I knew the day would come, Republican who loves America

There you have it.

The right lies to its self about facts and then expects others to join their lies.

That is pretty sad.

Lying doesnt make you right it just makes you a liar.
Why do you people HATE Democracy so much you seek to keep people from participating and denying the very fact that we are a Democracy?

Because our founding fathers knew that democracies do not work. This is what we have become and this is why our government is not working very well and is broken.
A republic is not a form of democracy, the two are very different.
Democracy Reform

The very defintions of the words show that we live in a democracy.

Why are you lying about the defintions of the words?

We are a Representative Republic not a democracy.

If we were a Democracy why then do we have "Representatives" voting for us in the Congress and Senate ?
Why do you people HATE Democracy so much you seek to keep people from participating and denying the very fact that we are a Democracy?

The same question has been asked of you at least FIVE times in this thread and you've ignored it every time. Why is that?

Here's the question Truthdoesn'tmatter:

How does requiring an I.D. to vote keep legal voters from voting?

Why can't you answer that simple question?

Democracy - New World Encyclopedia

Forms of democracy

Representative democracy
Representative democracy involves the selection of the legislature and executive by a popular election. Representatives are to make make decisions on behalf of those they represent. They retain the freedom to exercise their own judgment. Their constituents can communicate with them on important issues and choose a new representative in the next election if they are dissatisfied.

There are a number of systems of varying degrees of complexity for choosing representatives. They may be elected by a particular district (or constituency), or represent the electorate as a whole as in many proportional systems.

Liberal democracy
Classical liberal democracy is normally a representative democracy along with the protection of minorities, the rule of law, a separation of powers, and protection of liberties (thus the name "liberal") of speech, assembly, religion, and property.

Since the 1960s the term "liberal" has been used, often pejoratively, towards those legislatures that are liberal with state money and redistribute it to create a welfare state. However, this would be an illiberal democracy in classical terms, because it does not protect the property its citizens acquire.

Direct democracy
Direct democracy is a political system in which the citizens vote on major policy decisions and laws. Issues are resolved by popular vote, or referenda. Many people think direct democracy is the purest form of democracy. Direct democracies function better in small communities or in areas where people have a high degree of independence and self-sufficiency. Switzerland is a direct democracy where new laws often need a referendum in order to be passed. As it is a very stable and prosperous country, few people see any urgent need for change and so few new laws are passed. The system is also very decentralized, with few policies decided on a national level. This means that the French, Italian, and Romance language speaking minorities can order their affairs the way they choose and the large Swiss-German-speaking majority cannot over rule the local level, even if it wanted to.

Socialist democracy
Socialism, where the state economy is shaped by the government, has some forms that are based on democracy. Social democracy, democratic socialism, and the dictatorship of the proletariat are some examples of names applied to the ideal of a socialist democracy. Many democratic socialists and social democrats believe in a form of welfare state and workplace democracy produced by legislation by a representative democracy.

Marxist-Leninists, Stalinists, Maoists, and other "orthodox Marxists" generally promote democratic centralism, but they have never formed actual societies which were not ruled by elites who had acquired government power. Libertarian socialists generally believe in direct democracy and Libertarian Marxists often believe in a consociational state that combines consensus democracy with representative democracy. Such consensus democracy has existed in local-level community groups in rural communist China.
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There you have it.

The right lies to its self about facts and then expects others to join their lies.

That is pretty sad.

Lying doesnt make you right it just makes you a liar.
I can't ignore something that isn't presented.

So, that makes me a liar.

Why do you people HATE Democracy so much you seek to keep people from participating and denying the very fact that we are a Democracy?

The same question has been asked of you at least FIVE times in this thread and you've ignored it every time. Why is that?

Here's the question Truthdoesn'tmatter:

How does requiring an I.D. to vote keep legal voters from voting?

Why can't you answer that simple question?


Why do you pretend it was not answered.

More lies from you
Why spend money to solve nothing and decrease the numbers of legal American voters who vote?

I'm all for ANYTHING that reduces the number of potential voters in the United States. I would suggest that somewhere between 80-90% of American voters should be restrained from doing so on a permanent basis. This is just a FIRST STEP so far as I'm concerned.
so you deny the very definitions of words and deny the complete body of fact finding on the subject?

this is a perfect example of why republicans should never be elected as long as they act in such a facts adverse and dishonest way

^^^ This is a perfect example of why TruthDon'tMatter is a blithering idiot. She clearly favors a one party system... or, to give it it's official name.... communism.

She also feels that the idea of personal responsibility is 'outdated'.

Why anyone would take this idiot seriously is beyond comprehension.
Why do you people HATE Democracy so much you seek to keep people from participating and denying the very fact that we are a Democracy?

Because our founding fathers knew that democracies do not work. This is what we have become and this is why our government is not working very well and is broken.
A republic is not a form of democracy, the two are very different.
Democracy Reform

The very definitions of the words show that we live in a democracy.

Why are you lying about the definitions of the words?

They hated democracies because they always fail.
You have a very big problem with the two definitions of what a republic is and what a democracy is.
You people can keep lying about the very definition of words but it will onkly make your party smaller and smaller.

people dont vote for systems built on lies when the lies are exposed..
Why do you people HATE Democracy so much you seek to keep people from participating and denying the very fact that we are a Democracy?

The same question has been asked of you at least FIVE times in this thread and you've ignored it every time. Why is that?

Here's the question Truthdoesn'tmatter:

How does requiring an I.D. to vote keep legal voters from voting?

Why can't you answer that simple question?


Why do you pretend it was not answered.

More lies from you

You've answered it? Exactly where? Because I've yet to see an answer to this question from you.

And don't give me an idiotic link to some idiotic study, because that's not an answer.

How exactly does requiring an I.D. to vote keep legal voters from voting?

The TRUE answer? It doesn't.

so you deny the very definitions of words and deny the complete body of fact finding on the subject?

this is a perfect example of why republicans should never be elected as long as they act in such a facts adverse and dishonest way

^^^ This is a perfect example of why TruthDon'tMatter is a blithering idiot. She clearly favors a one party system... or, to give it it's official name.... communism.

She also feels that the idea of personal responsibility is 'outdated'.

Why anyone would take this idiot seriously is beyond comprehension.

Why anyone would take this idiot seriously is beyond comprehension.
Don't anyone does but as we can see we're not above having a good laugh at her expense...call it a guilty pleasure
Because our founding fathers knew that democracies do not work. This is what we have become and this is why our government is not working very well and is broken.
A republic is not a form of democracy, the two are very different.
Democracy Reform

The very definitions of the words show that we live in a democracy.

Why are you lying about the definitions of the words?

They hated democracies because they always fail.
You have a very big problem with the two definitions of what a republic is and what a democracy is.

you can pretend to yourself the founders did not know the defintions of the words.

The writings you have seen are about DIRECT democracy which is another type of Democracy.

If you are too partisan to accept those facts then you also spit all over every single historian who knows this without question.

Go read the writings again and listen to their complains about "democracy" they had.

It all refered to direct democracy.

Being stupid for the purpose of hanging onto right wing lies doesnt make you look very smart.
More than party Speaks out against what voter ID laws do.

'Most Restrictive' Voter ID Law In The Country Loses Support Of Republican Secretary Of State | TPMMuckraker

But Ohio's measure is so restrictive -- it requires the photo IDs to be issued by the state, so voters couldn't identify themselves with their full Social Security numbers -- that it lost the support of Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted.

"I want to be perfectly clear, when I began working with the General Assembly to improve Ohio's elections system it was never my intent to reject valid votes," Husted said in a short statement posted on his official website.

"I would rather have no bill than one with a rigid photo identification provision that does little to protect against fraud and excludes legally registered voters' ballots from counting," Husted said.

You get more ignorant with each thread started. Is there any way to limit TM's amount of threads per day? Not one of them make any sense "Unless your drinking the koolaid" and just about everyone of them are clearly manipulated to avoid any and all factual debate.
Again the caviling cons think that calling people names because they dont like the facts forced into their gaze is what an concise debate entails.

Why do you like being brain washed by the lies of people who want to fool you?

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