I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

No, he's supporting the nominee.

Cruz didn't keep his word though.

Cruz was wrong to have signed the stupid pledge. It's just one of those media driven games that they play in the primary part of the dog and pony show. An intelligent person would never agree to such a contract.

That's not Cruz's "word". Did he write the document? Getting pressured to play along is not anyone's WORD. He should have told them to shove their stupid contract up their asses.

On the other hand Trumps treatment of the only true religious man left will turn off any Trump supporters sitting on the fence that do any soul searching.

Cruz saw it in his interest to play ball. Trump was the leader and gaining momentum fast, and the establishment needed some sort of ploy to make him look not like a team player. I wouldn't be surprised if Cruz and the others had been tipped off that that was coming and had signed off on it. Cos let's be honest, Cruz (and the others) would have no problem supporting any other candidate. Did you see Scott Walker having a never Trump cry when he dropped out of the race? I think he was happy with the pledge idea until it blew up in his face.

I don't think religious people are lemmings like the media likes to portray. Frankly, many evangelicals see Cruz as a wolf in sheep's clothing. Christ himself warned against such people. Yes, there's gonna be a faction that don't come around to Trump; but that doesn't mean that Trump was wrong to not treat Cruz with kid gloves. Trump isn't gaining traction by being soft in the second place. People want him to smash people like Lyin' Ted and leave crybabies like Boss in the wake.
If evangelicals see Cruz as a wolf in sheep's clothing how must they see Trump, a man that's repeatedly unfaithful to his wives, changes his mind 3 times on abortion, says he supports same sex marriage but the states should decide, says he's a Christian but doesn't have time for Church and and avid reader of the Gospel but can't name his favorite verse and refers to the 2nd Corinthian as Corinthians 2.
If the Lord does not look into a man and wife's bedroom what real Christian would. It is none of our business unless he makes it public business.
There are few public figures in this country that have made their sex life more public than Trump. It has become part of the Trump brand.
Your claim does not give any Christian the right to look into his bedroom. That should be pretty simple for you to grasp.
Sorry dude, you will never be a strong conservative in my eyes again. You whine like a little girl because people in politics were mean to your canidate. I think you like the idea of calling yourself a conservative, but right now, I have never seen someone act more like a whinny liberal bitch than you. Truly sad. Your credibility factor as a conservative voice is done. Go ahead and vote your feelings, and let your previous rational brain die.

Oh, my feelings are SO hurt that I am not a conservative in your eyes anymore, ever again! Boo-fucking-hoo!

You are starting to sound more and more like a liberal with every post.

Look.. you fuckwits can call me a liberal all you like.

You're voting for a guy who, four years ago, was pro-choice (strongly), donated to Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, Al Sharpton, John Kerry, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton. Said his gay liberal sister would be an excellent SCOTUS pick. Has said in recent weeks he plans to actively go after Bernie Sanders voters. Embraces the LGBTQ agenda. Favors tariffs. Said he wants to tax the rich. Has mentioned nothing about reducing the debt. Supports ethanol subsidies. Supports federalization of state lands. Supports universal health care. Plans to promote paid maternity leave.... shall I continue?
Sorry dude, you will never be a strong conservative in my eyes again. You whine like a little girl because people in politics were mean to your canidate. I think you like the idea of calling yourself a conservative, but right now, I have never seen someone act more like a whinny liberal bitch than you. Truly sad. Your credibility factor as a conservative voice is done. Go ahead and vote your feelings, and let your previous rational brain die.

Trump whined because he felt the RNC 'treated him unfairly'. Trump whined and threatened to sue media outlets who spoke negatively about him. Trump is a whiny liberal bitch quite often.

:lol: You can't use whining as an excuse if you're a Trump supporter without being a complete hypocrite! :lol:

TRUMP WON! Winning trumps (pun) everything.

Uhmmm yeah... I think we're all aware that Trump won the nomination. The question is... WHY is he attacking Ted Cruz?

Because, like you, Cruz is a thinned skinned sissy who couldn't put the good of the country in front of his hurt feelings. Too bad really. He would have been a good conservative justice for decades had he only been a real man and done the right thing.
Because, like you, Cruz is a thinned skinned sissy who couldn't put the good of the country in front of his hurt feelings. Too bad really. He would have been a good conservative justice for decades had he only been a real man and done the right thing.

You're free to have your opinion of Ted Cruz but I've asked you several times now and you keep dodging my question... How does attacking Ted Cruz (and his supporters) help Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton in November?
Sorry dude, you will never be a strong conservative in my eyes again. You whine like a little girl because people in politics were mean to your canidate. I think you like the idea of calling yourself a conservative, but right now, I have never seen someone act more like a whinny liberal bitch than you. Truly sad. Your credibility factor as a conservative voice is done. Go ahead and vote your feelings, and let your previous rational brain die.

Oh, my feelings are SO hurt that I am not a conservative in your eyes anymore, ever again! Boo-fucking-hoo!

You are starting to sound more and more like a liberal with every post.

Look.. you fuckwits can call me a liberal all you like.

You're voting for a guy who, four years ago, was pro-choice (strongly), donated to Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, Al Sharpton, John Kerry, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton. Said his gay liberal sister would be an excellent SCOTUS pick. Has said in recent weeks he plans to actively go after Bernie Sanders voters. Embraces the LGBTQ agenda. Favors tariffs. Said he wants to tax the rich. Has mentioned nothing about reducing the debt. Supports ethanol subsidies. Supports federalization of state lands. Supports universal health care. Plans to promote paid maternity leave.... shall I continue?

Yep, and you're voting for Hellary.....shall I continue? Maybe you can go back and read all your previous post when you had a brain, you know, before you started wearing Berkinstocks, burning incenses and taking macrame classes.
You can't say that you don't if you present Hillary as a viable option. It's just simple. You're not a conservative. No conservative does that. It's like a self professed man of God saying Satan isn't such a bad guy after all; it simply doesn't add up.

Well, I AM a conservative and you can't convince me that I'm not.

I think I explained myself very well in the OP.
So evidently liars who signed agreements and pledges mean nothing to you.

Any man that would endorse a baboon that called him a liar a thousand times, insulted his wife to no end, attacked his father by stating he had something to do with the conspiracy to kill JFK is would be NO MAN.

I wasn't a Ted Cruz supporter, but this MAN commands dignity and respect, something that the Reich wing of the party is seriously lacking anymore. Cruz has earned the respect of millions by standing up for what is right.

While there have been a few that have cowered to Donald Trump.

Who wants to support Lyin' Ted anyways? He's not that much better than Crooked Hillary at the end of the day if at all.

The primaries are over, asswad.. unless Ted Cruz launches a 3rd party candidacy, he's not going to get much support in the general election.... maybe a few thousand write-ins... but he has basically been out of the race for weeks.

This was about bringing his supporters over to Trump and I think you've royally FAILED to do that in spades. In fact, I think you've all but assured Trump will lose this election by double digits. And it's almost like you planned it that way all along. Are you working for the Democrats?
Because, like you, Cruz is a thinned skinned sissy who couldn't put the good of the country in front of his hurt feelings. Too bad really. He would have been a good conservative justice for decades had he only been a real man and done the right thing.

You're free to have your opinion of Ted Cruz but I've asked you several times now and you keep dodging my question... How does attacking Ted Cruz (and his supporters) help Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton in November?

I am a conservative, and expect true conservatives to do what is best to defend the constitution. Cruz didn't do, and neither will you apparently. He's done as a political operative for the conservative movement, and so are you.......unless you come to your senses.
So evidently liars who signed agreements and pledges mean nothing to you.

Any man that would endorse a baboon that called him a liar a thousand times, insulted his wife to no end, attacked his father by stating he had something to do with the conspiracy to kill JFK is would be NO MAN.

I wasn't a Ted Cruz supporter, but this MAN commands dignity and respect, something that the Reich wing of the party is seriously lacking anymore. Cruz has earned the respect of millions by standing up for what is right.

While there have been a few that have cowered to Donald Trump.

You are also on my imaginary ignore list along with Syn so you do don't have to bother wasting your time.
Sorry dude, you will never be a strong conservative in my eyes again. You whine like a little girl because people in politics were mean to your canidate. I think you like the idea of calling yourself a conservative, but right now, I have never seen someone act more like a whinny liberal bitch than you. Truly sad. Your credibility factor as a conservative voice is done. Go ahead and vote your feelings, and let your previous rational brain die.

Oh, my feelings are SO hurt that I am not a conservative in your eyes anymore, ever again! Boo-fucking-hoo!

You are starting to sound more and more like a liberal with every post.

Look.. you fuckwits can call me a liberal all you like.

You're voting for a guy who, four years ago, was pro-choice (strongly), donated to Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, Al Sharpton, John Kerry, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton. Said his gay liberal sister would be an excellent SCOTUS pick. Has said in recent weeks he plans to actively go after Bernie Sanders voters. Embraces the LGBTQ agenda. Favors tariffs. Said he wants to tax the rich. Has mentioned nothing about reducing the debt. Supports ethanol subsidies. Supports federalization of state lands. Supports universal health care. Plans to promote paid maternity leave.... shall I continue?

Yep, and you're voting for Hellary.....shall I continue? Maybe you can go back and read all your previous post when you had a brain, you know, before you started wearing Berkinstocks, burning incenses and taking macrame classes.

No... Read the OP again... (he patiently says)... I never said that I AM voting for Hillary. Go read it and then come back and tell me what I actually SAID!
EPIC! Ted Cruz SCHOOLS delegate on why didn’t honor his pledge and support Trump [WATCH!]

:lmao: Cruz talking about how he proudly raised his hand to pledge to support the nominee. No, dumbass, you were asked to raise your hand if you didn't pledge. And it was thusly Donald who raised his hand. I think he had plants in that audience setting him up for some applause lines. He needs to stfu already though; he lost. This isn't about him anymore.

And Cruz crying about "rapid (Trump) supporters" booing him for voting their conscious. No dumbass. They were booing you for being you, a no good snake in the grass. Stay the fuck home if you're not fully on board with beating Hillary. We don't give a sh** about your posturing. Jeb and Christie postured at the 2012 convention and people remembered.
Because, like you, Cruz is a thinned skinned sissy who couldn't put the good of the country in front of his hurt feelings. Too bad really. He would have been a good conservative justice for decades had he only been a real man and done the right thing.

You're free to have your opinion of Ted Cruz but I've asked you several times now and you keep dodging my question... How does attacking Ted Cruz (and his supporters) help Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton in November?

I am a conservative, and expect true conservatives to do what is best to defend the constitution. Cruz didn't do, and neither will you apparently. He's done as a political operative for the conservative movement, and so are you.......unless you come to your senses.
Now the question is how conservative is defined. For the mega corps and investment corps that means you whole hardheartedly believe corporations have the right to rule over privates or independents and a corporation is the same as an individual even though an individual could rarely be able to defend themselves against bully corps. Just a thought to consider.
I am a conservative, and expect true conservatives to do what is best to defend the constitution. Cruz didn't do, and neither will you apparently. He's done as a political operative for the conservative movement, and so are you.......unless you come to your senses.

I disagree. I think you're wrong. You keep listening to the Trumpbots tell you what you're supposed to think and believe.

Attacking primary opponents after the convention when you should be focused on bringing them on board and going after Hillary is NOT doing what's best to defend the constitution because that's basically handing Hillary the keys to the White House.

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