I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

[deleted PM]

??????????????????????? You posted a PM??

You wanted proof, I posted proof.

And that is against the rules.

But this is not. YOU quoted ME. If someone quotes me, I am to assume they are speaking to ME. Just as if I quote someone I am speaking to them.

I missed Ted Cruz so much

Curious. Are you now behind Trump?

You know, I haven't decided at this point. I go back and forth. Honestly, it's not really about Trump and his policies at this point.... that's the crazy thing. I can deal with him not being the "perfect candidate" and not totally agreeing with all his policies. I've held my nose and voted for people before, I can do that without a problem, especially against someone I despise as much as Hillary... BUT....

Every single time I think I've convinced myself that I can vote for Trump... here comes some of his Fan Base with the smears and jeers against Cruz and Cruz supporters! They are making it literally impossible for me to vote for Trump... just because of their obnoxious and arrogant attitudes. I just want to tell you to go fuck yourselves and walk away.

I can tell you.... I am NOT going to be insulted, intimidated or ridiculed into voting for your candidate. None of us Cruz supporters are going to sell out our principles or abandon what we believe in to worship Trump like you do.... we may be able to reluctantly vote for him.... If you would simply BACK OFF that shit and focus on what we have in common, areas we agree on and can work together on... stop the "Lyin' Ted" bullshit.... I think you'd go a long way in unifying the party, at least as much as it could be unified. But that's not what we're getting... we're trying to get on the Trump Bandwagon and you're dumping buckets of shit in our face and calling us names!

And NONE of that is me talking about "YOU" in first person. Most people have no problem discerning the context. I'm sorry that you feel every time I say "you" that I am speaking of you specifically, even when I tell you three times that's not the case.

As for posting the contents of a PM... if you want to report me you can, but you asked me for proof that you had ever misconstrued something I said... I figured that was the quickest way to jog your memory as the thread was several months ago. I don't have time to sit here and dig through threads from months ago just to prove something to you.

That PM proved nothing. And you should never have posted it.

Generally when a person says YOU and they are quoting a person,. it means them. Maybe you (and yes I mean you so I said you) need another way word things.
Regardless....get over yourself, and get over that anger before you have a heart attack.

Apparently you don't comprehend grammar. You doesn't "usually" mean anything... it has numerous meanings depending on context. I guess I should've used "y'all!" :dunno:

Nevertheless, after several (five now and counting) clarifications, you should get it through your thick head that I didn't intend it to mean you personally. You should do something about your thick head problem. And again, I am NOT angry! Stop telling me that I'm angry!

And again, the PM was because you wanted to play dumb.
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Boss is another Fakey AKA JakeStarkey

Comes here pretending to be a repub. No self respecting person (let alone repub or conservative or moderate) would vote for Hillary.

Yea, bro. We've seen fakes like you before. Don't think you're fooling anyone. Just be real; you're only making sh** worse for yourself in the long run.
Boss is another Fakey AKA JakeStarkey

Comes here pretending to be a repub. No self respecting person (let alone repub or conservative or moderate) would vote for Hillary.
The LWNJ tool plants are the worst of all.....look at Lindsey Graham, Romney, McShame, Bitch McConnell, etc.....they are the enemies among us and must be dealt with harshly....
Boss is another Fakey AKA JakeStarkey

Comes here pretending to be a repub. No self respecting person (let alone repub or conservative or moderate) would vote for Hillary.

Yea, bro. We've seen fakes like you before. Don't think you're fooling anyone. Just be real; you're only making sh** worse for yourself in the long run.
You on the far right are the fakes, TGG, and we have seen your ilk since McCarthy and the 1950s. You are not real Republicans. You don't hold American values. You are not real conservatives, or you would have supported one. Instead you support a man who continually mocks most of America, a man who wants single payer, a man who will not build a wall, etc., you support a blow hard who is nothing more. You guys are idiots.

Boss is another Fakey AKA JakeStarkey

Comes here pretending to be a repub. No self respecting person (let alone repub or conservative or moderate) would vote for Hillary.
The LWNJ tool plants are the worst of all.....look at Lindsey Graham, Romney, McShame, Bitch McConnell, etc.....they are the enemies among us and must be dealt with harshly....
The ones you attack above are real Republicans, you are nothing.
Boss is another Fakey AKA JakeStarkey

Comes here pretending to be a repub. No self respecting person (let alone repub or conservative or moderate) would vote for Hillary.
The LWNJ tool plants are the worst of all.....look at Lindsey Graham, Romney, McShame, Bitch McConnell, etc.....they are the enemies among us and must be dealt with harshly....
The ones you attack above are real Republicans, you are nothing.
You are less than nothing, you are a liberal.....
Boss is another Fakey AKA JakeStarkey

Comes here pretending to be a repub. No self respecting person (let alone repub or conservative or moderate) would vote for Hillary.

Yea, bro. We've seen fakes like you before. Don't think you're fooling anyone. Just be real; you're only making sh** worse for yourself in the long run.
You on the far right are the fakes, TGG, and we have seen your ilk since McCarthy and the 1950s. You are not real Republicans. You don't hold American values. You are not real conservatives, or you would have supported one. Instead you support a man who continually mocks most of America, a man who wants single payer, a man who will not build a wall, etc., you support a blow hard who is nothing more. You guys are idiots.


You voting Hillary?
Boss is another Fakey AKA JakeStarkey

Comes here pretending to be a repub. No self respecting person (let alone repub or conservative or moderate) would vote for Hillary.

Yea, bro. We've seen fakes like you before. Don't think you're fooling anyone. Just be real; you're only making sh** worse for yourself in the long run.

I'm not a Republican and I've never claimed to be a Republican. I am a Constitutional Conservative. Donald Trump, and most importantly, his sycophants, are certainly not. You've proven you're not by the continual bashing and trashing of Ted Cruz.

More importantly, you're not very bright. You don't seem to have enough sense to know how to win people over to your side. All you seem to understand is how to attack and smear people who don't march in lockstep behind your way of thinking... hmmm... who does THAT remind me of?

Let me explain what THIS self-respecting person can't do... I can't vote for a candidate supported by people who obnoxiously tell me they don't need or want my vote.... who continue to bash and trash a conservative stalwart like Ted Cruz with the same filthy lies and distortions from the primary campaign on the night he gives his keynote address to the convention nominating Trump. Who continue that shit into the next day, arrogantly proclaiming some kind of validity to a pledge their own candidate voided and nullified on March 29, 2016.

It's not Ted Cruz's job to unite the party. That's Donald Trump's job, and frankly, that's YOUR job as a supporter of Donald Trump. Calling me names, insulting me, smearing my guy, Ted Cruz, like we're still in the heat of the primaries... that's not very unifying. In fact, that's the polar opposite of unification.

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