I knew exactly what Mitt was talking about....


Jan 8, 2011
on a mountain
He was answering a question about "how" Mitt planned to win this election. He used a not so eloquent expression to basically divide the voters into the Mitt camp and the Obama camp.

Mitt said that those voters who see themselves as victims, who expect the gov't to support them will not vote for him and he would not be spending any serious time trying to court them.

He would concentrate his time and money courting those in the middle and still undecided - the moderates and the Indies. That was the answer the questioner was looking for.

Now back to me. I am one of those 47% who pays no income taxes and lives on our SS and also one of those who will vote for Mitt. I knew Mitt wasn't talking about me. I'm certainly not and have never been a victim. I'm not going to get myself in a tizzy and suddenly changing my vote because Mitt wanted to put me in a group I didn't belong in.

No vote change here.

Now we go to those who suspect or are even bright enough to know that Mitt might have been referring to them as "victims." And Mitt is exactly right. These voters will not vote for him.

No vote change here.

So who are we talking about as we watch the media salivate over this huge, huge faux pas We have, of course, the liberal gang but we also have the conservative gang piling on in various degrees of sputter.

It is my humble opinion that those voters still undecided are intelligent enough that they aren't going to be swayed by this latest and meaningless media scandal du jour.

No voting decisions made here.

The undecideds are waiting for the debates. If reference is made to this incident, it will depend on how well he answers the question during the debates.

I'll be gone most of the day so don't be expecting any instant responses from me.

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