I Know Why Todd Akin Believes Rape Does Not Result In Pregnancy

There are too many sexual activities, rapes and mysterious miscarriages in conservative circles that the rapists have come to assume no harm was done to their rape victims.

Yea, that's the case...:cuckoo:

Are you really so desperate to denigrate anyone who isn't a nanny state collectivist that you'll resort to outlandish claims like this? It's just pathetic, really.

I simply gave you what I know: Plain truth, nothing outlandish to story.

Say, were you not bothered that a US congressman would say that women do not get pregnant from true rape? Do you know what I, and probably several others, also got from that revealing statement?

Todd Akin has a history of raping women who in turn sought emergency contraception or aborted without informing him. That statement by US congressman Todd Akin could only have been made by a rapist.QUOTE]

I would be bothered if that was what Todd Akin said, but I wouldn't call him a rapist, even if he had said that. The term he used was 'legitimate rape' and was based on ignorance, but what you are saying is based on conjecture and hatred with absolutely nothing to back it up.

I am sure you know that your transparent agenda is apparent to most on USMB. Are you a volunteer at Planned Parenthood or are you on a salary? I heard that Planned Parenthood pays a commission for each abortion referral. Is that true, and if so, what is the going rate?
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I know why Todd Akin believes that women do not get pregnant from actual rape: There are too many sexual activities, rapes and mysterious miscarriages in conservative circles that the rapists have come to assume no harm was done to their rape victims.

In one Summer in my Charismatic & Southern Baptist community, there were 5 pregnant unmarried girls and mostly from date rapes:

Hey, carpetbreath, too bad you're have such a tiny brain, else you might have understood what Akin mean by "legitimate rape". Not date-rape. And, fuctard, certainly not from those on-going relationships that you think applies to Akin's comments.

So basically you're are ALSO telling us that date rape isn't really rape?:eusa_eh:

So noted.
I Know Why Todd Akin Believes Rape Does Not Result In Pregnancy

Because he’s an idiot and rightwing extremist – redundant, granted.

He and his fellow nitwit Paul Ryan think that if they can get the statutory rape exemption eliminated from the prohibition of Federal funding for abortions, that minors from low income households won’t be able to afford an abortion and will be forced to give birth.

Of course these two geniuses couldn’t care less about the child once it is born.

And you do, right!
I know why Todd Akin believes that women do not get pregnant from actual rape: There are too many sexual activities, rapes and mysterious miscarriages in conservative circles that the rapists have come to assume no harm was done to their rape victims.

In one Summer in my Charismatic & Southern Baptist community, there were 5 pregnant unmarried girls and mostly from date rapes:

Hey, carpetbreath, too bad you're have such a tiny brain, else you might have understood what Akin mean by "legitimate rape". Not date-rape. And, fuctard, certainly not from those on-going relationships that you think applies to Akin's comments.

So basically you're are ALSO telling us that date rape isn't really rape?:eusa_eh:

So noted.

Date Rape is a legitimate rape. To me, any rape that is provable is a legitimate rape. An accusation of rape with nothing but she said, he said and no physical evidence of rape may well be what is referred to as an illegitimate rape. Akin's remarks were dumb, but he did not say anything about date rape.
I know why Todd Akin believes that women do not get pregnant from actual rape: There are too many sexual activities, rapes and mysterious miscarriages in conservative circles that the rapists have come to assume no harm was done to their rape victims.

In one Summer in my Charismatic & Southern Baptist community, there were 5 pregnant unmarried girls and mostly from date rapes: 3 of 5 pregnant girls had mysterious miscarriages, 1 outright aborted and the poor girl had the baby. Only 1 of the 5 incidents was reported - and only reported to the Church because the rapist was the son of a prominent Church personality.

I think Todd Akin is simply informing you that rapes by his kind are rarely reported and their victims often have mysterious "miscarriages."

No woman should have to reward her rapist with an offspring. Please ladies:

If you are raped, report the rape and visit a Hospital for an emergency contraception. There will be no need for an abortion if you visit a Hostipal for an emergency contraception, or visit Planned Parenthood for assistance (if you must).

I am aware that some people are attempting to stop emergency contraception from being given in Hostipals, and I am also aware States such as my Texas are terminating funding to entities such as Planned Parenthood.

Federal funding for Planned Parenthood would not be necessary were rape victims to simply report their ordeals and have their rapists prosecuted. You see, because most rapes are by conservatives, Planned Parenthood and its likes have nothing to worry about:

Simply encourage rape victims to report rapes and the likes of Texas will re-instate fundings. Got it?

Are you a stroke patient?
Likely he believes that forcible rape does not result in pregnancy because he knows people who have had trouble conceiving and were told by their doctors to relax and get unstressed.

Stress really does stop women from conceiving, finds clinical study | Mail Online

High stress levels can damage a woman's chances of getting pregnant, researchers warn.
Those who are anxious are 12 per cent less likely to conceive during their fertile time than those who stay calm.

The very worst Aiken can be accused of is oversiimplification.
In Akin's defense, as I understand it he's never successfully impregnated a woman via rape.
Akin simply reminded us all that the most extreme position on abortion, short of going out and shooting abortion doctors,

is in fact the mainstream position in the Republican Party.
I know why Todd Akin believes that women do not get pregnant from actual rape: There are too many sexual activities, rapes and mysterious miscarriages in conservative circles that the rapists have come to assume no harm was done to their rape victims.

In one Summer in my Charismatic & Southern Baptist community, there were 5 pregnant unmarried girls and mostly from date rapes:

Hey, carpetbreath, too bad you're have such a tiny brain, else you might have understood what Akin mean by "legitimate rape". Not date-rape. And, fuctard, certainly not from those on-going relationships that you think applies to Akin's comments.

Ariux, rape is rape. Date rape simply refers to rape that is committed toward person out on a date with the rapist. Got it?
I Know Why Todd Akin Believes Rape Does Not Result In Pregnancy

Because he’s an idiot and rightwing extremist – redundant, granted.

He and his fellow nitwit Paul Ryan think that if they can get the statutory rape exemption eliminated from the prohibition of Federal funding for abortions, that minors from low income households won’t be able to afford an abortion and will be forced to give birth.

Of course these two geniuses couldn’t care less about the child once it is born.

So you, too, have noticed? Years ago, I was ganged upon on a conservative blog for pointing out that I found it very funny and ironic that so-called prolifers who would spend millions to allegedly protect the unborn would hesitate not to kill those children, years later, on mere circumstantial evidence! Tsk, tsk, tsk!
Yea, that's the case...:cuckoo:

Are you really so desperate to denigrate anyone who isn't a nanny state collectivist that you'll resort to outlandish claims like this? It's just pathetic, really.

I simply gave you what I know: Plain truth, nothing outlandish to story.

Say, were you not bothered that a US congressman would say that women do not get pregnant from true rape? Do you know what I, and probably several others, also got from that revealing statement?

Todd Akin has a history of raping women who in turn sought emergency contraception or aborted without informing him. That statement by US congressman Todd Akin could only have been made by a rapist.

I would be bothered if that was what Todd Akin said, but I wouldn't call him a rapist, even if he had said that. The term he used was 'legitimate rape' and was based on ignorance, but what you are saying is based on conjecture and hatred with absolutely nothing to back it up.

I am sure you know that your transparent agenda is apparent to most on USMB. Are you a volunteer at Planned Parenthood or are you on a salary? I heard that Planned Parenthood pays a commission for each abortion referral. Is that true, and if so, what is the going rate?

You would not call Todd Akin a rapist though he practically told you so? and the term Todd Akin used is "legitimate rape"?

I did not know there was a legitimate and an illegitimate rape. OMG! You know I think I am dealing here on USMB with another delusional rapist? Lord have mercy!
I know why Todd Akin believes that women do not get pregnant from actual rape: There are too many sexual activities, rapes and mysterious miscarriages in conservative circles that the rapists have come to assume no harm was done to their rape victims.

In one Summer in my Charismatic & Southern Baptist community, there were 5 pregnant unmarried girls and mostly from date rapes:

Hey, carpetbreath, too bad you're have such a tiny brain, else you might have understood what Akin mean by "legitimate rape". Not date-rape. And, fuctard, certainly not from those on-going relationships that you think applies to Akin's comments.

So basically you're are ALSO telling us that date rape isn't really rape?:eusa_eh:

So noted.

That is what he means. (Laughs)

You would not believe how surprised I was amongst my fellow Christian youths when I returned to US from Africa: At times, I would look through the Bible of my US peers just to be sure theirs did not contain text not in mine, since most of my "conservative" friends thought fondling and oral sex were not sex.

Oh, no! This was before Bill Clinton.
As if congressman Todd Akin was not enough, Ariux of USMB thinks date rape is not rape, and Too Tall of USMB thinks there is a LEGITIMATE RAPE and an ILLEGITIMATE RAPE. I guess wonder just never seizes.
Did you know Ariux of USMB thinks date rape is not rape, and that Too Tall of USMB thinks there is a LEGITIMATE RAPE and an ILLEGITIMATE RAPE?

Political conservatives are not only often barbarians, but often likely hardcore criminals. So-called conservatives.
5% of rape victims get pregnant. 3% see their rapists convicted.
I know why Todd Akin believes that women do not get pregnant from actual rape: There are too many sexual activities, rapes and mysterious miscarriages in conservative circles that the rapists have come to assume no harm was done to their rape victims.

In one Summer in my Charismatic & Southern Baptist community, there were 5 pregnant unmarried girls and mostly from date rapes: 3 of 5 pregnant girls had mysterious miscarriages, 1 outright aborted and the poor girl had the baby. Only 1 of the 5 incidents was reported - and only reported to the Church because the rapist was the son of a prominent Church personality.

I think Todd Akin is simply informing you that rapes by his kind are rarely reported and their victims often have mysterious "miscarriages."

No woman should have to reward her rapist with an offspring. Please ladies:

If you are raped, report the rape and visit a Hospital for an emergency contraception. There will be no need for an abortion if you visit a Hostipal for an emergency contraception, or visit Planned Parenthood for assistance (if you must).

I am aware that some people are attempting to stop emergency contraception from being given in Hostipals, and I am also aware States such as my Texas are terminating funding to entities such as Planned Parenthood.

Federal funding for Planned Parenthood would not be necessary were rape victims to simply report their ordeals and have their rapists prosecuted. You see, because most rapes are by conservatives, Planned Parenthood and its likes have nothing to worry about:

Simply encourage rape victims to report rapes and the likes of Texas will re-instate fundings. Got it?

OK this is over...YAWN!!!
Likely this is the reason why.

Relaxation and Stress Management for Infertile Women RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association

Listening to comments from some friends, relatives and even medical personnel, you might conclude that all you need to do to conceive is "Just relax," "Don't try so hard," "Go on vacation" or the all-time favorite, "Just adopt." But for the vast majority of couples struggling with infertility, this is not sound advice.

While stress does not cause infertility, infertility most definitely causes stress. Infertile women report higher levels of stress and anxiety than fertile women, and there is some indication that infertile women are more likely to become depressed. This is not surprising since the far-reaching effects of infertility can interfere with work, family, money and sex. Finding ways to reduce stress, tension and anxiety can make you feel better.

If you knew Aiken very, very well, there is a couple that he knows, maybe even himself and his wife, who got this advice from a doctor.

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