I keep asking myself...

How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals?

Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.

Her supporters and defenders revel in what she can and has gotten away with. They rejoice in being HER enabler. Sad times indeed.
It's thier vicarious way of feeling like a winner. Because in real life they are losers. They only wish they could game thier personal lives, the way thier masters have gamed them.

I've seen "there" and "they're". But "thier" is a new one. And...it ain't a typo. Back to third grade with you.

Based on your "pearls of wisdom" no amount of education has benefited your understanding of right and wrong or life itself. (IMO)
Stay on task looking for typos, though.

I don't look for typo's. I point out illiterate fools.
I don't look for typo's. I point out illiterate fools.

Well I hate to tell you, but you have failed miserably.

Even the illiterate are far wiser than your puffed up impression of yourself. Hillary loves you.
I don't look for typo's. I point out illiterate fools.

Well I hate to tell you, but you have failed miserably.

Even the illiterate are far wiser than your puffed up impression of yourself. Hillary loves you.
Don't feed em', he only seeks to disrupt otherwise enjoyable discourse. That's the kind of thing one becomes when their parents never showed them any attention. It's sad, for sure. However the effects are irreversible. Like the homeless drug addict on the corner... By giving him 5 dollars; you're not really helping. Such is the existence of a troll...
So? I happen to disagree with this ruling. As do most of the conservatives I personally know. This reeks of corruption in my book. Which is why I won't be voting for Hillary. Hell. Half the Republican party members are so fed up with corruption that there's a civil war happening within the party. At least we take our elected officials to task. Democrats kneel before theirs like they were Lord's.

It isn't even close to the first ruling making corporations equivalent to people. The justices who made it this way were virtually all GOP president appointees.

And the GOP hates Dodd Frank, they love the fact that Wells Fargo President will retire with more money than he could ever spend. They hate Elizabeth Warren. They hate Bernie Sanders. And before she ran for POTUS, they expressed a lot of love and admiration for Hillary Clinton.
I don't know any GOP voters who ever expressesedanything other than revulsionon for Hillary. We've always known she was irredeemably corrupt.
Now Traitorous GOP represenatives...? That's another matter entirely. But rest assured. We're working on that...
Except you are wrong. Democrats make up less than half the country. So explain this:

In two polls taken in 2011 and 2012, she was viewed favorably by 66 percent, making her more popular than President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

When she left that position on Feb. 1, 2013, 64 percent had a favorable view of her.
Hillary Clinton's approval ratings as secretary of state were high, but they're not now
she committed no criminal acts. only loons think otherwise.
My name is loon.
Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
Scandals based on fiction aren't crimes. You rely on circumstantiality to convince yourself of a delusion. By relentlessly firing off a huge number of stupid fake scandals it makes it so there is really no time, nor is there a good reason, to refute them all.

One thing about us conservatives --- we know a futile endeavor when we see one. Stay on your "noble" task since no one can deter you.
My noble task is to report the facts. And the facts in evidence clearly show the Secretary is not a criminal. And only in Opposite World has she committed a crime.
I don't look for typo's. I point out illiterate fools.

Well I hate to tell you, but you have failed miserably.

Even the illiterate are far wiser than your puffed up impression of yourself. Hillary loves you.
Don't feed em', he only seeks to disrupt otherwise enjoyable discourse. That's the kind of thing one becomes when their parents never showed them any attention. It's sad, for sure. However the effects are irreversible. Like the homeless drug addict on the corner... By giving him 5 dollars; you're not really helping. Such is the existence of a troll...

"I before E except after C"
she committed no criminal acts. only loons think otherwise.
My name is loon.
Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
Scandals based on fiction aren't crimes. You rely on circumstantiality to convince yourself of a delusion. By relentlessly firing off a huge number of stupid fake scandals it makes it so there is really no time, nor is there a good reason, to refute them all.

One thing about us conservatives --- we know a futile endeavor when we see one. Stay on your "noble" task since no one can deter you.
My noble task is to report the facts. And the facts in evidence clearly show the Secretary is not a criminal. And only in Opposite World has she committed a crime.

Here is the good news. You have won the war of winning over a gullible nation, because you have the entire MSM (and Administration) lying and covering up and promoting these phonies without ever telling the truth about their crimes and lies.

Of course, I think it's all a pile of sins and does not play well in the eternal. Your leftist secular ideologies have played the most important role in destroying the moral fabric and integrity of a nation. We are a bunch of hedonistic, godless idiots. With few exceptions.
Where does it say corporations are people?
It doesn't have to say it specifically. We aren't third graders.

You can't understand the big words. The POINT of the ruling was people banded together, which is what a corporation is, do not lose their rights if they want to promote a common cause.
Except that isn't what a corporation is. That is what a union is.

Furthermore, the individuals in a corporation, individually, have the exact same rights as everyone else.
You can't back up your statement, the ruling doesn't say corporations are people but you're right that people don't lose their rights if they own a corporation. That's the point (again). And unions, unlike corporations do not belong to the members, you have it exactly backwards.
she committed no criminal acts. only loons think otherwise.
My name is loon.
Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
Scandals based on fiction aren't crimes. You rely on circumstantiality to convince yourself of a delusion. By relentlessly firing off a huge number of stupid fake scandals it makes it so there is really no time, nor is there a good reason, to refute them all.

One thing about us conservatives --- we know a futile endeavor when we see one. Stay on your "noble" task since no one can deter you.
My noble task is to report the facts. And the facts in evidence clearly show the Secretary is not a criminal. And only in Opposite World has she committed a crime.
The facts say the opposite. You're a know nothing party hack.
How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals?

Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.

Imagine that your candidate is going to lose to such a weak opponent. If only you guys chose more wisely you wouldnt have to do all this whining on the back end
she committed no criminal acts. only loons think otherwise.
My name is loon.
Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
Scandals based on fiction aren't crimes. You rely on circumstantiality to convince yourself of a delusion. By relentlessly firing off a huge number of stupid fake scandals it makes it so there is really no time, nor is there a good reason, to refute them all.

One thing about us conservatives --- we know a futile endeavor when we see one. Stay on your "noble" task since no one can deter you.
My noble task is to report the facts. And the facts in evidence clearly show the Secretary is not a criminal. And only in Opposite World has she committed a crime.
There is plenty of evidence to suggest that collusion took place between hillary, and those who were supposed to hold her to account; to plant doubt in the mind of even the most blind of supporters. Now whether that translates to open scrutiny is up to the end user. However one thing is clear, and was stated clearly by Comey himself. If anyone but Hillary had done what she did... They'd be in jail. She's damaged goods...
How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals?

Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.

Imagine that your candidate is going to lose to such a weak opponent. If only you guys chose more wisely you wouldnt have to do all this whining on the back end

With 100 million blind worshippers like you, our opponent does not look all that weak. Same group of monkeys who re-elected Barack.

Trump is not all that bright, but his intentions are noble. He wants to rid D.C. of the self-serving, bullshit establishment in the republican party and in the entire democrat world. Unfortunately, half the republicans, all the liberals, almost the entire press and TV networks, hollywood, and our "noble" educators are ALL virulently against him. That kind of makes it impossible.

But we would rather go down with a lost cause and maintain our integrity and honor than join sides with a malevolent monster known as secular liberalism.
How many criminal acts and lies at the highest level does this woman have to commit before her defenders start to become nauseous or run to the confessionals?

Trump or no Trump, these glaring scandals and national disgrace --- by those in power --- has no beginning and has no end.

Imagine that your candidate is going to lose to such a weak opponent. If only you guys chose more wisely you wouldnt have to do all this whining on the back end

With 100 million blind worshippers like you, our opponent does not look all that weak. Same group of monkeys who re-elected Barack.

Its not blind worship...its a choice between 2 people and your guy sucks so bad that he cant beat Hillary. Your fault

Trump is not all that bright, but his intentions are noble.

When you dont have facts just start in with admitting his intelligence is low and follow it up with a glowing character judgement.

He wants to rid D.C. of the self-serving, bullshit establishment in the republican party and in the entire democrat world.

Now he does since republicans have been jumping ship..NOW he's against everyone. I would be too if you left me alone to sink

Unfortunately, half the republicans, all the liberals, almost the entire press and TV networks, hollywood, and our "noble" educators are ALL virulently against him. That kind of makes it impossible.

Its a conspiracy involving everyone. Its not that he sucks...its that everyone else sucks :2up:

But we would rather go down with a lost cause and maintain our integrity and honor than join sides with a malevolent monster known as secular liberalism.

Trump isnt even a republican. What integrity and honor? The only thing you've done is to follow Trump in any and all directions he takes you even against your own ideology. I wouldnt call that being honorable
she committed no criminal acts. only loons think otherwise.
My name is loon.
Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
Scandals based on fiction aren't crimes. You rely on circumstantiality to convince yourself of a delusion. By relentlessly firing off a huge number of stupid fake scandals it makes it so there is really no time, nor is there a good reason, to refute them all.

One thing about us conservatives --- we know a futile endeavor when we see one. Stay on your "noble" task since no one can deter you.
My noble task is to report the facts. And the facts in evidence clearly show the Secretary is not a criminal. And only in Opposite World has she committed a crime.
There is plenty of evidence to suggest that collusion took place between hillary, and those who were supposed to hold her to account; to plant doubt in the mind of even the most blind of supporters. Now whether that translates to open scrutiny is up to the end user. However one thing is clear, and was stated clearly by Comey himself. If anyone but Hillary had done what she did... They'd be in jail. She's damaged goods...

there is no evidence of collusion. what there is .... is breitbart and infowars and drudge and the loon who is at the top of your ticket and his pos friend bannon
The fix is in for Hillary. She has a free pass to do whatever she likes with no incurred problems.
You have the entire MSM (and Administration) lying and covering up and promoting these phonies without ever telling the truth about their crimes and lies.
How do you know the truth about these alleged crimes and lies, Mr. Smarty Pants, if they are covered up?

The truth is that you and yours can't take the heat in the white hot light of day.
Where does it say corporations are people?
It doesn't have to say it specifically. We aren't third graders.

You can't understand the big words. The POINT of the ruling was people banded together, which is what a corporation is, do not lose their rights if they want to promote a common cause.
Except that isn't what a corporation is. That is what a union is.

Furthermore, the individuals in a corporation, individually, have the exact same rights as everyone else.
You can't back up your statement, the ruling doesn't say corporations are people but you're right that people don't lose their rights if they own a corporation. That's the point (again). And unions, unlike corporations do not belong to the members, you have it exactly backwards.
It is a noncontroversial statement. Mitt Romney said it nonchalantly in one of his stops in Iowas 5 years ago, seemingly unaware that liberals didn't like the legal bullshit.
The fix is in for Hillary. She has a free pass to do whatever she likes with no incurred problems.

yes... how dare women, minorities, gays and the college educated vote for Hillary Clinton.


again, the only demographic Donald wins is uneducated white males. we told you loons that you can't win the presidency without the rest of the country...or at least chunks of it.

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