I mentioned that I was a very loyal Democrat and changed. What about others who also changed?

I was a diehard democrat when I was younger. My parents were poor and I was poor. I remember I couldn't wait for the minimum wage to go up so I could earn more money. Then, one day, I had a revelation that if my only goal in life to earn more money was to wait for the minimum wage to go up, then I was always going to be poor. So, I picked myself up by my bootstraps, realized democrat policies only keep you in a generational cycle of poverty, switched to being a Republican, and I have been in management for many years before now owning my own business for the last 20 + years. For the last many decades I have seen the poor piss away opportunities to better themselves because they just don't know how to escape poverty. Living paycheck to paycheck is just a way of life and as long as they can just get by they don't think there is a reason to strive to do any better.
And the Democrats constantly attack the rich over them being successful in business.
You still accept the lies told to the public primarily by the press. Sad but true that you don't know truth from lies.
Trump is about cheating, lying and fraud. The sooner you accept that, the better for your mental health.
I kicked the Dem party to the curb in the 1990's, escaped their plantations and became a Republican.
You do not believe in the law???? Why is that? Trump has not been convicted of any crimes yet. Do you also want non convicted Democrats to be put into prisons?
I want Trump to get the same justice everyone else does. He defames innocent people all the time. His bail should be revoked. It would be for anyone else, but Trump always manages to take advantage of the two-tier justice system.
I want Trump to get the same justice everyone else does. He defames innocent people all the time. His bail should be revoked. It would be for anyone else, but Trump always manages to take advantage of the two-tier justice system.
The trials so far have not made Trump a criminal I do not believe that the rest of them will brand him a criminal either. Biden will get the same justice system Trump deals with And you will of course defend him even for his crimes.
I want Trump to get the same justice everyone else does. He defames innocent people all the time. His bail should be revoked. It would be for anyone else, but Trump always manages to take advantage of the two-tier justice system.
I was wrongly accused of defaming a building contractor and he lost but I won the case. Seems I was actually defamed by him.
Trump is about cheating, lying and fraud. The sooner you accept that, the better for your mental health.
My mental health will be fine once Biden is locked up in prison.
I kicked the Dem party to the curb in the 1990's, escaped their plantations and became a Republican.
I left them in time to elect Reagan. I became ashamed of the lies the Democrats told me about Reagan and left the Democrat party.
I was wrongly accused of defaming a building contractor and he lost but I won the case. Seems I was actually defamed by him.
Relevance? Trump defames anyone that doesn’t fawn over him.
Back then when Reagan was the president what Democrats did to convert you is to lie about Reagan daily in the press. MAGA improves the USA and it makes me a bit sad you do not want this country improved. If you believe they care about you, you have much yet to learn.
Like a lot of libs, I was a foolish democrack devotee and claimed I was nob p artisan, code for denying i was a fool to believe left bullshit. At the core I was conservative, didn't know it yet. Then I wised up. The left do the deed of the devil, evidence everywhere. Everything the say is a lie, and everything they do a detriment
Like a lot of libs, I was a foolish democrack devotee and claimed I was nob p artisan, code for denying i was a fool to believe left bullshit. At the core I was conservative, didn't know it yet. Then I wised up. The left do the deed of the devil, evidence everywhere. Everything the say is a lie, and everything they do a detriment
Today using google, I investigated who caused the outrage over climate and were all scientists agreeing about the danger.

James Hansen was the first to bring this up to Congress and not Gore. I thought it was Gore. Guess who chided Hansen? Can you believe it? It was the infamous Michael Mann who got over Hansen saying Hansen was wrong.

Who warned us about climate change?

James Hansen

The planet is on track to heat up at a much faster rate than scientists have previously predicted, meaning a key global warming threshold could be breached this decade, according to a new study co-authored by James Hansen — the US scientist widely credited with being the first to publicly sound the alarm on the climate ...Nov 2, 2023
Are you against putting Biden in prison? Why since he is guilty of what Trump was accused of doing to records.
That is not true. His and Trump’s situations are totally different. Quit lying.
This is what I believe:


Your problem is that you see Biden above the red line on the left when, in fact, he, well, his handlers, are actually somewhere below the word “AUTHORITARIANS”. To top it off, they are anti-American globalist, but hey, I know, “orange man bad”.
Your problem is that you see Biden above the red line on the left when, in fact, he, well, his handlers, are actually somewhere below the word “AUTHORITARIANS”. To top it off, they are anti-American globalist, but hey, I know, “orange man bad”.
Globalism isn’t anti-American. Globalism is the future. Be there or be square! :cool-45:
At least you admit it. Most Democrat don’t even know they are voting or it.
It’s not hidden. What are you talking about? I think you should be worrying about the “alleged” felon leading the now all-but-defunct Republican Party. :popcorn:

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