wants to call massive corporations people. And those people can be immortal and they never have to face a jury of their peers."

Says who? That was't the ruling of the high court. You are just repeating childish drivel you've heard without bothering to look into it. Accuracy is not your goal.
I'll even reset the board for you...
People can have, and hold different beliefs and values as yourself. And when you see people doing it; you and your ilk attempt to vigorously stamp them out. Which is actually just one more example of hypocrisy displayed by the party that cheerleads the value of diversity. Most of you hold very unAmerican ideals. And want your hive mind shillbot mentality to become the norm.
You can pretend that you and your ilk are the vanguards of the first amendment, but you're not. Most conservatives, for example, wanted a flag burning amendment. They also would be pleased to see the NFL force its players to stand during the national anthem. You are the ones who want to ban sharia.

That is unAmerican

Your team wants to call massive corporations people. And those people can be immortal and they never have to face a jury of their peers. You want to worship so called corporate successes (e.g., the Trump brand), and the people who run them you want to make more equal than the rest of us (it's okay if they don't pay taxes, redistribution of wealth upward is A-OK!).

That is unAmerican.

We don't need your fucking tea.
Very little of what you speak; describes me or my views. You post from a position of ignorance. That is why you fail so often...
I'll even reset the board for you...
People can have, and hold different beliefs and values as yourself. And when you see people doing it; you and your ilk attempt to vigorously stamp them out. Which is actually just one more example of hypocrisy displayed by the party that cheerleads the value of diversity. Most of you hold very unAmerican ideals. And want your hive mind shillbot mentality to become the norm.
You can pretend that you and your ilk are the vanguards of the first amendment, but you're not. Most conservatives, for example, wanted a flag burning amendment. They also would be pleased to see the NFL force its players to stand during the national anthem. You are the ones who want to ban sharia.

That is unAmerican

Your team wants to call massive corporations people. And those people can be immortal and they never have to face a jury of their peers. You want to worship so called corporate successes (e.g., the Trump brand), and the people who run them you want to make more equal than the rest of us (it's okay if they don't pay taxes, redistribution of wealth upward is A-OK!).

That is unAmerican.

We don't need your fucking tea.
"Most conservatives, for example, wanted a flag burning amendment."

Back that up.

"They also would be pleased to see the NFL force its players to stand during the national anthem. You are the ones who want to ban sharia."

Pleased to see is the same as by way of force of law to you?

"Your team wants to call massive corporations people. And those people can be immortal and they never have to face a jury of their peers."

Says who? That was't the ruling of the high court. You are just repeating childish drivel you've heard without bothering to look into it. Accuracy is not your goal.
Corporations are considered people in the United States.

Are corporations people? The U.S. Supreme Court says they are, at least for some purposes. And in the past four years, the high court has dramatically expanded corporate rights.

It ruled that corporations have the right to spend money in candidate elections, and that some for-profit corporations may, on religious grounds, refuse to comply with a federal mandate to cover birth control in their employee health plans.
When Did Companies Become People? Excavating The Legal Evolution
I'll even reset the board for you...
People can have, and hold different beliefs and values as yourself. And when you see people doing it; you and your ilk attempt to vigorously stamp them out. Which is actually just one more example of hypocrisy displayed by the party that cheerleads the value of diversity. Most of you hold very unAmerican ideals. And want your hive mind shillbot mentality to become the norm.
You can pretend that you and your ilk are the vanguards of the first amendment, but you're not. Most conservatives, for example, wanted a flag burning amendment. They also would be pleased to see the NFL force its players to stand during the national anthem. You are the ones who want to ban sharia.

That is unAmerican

Your team wants to call massive corporations people. And those people can be immortal and they never have to face a jury of their peers. You want to worship so called corporate successes (e.g., the Trump brand), and the people who run them you want to make more equal than the rest of us (it's okay if they don't pay taxes, redistribution of wealth upward is A-OK!).

That is unAmerican.

We don't need your fucking tea.
"Most conservatives, for example, wanted a flag burning amendment."

Back that up.

"They also would be pleased to see the NFL force its players to stand during the national anthem. You are the ones who want to ban sharia."

Pleased to see is the same as by way of force of law to you?

"Your team wants to call massive corporations people. And those people can be immortal and they never have to face a jury of their peers."

Says who? That was't the ruling of the high court. You are just repeating childish drivel you've heard without bothering to look into it. Accuracy is not your goal.
Corporations are considered people in the United States.

Are corporations people? The U.S. Supreme Court says they are, at least for some purposes. And in the past four years, the high court has dramatically expanded corporate rights.

It ruled that corporations have the right to spend money in candidate elections, and that some for-profit corporations may, on religious grounds, refuse to comply with a federal mandate to cover birth control in their employee health plans.
When Did Companies Become People? Excavating The Legal Evolution
So? I happen to disagree with this ruling. As do most of the conservatives I personally know. This reeks of corruption in my book. Which is why I won't be voting for Hillary. Hell. Half the Republican party members are so fed up with corruption that there's a civil war happening within the party. At least we take our elected officials to task. Democrats kneel before theirs like they were Lord's.
I'll even reset the board for you...
People can have, and hold different beliefs and values as yourself. And when you see people doing it; you and your ilk attempt to vigorously stamp them out. Which is actually just one more example of hypocrisy displayed by the party that cheerleads the value of diversity. Most of you hold very unAmerican ideals. And want your hive mind shillbot mentality to become the norm.
You can pretend that you and your ilk are the vanguards of the first amendment, but you're not. Most conservatives, for example, wanted a flag burning amendment. They also would be pleased to see the NFL force its players to stand during the national anthem. You are the ones who want to ban sharia.

That is unAmerican

Your team wants to call massive corporations people. And those people can be immortal and they never have to face a jury of their peers. You want to worship so called corporate successes (e.g., the Trump brand), and the people who run them you want to make more equal than the rest of us (it's okay if they don't pay taxes, redistribution of wealth upward is A-OK!).

That is unAmerican.

We don't need your fucking tea.
"Most conservatives, for example, wanted a flag burning amendment."

Back that up.

"They also would be pleased to see the NFL force its players to stand during the national anthem. You are the ones who want to ban sharia."

Pleased to see is the same as by way of force of law to you?

"Your team wants to call massive corporations people. And those people can be immortal and they never have to face a jury of their peers."

Says who? That was't the ruling of the high court. You are just repeating childish drivel you've heard without bothering to look into it. Accuracy is not your goal.
Corporations are considered people in the United States.

Are corporations people? The U.S. Supreme Court says they are, at least for some purposes. And in the past four years, the high court has dramatically expanded corporate rights.

It ruled that corporations have the right to spend money in candidate elections, and that some for-profit corporations may, on religious grounds, refuse to comply with a federal mandate to cover birth control in their employee health plans.
When Did Companies Become People? Excavating The Legal Evolution
Where does it say corporations are people? You can't understand the big words. The POINT of the ruling was people banded together, which is what a corporation is, do not lose their rights if they want to promote a common cause.

Libs hate it because it evens the playing field with unions in their back pockets. And using union dues to promote a candidate is illegal but they care nothing about that.
I'll even reset the board for you...
People can have, and hold different beliefs and values as yourself. And when you see people doing it; you and your ilk attempt to vigorously stamp them out. Which is actually just one more example of hypocrisy displayed by the party that cheerleads the value of diversity. Most of you hold very unAmerican ideals. And want your hive mind shillbot mentality to become the norm.
You can pretend that you and your ilk are the vanguards of the first amendment, but you're not. Most conservatives, for example, wanted a flag burning amendment. They also would be pleased to see the NFL force its players to stand during the national anthem. You are the ones who want to ban sharia.

That is unAmerican

Your team wants to call massive corporations people. And those people can be immortal and they never have to face a jury of their peers. You want to worship so called corporate successes (e.g., the Trump brand), and the people who run them you want to make more equal than the rest of us (it's okay if they don't pay taxes, redistribution of wealth upward is A-OK!).

That is unAmerican.

We don't need your fucking tea.
"Most conservatives, for example, wanted a flag burning amendment."

Back that up.

"They also would be pleased to see the NFL force its players to stand during the national anthem. You are the ones who want to ban sharia."

Pleased to see is the same as by way of force of law to you?

"Your team wants to call massive corporations people. And those people can be immortal and they never have to face a jury of their peers."

Says who? That was't the ruling of the high court. You are just repeating childish drivel you've heard without bothering to look into it. Accuracy is not your goal.
Corporations are considered people in the United States.

Are corporations people? The U.S. Supreme Court says they are, at least for some purposes. And in the past four years, the high court has dramatically expanded corporate rights.

It ruled that corporations have the right to spend money in candidate elections, and that some for-profit corporations may, on religious grounds, refuse to comply with a federal mandate to cover birth control in their employee health plans.
When Did Companies Become People? Excavating The Legal Evolution
So? I happen to disagree with this ruling. As do most of the conservatives I personally know. This reeks of corruption in my book. Which is why I won't be voting for Hillary. Hell. Half the Republican party members are so fed up with corruption that there's a civil war happening within the party. At least we take our elected officials to task. Democrats kneel before theirs like they were Lord's.
There's nothing corrupt about it. If you had a drywall company and you guys pitched in to support a Republican in your district it should not be against the law. The is no Constitutional reason for it.
I'll even reset the board for you...
People can have, and hold different beliefs and values as yourself. And when you see people doing it; you and your ilk attempt to vigorously stamp them out. Which is actually just one more example of hypocrisy displayed by the party that cheerleads the value of diversity. Most of you hold very unAmerican ideals. And want your hive mind shillbot mentality to become the norm.
You can pretend that you and your ilk are the vanguards of the first amendment, but you're not. Most conservatives, for example, wanted a flag burning amendment. They also would be pleased to see the NFL force its players to stand during the national anthem. You are the ones who want to ban sharia.

That is unAmerican

Your team wants to call massive corporations people. And those people can be immortal and they never have to face a jury of their peers. You want to worship so called corporate successes (e.g., the Trump brand), and the people who run them you want to make more equal than the rest of us (it's okay if they don't pay taxes, redistribution of wealth upward is A-OK!).

That is unAmerican.

We don't need your fucking tea.
"Most conservatives, for example, wanted a flag burning amendment."

Back that up.

"They also would be pleased to see the NFL force its players to stand during the national anthem. You are the ones who want to ban sharia."

Pleased to see is the same as by way of force of law to you?

"Your team wants to call massive corporations people. And those people can be immortal and they never have to face a jury of their peers."

Says who? That was't the ruling of the high court. You are just repeating childish drivel you've heard without bothering to look into it. Accuracy is not your goal.
Corporations are considered people in the United States.

Are corporations people? The U.S. Supreme Court says they are, at least for some purposes. And in the past four years, the high court has dramatically expanded corporate rights.

It ruled that corporations have the right to spend money in candidate elections, and that some for-profit corporations may, on religious grounds, refuse to comply with a federal mandate to cover birth control in their employee health plans.
When Did Companies Become People? Excavating The Legal Evolution
Where does it say corporations are people? You can't understand the big words. The POINT of the ruling was people banded together, which is what a corporation is, do not lose their rights if they want to promote a common cause.

Libs hate it because it evens the playing field with unions in their back pockets. And using union dues to promote a candidate is illegal but they care nothing about that.
Thank you. I was,about to point out the hipocrisy, as it pertains to unions. But you did it quite eloquently. I'd not feel bad to see both go. But as long as one exists, the other is neccesary.
So? I happen to disagree with this ruling. As do most of the conservatives I personally know. This reeks of corruption in my book. Which is why I won't be voting for Hillary. Hell. Half the Republican party members are so fed up with corruption that there's a civil war happening within the party. At least we take our elected officials to task. Democrats kneel before theirs like they were Lord's.

It isn't even close to the first ruling making corporations equivalent to people. The justices who made it this way were virtually all GOP president appointees.

And the GOP hates Dodd Frank, they love the fact that Wells Fargo President will retire with more money than he could ever spend. They hate Elizabeth Warren. They hate Bernie Sanders. And before she ran for POTUS, they expressed a lot of love and admiration for Hillary Clinton.
Where does it say corporations are people?
It doesn't have to say it specifically. We aren't third graders.

You can't understand the big words. The POINT of the ruling was people banded together, which is what a corporation is, do not lose their rights if they want to promote a common cause.
Except that isn't what a corporation is. That is what a union is.

Furthermore, the individuals in a corporation, individually, have the exact same rights as everyone else.
Thank you. I was,about to point out the hipocrisy, as it pertains to unions. But you did it quite eloquently. I'd not feel bad to see both go. But as long as one exists, the other is neccesary.
Except unions are literally what you are erroneously claiming corporations to be.

Unions get equal input and dues from each member. Corporations could have tens of thousands of employees, but only one person or family making all the decisions (e.g., Koch Industries).
So? I happen to disagree with this ruling. As do most of the conservatives I personally know. This reeks of corruption in my book. Which is why I won't be voting for Hillary. Hell. Half the Republican party members are so fed up with corruption that there's a civil war happening within the party. At least we take our elected officials to task. Democrats kneel before theirs like they were Lord's.

It isn't even close to the first ruling making corporations equivalent to people. The justices who made it this way were virtually all GOP president appointees.

And the GOP hates Dodd Frank, they love the fact that Wells Fargo President will retire with more money than he could ever spend. They hate Elizabeth Warren. They hate Bernie Sanders. And before she ran for POTUS, they expressed a lot of love and admiration for Hillary Clinton.
I don't know any GOP voters who ever expressesedanything other than revulsionon for Hillary. We've always known she was irredeemably corrupt.
Now Traitorous GOP represenatives...? That's another matter entirely. But rest assured. We're working on that...
How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals?

Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.

Her supporters and defenders revel in what she can and has gotten away with. They rejoice in being HER enabler. Sad times indeed.
It's thier vicarious way of feeling like a winner. Because in real life they are losers. They only wish they could game thier personal lives, the way thier masters have gamed them.

I've seen "there" and "they're". But "thier" is a new one. And...it ain't a typo. Back to third grade with you.[/QUOTE./]
Actually a typo is exactly what it is... You really are a dumb mother fucker aren't you? Troll elswhere. You are now dismissed. Ignored till some other thread. Contribute. Or be left behind. You've made your choice on this thread. Perhaps you'll choose more wisely in the next...

Actually a typo is exactly what it is... You really are a dumb mother fucker aren't you? Troll elswhere. You are now dismissed. Ignored till some other thread. Contribute. Or be left behind. You've made your choice on this thread. Perhaps you'll choose more wisely in the next...

"Once.....twice.....three times a typo.......and I love you!"
How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals?

Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.

Her supporters and defenders revel in what she can and has gotten away with. They rejoice in being HER enabler. Sad times indeed.
It's thier vicarious way of feeling like a winner. Because in real life they are losers. They only wish they could game thier personal lives, the way thier masters have gamed them.

I've seen "there" and "they're". But "thier" is a new one. And...it ain't a typo. Back to third grade with you.

Based on your "pearls of wisdom" no amount of education has benefited your understanding of right and wrong or life itself. (IMO)
Stay on task looking for typos, though.
she committed no criminal acts. only loons think otherwise.
My name is loon.
Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
Scandals based on fiction aren't crimes. You rely on circumstantiality to convince yourself of a delusion. By relentlessly firing off a huge number of stupid fake scandals it makes it so there is really no time, nor is there a good reason, to refute them all.

One thing about us conservatives --- we know a futile endeavor when we see one. Stay on your "noble" task since no one can deter you.

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