I mentioned that I was a very loyal Democrat and changed. What about others who also changed?

It’s not hidden. What are you talking about? I think you should be worrying about the “alleged” felon leading the now all-but-defunct Republican Party. :popcorn:

An ideology based on the belief that people, goods and information ought to be able to cross national borders unfettered.

This is one of the definitions of globalism and many Democrats are too ignorant to recognize that their party supports. In case you haven’t figured it out, this means there would be no national sovereignty and would eventually lead to one world government. Most aren’t in favor of this outcome, but are ignorant to the fact that they support it with their vote.
My time in the military just cemented my move to the Democrats.

"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic"

Republicans are domestic enemies of the Constitution, hence my sacred oath requires that I oppose them. It is not optional for me.
I’m not surprised that the demklan has taught you that anyone with a differing opinion is a terrorist
I’m not surprised that the demklan has taught you that anyone with a differing opinion is a terrorist
People who try to violently overthrow the government are terrorists.

For the sake of your soul, I hope you don't try to claim that Jan 6 terrorists weren't violent insurrectionists.

There should be limits to the lies that you Trump cultists tell, regardless of how many rubles your masters get.

(I realize the Trump cultists here don't get paid by Russia and China. Their masters get paid by Russia and China, and their masters then tell the Trump cultists what to say.)
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Your fantasies really have nothing to with anything. The weak-minded who fell for such propaganda were always Republicans.

Notice how the Democrats are romping in elections now? Everyone is abandoning the Republicans, because Christofascist CommieSuckups are not popular with most Americans.

Republicans, make especially sure you keep on praising Russian-asset Tulsi. That will really win the votes.
Wow! :rolleyes: You really are a nasty person....Just because you label your opponents with the most vitriolic thing you can type, doesn't mean that is what they are...
People who try to violently overthrow the government are terrorists.

For the sake of your soul, I hope you don't try to claim that Jan 6 terrorists weren't violent insurrectionists.

There should be limits to the lies that you Trump cultists tell, regardless of how many rubles your masters get.

(I realize the Trump cultists here don't get paid by Russia and China. Their masters get paid by Russia and China, and their masters then tell the Trump cultists what to say.)
Yes and we have seen the demaklan do that far too often from the 1860s, to 2016
democrats are racist, subhuman animals... they've always been diseased parasites, but when you add in the other godless depravity that has infiltrated the cult it's become an unrecognizable covey of soulless filth....

6 embassies evacuated under their stammering shit clown (0 under Trump).... wars, invasions, chaos and destruction... it's the party of election theft because "we want to steal all your shit and rape your kids" is not an agenda that sells itself....

JFK would take a flamethrower to this party of shit....

thanks dominion world safer.jpg
An ideology based on the belief that people, goods and information ought to be able to cross national borders unfettered.

This is one of the definitions of globalism and many Democrats are too ignorant to recognize that their party supports. In case you haven’t figured it out, this means there would be no national sovereignty and would eventually lead to one world government. Most aren’t in favor of this outcome, but are ignorant to the fact that they support it with their vote.
It’s the future. Haven’t you ever watched Star Trek?! :cool-45:
democrats are racist, subhuman animals... they've always been diseased parasites, but when you add in the other godless depravity that has infiltrated the cult it's become an unrecognizable covey of soulless filth....

6 embassies evacuated under their stammering shit clown (0 under Trump).... wars, invasions, chaos and destruction... it's the party of election theft because "we want to steal all your shit and rape your kids" is not an agenda that sells itself....

JFK would take a flamethrower to this party of shit....

View attachment 925006
Happy Easter to you too dickhead
I reported what Biden's daughter said in her diary
No, you repeated a fake story that someone as disgusting and perverted as yourself made up.

Some people only make the world a better place by leaving it. Many Trump cultists fall into that category.
democrats are racist, subhuman animals... they've always been diseased parasites, but when you add in the other godless depravity that has infiltrated the cult it's become an unrecognizable covey of soulless filth....

6 embassies evacuated under their stammering shit clown (0 under Trump).... wars, invasions, chaos and destruction... it's the party of election theft because "we want to steal all your shit and rape your kids" is not an agenda that sells itself....

JFK would take a flamethrower to this party of shit....

View attachment 925006
Happy Easter to you too dickhead
This folks is how crazy Democrats are. Read his bullshit again a few more times. I reported what Biden's daughter said in her diary and got called a crazy person.

Then he piled on his brand of lying about me. I only reported what Biden's daughter said in her book.

Read what this woman said on a forum.

Sandra Todd
Lives in Fort Worth, Texas, USA (1995–present)Nov 24
After reading the responses you can see who supports the corrupt individual in the White House. Ashley’s diary was not stolen, as was the thousands of classified documents Biden had all over the country. Ashley left her diary in a location and it was discovered. If it wasn’t truthful information then why did Joes hitmen, aka the FBI, raid Project Veritas’ James O’Keefes home? Along with his reporters? Why is no one asking since when do we live in a Banana Republic? You should know by now how much his kids love to write and video tape themselves! Ashley was an addict and you have to ask yourself why? But if you take a look at the disgusting behavior of Hunter and the crimes he committed on video you would understand the Biden’s corruption! And to replace Trumps name with Biden is quite the far fetch! Trump has been made into the criminal you want him to be! I would never expect Trumps children to do the things Biden’s children have. If you took the time to review the LAPTOP FROM HELL, you would understand the depths of disgusting behavior the Biden's have been involved with throughout the years. If you don’t see it, then you haven’t been watching it looking for it. You will not find it on CNN or MSNBC! You have to search for the truth most of the times. NEWSFLASH: OBAMA MADE IT LEGAL FOR THE MEDIA TO SPREAD PROPAGANDA & LIE TO YOU. He reversed the law that indicated the media was not allowed to spread propaganda or lie right before he left office! If you don’t know what our history is, please research it. New York has just won an appeal that should scare each and every person alive in this country. Stop with the BIDEN IS INNOCENT CRAP, because he is not. He is pure evil.

View 60 upvotes
So reading idiotic shit like that is how you got so crazy?
Back when the Democrat party was center-lefy you were a republican.
And then the Democrats moved a little right.

The Republicans moved so far right, they became fascists. Then they went a little further right, came back around on the left, and embraced the worst elements of communism as well.

My positions haven't changed. The Republican party didn't just drift away from me, it ran away.
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Congrats. Most never escape the cult.

What do you think did it for you?

I know you didn't ask, but for me it was very simple.

Covid lockdowns, vax mandates, and endless violent riots throughout the 2020 summer of hate.

I had been slowly slipping away ever since Russiagate, but 2020 put things on warp speed.

If it hadn't been for their mask slipping so massively during that time period, I'd probably only just be coming out of my stupor now.
You are ultra loyal to Democrats as you proved by being angry we discussed Biden's daughter.

When megaperv senile boomers like this one cry, that means good things are happening.

Robert, were you this stupid and evil when you were young, or it is the lead poisoning and senility that made you this way?
And then the Democrats moved a little right.

The Republicans moved so far right, they became fascists. Then they went a little further right, came back around on the left, and embraced the worst elements of communism as well.

My positions haven't changed. The Republican party didn't just drift away from me, it ran away.
Wow, is that sure stupid.

The democrat party moved FAR to the left and became more authoritarian while the Republican party became more moderate and less authoritarian.
I know you didn't ask, but for me it was very simple.

Covid lockdowns, vax mandates, and endless violent riots throughout the 2020 summer of hate.[

Understand. FOX News brainwashed you hard. That's how it tends to work with the weak-minded.

And you think that's something to brag about. Hilarious
Understand. FOX News brainwashed you hard. That's how it tends to work with the weak-minded.

And you think that's something to brag about. Hilarious

I didn't even watch FOX News until after my conversion.

And, even now, it is far from my sole source of information - more like entertainment after I've read the news online.

Your posts are such generic excremental time sucks.

You can literally just swap out "FOX NEWS" with "MSDNC" and leave everything else intact, and it would be a knock on the Left instead of the Right.

Like a useless knock knock joke.

That's how hollow and empty your rhetoric is.

But thanks for playing, buster.
Well I mentioned I was born as a loyal Democrat. Because it was 1938. The nation was loyal to FDR
FDR prolonged the Depression long after the rest of the world was done with it.

Democrat policies have never worked.

And FDR enslaved innocent Americans. He deserves no respect
I didn't even watch FOX News until after my conversion.
So you admit you had a religious experience.

That was easy.

Anways, whhy do you think you can gaslight those outside of your cult with your kook stories? We're in touch with reality, so we know you're making it all up. And we know sore-loser butthurt is what causes you to make it all up.

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