I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Yeah, and Dr Carson said it best....he was asked about what Trump said to him. Carson said if it was about me, I would have a hard time backing Trump, but it's not about me, it's about the future of the country.
People say shit all the time....Campaigns have been rough for 200 years...this isn't even close to the roughest.

And I posted the text of Cruz's speech yesterday, you can go read it online if you need to... not a damn word in it was negative toward Trump or his agenda. It was all completely supportive of the platform and party and an appeal for unity within the party. The only thing that wasn't in the speech was the words "I endorse Donald Trump!"

Trump knew that he wasn't going to endorse him... even though he LIED and claimed he didn't know what Cruz was going to say... he had a copy of the speech. He set the whole thing up and primed the narrative around Cruz endorsing him... Reagan didn't endorse Ford in 1976... Lots of times, there is not an endorsement of the candidate by the 2nd place guy. Bush only endorsed Reagan after he was ensured the VP spot.

And we keep being told the endorsement doesn't matter... but for some reason, it's this big important thing that Cruz should've done. Let me clue you in to how this would have gone down if Cruz HAD endorsed Trump... the next day, all the talking heads would be saying how Cruz was obviously trying to suck up and save face. That's how an endorsement would have come across! We'd be hearing all this blowback from the media... How could Cruz have been sincere after all that was said about his family? Must be that he was trying to save his career out of desperation!

No... Cruz did exactly what he should've done. He backed the platform, made a case for why we should be voting on principles and not personalities, eviscerated Hillary and the Democrats, and didn't take any cheap shots whatsoever at Trump. But the Trumpbots are all butthurt because this "unimportant" endorsement didn't happen!

Look man, I hear ya.....Trump probably setup a trap for him to hang himself......I don't doubt that. He probably saw the speech and said, holy shit.....if he speaks and that convention and doesn't say vote for trump....then he's toast....he didn't....I'm just saying...people want to get rid of Hilary and they didn't want another play by the rules politician... they wanted someone brash, and willing to say nasty things to the other side...Cruz would be more respectful like Romeny or McCain, republicans said fuck that.....and against Hilary, I'm ok with that.
Cruz is the one claiming preacher status not Trump. I did not see where Trump lied about Cruz but I am sure those who are wanting to keep that shit alive will keep on bitching. Like I said VOTE for who you want.

You want me to list all the lies he's told about Cruz?
That he had something to do with the PAC ad about Melania.
That his father had something to do with JFK's assassination.
That he was "lyin' Ted" for pointing out Trump's position on federal land grabs.
That Ted Cruz lied about Ben Carson leaving the race.
Where is the word matter in there? I know you like to pretend some sort of convoluted reality when you argue.

Here's what you first said:
I don't think his endorsement was very important. In fact, a Cruz endorsement could've been a negative value among independents. But what Cruz did was rile up his base against Trump when he could've just stayed home. He wasn't being a team player; he was being the prick we've said he was all along.

If his endorsement wasn't very important, why did it matter what he said? So he riled up his base that wasn't very important.... what's the big deal? If he's not that important, why spend all this time and energy attacking him and smearing him... AFTER the convention? If his endorsement wasn't that important, why are you signaling that it was so important? Why does it bother you that he didn't endorse Trump?

Yes, he COULD have been the first 2nd place finisher of a primary in modern history to not address the GOP convention... he wasn't. He delivered a speech that supported every agenda item on the platform in no uncertain terms. There was nothing derogatory toward Trump or his agenda in ANY of that speech. He congratulated him on the win and told his supporters to "vote your conscience on who you believe will uphold cherished constitutional principles." How is that negative toward Trump or calling for his supporters to not vote for Trump? Is Trump planning on not upholding our principles? He said this election is about our principles and not any one candidate... so again, is this election about Donald Trump or our principles?

Very important and matter are not synonymous terms.

And stop fucking shifting values. The endorsement is not very important, I said and then you say well if Cruz isn't very important. Well, those are in fact two different place values, frankly.

Yes, a Cruz endorsement wasn't very important for reasons I've explained. That doesn't exclude him from causing chaos and tampering with the process.

Who cares that Cruz was a second place finisher. Do you remember Santorum's 2012 speech? Cos I'll be honest, I don't. Do you remember Romney's 2008 speech? I don't. And calling Cruz second place is a little over stated in the second place. He's the guy who sat on the sidelines and watched the competish eat itself while he remained innocuous. When it came down to three, then and only then did he start to open his fat mouth; and in the end, he got shredded like everyone else who tried to take on the Donald. And he exposed the corruption of him and the GOP in the process. And you know what; he only furthered that by what he did at the convention. But you can't stump The Trump. It's not going down like that. It's not going down like that, bitch.

Fuck you, troll... I am not going to sit here and parse words and semantics with your stupid ass. You want to have your cake and eat it too... you want to throw a little Donald Trump temper tantrum because Cruz didn't support your boy, then pretend his support wasn't important anyway. What a fucking pussy-ass cry baby! Reminds me of somebody's little sister.

Let me tell you how it's going down, bitch... 10 million conservatives will stay at home or vote for someone besides Donald Trump in November and he will lose to the most corrupt and inept politician in history... and I will be here to rub your noses in that every single day for the next 4 years.

Fuck you, troll. Stop trying to shift values. It's not parsing words. If you can't accurately present what I say in premises of your argument, that's on you. That's not mere semantics. And I frankly saw you doing this sh** months ago when Cruz was in the running, and I called you out on it, then. I have no tolerance for that. If you have to continuously misrepresent what people say in the course of arguments, then you're fucking dirt.

Let me tell you, you're not a fucking conservative. No fucking self respecting conservative starts a thread saying that he might vote for HIllary. She's big govt. / global order as they come. You're a POS troll and have been from the outset. You're just mad cos I'm crushing your piddly angle, which is total bull shit. You probably just wanted Cruz in the first place cos Hillary is who've you wanted all along. You knew that adulterous dough boy presented no challenge. So, GFY, you phony fucking scum. Yea, we'll take the conservative Cruz supporters (the real ones of which you never truly were).

:lol: You are so far off base. Seriously, take a pill.

I'm not though. Boss has a liberal agenda. He's as much a wolf in sheep's clothing as Cruz is. They're made for each other.
Look man, I hear ya.....Trump probably setup a trap for him to hang himself......I don't doubt that. He probably saw the speech and said, holy shit.....if he speaks and that convention and doesn't say vote for trump....then he's toast....he didn't....I'm just saying...people want to get rid of Hilary and they didn't want another play by the rules politician... they wanted someone brash, and willing to say nasty things to the other side...Cruz would be more respectful like Romeny or McCain, republicans said fuck that.....and against Hilary, I'm ok with that.

The fucking primaries have been over for WEEKS man! This was the convention! Where Trump was charged with bringing the party together... Big Tent... Party Unity... Cruz poses NO THREAT to Trump whatsoever now... the primaries are OVER!

So why is he STILL attacking Ted Cruz? :dunno:
So evidently liars who signed agreements and pledges mean nothing to you.
Do you honestly believe that if Drumpf had lost in the primaries he would have kept his word and supported the person who beat him?

Remember: I said 'honestly'.
You are on my imaginary ignore list.
I got the answer I expected.
Trump reneged, TGG, and that is never going to change.

No, he's supporting the nominee.

Cruz didn't keep his word though.

Cruz was wrong to have signed the stupid pledge. It's just one of those media driven games that they play in the primary part of the dog and pony show. An intelligent person would never agree to such a contract.

That's not Cruz's "word". Did he write the document? Getting pressured to play along is not anyone's WORD. He should have told them to shove their stupid contract up their asses.

On the other hand Trumps treatment of the only true religious man left will turn off any Trump supporters sitting on the fence that do any soul searching.

Cruz saw it in his interest to play ball. Trump was the leader and gaining momentum fast, and the establishment needed some sort of ploy to make him look not like a team player. I wouldn't be surprised if Cruz and the others had been tipped off that that was coming and had signed off on it. Cos let's be honest, Cruz (and the others) would have no problem supporting any other candidate. Did you see Scott Walker having a never Trump cry when he dropped out of the race? I think he was happy with the pledge idea until it blew up in his face.

I don't think religious people are lemmings like the media likes to portray. Frankly, many evangelicals see Cruz as a wolf in sheep's clothing. Christ himself warned against such people. Yes, there's gonna be a faction that don't come around to Trump; but that doesn't mean that Trump was wrong to not treat Cruz with kid gloves. Trump isn't gaining traction by being soft in the second place. People want him to smash people like Lyin' Ted and leave crybabies like Boss in the wake.
If evangelicals see Cruz as a wolf in sheep's clothing how must they see Trump, a man that's repeatedly unfaithful to his wives, changes his mind 3 times on abortion, says he supports same sex marriage but the states should decide, says he's a Christian but doesn't have time for Church and an avid reader of the Gospel but can't name his favorite verse and refers to the 2nd Corinthian as Corinthians 2.
So evidently liars who signed agreements and pledges mean nothing to you.
Do you honestly believe that if Drumpf had lost in the primaries he would have kept his word and supported the person who beat him?

Remember: I said 'honestly'.
You are on my imaginary ignore list.
I got the answer I expected.
No you didn't but I did want to let you know that so you won't bother to waste your precious time to ask me anything.
Sorry dude, you will never be a strong conservative in my eyes again. You whine like a little girl because people in politics were mean to your canidate. I think you like the idea of calling yourself a conservative, but right now, I have never seen someone act more like a whinny liberal bitch than you. Truly sad. Your credibility factor as a conservative voice is done. Go ahead and vote your feelings, and let your previous rational brain die.

Trump whined because he felt the RNC 'treated him unfairly'. Trump whined and threatened to sue media outlets who spoke negatively about him. Trump is a whiny liberal bitch quite often.

:lol: You can't use whining as an excuse if you're a Trump supporter without being a complete hypocrite! :lol:

TRUMP WON! Winning trumps (pun) everything.
Trump reneged, TGG, and that is never going to change.

No, he's supporting the nominee.

Cruz didn't keep his word though.

Cruz was wrong to have signed the stupid pledge. It's just one of those media driven games that they play in the primary part of the dog and pony show. An intelligent person would never agree to such a contract.

That's not Cruz's "word". Did he write the document? Getting pressured to play along is not anyone's WORD. He should have told them to shove their stupid contract up their asses.

On the other hand Trumps treatment of the only true religious man left will turn off any Trump supporters sitting on the fence that do any soul searching.

Cruz saw it in his interest to play ball. Trump was the leader and gaining momentum fast, and the establishment needed some sort of ploy to make him look not like a team player. I wouldn't be surprised if Cruz and the others had been tipped off that that was coming and had signed off on it. Cos let's be honest, Cruz (and the others) would have no problem supporting any other candidate. Did you see Scott Walker having a never Trump cry when he dropped out of the race? I think he was happy with the pledge idea until it blew up in his face.

I don't think religious people are lemmings like the media likes to portray. Frankly, many evangelicals see Cruz as a wolf in sheep's clothing. Christ himself warned against such people. Yes, there's gonna be a faction that don't come around to Trump; but that doesn't mean that Trump was wrong to not treat Cruz with kid gloves. Trump isn't gaining traction by being soft in the second place. People want him to smash people like Lyin' Ted and leave crybabies like Boss in the wake.
If evangelicals see Cruz as a wolf in sheep's clothing how must they see Trump, a man that's repeatedly unfaithful to his wives, changes his mind 3 times on abortion, says he supports same sex marriage but the states should decide, says he's a Christian but doesn't have time for Church and and avid reader of the Gospel but can't name his favorite verse and refers to the 2nd Corinthian as Corinthians 2.
If the Lord does not look into a man and wife's bedroom what real Christian would. It is none of our business unless he makes it public business.
Sorry dude, you will never be a strong conservative in my eyes again. You whine like a little girl because people in politics were mean to your canidate. I think you like the idea of calling yourself a conservative, but right now, I have never seen someone act more like a whinny liberal bitch than you. Truly sad. Your credibility factor as a conservative voice is done. Go ahead and vote your feelings, and let your previous rational brain die.

Oh, my feelings are SO hurt that I am not a conservative in your eyes anymore, ever again! Boo-fucking-hoo!

You are starting to sound more and more like a liberal with every post.
Look man, I hear ya.....Trump probably setup a trap for him to hang himself......I don't doubt that. He probably saw the speech and said, holy shit.....if he speaks and that convention and doesn't say vote for trump....then he's toast....he didn't....I'm just saying...people want to get rid of Hilary and they didn't want another play by the rules politician... they wanted someone brash, and willing to say nasty things to the other side...Cruz would be more respectful like Romeny or McCain, republicans said fuck that.....and against Hilary, I'm ok with that.

The fucking primaries have been over for WEEKS man! This was the convention! Where Trump was charged with bringing the party together... Big Tent... Party Unity... Cruz poses NO THREAT to Trump whatsoever now... the primaries are OVER!

So why is he STILL attacking Ted Cruz? :dunno:

It's not in Trump's DNA to "bring people together". He plays on people's unrealistic fears and daydreams. He is really good at making his followers hate on his enemies. Unfortunately for him this country is not populated by a majority of haters.
Sorry dude, you will never be a strong conservative in my eyes again. You whine like a little girl because people in politics were mean to your canidate. I think you like the idea of calling yourself a conservative, but right now, I have never seen someone act more like a whinny liberal bitch than you. Truly sad. Your credibility factor as a conservative voice is done. Go ahead and vote your feelings, and let your previous rational brain die.

Trump whined because he felt the RNC 'treated him unfairly'. Trump whined and threatened to sue media outlets who spoke negatively about him. Trump is a whiny liberal bitch quite often.

:lol: You can't use whining as an excuse if you're a Trump supporter without being a complete hypocrite! :lol:

TRUMP WON! Winning trumps (pun) everything.

Uhmmm yeah... I think we're all aware that Trump won the nomination. The question is... WHY is he attacking Ted Cruz?
I'm not though. Boss has a liberal agenda. He's as much a wolf in sheep's clothing as Cruz is. They're made for each other.

No, I don't have a liberal agenda. You're a fucking moron.

You can't say that you don't if you present Hillary as a viable option. It's just simple. You're not a conservative. No conservative does that. It's like a self professed man of God saying Satan isn't such a bad guy after all; it simply doesn't add up.
Trump reneged, TGG, and that is never going to change.

No, he's supporting the nominee.

Cruz didn't keep his word though.

Cruz was wrong to have signed the stupid pledge. It's just one of those media driven games that they play in the primary part of the dog and pony show. An intelligent person would never agree to such a contract.

That's not Cruz's "word". Did he write the document? Getting pressured to play along is not anyone's WORD. He should have told them to shove their stupid contract up their asses.

On the other hand Trumps treatment of the only true religious man left will turn off any Trump supporters sitting on the fence that do any soul searching.

Cruz saw it in his interest to play ball. Trump was the leader and gaining momentum fast, and the establishment needed some sort of ploy to make him look not like a team player. I wouldn't be surprised if Cruz and the others had been tipped off that that was coming and had signed off on it. Cos let's be honest, Cruz (and the others) would have no problem supporting any other candidate. Did you see Scott Walker having a never Trump cry when he dropped out of the race? I think he was happy with the pledge idea until it blew up in his face.

I don't think religious people are lemmings like the media likes to portray. Frankly, many evangelicals see Cruz as a wolf in sheep's clothing. Christ himself warned against such people. Yes, there's gonna be a faction that don't come around to Trump; but that doesn't mean that Trump was wrong to not treat Cruz with kid gloves. Trump isn't gaining traction by being soft in the second place. People want him to smash people like Lyin' Ted and leave crybabies like Boss in the wake.
If evangelicals see Cruz as a wolf in sheep's clothing how must they see Trump, a man that's repeatedly unfaithful to his wives, changes his mind 3 times on abortion, says he supports same sex marriage but the states should decide, says he's a Christian but doesn't have time for Church and and avid reader of the Gospel but can't name his favorite verse and refers to the 2nd Corinthian as Corinthians 2.
If the Lord does not look into a man and wife's bedroom what real Christian would. It is none of our business unless he makes it public business.
There are few public figures in this country that have made their sex life more public than Trump. It has become part of the Trump brand.
The text of the pledge: “I [name] affirm that if I do not win the 2016 Republican nomination for president of the United States I will endorse the 2016 Republican presidential nominee regardless of who it is. I further pledge that I will not seek to run as an independent or write-in candidate nor will I seek or accept the nomination for president of any other party.”

Read more: Trump calls GOP's bluff
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Trump did not break that pledge. He is supporting the nominee. Cruz, Bush and Kasich and whomever are not.

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