I really fear for the young today

I agree. I am afraid for my children and future grandchildren. I dont believe they will have the same freedoms we did growing up..

What freedoms are those?

The freedom to compel blacks to sit at the back of the bus or go to separate – but ‘equal’ – schools. The freedom to arrest homosexuals on criminal charges – for being homosexual. The freedom to deny immigrants access to education or housing absent due process. The freedom to deny minorities the right to vote, to access public accommodations, or same-sex couples equal protection of the law.

In essence, the freedom that most reactionary conservatives long for: the freedom to codify their hate and ignorance.

Sure, we don't get to codify our hate and ignorance (laughable way to describe people of faith), but liberals like you wish to do the same thing. Codify your hate and ignorance.

You want the freedom to openly attack people for holding religious belief, you want to banish any free expression from the school system; you want the freedom to openly discriminate against Christians in particular. You want the freedom to engender guilt among white people for the supposed crimes of their ancestors, whilst keeping a black man in the dark on who actually committed those atrocities. You wish to disarm the hands and minds of innocent Americans.

You desire the freedom to allow illegal immigrants to skirt the law and take jobs away from deserving American citizens, the freedom to allow these same illegal immigrant "minorities" the same right to vote as an American citizen, just to spare your guy from suffering a loss at the ballot box.

You want the freedom to fill the heads of the unsuspecting with propaganda and half-truths; so you could push an agenda of your own desires instead of the desires of the people. Instead of education, you would much rather have the freedom to mislead.

In short, the freedoms a liberal like you desires above all else: The freedom to bend the masses into submission to your hatred and ignorance, those of you who preach of acceptance and open-mindedness. You wish to legislate not freedom, but tyranny.

Need I go on?
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I agree. I am afraid for my children and future grandchildren. I dont believe they will have the same freedoms we did growing up..

What freedoms are those?

The freedom to compel blacks to sit at the back of the bus or go to separate – but ‘equal’ – schools. The freedom to arrest homosexuals on criminal charges – for being homosexual. The freedom to deny immigrants access to education or housing absent due process. The freedom to deny minorities the right to vote, to access public accommodations, or same-sex couples equal protection of the law.

In essence, the freedom that most reactionary conservatives long for: the freedom to codify their hate and ignorance.
The young today are left on their own, only to suck in Media, School and government. All of which have been taken so long ago by the enemies of freedom, more so Liberty.

But in this place so many laugh, about things and ideas, they have no understanding about...the TV said this tonight...all must be right. :( They have a job to do...just doing a job..for pay....

Mercy befall us, because I know what is coming and its not nice.
We asked for it and we demand it via design...but most can't even see the taint.


God bless and all the best :(

Reactionary nonsense.

If you want to ‘fear’ for the young today, be concerned how young people are exposed to the ignorance and hate exhibited by many on the right, and where many conservatives are teaching that hate to their children.
You fear for the young? Yes, I am 25. Probably one of the youngest active members on this board. Do not fear for me, my kind sir. Though my age may not speak to my wisdom, my wisdom speaks for itself. The politics of the two party system are boring and trivial. I am a conservative, because being a liberal in anything makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.

I stopped letting the media lie to me, I reversed the indoctrination my schooling fell upon me with self education, and I refused to let my government dominate my mind.

I believe in the truth, factualism, and defense of my own freedoms from the forces of tyranny.
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The young today are left on their own, only to suck in Media, School and government. All of which have been taken so long ago by the enemies of freedom, more so Liberty.

But in this place so many laugh, about things and ideas, they have no understanding about...the TV said this tonight...all must be right. :( They have a job to do...just doing a job..for pay....

Mercy befall us, because I know what is coming and its not nice.
We asked for it and we demand it via design...but most can't even see the taint.


God bless and all the best :(

Reactionary nonsense.

If you want to ‘fear’ for the young today, be concerned how young people are exposed to the ignorance and hate exhibited by many on the right, and where many conservatives are teaching that hate to their children.

Ahh, if you say "hate and ignorance" again, I'll show you what kind of hate and ignorance your kind have displayed to people of differentiating beliefs and SKIN COLOR in the past and in the present.

Are you game, Clayton?
Well I feel for our young folks.

The young who will be saddled with the mountain of debt that we now have.

Forty seven to forty nine percent of American pay no Fed taxes. What happens when that figure hits fifty of fifty five percent??

Nope. The young in this country are gonna have it hard.
You fear for the young? Yes, I am 25. Probably one of the youngest active members on this board. Do not fear for me, my kind sir. Though my age may not speak to my wisdom, my wisdom speaks for itself. The politics of the two party system are boring and trivial. I am a conservative, because being a liberal in anything makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.

I stopped letting the media lie to me, I reversed the indoctrination my schooling fell upon me with self education, and I refused to let my government dominate my mind.

I believe in the truth, factualism, and defense of my own freedoms from the forces of tyranny.

LOL. And I will be 70 next month, and your childish prattle is amusing. Reversed the indoctrination? In other words, failed at education.
Well I feel for our young folks.

The young who will be saddled with the mountain of debt that we now have.

Forty seven to forty nine percent of American pay no Fed taxes. What happens when that figure hits fifty of fifty five percent??

Nope. The young in this country are gonna have it hard.

The 47% figure you speak of lost Romney the election for sure. You see, that includes people on Social Security, enlisted men and women in the Armed Services, and those in entry level jobs that have a family.

The young have it hard because of this spread of wealth in this nation;

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMhvYeQPOcE]Wealth Distribution in the USA - SHOCKING! - YouTube[/ame]
You fear for the young? Yes, I am 25. Probably one of the youngest active members on this board. Do not fear for me, my kind sir. Though my age may not speak to my wisdom, my wisdom speaks for itself. The politics of the two party system are boring and trivial. I am a conservative, because being a liberal in anything makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.

I stopped letting the media lie to me, I reversed the indoctrination my schooling fell upon me with self education, and I refused to let my government dominate my mind.

I believe in the truth, factualism, and defense of my own freedoms from the forces of tyranny.

All of 25.

Someone so young might be excused for his ignorance, but must take responsibility for his hate.

You fear for the young? Yes, I am 25. Probably one of the youngest active members on this board. Do not fear for me, my kind sir. Though my age may not speak to my wisdom, my wisdom speaks for itself. The politics of the two party system are boring and trivial. I am a conservative, because being a liberal in anything makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.

I stopped letting the media lie to me, I reversed the indoctrination my schooling fell upon me with self education, and I refused to let my government dominate my mind.

I believe in the truth, factualism, and defense of my own freedoms from the forces of tyranny.

LOL. And I will be 70 next month, and your childish prattle is amusing. Reversed the indoctrination? In other words, failed at education.

I actually graduated high school, old man. I am a firm believer in autodidactism. I have through tireless research and digging, given myself an equivalent education of that of an undergraduate at almost any so-called university in the nation. You see, I never went to college. But here I am, kicking your backside from one end of this forum to the next. I let the wisdom of my 71 year old grandmother mold me. I was one who actually listened when his elders spoke to him.

You've lived all of that time, and you still have not one ounce of wisdom. You've let your mind become a slave to ignorance. The only advantage over me you have is the difference in age.
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You fear for the young? Yes, I am 25. Probably one of the youngest active members on this board. Do not fear for me, my kind sir. Though my age may not speak to my wisdom, my wisdom speaks for itself. The politics of the two party system are boring and trivial. I am a conservative, because being a liberal in anything makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.

I stopped letting the media lie to me, I reversed the indoctrination my schooling fell upon me with self education, and I refused to let my government dominate my mind.

I believe in the truth, factualism, and defense of my own freedoms from the forces of tyranny.

All of 25.

Someone so young might be excused for his ignorance, but must take responsibility for his hate.


And what of your hate, oh hateful one? You sit there looking down on others for their hatred but ignore your own. You call others hypocritical, while remaining a hypocrite. You call others bigoted, yet you remain a bigot. You wish to rid the world of intolerance and inequality, but dole it out just the same. You want the truth but deal in lies. You consist of two faces. One face to lure them in, one face to slaughter them.

Take responsibility for your lack of responsibility. Yes, it's pitiful, for you. You older adults are lost in a sea of deception.
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Well I feel for our young folks.

The young who will be saddled with the mountain of debt that we now have.

Forty seven to forty nine percent of American pay no Fed taxes. What happens when that figure hits fifty of fifty five percent??

Nope. The young in this country are gonna have it hard.

The 47% figure you speak of lost Romney the election for sure. You see, that includes people on Social Security, enlisted men and women in the Armed Services, and those in entry level jobs that have a family.

The young have it hard because of this spread of wealth in this nation;

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMhvYeQPOcE]Wealth Distribution in the USA - SHOCKING! - YouTube[/ame]

Loads of those 47% aren't people on SS or enlisted men and women, who do pay taxes BTW.

AS for the spread of wealth?

I doubt that compares to the abosolute Clowns we have in DC. The Clowns that spend money like it grows on a tree.

The Clowns who are responsible for the debt and the deficit.

You can blame the rich, I'll blame those who are really responsible.
What freedoms are those?

The freedom to compel blacks to sit at the back of the bus or go to separate – but ‘equal’ – schools. The freedom to arrest homosexuals on criminal charges – for being homosexual. The freedom to deny immigrants access to education or housing absent due process. The freedom to deny minorities the right to vote, to access public accommodations, or same-sex couples equal protection of the law.

In essence, the freedom that most reactionary conservatives long for: the freedom to codify their hate and ignorance.

Sure, we don't get to codify our hate and ignorance (laughable way to describe people of faith), but liberals like you wish to do the same thing. Codify your hate and ignorance.

You want the freedom to openly attack people for holding religious belief, you want to banish any free expression from the school system;

Really? Where is the legislation that would do that? Cite examples.

you want the freedom to openly discriminate against Christians in particular.

Again, cite examples. Is anyone proposing laws that would prevent Christians from marrying each other? Is anyone proposing that religion be removed as a protected class in public accommodation laws?

You want the freedom to engender guilt among white people for the supposed crimes of their ancestors, whilst keeping a black man in the dark on who actually committed those atrocities.
Um...that's called Free Speech. Look it up, but I'm afraid your ramble made little sense otherwise. Who committed what atrocities?

You wish to disarm the hands and minds of innocent Americans.

Yes, I think some Americans should be disarmed, but they aren't the "innocent" ones, they're the ones with mental health issues, anger issues, domestic violence issues, etc. Yeah, I do wish to disarm them. I also think that "arming" yourself should have sensible limits.

How do you disarm minds other than cutting education funding?( and let me assure you, that's not a liberal plan)

You desire the freedom to allow illegal immigrants to skirt the law and take jobs away from deserving American citizens, the freedom to allow these same illegal immigrant "minorities" the same right to vote as an American citizen, just to spare your guy from suffering a loss at the ballot box.

No, we don't want them to "skirt the law", we want to make the law make sense. They aren't taking jobs Americans want. Only citizens have the right to vote.

You want the freedom to fill the heads of the unsuspecting with propaganda and half-truths; so you could push an agenda of your own desires instead of the desires of the people. Instead of education, you would much rather have the freedom to mislead.
Care to cite any specific examples?

In short, the freedoms a liberal like you desires above all else: The freedom to bend the masses into submission to your hatred and ignorance, those of you who preach of acceptance and open-mindedness. You wish to legislate not freedom, but tyranny.

Need I go on?

No, you need to provide concrete examples of legislation that would do what you propose.
The freedom to compel blacks to sit at the back of the bus or go to separate – but ‘equal’ – schools. The freedom to arrest homosexuals on criminal charges – for being homosexual. The freedom to deny immigrants access to education or housing absent due process. The freedom to deny minorities the right to vote, to access public accommodations, or same-sex couples equal protection of the law.

In essence, the freedom that most reactionary conservatives long for: the freedom to codify their hate and ignorance.

Sure, we don't get to codify our hate and ignorance (laughable way to describe people of faith), but liberals like you wish to do the same thing. Codify your hate and ignorance.

You want the freedom to openly attack people for holding religious belief, you want to banish any free expression from the school system;

Really? Where is the legislation that would do that? Cite examples.

Again, cite examples. Is anyone proposing laws that would prevent Christians from marrying each other? Is anyone proposing that religion be removed as a protected class in public accommodation laws?

Um...that's called Free Speech. Look it up, but I'm afraid your ramble made little sense otherwise. Who committed what atrocities?

Yes, I think some Americans should be disarmed, but they aren't the "innocent" ones, they're the ones with mental health issues, anger issues, domestic violence issues, etc. Yeah, I do wish to disarm them. I also think that "arming" yourself should have sensible limits.

How do you disarm minds other than cutting education funding?( and let me assure you, that's not a liberal plan)

No, we don't want them to "skirt the law", we want to make the law make sense. They aren't taking jobs Americans want. Only citizens have the right to vote.

You want the freedom to fill the heads of the unsuspecting with propaganda and half-truths; so you could push an agenda of your own desires instead of the desires of the people. Instead of education, you would much rather have the freedom to mislead.

Care to cite any specific examples?

In short, the freedoms a liberal like you desires above all else: The freedom to bend the masses into submission to your hatred and ignorance, those of you who preach of acceptance and open-mindedness. You wish to legislate not freedom, but tyranny.

Need I go on?

No, you need to provide concrete examples of legislation that would do what you propose.

There is no legislation. You are dense beyond belief. I am simply accusing him of being as "ignorant and hateful" as he accuses us of being. If he were to have absolute freedom, I grant you the first things he'd do is the things I listed. That little rant of yours was a wasted effort.

This is how I debunk your argument: You want me to tolerate your being gay? Tolerate my being a Christian. You want me to accept you as a human being? Try doing the same for me. You want me to stop hating you? Stop hating me. If you want to be my equal, start treating me as an equal. If you really care about children, stop slaughtering them in the womb.

You disarm the minds of our young children by over politicizing their world. Teaching them that one party is bad and one is good, instead of teaching them the unity this country was founded upon. What good is education money when it doesn't even fund education? Your very problem is "wanting the law to make sense." No. You want the law to conform to your ideals, not 'to make sense.' If we weren't skirting the law, why did Obama grant amnesty to so many millions of illegal immigrants? Why is it necessary to bend the rules?
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Sure, we don't get to codify our hate and ignorance (laughable way to describe people of faith), but liberals like you wish to do the same thing. Codify your hate and ignorance.

You want the freedom to openly attack people for holding religious belief, you want to banish any free expression from the school system;

Really? Where is the legislation that would do that? Cite examples.

Again, cite examples. Is anyone proposing laws that would prevent Christians from marrying each other? Is anyone proposing that religion be removed as a protected class in public accommodation laws?

Um...that's called Free Speech. Look it up, but I'm afraid your ramble made little sense otherwise. Who committed what atrocities?

Yes, I think some Americans should be disarmed, but they aren't the "innocent" ones, they're the ones with mental health issues, anger issues, domestic violence issues, etc. Yeah, I do wish to disarm them. I also think that "arming" yourself should have sensible limits.

How do you disarm minds other than cutting education funding?( and let me assure you, that's not a liberal plan)

No, we don't want them to "skirt the law", we want to make the law make sense. They aren't taking jobs Americans want. Only citizens have the right to vote.

Care to cite any specific examples?

In short, the freedoms a liberal like you desires above all else: The freedom to bend the masses into submission to your hatred and ignorance, those of you who preach of acceptance and open-mindedness. You wish to legislate not freedom, but tyranny.

Need I go on?

No, you need to provide concrete examples of legislation that would do what you propose.

There is no legislation. You are dense beyond belief. I am simply accusing him of being as "ignorant and hateful" as he accuses us of being. If he were to have absolute freedom, I grant you the first things he'd do is the things I listed. That little rant of yours was a wasted effort.

Oh...you were making shit up. Why didn't you just say so?
Really? Where is the legislation that would do that? Cite examples.

Again, cite examples. Is anyone proposing laws that would prevent Christians from marrying each other? Is anyone proposing that religion be removed as a protected class in public accommodation laws?

Um...that's called Free Speech. Look it up, but I'm afraid your ramble made little sense otherwise. Who committed what atrocities?

Yes, I think some Americans should be disarmed, but they aren't the "innocent" ones, they're the ones with mental health issues, anger issues, domestic violence issues, etc. Yeah, I do wish to disarm them. I also think that "arming" yourself should have sensible limits.

How do you disarm minds other than cutting education funding?( and let me assure you, that's not a liberal plan)

No, we don't want them to "skirt the law", we want to make the law make sense. They aren't taking jobs Americans want. Only citizens have the right to vote.

Care to cite any specific examples?

No, you need to provide concrete examples of legislation that would do what you propose.

There is no legislation. You are dense beyond belief. I am simply accusing him of being as "ignorant and hateful" as he accuses us of being. If he were to have absolute freedom, I grant you the first things he'd do is the things I listed. That little rant of yours was a wasted effort.

Oh...you were making shit up. Why didn't you just say so?

Read the post again.
Really? Where is the legislation that would do that? Cite examples.

Again, cite examples. Is anyone proposing laws that would prevent Christians from marrying each other? Is anyone proposing that religion be removed as a protected class in public accommodation laws?

Um...that's called Free Speech. Look it up, but I'm afraid your ramble made little sense otherwise. Who committed what atrocities?

Yes, I think some Americans should be disarmed, but they aren't the "innocent" ones, they're the ones with mental health issues, anger issues, domestic violence issues, etc. Yeah, I do wish to disarm them. I also think that "arming" yourself should have sensible limits.

How do you disarm minds other than cutting education funding?( and let me assure you, that's not a liberal plan)

No, we don't want them to "skirt the law", we want to make the law make sense. They aren't taking jobs Americans want. Only citizens have the right to vote.

Care to cite any specific examples?

No, you need to provide concrete examples of legislation that would do what you propose.

There is no legislation. You are dense beyond belief. I am simply accusing him of being as "ignorant and hateful" as he accuses us of being. If he were to have absolute freedom, I grant you the first things he'd do is the things I listed. That little rant of yours was a wasted effort.

Oh...you were making shit up. Why didn't you just say so?

And you always make shit up, don't go there with me, witch.
There is no legislation. You are dense beyond belief. I am simply accusing him of being as "ignorant and hateful" as he accuses us of being. If he were to have absolute freedom, I grant you the first things he'd do is the things I listed. That little rant of yours was a wasted effort.

Oh...you were making shit up. Why didn't you just say so?

And you always make shit up, don't go there with me, witch.

Sure. Go ahead and cite specific examples with links, little feller.

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