I pray that Israel will remove Turkey from the face of the Earth.

I lived on my own through high school and did not have time to participate in school sports. I was working until midnight after school got out. I was lucky to get four hours of sleep a night.

Along the way I scared off a bear. .

He must have saw you with your shirt off!

It wasn't as much the shirt being off, but the butt cheeks bulging out from below his short shorts.

Very powerful thighs, but small Butt Cheeks. No flab, just hard muscle. You never would have measured up. I can tell because of your jealousy. You are probably a butt F---eeeeee
He must have saw you with your shirt off!

It wasn't as much the shirt being off, but the butt cheeks bulging out from below his short shorts.

Very powerful thighs, but small Butt Cheeks. No flab, just hard muscle. You never would have measured up. I can tell because of your jealousy. You are probably a butt F---eeeeee

I'm not jealous of you in any way, shape, or form. :lol:
It wasn't as much the shirt being off, but the butt cheeks bulging out from below his short shorts.

Very powerful thighs, but small Butt Cheeks. No flab, just hard muscle. You never would have measured up. I can tell because of your jealousy. You are probably a butt F---eeeeee

I'm not jealous of you in any way, shape, or form. :lol:

Hey, Newbarf just called you a butt f----------

SUE HIS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey xotoxi, do you think Newbarf has ever been on a boat?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7yfISlGLNU"]YouTube - I'm On A Boat (ft. T-Pain) - Album Version[/ame]

Barf should spoof the above song..."I'm in a Field"
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Very powerful thighs, but small Butt Cheeks. No flab, just hard muscle. You never would have measured up. I can tell because of your jealousy. You are probably a butt F---eeeeee

I'm not jealous of you in any way, shape, or form. :lol:

Hey, Newbarf just called you a butt f----------

SUE HIS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider it done.

I'm going to sue him for...

I hope Israel with gods help will remove all muslims and Iran from the face of the earth. I hope these idiots try to mess with gods chosen people and god removes them from the face of the earth his self.
I hope Israel with gods help will remove all muslims and Iran from the face of the earth. I hope these idiots try to mess with gods chosen people and god removes them from the face of the earth his self.

And I hope the crazy people that post on here learn how to spell and use proper grammar when they are hoping for the deaths of others.
I hope Israel with gods help will remove all muslims and Iran from the face of the earth. I hope these idiots try to mess with gods chosen people and god removes them from the face of the earth his self.

And I hope the crazy people that post on here learn how to spell and use proper grammar when they are hoping for the deaths of others.

Who died and made you my English teacher? Also God did promise his chosen people that he would destroy any nation that attacked it. So I sure as hell wouldn't went to attack Israel.
I hope Israel with gods help will remove all muslims and Iran from the face of the earth. I hope these idiots try to mess with gods chosen people and god removes them from the face of the earth his self.

And I hope the crazy people that post on here learn how to spell and use proper grammar when they are hoping for the deaths of others.

Who died and made you my English teacher? Also God did promise his chosen people that he would destroy any nation that attacked it. So I sure as hell wouldn't went to attack Israel.

Do you have a shirtless pic too? :eusa_pray:
You are just going queer on me.

The socks were originally white, but I colored them black on the photo just to see what people would say. The pants are the right length for years ago when that was the style. The chest with almost invisible blond hairs is real. I was a boxer many years ago and even at 38 years old was still in damn good shape. I knocked out forty percent of my opponents. Unfortunately, if I did not knock them out they usually outpointed me.

I loved it when some fool would stand up to me and try to exchange blows. They always went down to the mat by the fourth or fifth right. Cold cocked them every time.

It strikes me as odd that you post this old photo of your younger self as your avatar. There seems to be something quite laughable about it, frankly. Something naively, self absorbingly fascinating about your infatuation with your younger, no doubt fitter and more virile self.

Answer the question yourself. As you approach seventy as I am, do you post a photo of yourself as you look at that advanced age? Or do you post a photo of yourself when you were in your thirties. Were you always a seventy year old man, or were you some body else. How about a photo of you when you were younger, say as a two year old? I have posted several photos on this site. I will continue to rotate through photos as I always have. I am the total sum of all of the men that I have been. I am one of the greatest men to have ever lived. I have just started writing the story of my life. It was phenomenal. What have you done with your life? Was it as boring as I suspect?

It shows me that you are quite focused on you, yours, and yourself. I suspect a narcissistic personality along with a religious ideation syndrome. My bill with be in the mail, you can pay by check, money order, or credit card...:cool:
I hope Israel with gods help will remove all muslims and Iran from the face of the earth. I hope these idiots try to mess with gods chosen people and god removes them from the face of the earth his self.

And I hope the crazy people that post on here learn how to spell and use proper grammar when they are hoping for the deaths of others.

Who died and made you my English teacher? Also God did promise his chosen people that he would destroy any nation that attacked it. So I sure as hell wouldn't went to attack Israel.

This is the Gospel according to Matthew.

Thanks be to God.
What have you done with your life? Was it as boring as I suspect?

It shows me that you are quite focused on you, yours, and yourself. I suspect a narcissistic personality along with a religious ideation syndrome. My bill with be in the mail, you can pay by check, money order, or credit card...:cool:

Middleman, you come across as grossly uneducated. You really should learn to read instead of spending time on this board attacking people as I see you constantly do. That shows me that you are very sick and narcissistic. Next, you will be telling me that you are a Christian. Of course, you do not have any understanding about what Christianity is. Remember as I have pointed out, if you do not meet God's standard for being a Christian, you are condemned to hell for all eternity. That is like playing Russian Roulette with five bullets in the six chambers. Without reading what the Bible predicts for the next few years, you are going to shoot yourself and condemn yourself, and it will be all of your own doing. Shame that.

I challenge people to defend what they believe in. In seven cities across America, a poll was recently conducted. People were asked if they were Christian which used to stand for "Christ In" the individual. Now-a-days, people are calling themselves Christians who have never read the Bible. This was clearly confirmed in the questioning.

Questions were very simple. They were:
1. What are the first six books of the Bible?
2. Can you tell me what the Book of Ruth was about?
3. Is there a book of Enoch in the Bible?
4. What are the last three books of the Bible?
5. Does the Bible mention eternal punishment?
6. What prophet(s) said that Israel would be punished?
7. What prophet(s) said that Israel would return to their land?
8. What prophet(s) talked about the End of the World?
9. What prophet(s) talked about the Later Days?
10. What prophet(s) wrote about the Last Days?
11. What are the three divisions of the Old Testament?

The average American got one question right. Yet, they called themselves Christians. They had absolutely no understanding of what Christianity was about. If they claim to be Christians with Christ living inside of them, and have no understanding of what God tells them in the Bible, they are just lying to themselves. Where do you stand? Are you brash enough to say that you are a Christian and then oppose the will of God as is clearly pointed out in the Bible?
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1. What are the first six books of the Bible?

2. Can you tell me what the Book of Ruth was about?

3. Is there a book of Enoch in the Bible?
Never heard of it, but it'd be awesome if there was a Book of Ewok.

4. What are the last three books of the Bible?
dunno, dunno, Revelations

5. Does the Bible mention eternal punishment?
probably. If not, there's always Dante's Inferno

6. What prophet(s) said that Israel would be punished?
the anti-semitic ones

7. What prophet(s) said that Israel would return to their land?
Charlton Heston?

8. What prophet(s) talked about the End of the World?
Chicken, and Little?

9. What prophet(s) talked about the Later Days?
the illiterate ones

10. What prophet(s) wrote about the Last Days?
the literate ones

11. What are the three divisions of the Old Testament?
beginning, middle, and end

I'm going to hell aren't I? Just having some fun! :eusa_angel:

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