I miss Trump

At least he answered questions. Biden just hit us with a stupid partisan stimulus bill. You can see here why its stupid and none of the leftists here have been able to argue the counterpoint.

But why won't Biden take tough questions on both the stimulus and the crisis at the border?

Love or hate Trump or tolerate only, Trump always took questions. Combative? Yes. Answered them? Yes.

I will argue a counterpoint if you’d like... you are implying that a new tax will be applied and taken from tax payers to fund the stimulus bill... but that is not the case, unless you have info that says otherwise... do you?

What new tax? Has zero to do with this thread or the link to the stimulus bill. The argument was to just give all the money to the people. Not $1,400.

You linked to an argument saying that Dems voted for a bill that gives them $1400 but makes them owe $5800 and were looking for a counter argument. Or did I read that wrong??

There is no counter arguments that is fact. Unless you presume we never pay back the debt.

Assume we never pay back the debt?

When have we done that?

You know as well as I that we pay interest on the debt and rarely pay down the debt itself

When did we ever deal with a housing market meltdown? What did Dick Fuld say? Who would have ever though that Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers would be nonexistent? Unprecedented events happen and I do not like our level of debt. I agreed with you there and criticized DJT for it. That was very questionable at best.
At least he answered questions. Biden just hit us with a stupid partisan stimulus bill. You can see here why its stupid and none of the leftists here have been able to argue the counterpoint.

But why won't Biden take tough questions on both the stimulus and the crisis at the border?

Love or hate Trump or tolerate only, Trump always took questions. Combative? Yes. Answered them? Yes.

I will argue a counterpoint if you’d like... you are implying that a new tax will be applied and taken from tax payers to fund the stimulus bill... but that is not the case, unless you have info that says otherwise... do you?

What new tax? Has zero to do with this thread or the link to the stimulus bill. The argument was to just give all the money to the people. Not $1,400.

You linked to an argument saying that Dems voted for a bill that gives them $1400 but makes them owe $5800 and were looking for a counter argument. Or did I read that wrong??

There is no counter arguments that is fact. Unless you presume we never pay back the debt.

Yes that would be my presumption... well not in the direct traditional sense that you’ve implied.

And you would be wrong. My kids will be responsible for this debt. As will yours. It doesn’t just magically disappear. We need fiscal responsibility. So my point was if I am responsible for this debt then give me the full amount of the monies. Not me precisely since I did not qualify but if I had...

Your presumption of we don’t have to pay this debt back is not only dangerous but borderline infuriating.

The debt would exist while our children are alive yes, just as the debt has existed throughout your entire life... how has it impacted you? How do you think it will impact them and why do you think it will be different?

It has only been this high for 13 years? It has impacted all of us. Instead of building high speed rails and other infrastructure improvements we spent monies on useless wars and paying for bad decisions. Our infrastructure sucks. Go to an airport in Dubai and compare it Logan or LAX. It’s a fucking joke. China is coming for us. 13 years is a tiny timeframe mind you. It will impact them in that taxes will have to be raised and expenses reduced as in they may lose SS or have it significantly reduced. They and their spouses will both have to work vs having one home to raise the kids. Because we let our schools go to shit they will likely have to send their kids to private school.

So yes it has impacted me. And you. But you don’t see it. It will certainly impact them.

13 years? No dude the debt has been like this for decades. Those things you listed were not effected by the debt, they were just policy decisions. As we have seen with the pandemic, we can pump out trillions at the drop of a hat. The ability to build has always been there. Congress just hasn’t decided to do it

Nope 13 years has it gone off the rails

You should check your stats. If you are using different criteria than percentage increase then let me know what it is

View attachment 468130

I am using absolute dollars. $2 to $4 is a 100% increase but still only $4. Do you have any finance acumen? Chart absolute dollars under Obama and Trump. This is a fairly recent spending spree.

Its meaningless unless you compare it to revenue in which case % would yield a better comparison.

Says one who admitted he doesn't have a business degree. It isn't "meaningless" not remotely.

Why do I need a business degree? I've been involved in 6 start ups. if it isn't meaningless then explain why...

I have explained why. Because our debt now exceeds our revenue not just income. That is not only dangerous just irresponsible. And now we are growing it exponentially and note our infrastructure is falling behind and greatly. We could have spent that money wiser and had GDP of $30 or $40Trn perhaps. 90% of start ups failed. How many of yours succeeded?

2 flopped, 1 is done but made a nice run. 1 was bought out and still operating and I currently run the other two.

You run two? interesting. Must be small because usually running one is an 18 hour a day job. So again for the 5th time. Why not give every American $10k? Debt you say is irrelevant and more money would circulate in the system.

Still waiting for a response.

Yeah pretty small bootstrap operations. Online based models built for easy management and passive income .

Why not pay everybody $10k? Because at a certain point you hit a threshold that triggers massive inflation. There is a good debate about whether this package will do that. We should know in a year or two

LMAO!! “Certain Point” you’re wrong again. Taking out $6k in debt to receive $1.4K is just not practical. I recommend you take a course in business/finance. You asked me how this level of debt has impacted us and I answered you and you just glossed over it. Gas gas gone up, food prices have gone up. Inflation is already here whether the so called experts agree or not.

I was paying $1.60 for gas a couple months ago. Gas prices are Not fluctuating because of the National debt they fluctuate because of taxes, regulations and the always moving price of oil. I started this conversation having some respect for your intelligence and I’m leaving with much less.

Taking out 6k to receive 1.4K is not how this thing works. I explained it in a way that a third grader would understand yet it still goes over your head. You obviously don’t get it so never mind.

Really? Well moron. You stupidly stated that the $1.4K circulates throughout the economy. It doesn’t. Food isn’t taxed in MA so if my parents use the monies to buy food then they don’t pay taxes. The supermarket makes a 10% profit margin so that’s $140 of which it pays a 30% tax let’s say so that’s $42...so yes the Govt got $42 back for $6k of debt. I do this for a living. The bill was stupid and 100% partisan. If you want to borrow $6k then give the people what they borrowed, the full $6k. I am paying a $1 more per gallon under Biden than under Trump. It doesn’t have to do with the stimulus but by summer it will be $2 more and that will be partially because of it. You don’t respect me? LOL

I support my family on my financial acumen. Feel free to turn away from this conversation as you’re making a fool of yourself.

If your parents buy food then the grocery store uses the money to buy inventory and pay employees and pay income tax etc. Of course it is taxed as it circulates. You are making horrible arguments in an attempt to win a debate. Let the ego go and just look at the situation with clear eyes.

Also much of the 6k is going to people and is circulating through the economy... you are just piss poor at math. Unemployment benefits go to the people, education funding goes to schools, low income children etc etc. you didn’t calculate these things in because you are presenting a piss poor argument

I have explained to you that the money goes into profit and yes pays employees, who would have been paid anyway as food is a necessity. You said that too much printing causes inflation. Well you got that correct and soon you'll see it play out. Enjoy it as your businesses fold.

You heard it here first.

Instead of giving unemployment checks give people the full $6k AND have them work. Instead they sit home and collect as they make more doing that. Pretty silly.

Your argument is to print until inflation hits. That is crazy talk.

Ok great give a prediction then. What kind of inflation are we going to see and when will we see it? If it doesn’t happen then you can check your math and reevaluate your “understanding” of the subject

Before year end you'll see LIBOR rates in the 2.00% and gas prices in the $4-4.50 range. I am not going to go into exact percentages but it will be in the 300-400% range. Here is your prediction.
At least he answered questions. Biden just hit us with a stupid partisan stimulus bill. You can see here why its stupid and none of the leftists here have been able to argue the counterpoint.

But why won't Biden take tough questions on both the stimulus and the crisis at the border?

Love or hate Trump or tolerate only, Trump always took questions. Combative? Yes. Answered them? Yes.

Democrats, fake news media, & even snowflakes miss Trump.

Without Trump all there is to talk about is Biden's failures, Harris' Antifa terrorists continuing engaging in terrorism as she ordered them to do, Democrats' crimes and scandals, and all they are doing to destroy the country daily.

The media has no one to ask questions of since both CCP Joe & Comrade Harris refuse to answer questions...

But Trump still occupies space in all of their heads, 24/7, as they can,'t stop talking about him...

At least he answered questions. Biden just hit us with a stupid partisan stimulus bill. You can see here why its stupid and none of the leftists here have been able to argue the counterpoint.

But why won't Biden take tough questions on both the stimulus and the crisis at the border?

Love or hate Trump or tolerate only, Trump always took questions. Combative? Yes. Answered them? Yes.

I will argue a counterpoint if you’d like... you are implying that a new tax will be applied and taken from tax payers to fund the stimulus bill... but that is not the case, unless you have info that says otherwise... do you?

What new tax? Has zero to do with this thread or the link to the stimulus bill. The argument was to just give all the money to the people. Not $1,400.

You linked to an argument saying that Dems voted for a bill that gives them $1400 but makes them owe $5800 and were looking for a counter argument. Or did I read that wrong??

There is no counter arguments that is fact. Unless you presume we never pay back the debt.

Yes that would be my presumption... well not in the direct traditional sense that you’ve implied.

And you would be wrong. My kids will be responsible for this debt. As will yours. It doesn’t just magically disappear. We need fiscal responsibility. So my point was if I am responsible for this debt then give me the full amount of the monies. Not me precisely since I did not qualify but if I had...

Your presumption of we don’t have to pay this debt back is not only dangerous but borderline infuriating.

The debt would exist while our children are alive yes, just as the debt has existed throughout your entire life... how has it impacted you? How do you think it will impact them and why do you think it will be different?

It has only been this high for 13 years? It has impacted all of us. Instead of building high speed rails and other infrastructure improvements we spent monies on useless wars and paying for bad decisions. Our infrastructure sucks. Go to an airport in Dubai and compare it Logan or LAX. It’s a fucking joke. China is coming for us. 13 years is a tiny timeframe mind you. It will impact them in that taxes will have to be raised and expenses reduced as in they may lose SS or have it significantly reduced. They and their spouses will both have to work vs having one home to raise the kids. Because we let our schools go to shit they will likely have to send their kids to private school.

So yes it has impacted me. And you. But you don’t see it. It will certainly impact them.

13 years? No dude the debt has been like this for decades. Those things you listed were not effected by the debt, they were just policy decisions. As we have seen with the pandemic, we can pump out trillions at the drop of a hat. The ability to build has always been there. Congress just hasn’t decided to do it

Nope 13 years has it gone off the rails

You should check your stats. If you are using different criteria than percentage increase then let me know what it is

View attachment 468130

I am using absolute dollars. $2 to $4 is a 100% increase but still only $4. Do you have any finance acumen? Chart absolute dollars under Obama and Trump. This is a fairly recent spending spree.

Let me give you another tid bit for you to think about in regards to your argument in the OP. You clamed that people were getting paid $1400 in exchange for owing $5800, right? Well my first point is that they won't need to ever pay the $5800 directly unless of course the bill has a tax applied to fund the intitiative which this one does not. But secondly lets look at the $1400 they got paid.... You need to track that money to understand that it is not a sunk cost but rather revenue producing.

Lets say Joe gets the $1400 stimulus check and uses it to build a new deck so he spends it at the local lumber store. The owner of the lumber store pays sales tax on the purchase and then uses the money to pay his employee where he pays employment tax and then the employee who gets the payment pays income tax. That employee decides to fix his HVAC with that money so it then goes to the HVAC repair guy... Sales tax, employment tax and income tax is applied... Are you getting the picture on how that $1400 pays for itself plus more as it is USED to flow throughout the economy?? Its how trickle up works. It stagnates when somebody gives it to their hedge fund and it sits accruing interest in an investment account for decades which is where much of the wealth that the top earners collect goes. Hopefully some of it comes back to create jobs and business expansion but we can clearly see that greater sums of wealth is being collected by the top dogs than is coming back.

So why not give everyone $10k? It pays for itself?

You tell me. I was hoping you'd actually put some thought into what I said.

I have. You tell me. You say all the money comes back anyway. So let's give EVERYONE $10k...hell make it $100k.

You have put zero thought into it. What if that $1,400 goes into buying drugs. Zero taxes. The drug dealer, takes it and burns it while doing smack....I mean you are just making stuff up now.

You are the one who presented the $1400 as a sunk cost and the $5800 as an owed debt both of which are not accurate presentations. I explained why. We dive into plans and budgets and policy suggestions on the best course of action and talk about those factors you just brought up, however, you challenged us idiot lefties to try and provide a counterpoint to your statement I that's what I did. You weren't accurate in your breakdown of the stimulus. It sounds like you might have a better understanding now so you're welcome. I know you won't admit any of this but I know that you know that I know that you know.

You're being a dink. I understand it very well as I do this for a living. We paid $6k each to give some people $1,400. That is pretty stupid. Why not just give everyone eligible $6k and have them follow your guide and circulate the monies in the economy? Sounds like you still refused to answer that question. We are going in circles. My guess is that your start-ups failed as you have zero financial acumen.

No we didn't pay $6K to get $1400... Jesus, did you not absorb anything I said?!?! The $1400 comes back as revenue every time it is transferred to somebody else. So that deducts from the $6K... Not to mention much of that $6K are investments similar to the $1400 that flow throughout the economy. Is all this going over your head because you are presenting very skewed versions of reality. Are you being argumentative or do you not understand how this works?

He doesn't understanhd.

He being Slate. I'll ask you since you cannot spell understand and he won't answer. If money is free and helps the economy why not just issue $10k to every eligible American vs. $1.4k?

Thank you

What is this free money thing that you think is real. Do you not understand our finance system?
At least he answered questions. Biden just hit us with a stupid partisan stimulus bill. You can see here why its stupid and none of the leftists here have been able to argue the counterpoint.

But why won't Biden take tough questions on both the stimulus and the crisis at the border?

Love or hate Trump or tolerate only, Trump always took questions. Combative? Yes. Answered them? Yes.

LOL, Trump didn't answer questions, he dodged every question from the MSM, he ignored the journalists, insulted them and went ahead and praised himself for things others have done. Why do you lie?

the fk he didn't. name one time he said no answer.

Lysol. A magic moment.
At least he answered questions. Biden just hit us with a stupid partisan stimulus bill. You can see here why its stupid and none of the leftists here have been able to argue the counterpoint.

But why won't Biden take tough questions on both the stimulus and the crisis at the border?

Love or hate Trump or tolerate only, Trump always took questions. Combative? Yes. Answered them? Yes.

Democrats, fake news media, & even snowflakes miss Trump.

Without Trump all there is to talk about is Biden's failures, Harris' Antifa terrorists continuing engaging in terrorism as she ordered them to do, Democrats' crimes and scandals, and all they are doing to destroy the country daily.

The media has no one to ask questions of since both CCP Joe & Comrade Harris refuse to answer questions...

But Trump still occupies space in all of their heads, 24/7, as they can,'t stop talking about him...


The only space the former president owns is in lawsuits from his failed one term.
Lysol. A magic moment.
quote his response. why didn't you?

here's his comment. show me where it says he says what you wrote?

"So I asked Bill a question some of you are thinking of if you're into that world, which I find to be pretty interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether its ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said, that hasn't been checked but you're gonna test it. And then I said, supposing it brought the light inside the body, which you can either do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you're gonna test that too, sounds interesting. And I then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that. So you're going to have to use medical doctors, but it sounds interesting to me, so we'll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it goes in one minute, that's pretty powerful."

you can never quote him correctly, what a shame you ain't got a brain that functions.
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At least he answered questions. Biden just hit us with a stupid partisan stimulus bill. You can see here why its stupid and none of the leftists here have been able to argue the counterpoint.

But why won't Biden take tough questions on both the stimulus and the crisis at the border?

Love or hate Trump or tolerate only, Trump always took questions. Combative? Yes. Answered them? Yes.

I will argue a counterpoint if you’d like... you are implying that a new tax will be applied and taken from tax payers to fund the stimulus bill... but that is not the case, unless you have info that says otherwise... do you?

What new tax? Has zero to do with this thread or the link to the stimulus bill. The argument was to just give all the money to the people. Not $1,400.

You linked to an argument saying that Dems voted for a bill that gives them $1400 but makes them owe $5800 and were looking for a counter argument. Or did I read that wrong??

There is no counter arguments that is fact. Unless you presume we never pay back the debt.

Yes that would be my presumption... well not in the direct traditional sense that you’ve implied.

And you would be wrong. My kids will be responsible for this debt. As will yours. It doesn’t just magically disappear. We need fiscal responsibility. So my point was if I am responsible for this debt then give me the full amount of the monies. Not me precisely since I did not qualify but if I had...

Your presumption of we don’t have to pay this debt back is not only dangerous but borderline infuriating.

The debt would exist while our children are alive yes, just as the debt has existed throughout your entire life... how has it impacted you? How do you think it will impact them and why do you think it will be different?

It has only been this high for 13 years? It has impacted all of us. Instead of building high speed rails and other infrastructure improvements we spent monies on useless wars and paying for bad decisions. Our infrastructure sucks. Go to an airport in Dubai and compare it Logan or LAX. It’s a fucking joke. China is coming for us. 13 years is a tiny timeframe mind you. It will impact them in that taxes will have to be raised and expenses reduced as in they may lose SS or have it significantly reduced. They and their spouses will both have to work vs having one home to raise the kids. Because we let our schools go to shit they will likely have to send their kids to private school.

So yes it has impacted me. And you. But you don’t see it. It will certainly impact them.

13 years? No dude the debt has been like this for decades. Those things you listed were not effected by the debt, they were just policy decisions. As we have seen with the pandemic, we can pump out trillions at the drop of a hat. The ability to build has always been there. Congress just hasn’t decided to do it

Nope 13 years has it gone off the rails

You should check your stats. If you are using different criteria than percentage increase then let me know what it is

View attachment 468130

I am using absolute dollars. $2 to $4 is a 100% increase but still only $4. Do you have any finance acumen? Chart absolute dollars under Obama and Trump. This is a fairly recent spending spree.

Let me give you another tid bit for you to think about in regards to your argument in the OP. You clamed that people were getting paid $1400 in exchange for owing $5800, right? Well my first point is that they won't need to ever pay the $5800 directly unless of course the bill has a tax applied to fund the intitiative which this one does not. But secondly lets look at the $1400 they got paid.... You need to track that money to understand that it is not a sunk cost but rather revenue producing.

Lets say Joe gets the $1400 stimulus check and uses it to build a new deck so he spends it at the local lumber store. The owner of the lumber store pays sales tax on the purchase and then uses the money to pay his employee where he pays employment tax and then the employee who gets the payment pays income tax. That employee decides to fix his HVAC with that money so it then goes to the HVAC repair guy... Sales tax, employment tax and income tax is applied... Are you getting the picture on how that $1400 pays for itself plus more as it is USED to flow throughout the economy?? Its how trickle up works. It stagnates when somebody gives it to their hedge fund and it sits accruing interest in an investment account for decades which is where much of the wealth that the top earners collect goes. Hopefully some of it comes back to create jobs and business expansion but we can clearly see that greater sums of wealth is being collected by the top dogs than is coming back.

So why not give everyone $10k? It pays for itself?

You tell me. I was hoping you'd actually put some thought into what I said.

I have. You tell me. You say all the money comes back anyway. So let's give EVERYONE $10k...hell make it $100k.

You have put zero thought into it. What if that $1,400 goes into buying drugs. Zero taxes. The drug dealer, takes it and burns it while doing smack....I mean you are just making stuff up now.

You are the one who presented the $1400 as a sunk cost and the $5800 as an owed debt both of which are not accurate presentations. I explained why. We dive into plans and budgets and policy suggestions on the best course of action and talk about those factors you just brought up, however, you challenged us idiot lefties to try and provide a counterpoint to your statement I that's what I did. You weren't accurate in your breakdown of the stimulus. It sounds like you might have a better understanding now so you're welcome. I know you won't admit any of this but I know that you know that I know that you know.

You're being a dink. I understand it very well as I do this for a living. We paid $6k each to give some people $1,400. That is pretty stupid. Why not just give everyone eligible $6k and have them follow your guide and circulate the monies in the economy? Sounds like you still refused to answer that question. We are going in circles. My guess is that your start-ups failed as you have zero financial acumen.

No we didn't pay $6K to get $1400... Jesus, did you not absorb anything I said?!?! The $1400 comes back as revenue every time it is transferred to somebody else. So that deducts from the $6K... Not to mention much of that $6K are investments similar to the $1400 that flow throughout the economy. Is all this going over your head because you are presenting very skewed versions of reality. Are you being argumentative or do you not understand how this works?

He doesn't understanhd.

He being Slate. I'll ask you since you cannot spell understand and he won't answer. If money is free and helps the economy why not just issue $10k to every eligible American vs. $1.4k?

Thank you

What is this free money thing that you think is real. Do you not understand our finance system?

Do you? I understand it very well. Eventually the debt has to be paid back.
At least he answered questions. Biden just hit us with a stupid partisan stimulus bill. You can see here why its stupid and none of the leftists here have been able to argue the counterpoint.

But why won't Biden take tough questions on both the stimulus and the crisis at the border?

Love or hate Trump or tolerate only, Trump always took questions. Combative? Yes. Answered them? Yes.

I will argue a counterpoint if you’d like... you are implying that a new tax will be applied and taken from tax payers to fund the stimulus bill... but that is not the case, unless you have info that says otherwise... do you?

What new tax? Has zero to do with this thread or the link to the stimulus bill. The argument was to just give all the money to the people. Not $1,400.

You linked to an argument saying that Dems voted for a bill that gives them $1400 but makes them owe $5800 and were looking for a counter argument. Or did I read that wrong??

There is no counter arguments that is fact. Unless you presume we never pay back the debt.

Yes that would be my presumption... well not in the direct traditional sense that you’ve implied.

And you would be wrong. My kids will be responsible for this debt. As will yours. It doesn’t just magically disappear. We need fiscal responsibility. So my point was if I am responsible for this debt then give me the full amount of the monies. Not me precisely since I did not qualify but if I had...

Your presumption of we don’t have to pay this debt back is not only dangerous but borderline infuriating.

The debt would exist while our children are alive yes, just as the debt has existed throughout your entire life... how has it impacted you? How do you think it will impact them and why do you think it will be different?

It has only been this high for 13 years? It has impacted all of us. Instead of building high speed rails and other infrastructure improvements we spent monies on useless wars and paying for bad decisions. Our infrastructure sucks. Go to an airport in Dubai and compare it Logan or LAX. It’s a fucking joke. China is coming for us. 13 years is a tiny timeframe mind you. It will impact them in that taxes will have to be raised and expenses reduced as in they may lose SS or have it significantly reduced. They and their spouses will both have to work vs having one home to raise the kids. Because we let our schools go to shit they will likely have to send their kids to private school.

So yes it has impacted me. And you. But you don’t see it. It will certainly impact them.

13 years? No dude the debt has been like this for decades. Those things you listed were not effected by the debt, they were just policy decisions. As we have seen with the pandemic, we can pump out trillions at the drop of a hat. The ability to build has always been there. Congress just hasn’t decided to do it

Nope 13 years has it gone off the rails

You should check your stats. If you are using different criteria than percentage increase then let me know what it is

View attachment 468130

I am using absolute dollars. $2 to $4 is a 100% increase but still only $4. Do you have any finance acumen? Chart absolute dollars under Obama and Trump. This is a fairly recent spending spree.

Let me give you another tid bit for you to think about in regards to your argument in the OP. You clamed that people were getting paid $1400 in exchange for owing $5800, right? Well my first point is that they won't need to ever pay the $5800 directly unless of course the bill has a tax applied to fund the intitiative which this one does not. But secondly lets look at the $1400 they got paid.... You need to track that money to understand that it is not a sunk cost but rather revenue producing.

Lets say Joe gets the $1400 stimulus check and uses it to build a new deck so he spends it at the local lumber store. The owner of the lumber store pays sales tax on the purchase and then uses the money to pay his employee where he pays employment tax and then the employee who gets the payment pays income tax. That employee decides to fix his HVAC with that money so it then goes to the HVAC repair guy... Sales tax, employment tax and income tax is applied... Are you getting the picture on how that $1400 pays for itself plus more as it is USED to flow throughout the economy?? Its how trickle up works. It stagnates when somebody gives it to their hedge fund and it sits accruing interest in an investment account for decades which is where much of the wealth that the top earners collect goes. Hopefully some of it comes back to create jobs and business expansion but we can clearly see that greater sums of wealth is being collected by the top dogs than is coming back.

So why not give everyone $10k? It pays for itself?

You tell me. I was hoping you'd actually put some thought into what I said.

I have. You tell me. You say all the money comes back anyway. So let's give EVERYONE $10k...hell make it $100k.

You have put zero thought into it. What if that $1,400 goes into buying drugs. Zero taxes. The drug dealer, takes it and burns it while doing smack....I mean you are just making stuff up now.

You are the one who presented the $1400 as a sunk cost and the $5800 as an owed debt both of which are not accurate presentations. I explained why. We dive into plans and budgets and policy suggestions on the best course of action and talk about those factors you just brought up, however, you challenged us idiot lefties to try and provide a counterpoint to your statement I that's what I did. You weren't accurate in your breakdown of the stimulus. It sounds like you might have a better understanding now so you're welcome. I know you won't admit any of this but I know that you know that I know that you know.

You're being a dink. I understand it very well as I do this for a living. We paid $6k each to give some people $1,400. That is pretty stupid. Why not just give everyone eligible $6k and have them follow your guide and circulate the monies in the economy? Sounds like you still refused to answer that question. We are going in circles. My guess is that your start-ups failed as you have zero financial acumen.

No we didn't pay $6K to get $1400... Jesus, did you not absorb anything I said?!?! The $1400 comes back as revenue every time it is transferred to somebody else. So that deducts from the $6K... Not to mention much of that $6K are investments similar to the $1400 that flow throughout the economy. Is all this going over your head because you are presenting very skewed versions of reality. Are you being argumentative or do you not understand how this works?

He doesn't understanhd.

He being Slate. I'll ask you since you cannot spell understand and he won't answer. If money is free and helps the economy why not just issue $10k to every eligible American vs. $1.4k?

Thank you

What is this free money thing that you think is real. Do you not understand our finance system?

Do you? I understand it very well. Eventually the debt has to be paid back.

So where’s the “free money”?
At least he answered questions. Biden just hit us with a stupid partisan stimulus bill. You can see here why its stupid and none of the leftists here have been able to argue the counterpoint.

But why won't Biden take tough questions on both the stimulus and the crisis at the border?

Love or hate Trump or tolerate only, Trump always took questions. Combative? Yes. Answered them? Yes.

Democrats, fake news media, & even snowflakes miss Trump.

Without Trump all there is to talk about is Biden's failures, Harris' Antifa terrorists continuing engaging in terrorism as she ordered them to do, Democrats' crimes and scandals, and all they are doing to destroy the country daily.

The media has no one to ask questions of since both CCP Joe & Comrade Harris refuse to answer questions...

But Trump still occupies space in all of their heads, 24/7, as they can,'t stop talking about him...


The only space the former president owns is in lawsuits from his failed one term.

...as you emotionally respond in denial about him

At least he answered questions. Biden just hit us with a stupid partisan stimulus bill. You can see here why its stupid and none of the leftists here have been able to argue the counterpoint.

But why won't Biden take tough questions on both the stimulus and the crisis at the border?

Love or hate Trump or tolerate only, Trump always took questions. Combative? Yes. Answered them? Yes.

I will argue a counterpoint if you’d like... you are implying that a new tax will be applied and taken from tax payers to fund the stimulus bill... but that is not the case, unless you have info that says otherwise... do you?

What new tax? Has zero to do with this thread or the link to the stimulus bill. The argument was to just give all the money to the people. Not $1,400.

You linked to an argument saying that Dems voted for a bill that gives them $1400 but makes them owe $5800 and were looking for a counter argument. Or did I read that wrong??

There is no counter arguments that is fact. Unless you presume we never pay back the debt.

Yes that would be my presumption... well not in the direct traditional sense that you’ve implied.

And you would be wrong. My kids will be responsible for this debt. As will yours. It doesn’t just magically disappear. We need fiscal responsibility. So my point was if I am responsible for this debt then give me the full amount of the monies. Not me precisely since I did not qualify but if I had...

Your presumption of we don’t have to pay this debt back is not only dangerous but borderline infuriating.

The debt would exist while our children are alive yes, just as the debt has existed throughout your entire life... how has it impacted you? How do you think it will impact them and why do you think it will be different?

It has only been this high for 13 years? It has impacted all of us. Instead of building high speed rails and other infrastructure improvements we spent monies on useless wars and paying for bad decisions. Our infrastructure sucks. Go to an airport in Dubai and compare it Logan or LAX. It’s a fucking joke. China is coming for us. 13 years is a tiny timeframe mind you. It will impact them in that taxes will have to be raised and expenses reduced as in they may lose SS or have it significantly reduced. They and their spouses will both have to work vs having one home to raise the kids. Because we let our schools go to shit they will likely have to send their kids to private school.

So yes it has impacted me. And you. But you don’t see it. It will certainly impact them.

13 years? No dude the debt has been like this for decades. Those things you listed were not effected by the debt, they were just policy decisions. As we have seen with the pandemic, we can pump out trillions at the drop of a hat. The ability to build has always been there. Congress just hasn’t decided to do it

Nope 13 years has it gone off the rails

You should check your stats. If you are using different criteria than percentage increase then let me know what it is

View attachment 468130

I am using absolute dollars. $2 to $4 is a 100% increase but still only $4. Do you have any finance acumen? Chart absolute dollars under Obama and Trump. This is a fairly recent spending spree.

Let me give you another tid bit for you to think about in regards to your argument in the OP. You clamed that people were getting paid $1400 in exchange for owing $5800, right? Well my first point is that they won't need to ever pay the $5800 directly unless of course the bill has a tax applied to fund the intitiative which this one does not. But secondly lets look at the $1400 they got paid.... You need to track that money to understand that it is not a sunk cost but rather revenue producing.

Lets say Joe gets the $1400 stimulus check and uses it to build a new deck so he spends it at the local lumber store. The owner of the lumber store pays sales tax on the purchase and then uses the money to pay his employee where he pays employment tax and then the employee who gets the payment pays income tax. That employee decides to fix his HVAC with that money so it then goes to the HVAC repair guy... Sales tax, employment tax and income tax is applied... Are you getting the picture on how that $1400 pays for itself plus more as it is USED to flow throughout the economy?? Its how trickle up works. It stagnates when somebody gives it to their hedge fund and it sits accruing interest in an investment account for decades which is where much of the wealth that the top earners collect goes. Hopefully some of it comes back to create jobs and business expansion but we can clearly see that greater sums of wealth is being collected by the top dogs than is coming back.

So why not give everyone $10k? It pays for itself?

You tell me. I was hoping you'd actually put some thought into what I said.

I have. You tell me. You say all the money comes back anyway. So let's give EVERYONE $10k...hell make it $100k.

You have put zero thought into it. What if that $1,400 goes into buying drugs. Zero taxes. The drug dealer, takes it and burns it while doing smack....I mean you are just making stuff up now.

You are the one who presented the $1400 as a sunk cost and the $5800 as an owed debt both of which are not accurate presentations. I explained why. We dive into plans and budgets and policy suggestions on the best course of action and talk about those factors you just brought up, however, you challenged us idiot lefties to try and provide a counterpoint to your statement I that's what I did. You weren't accurate in your breakdown of the stimulus. It sounds like you might have a better understanding now so you're welcome. I know you won't admit any of this but I know that you know that I know that you know.

You're being a dink. I understand it very well as I do this for a living. We paid $6k each to give some people $1,400. That is pretty stupid. Why not just give everyone eligible $6k and have them follow your guide and circulate the monies in the economy? Sounds like you still refused to answer that question. We are going in circles. My guess is that your start-ups failed as you have zero financial acumen.

No we didn't pay $6K to get $1400... Jesus, did you not absorb anything I said?!?! The $1400 comes back as revenue every time it is transferred to somebody else. So that deducts from the $6K... Not to mention much of that $6K are investments similar to the $1400 that flow throughout the economy. Is all this going over your head because you are presenting very skewed versions of reality. Are you being argumentative or do you not understand how this works?

He doesn't understanhd.

He being Slate. I'll ask you since you cannot spell understand and he won't answer. If money is free and helps the economy why not just issue $10k to every eligible American vs. $1.4k?

Thank you

What is this free money thing that you think is real. Do you not understand our finance system?

Do you? I understand it very well. Eventually the debt has to be paid back.

So where’s the “free money”?

Where's the $2,000 checks Joe & Democrats promised?

$1.9 TRILLION & only 9% goes to COVID / Americans? WTF?
At least he answered questions. Biden just hit us with a stupid partisan stimulus bill. You can see here why its stupid and none of the leftists here have been able to argue the counterpoint.

But why won't Biden take tough questions on both the stimulus and the crisis at the border?

Love or hate Trump or tolerate only, Trump always took questions. Combative? Yes. Answered them? Yes.

Democrats, fake news media, & even snowflakes miss Trump.

Without Trump all there is to talk about is Biden's failures, Harris' Antifa terrorists continuing engaging in terrorism as she ordered them to do, Democrats' crimes and scandals, and all they are doing to destroy the country daily.

The media has no one to ask questions of since both CCP Joe & Comrade Harris refuse to answer questions...

But Trump still occupies space in all of their heads, 24/7, as they can,'t stop talking about him...


The only space the former president owns is in lawsuits from his failed one term.

...as you emotionally respond in denial about him


Yes, I laugh at good comedy.
At least he answered questions. Biden just hit us with a stupid partisan stimulus bill. You can see here why its stupid and none of the leftists here have been able to argue the counterpoint.

But why won't Biden take tough questions on both the stimulus and the crisis at the border?

Love or hate Trump or tolerate only, Trump always took questions. Combative? Yes. Answered them? Yes.

LOL, Trump didn't answer questions, he dodged every question from the MSM, he ignored the journalists, insulted them and went ahead and praised himself for things others have done. Why do you lie?

Trump answered the questions, quit lying.

Trump and lying goes together like peanut butter and jelly...

Trump kept almost all of his campaign promises. Biden has broke almost all of his. I'll stick with Trump.

And the result was: huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, recession, most pandemic deaths, couldn’t hit 3% gdp growth, failed tariffs....

Biden will soon outspend Trump. Recession was because of the lockdowns, and most of the deaths came from liberal run shitholes like new york.

Biden has a giant mess to clean up.

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