I really fear for the young today

There is no legislation. You are dense beyond belief. I am simply accusing him of being as "ignorant and hateful" as he accuses us of being. If he were to have absolute freedom, I grant you the first things he'd do is the things I listed. That little rant of yours was a wasted effort.

Oh...you were making shit up. Why didn't you just say so?

Read the post again.

Why? It won't change the made up hyperbole.
You fear for the young? Yes, I am 25. Probably one of the youngest active members on this board. Do not fear for me, my kind sir. Though my age may not speak to my wisdom, my wisdom speaks for itself. The politics of the two party system are boring and trivial. I am a conservative, because being a liberal in anything makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.

I stopped letting the media lie to me, I reversed the indoctrination my schooling fell upon me with self education, and I refused to let my government dominate my mind.

I believe in the truth, factualism, and defense of my own freedoms from the forces of tyranny.

LOL. And I will be 70 next month, and your childish prattle is amusing. Reversed the indoctrination? In other words, failed at education.

I actually graduated high school, old man. I am a firm believer in autodidactism. I have through tireless research and digging, given myself an equivalent education of that of an undergraduate at almost any so-called university in the nation. You see, I never went to college. But here I am, kicking your backside from one end of this forum to the next. I let the wisdom of my 71 year old grandmother mold me. I was one who actually listened when his elders spoke to him.

You've lived all of that time, and you still have not one ounce of wisdom. You've let your mind become a slave to ignorance. The only advantage over me you have is the difference in age.

LOL. Graduated from high school. That qualifies you for a job at McD's. Obviously, from your rant, you have never stepped foot inside a university. And as for your silly contempt of the people that are working hard for an education at one of our universities, while you are still lurking in your mother's basement, they will be living well, seeing the world while earning a good living.

Ah yes, that trade school made me a slave to ignorance all my life. And earned me roughly double the average income for most of it. And is still earning me a good income. And the classes that I took so long ago taught me to think in an analytical manner, which has earned me top pay in my trade. Now the university classes that I am taking will enable me to launch a new career to fill the next 30 or 40 years.

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