I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Boss is another Fakey AKA JakeStarkey

Comes here pretending to be a repub. No self respecting person (let alone repub or conservative or moderate) would vote for Hillary.

Yea, bro. We've seen fakes like you before. Don't think you're fooling anyone. Just be real; you're only making sh** worse for yourself in the long run.

I'm not a Republican and I've never claimed to be a Republican. I am a Constitutional Conservative. Donald Trump, and most importantly, his sycophants, are certainly not. You've proven you're not by the continual bashing and trashing of Ted Cruz.

More importantly, you're not very bright. You don't seem to have enough sense to know how to win people over to your side. All you seem to understand is how to attack and smear people who don't march in lockstep behind your way of thinking... hmmm... who does THAT remind me of?

Let me explain what THIS self-respecting person can't do... I can't vote for a candidate supported by people who obnoxiously tell me they don't need or want my vote.... who continue to bash and trash a conservative stalwart like Ted Cruz with the same filthy lies and distortions from the primary campaign on the night he gives his keynote address to the convention nominating Trump. Who continue that shit into the next day, arrogantly proclaiming some kind of validity to a pledge their own candidate voided and nullified on March 29, 2016.

It's not Ted Cruz's job to unite the party. That's Donald Trump's job, and frankly, that's YOUR job as a supporter of Donald Trump. Calling me names, insulting me, smearing my guy, Ted Cruz, like we're still in the heat of the primaries... that's not very unifying. In fact, that's the polar opposite of unification.

Who says I'm trying to win you over? I've seen you spew so much sh**. I already know your're full of it. And I certainly know that no Constitutional conservative would have any business voting for Hillary. I'm sorry you don't like being called out as a phony; but that's how it goes when you're a phony, I guess.

And look at you crying that your vote is contingent upon whether people kiss your ass. If true, that makes your emotional maturity all of maybe seven years old, maybe.

Cruz isn't stalwart anything. He loves to drape himself in the constitution and then do whatever the fuck he wants. This has been shown time and time again.

And I don't care if you think it's Cruz's job to unite the party; the reality is he's not a leader and he showed that. But then again, everyone knew that, already..
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Boss is another Fakey AKA JakeStarkey

Comes here pretending to be a repub. No self respecting person (let alone repub or conservative or moderate) would vote for Hillary.

Yea, bro. We've seen fakes like you before. Don't think you're fooling anyone. Just be real; you're only making sh** worse for yourself in the long run.

I'm not a Republican and I've never claimed to be a Republican. I am a Constitutional Conservative. Donald Trump, and most importantly, his sycophants, are certainly not. You've proven you're not by the continual bashing and trashing of Ted Cruz.

More importantly, you're not very bright. You don't seem to have enough sense to know how to win people over to your side. All you seem to understand is how to attack and smear people who don't march in lockstep behind your way of thinking... hmmm... who does THAT remind me of?

Let me explain what THIS self-respecting person can't do... I can't vote for a candidate supported by people who obnoxiously tell me they don't need or want my vote.... who continue to bash and trash a conservative stalwart like Ted Cruz with the same filthy lies and distortions from the primary campaign on the night he gives his keynote address to the convention nominating Trump. Who continue that shit into the next day, arrogantly proclaiming some kind of validity to a pledge their own candidate voided and nullified on March 29, 2016.

It's not Ted Cruz's job to unite the party. That's Donald Trump's job, and frankly, that's YOUR job as a supporter of Donald Trump. Calling me names, insulting me, smearing my guy, Ted Cruz, like we're still in the heat of the primaries... that's not very unifying. In fact, that's the polar opposite of unification.
Hitlery is proud,of you...she really can't do this without you 'constitutional conservatives'...:lol:
I've never seen someone try so hard to get hugs from supporters of a candidate.

Boss....nobody is going to kiss your ass in order to get you to pledge support for Trump.
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Who says I'm trying to win you over? I've seen you spew so much sh**. I already know your're full of it. And I certainly know that no Constitutional conservative would have any business voting for Hillary. I'm sorry you don't like being called out as a phony; but that's how it goes when you're a phony, I guess.

And look at you crying that your vote is contingent upon whether people kiss your ass. If true, that makes your emotional maturity all of maybe seven years old, maybe.

Cruz isn't stalwart anything. He loves to drape himself in the constitution and then do whatever the fuck he wants. This has been shown time and time again.

And I don't care if you think it's Cruz's job to unite the party; the reality is he's not a leader and he showed that. But then again, everyone knew that, already..

So..... Not flagrantly insulting me, Ted Cruz and conservatives, is somehow viewed as "kissing my ass" to you? ...If that's what you think, you need to pucker the fuck up, buttercup!

I never asked anyone to kiss my ass. I didn't expect anyone to kiss Ted Cruz's ass. I don't even expect you to like Ted Cruz. What I do expect is for Donald Trump and his supporters to win my vote. Denigrating Ted Cruz isn't going to do that for you.... and I don't give a shit if you want to win my vote or not, to be honest...if you're not a Trump supporter and don't give a shit who wins this election, I'm not talking about you.

I think you're full of shit if you believe Ted Cruz isn't a constitutional conservative who stands for constitutional conservative values. You've not shown anything time and time again except your ass. You're really good at doing that. I think YOU are the fraud and phony. I don't believe you're any more conservative than Bernie Sanders. I think that's the case with MOST of you shitheads, which is why you're attacking Ted Cruz.

But it didn't bother me that you weren't conservatives... I get it... nationalist-populism... agrarianism... new way of thinking... the "in" thing... I can live with all that . I could even vote for it this time in order to keep Hillary Clinton away from the oval office. But what I am NOT going to do is sit here and be subjected to viscous mean-spirited insults and be a part of this senseless attack on good conservatives because you people feel the need to be bad asses and bully people around.. and expect me to just line up and vote for Trump.
Who says I'm trying to win you over? I've seen you spew so much sh**. I already know your're full of it. And I certainly know that no Constitutional conservative would have any business voting for Hillary. I'm sorry you don't like being called out as a phony; but that's how it goes when you're a phony, I guess.

And look at you crying that your vote is contingent upon whether people kiss your ass. If true, that makes your emotional maturity all of maybe seven years old, maybe.

Cruz isn't stalwart anything. He loves to drape himself in the constitution and then do whatever the fuck he wants. This has been shown time and time again.

And I don't care if you think it's Cruz's job to unite the party; the reality is he's not a leader and he showed that. But then again, everyone knew that, already..

So..... Not flagrantly insulting me, Ted Cruz and conservatives, is somehow viewed as "kissing my ass" to you? ...If that's what you think, you need to pucker the fuck up, buttercup!

I never asked anyone to kiss my ass. I didn't expect anyone to kiss Ted Cruz's ass. I don't even expect you to like Ted Cruz. What I do expect is for Donald Trump and his supporters to win my vote. Denigrating Ted Cruz isn't going to do that for you.... and I don't give a shit if you want to win my vote or not, to be honest...if you're not a Trump supporter and don't give a shit who wins this election, I'm not talking about you.

I think you're full of shit if you believe Ted Cruz isn't a constitutional conservative who stands for constitutional conservative values. You've not shown anything time and time again except your ass. You're really good at doing that. I think YOU are the fraud and phony. I don't believe you're any more conservative than Bernie Sanders. I think that's the case with MOST of you shitheads, which is why you're attacking Ted Cruz.

But it didn't bother me that you weren't conservatives... I get it... nationalist-populism... agrarianism... new way of thinking... the "in" thing... I can live with all that . I could even vote for it this time in order to keep Hillary Clinton away from the oval office. But what I am NOT going to do is sit here and be subjected to viscous mean-spirited insults and be a part of this senseless attack on good conservatives because you people feel the need to be bad asses and bully people around.. and expect me to just line up and vote for Trump.
Cruz is a GOP tool.....as are you....
Boss is another Fakey AKA JakeStarkey

Comes here pretending to be a repub. No self respecting person (let alone repub or conservative or moderate) would vote for Hillary.

Yea, bro. We've seen fakes like you before. Don't think you're fooling anyone. Just be real; you're only making sh** worse for yourself in the long run.
They are just working on getting an edge as they think that they can get into peoples heads not knowing the spirit or how it works.
I am voting for Clinton as the republican party has become the insane party! They're a threat to our civilization and stability as a world power.
That's funny since Clinton is responsible for much of what's going wrong.

You're voting for your public feeding trough, be honest.
Trump's Chumps should have thought of the Supreme Court before they picked a fucking piece of shit limousine liberal as their candidate.

Speaking of limousine liberals, when was the last time Hillary drove a car?

Do you ever tire of retarded comparisons?

It is a little tiresome responding to uninformed retards like you.

You keep contrasting Trump with Hillary. Tell us, why are you voting for a candidate so similar to Hillary?
So you WANT Hillary to appoint the next Supreme Court justice? Are you mad?

Yep... Mad as hell! You got it!

What I WANTED was for the Trump supporters to show some fucking class for a change, let Ted Cruz have his moment and allow him his dignity. They didn't have to LIKE Cruz or kiss his ass... or change their policies to please him... really, all they had to do was shut their putrid little hate-spewing pie holes for one day.... they FAILED!

So now, they're going to get a full dose of ME in their grill from now until election, pointing out every single flaw in their candidate and doing my level best to ensure he doesn't win the election. The future of the Supreme Court is a consequence of THEIR actions, not mine! I was more than willing to support Trump... they would not allow that. SO BE IT!

Trump supporters showed Cruz all the class in the world. Trump himself knew what the speech was going to be and let him do it anyway. But we have this little problem with people who sign agreements and then renege on them. It's bad enough that the Democrats are a bunch of lying fucks. But having LIARS in our own party? Seriously?

Trump's use of the phrase "Lyin Ted" was very effective in putting down Ted's campaign. I never realized just how true that was.

You know, Ronald Reagan was in the same situation as Ted in 1976. And Reagan and Ford had some vicious words between the two, much worse than this. Reagan gave a great speech at the Republican convention and there was none of this backstabbing.

That's the difference between a class act and a no-class act.

The Republican Party has spoken. Trump IS the nominee. And if you're not going to vote for Trump, you might as well vote for Hillary. That makes you a traitor.
<<<You keep contrasting Trump with Hillary. Tell us, why are you voting for a candidate so similar to Hillary?>>>

You must be on drugs.
The campaign had many solid conservatives of whom Trump was not one.

Reagan would not piss on Trump to put him out if he were on fire. The selection of Trump is a rejection of Reagan.

I can't speak for Boss, but I can say I am voting for Gary Johnson.

Oh, I realize that is going to shock some people and raise some eyebrows. I haven't made up my mind just yet... I might just write-in my vote for Ted Cruz. But after the way Cruz has been treated by the Trump brigade, I am done with you people! I will actively campaign against your candidate and I might even cast my vote for Hillary, just to spite you.

So congratulations... I am a conservative who could have held my nose and voted for Trump to keep Hillary out of the white house... and in less than 24 hours, you have convinced me to NOT vote for YOUR candidate. Not only, not vote for him, but to actively campaign against him.

This was THE moment in the campaign where you could've shown some class and allowed Cruz to have some dignity and respect, but you chose to start the "Lyin' Ted" crap again and re-hash the primary campaign instead of reaching out to unify the party. ALL any of you needed to do was to shut your pie holes for a day... let Cruz have his moment... appreciate his message for what it was, a call to unity... an endorsement of Republican values and support for the platform.... but you just couldn't bring yourselves to do that... you had to go and start trashing the man again.

Well smart asses, you've lost my support! You can do this without me! You don't need MY vote! So go fuck yourselves and win it without me! In fact, win it with ME vocally campaigning AGAINST you! Because that's the way YOU wanted this... not me. I will now turn my attention to the down ballot races and electing principled constitutional conservatives who hold my values and the values of Ted Cruz. As for the presidency... I don't give two shits anymore who wins! If it's Hillary... so be it! I had actually RATHER it be Hillary than for you arrogant assholes to enjoy a victory. I am THAT pissed off! You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.

But this is not how things are suppose to go. You are suppose to sell out like Bernie

But to vote Hillary? Really? I don't understand that
Trump's Chumps should have thought of the Supreme Court before they picked a fucking piece of shit limousine liberal as their candidate.

Speaking of limousine liberals, when was the last time Hillary drove a car?

Do you ever tire of retarded comparisons?

It is a little tiresome responding to uninformed retards like you.

You keep contrasting Trump with Hillary. Tell us, why are you voting for a candidate so similar to Hillary?

I don't see the similarity.
The campaign had many solid conservatives of whom Trump was not one.

Reagan would not piss on Trump to put him out if he were on fire. The selection of Trump is a rejection of Reagan.

I can't speak for Boss, but I can say I am voting for Gary Johnson.


Great pick! I hear he has promised to stop smoking pot if elected
Trump's Chumps should have thought of the Supreme Court before they picked a fucking piece of shit limousine liberal as their candidate.

Speaking of limousine liberals, when was the last time Hillary drove a car?

Do you ever tire of retarded comparisons?

It is a little tiresome responding to uninformed retards like you.

You keep contrasting Trump with Hillary. Tell us, why are you voting for a candidate so similar to Hillary?

I don't see the similarity.
Neither are conservatives, and both are big government statists.
The campaign had many solid conservatives of whom Trump was not one.

Reagan would not piss on Trump to put him out if he were on fire. The selection of Trump is a rejection of Reagan.

I can't speak for Boss, but I can say I am voting for Gary Johnson.


Great pick! I hear he has promised to stop smoking pot if elected
If he can stop, so can you.

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