I predict Episode Two of Nancy Pelosi’s made for TV Show will have even worse ratings.

I will gladly document for posterity Trumps attempt to corrupt our Democracy

What I love about these hearings is that it is Republicans who are testifying how corrupt Trump was
So you aren’t watching this fuck show either. If you were and anything important happened you’d be sharing links.

You know how I know it was a waste of time? Not even the dnc media is promoting anything from today. Absolutely nothing. It was that hard of a failure.
So you aren’t watching this fuck show either. If you were and anything important happened you’d be sharing links.

You know how I know it was a waste of time? Not even the dnc media is promoting anything from today. Absolutely nothing. It was that hard of a failure.
I have watched every minute so far
It is compelling history that will define Trumps legacy
You know how I know it was a waste of time? Not even the dnc media is promoting anything from today. Absolutely nothing. It was that hard of a failure.

I have seen repeated stories about Bill Barr’s testimony today

He repeatedly reports how Trump was told there was no election fraud and that such stories are Bullshit
I have watched every minute so far
It is compelling history that will define Trumps legacy
Oh my goodness! Please tell me the barn burner information that came out today! Why the hell isn’t this on CNN? Link! Please! For the love of Pete fill me in!

I’m sorry for so many exclamation marks. I just really want to see this happen.
Seeing how Episode One had a huge build up and delivered nothing but bloviating by Trump haters, I’m guessing America will tune out for Episode Two.
When I grew up we had four channels on good days, PBS, ABC, CBS, NBS if the wind was right.

Thank god for cable and internet streaming.
Oh my goodness! Please tell me the barn burner information that came out today! Why the hell isn’t this on CNN? Link! Please! For the love of Pete fill me in!

I’m sorry for so many exclamation marks. I just really want to see this happen.
Bill Barr is burying Trump
Interesting how it is REPUBLICANS reporting what was going on behind the scenes and that Trump was repeatedly told there was no significant election fraud
I have seen repeated stories about Bill Barr’s testimony today

He repeatedly reports how Trump was told there was no election fraud and that such stories are Bullshit
Oh my goodness. Trump disagreed with Barr! That’s a criminal offense if I’ve ever seen one! Man oh man, if it’s ever proven Trump disagreed with the ladies on the View we are probably close to our first president ever hanged.

Just. Fucking jaw dropping info. Hard to process.
Oh my goodness. Trump disagreed with Barr! That’s a criminal offense if I’ve ever seen one! Man oh man, if it’s ever proven Trump disagreed with the ladies on the View we are probably close to our first president ever hanged.

Just. Fucking jaw dropping info. Hard to process.

Lets see……the head of the actual Justice Department who can investigate fraud claims

Who was Trump taking advice from?
Rudy G and Nutso Sydney
Lets see……the head of the actual Justice Department who can investigate fraud claims

Who was Trump taking advice from?
Rudy G and Nutso Sydney
Oh my gosh. Two more people not agreeing with Barr? WTF is happening here! This is crazy. Three people who disagree with Barr. Probably for the first fucking time ever. Except all those previous times the left hated him. Other than that though we are certainly close to a hanging now.

My goodness. Why isn’t this on TV? Why?!
Oh my gosh. Two more people not agreeing with Barr? WTF is happening here! This is crazy. Three people who disagree with Barr. Probably for the first fucking time ever. Except all those previous times the left hated him. Other than that though we are certainly close to a hanging now.

My goodness. Why isn’t this on TV? Why?!
LOT of Trump staff testifying under oath including his favorite daughter

Not looking good for Fat Donnie
Exactly. If the clowns had anything, they would have led off with it to keep what little audience they had tuned in. Instead, reruns got better ratings than the clowns did.
Then you must feel bad for Fox News who broadcast today's hearing, right bedwetter?

Or did you watch cuz Fox said it's ok?
LOT of Trump staff testifying under oath including his favorite daughter

Not looking good for Fat Donnie
Oh my. Yes for sure. I mean questioning an election, holy shit. That’s just crazy.

Will fat Abraham’s be on the cross next to Trump? Or will those be saved for the democrats on this committee who actually voted against certifying 2016. I’m trying to get a big picture view here.
I will gladly document for posterity Trumps attempt to corrupt our Democracy

What I love about these hearings is that it is Republicans who are testifying how corrupt Trump was
One huuuuuuuge Trump grift involving the RNC, "stop the steal" paying Guilfoyle $60,000 for her rant on 1/6 & God only knows what else the Trump mob was up to.

One of the biggest scams in history.

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