I mean no disrespect...no, that's a lie. I mean all disrespect.

Deuteronomy is the Old Testament and the verse is directed at Moses and the Israelites. There weren't even any Christians yet. Duh.

Furthermore the verse is referring only to apostates. That is, it refers to people who were Jews and then abandoned the faith.

Wait wait wait - are you saying historical context matters? :eek:

hmmm, no, I'm not saying a thing about historical context, moron. I'm saying that verse does not tell Jews to kill anyone who doesn't believe in the Jewish god. It only tells them to kill apostates.

That is context. I don't believe you are allowed to use context - only literal quotes :)

No, that isn't context. That's reading what the words actually say.
Pfft. Tell that to the people who insist on following it's extortions on homosexuality.

Homosexuality is condemned in both the OT and the New Testament

Mostly in the OT.

But the New as well. It's God's law

What did Jesus say about homosexuals?

The same thing he said about pedophiles and even murderers. You can't win this one, I've done it a hundred times

It does ring a bell - on the other hand, there is quite a difference between homosexuals and murderers.

Jesus said nothing about it...so...where does it come from? The OT.
I don't observe their stupid customs.
And they don't observe yours...
True and that is quite obvious. If they did not like the customs in the United States they should not have come here.
They should have gone to a country that is more suited to their customs than to try to change ours. Remember, Immigration without assimilation is an invasion
You know nothing of the Bible. It does not say to kill those that do not convert.
Fight them until they all revert to Islam. Exactly what Alex' post describes. Well done, Alex :).

That sounds kind of like the Bible.

Oh...but it does.

Bible Commands Christians to Kill Nonbelievers | Atheist Revolution

I wonder why these 'atheists' only have it in for Christians, when Islamists are slaughtering people the world over? Think you might have found yourself a wee hate site here, coyote. Lol.

Breaking free from irrational belief and opposing Christian extremism

They don't. That's one of those irrational beliefs you folks adhere to. The athiests, at least on these boards are as vehement against the Islamic extremists as they are against the Christian ones.

I'm not an athiest by the way :)
But their own title says 'opposing Christian extremism' no mention of Islamic extremism, which is a little more prevalent wouldn't you say. No, I definitely think you've found one of those hate sites you allegedly 'hate'. Bless :)
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Homosexuality is condemned in both the OT and the New Testament

Mostly in the OT.

But the New as well. It's God's law

What did Jesus say about homosexuals?

The same thing he said about pedophiles and even murderers. You can't win this one, I've done it a hundred times

It does ring a bell - on the other hand, there is quite a difference between homosexuals and murderers.

Jesus said nothing about it...so...where does it come from? The OT.

Romans 1:18-32 makes it clear homosexuality is a sin according to God
You know nothing of the Bible. It does not say to kill those that do not convert.

Oh...but it does.

Bible Commands Christians to Kill Nonbelievers | Atheist Revolution
Deuteronomy is the Old Testament and the verse is directed at Moses and the Israelites. There weren't even any Christians yet. Duh.

I looked but I can't find anything where the Christians have denounced the OT - in fact, they seem quite enamored of it given their adherence to the Ten Commandments and all the anti-homosexuality creed.

Have Christians denounced the OT?


P.S. Since you do not allow context to be used in interpreting the Quran, please don't expect us to use context in interpreting the Bible ;)
CHRISTians follow CHRIST. JC isn't in the OT, the stuff in the OT was for Israelites. Why do you think CHRISTians are CHRISTians and not Jews if they both follow the OT? Why do you think there is a NEW TESTAMENT. Clue - think about those two words, doing so should help you muddle your way through this. And who is 'us'?

Do you denounce the OT as heresy then?
Why would I do that?
Deuteronomy is the Old Testament and the verse is directed at Moses and the Israelites. There weren't even any Christians yet. Duh.

Furthermore the verse is referring only to apostates. That is, it refers to people who were Jews and then abandoned the faith.

Wait wait wait - are you saying historical context matters? :eek:

hmmm, no, I'm not saying a thing about historical context, moron. I'm saying that verse does not tell Jews to kill anyone who doesn't believe in the Jewish god. It only tells them to kill apostates.

That is context. I don't believe you are allowed to use context - only literal quotes :)

No, that isn't context. That's reading what the words actually say.

If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant; 17:3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; 17:4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel; 17:5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.

Read more: Bible Commands Christians to Kill Nonbelievers | Atheist Revolution

Ok...so...this one is not "kill unbelievers" - kill the apostates. How icky.

But like the Ginsu Knives - there's more...

2 Chronicles 15:13 That whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.
Deuteronomy is the Old Testament and the verse is directed at Moses and the Israelites. There weren't even any Christians yet. Duh.

I looked but I can't find anything where the Christians have denounced the OT - in fact, they seem quite enamored of it given their adherence to the Ten Commandments and all the anti-homosexuality creed.

Have Christians denounced the OT?


P.S. Since you do not allow context to be used in interpreting the Quran, please don't expect us to use context in interpreting the Bible ;)
CHRISTians follow CHRIST. JC isn't in the OT, the stuff in the OT was for Israelites. Why do you think CHRISTians are CHRISTians and not Jews if they both follow the OT? Why do you think there is a NEW TESTAMENT. Clue - think about those two words, doing so should help you muddle your way through this. And who is 'us'?

Do you denounce the OT as heresy then?
Why would I do that?

If a Christian didn't, then it would seem to me they would still accept the writings within.
Deuteronomy is the Old Testament and the verse is directed at Moses and the Israelites. There weren't even any Christians yet. Duh.

I looked but I can't find anything where the Christians have denounced the OT - in fact, they seem quite enamored of it given their adherence to the Ten Commandments and all the anti-homosexuality creed.

Have Christians denounced the OT?


The OT is looked more as a history book to Christians, the vast majority of it is Mosaic Law and Old Covenant Law, done away with by the New Covenant which was to bring the Gentiles and Jews together

Pfft. Tell that to the people who insist on following it's extortions on homosexuality.
Extortions? Christians are 'extorting' homosexuals?
They would if they could don't you think? :)
What, Christians would bribe homosexuals if they could? I don't know- what's stopping them then?
I think it's pretty clear if Christians believed the Bible told them to kill non believers or anyone that didn't convert the body count would be pretty high by now
I looked but I can't find anything where the Christians have denounced the OT - in fact, they seem quite enamored of it given their adherence to the Ten Commandments and all the anti-homosexuality creed.

Have Christians denounced the OT?


The OT is looked more as a history book to Christians, the vast majority of it is Mosaic Law and Old Covenant Law, done away with by the New Covenant which was to bring the Gentiles and Jews together

Pfft. Tell that to the people who insist on following it's extortions on homosexuality.
Extortions? Christians are 'extorting' homosexuals?
They would if they could don't you think? :)
What, Christians would bribe homosexuals if they could? I don't know- what's stopping them then?

Lack of financial resources?
I think it's pretty clear if Christians believed the Bible told them to kill non believers or anyone that didn't convert the body count would be pretty high by now

Well...think about that then.

If Muslims truly believed those sort of statements in the Quran - the body count would be astrononical - and not just by extremists.
Deuteronomy is the Old Testament and the verse is directed at Moses and the Israelites. There weren't even any Christians yet. Duh.

I looked but I can't find anything where the Christians have denounced the OT - in fact, they seem quite enamored of it given their adherence to the Ten Commandments and all the anti-homosexuality creed.

Have Christians denounced the OT?


P.S. Since you do not allow context to be used in interpreting the Quran, please don't expect us to use context in interpreting the Bible ;)
CHRISTians follow CHRIST. JC isn't in the OT, the stuff in the OT was for Israelites. Why do you think CHRISTians are CHRISTians and not Jews if they both follow the OT? Why do you think there is a NEW TESTAMENT. Clue - think about those two words, doing so should help you muddle your way through this. And who is 'us'?

Do you denounce the OT as heresy then?
Why would I do that?

If a Christian didn't, then it would seem to me they would still accept the writings within.
And when did you decide I am a Christian?
I think it's pretty clear if Christians believed the Bible told them to kill non believers or anyone that didn't convert the body count would be pretty high by now

Well...think about that then.

If Muslims truly believed those sort of statements in the Quran - the body count would be astrononical - and not just by extremists.

They have a pretty good body count going. Much higher than Christians. I have no idea what a Moderate Muslim believes but I think it's time they stepped up and told the radicals to knock it off and I don't mean a few here and there. They either stand against them or die with them, sorry but it's a reality
I think it's pretty clear if Christians believed the Bible told them to kill non believers or anyone that didn't convert the body count would be pretty high by now

Well...think about that then.

If Muslims truly believed those sort of statements in the Quran - the body count would be astrononical - and not just by extremists.

They have a pretty good body count going. Much higher than Christians. I have no idea what a Moderate Muslim believes but I think it's time they stepped up and told the radicals to knock it off and I don't mean a few here and there. They either stand against them or die with them, sorry but it's a reality

Only in the last half century.
I looked but I can't find anything where the Christians have denounced the OT - in fact, they seem quite enamored of it given their adherence to the Ten Commandments and all the anti-homosexuality creed.

Have Christians denounced the OT?


P.S. Since you do not allow context to be used in interpreting the Quran, please don't expect us to use context in interpreting the Bible ;)
CHRISTians follow CHRIST. JC isn't in the OT, the stuff in the OT was for Israelites. Why do you think CHRISTians are CHRISTians and not Jews if they both follow the OT? Why do you think there is a NEW TESTAMENT. Clue - think about those two words, doing so should help you muddle your way through this. And who is 'us'?

Do you denounce the OT as heresy then?
Why would I do that?

If a Christian didn't, then it would seem to me they would still accept the writings within.
And when did you decide I am a Christian?

Good point - mea culpa :)
The OT is looked more as a history book to Christians, the vast majority of it is Mosaic Law and Old Covenant Law, done away with by the New Covenant which was to bring the Gentiles and Jews together

Pfft. Tell that to the people who insist on following it's extortions on homosexuality.
Extortions? Christians are 'extorting' homosexuals?
They would if they could don't you think? :)
What, Christians would bribe homosexuals if they could? I don't know- what's stopping them then?

Lack of financial resources?
What? The Christains need financial resources to extort money from homosexuals? And they don't have enough financial resources and that's what is stopping Christians from extorting money from homosexuals? What planet are you from? :) lololol
I think it's pretty clear if Christians believed the Bible told them to kill non believers or anyone that didn't convert the body count would be pretty high by now

Well...think about that then.

If Muslims truly believed those sort of statements in the Quran - the body count would be astrononical - and not just by extremists.
The body count is astronomical.
I think it's pretty clear if Christians believed the Bible told them to kill non believers or anyone that didn't convert the body count would be pretty high by now

Well...think about that then.

If Muslims truly believed those sort of statements in the Quran - the body count would be astrononical - and not just by extremists.

They have a pretty good body count going. Much higher than Christians. I have no idea what a Moderate Muslim believes but I think it's time they stepped up and told the radicals to knock it off and I don't mean a few here and there. They either stand against them or die with them, sorry but it's a reality

Only in the last half century.

Hogwash, Christians moved past it, the Muslims are stuck in the Middle Ages, If it's death they want, then death it should be.
I think it's pretty clear if Christians believed the Bible told them to kill non believers or anyone that didn't convert the body count would be pretty high by now

Well...think about that then.

If Muslims truly believed those sort of statements in the Quran - the body count would be astrononical - and not just by extremists.

They have a pretty good body count going. Much higher than Christians. I have no idea what a Moderate Muslim believes but I think it's time they stepped up and told the radicals to knock it off and I don't mean a few here and there. They either stand against them or die with them, sorry but it's a reality

Only in the last half century.
Islam has been rampaging since its inception. It started with Mohammed and it's still going on. Who brainwashed you?

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