I really thought this was a joke - Bias Response Teams

I believe the USMB need a team like this!

People need to grow thicker skin and stop getting their panties in a bunch over trivial nonsense...
Southeast Asia was a deadly theater. In all reality, it was the first war Americans faced where guerrilla warfare was the rule of the day.
Charlie did not play by the rules of civilized warfare. They were a vicious and cunning enemy.
The indian wars or the revolution doesn't count?

Review history.
Was actually thinking the same thing about the Settlers in the Revolutionary War. The Brits were gentleman soldiers. Our guys were farmers. We fought the Brits using unconventional tactics. The Brits could not understand. They out gunned and out manned us. Yet they could not defeat our resolve.
You;'re right. Yeah, in Vietnam we were the British. And Charlie was the Settlers. Good call
Well, as the article pointed out, Oregon is just one of several, and it's spreading..
What I find interesting is that the least offense is objected to, but if a MAN wishes to use a WOMEN'S room it is those who protest that are vilified.
They make the rules.

Break 'em, and the Bias Response Team will be knocking at your door.

Is that you passively agreeing with the contention that men want to use the women's room? If sure came off that way. You wouldn't want to use an obvious bit of disinformation just to try to make your point, would you?

Are you denying that there are MEN that want to use the woman's room?

Are you denying science?

There are transgendered women who want to use the women's room.
Not once have I seen this. I suppose they are around though. I don't care.
Women by their physiological makeup are not sexually aggressive. So if a trans chick came into the mens room to use the toilet, chose a stall so she/he can squat, have at it.
Just remember, there won't be a tampon dispenser in there. And if there are two urinals and three stalls and the stalls are taken, she/he will either have to wait, piss his/her panties or back up to a urinal.
Even trying to stay out of their way can get a student reported for purposeful avoidance.
Wiht that one report, I can say this. I would not last a week on that campus.
I usually go out of my way to avoid people.
I guess I would offend everybody. And why is this? Because I wished to avoid interaction unless it is on my terms.
I look at this way. People for the most part are high maintenance. They require coddling. Thye have "problems"....I avoid drama like it were the Black Plague.
I have very few friends. Don't need 'em. I have my small circle. That's that.
I guess as a college student, I'd be a loner. Who cares.

Wow, isn't running to safe spaces called "purposeful avoidance?"
Hard to keep up since the new rule seems to be to shut your mouth and do what you're told- or else!!!
That truly does appear to be the bottom line, and they're focusing in on it like a laser.
Do these people really believe that life in the real world is going to respect their fucking safe space?
Here's the thing: Maybe.

This kind of thing isn't just happening in colleges, it's happening in businesses too. Say the wrong thing and you're sent to HR.

Say the wrong thing in public and your career is destroyed.

Colleges, work, public.

Does that concern you a bit?
It has to be a consistent, full-out assault or it's not nearly as effective. They want everyone, everywhere, at every moment to feel they'd better watch what they say or else.

I'd say we're damn near there.

If the left is worried about bias, they better send some teams out immediately to the DNC since they have shown clear bias against Sanders. Then ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC need to have a visit for their clear favoritism of liberals. They all stick together and bash Republicans, then want FOX off the air because one news outlet dares to speak up for conservatives.

Notice that only certain people get called on things. No white would be taken seriously if they complained that they were being called 'honky.' No student would get very far with a complaint that someone wrote Hillary on the sidewalk. The left could use enamel paint on the front of the building and they'd still claim freedom of speech.

White students with dreadlocks get beat up and told not to commit the crime of cultural appropriation. Beyoncé dyes her hair blond and no one dare say a word.

The only bias they care about is that which goes against the moronic political correctness.
Certainly, all PC rules are one way only. They don't even try to hide it at this point.

It's all part of a larger picture: Payback.

Their method? A far more top-down, authoritarian America.
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What I find interesting is that the least offense is objected to, but if a MAN wishes to use a WOMEN'S room it is those who protest that are vilified.
They make the rules.

Break 'em, and the Bias Response Team will be knocking at your door.

Is that you passively agreeing with the contention that men want to use the women's room? If sure came off that way. You wouldn't want to use an obvious bit of disinformation just to try to make your point, would you?

Are you denying that there are MEN that want to use the woman's room?

Are you denying science?

There are transgendered women who want to use the women's room.
Not once have I seen this. I suppose they are around though. I don't care.
Women by their physiological makeup are not sexually aggressive. So if a trans chick came into the mens room to use the toilet, chose a stall so she/he can squat, have at it.
Just remember, there won't be a tampon dispenser in there. And if there are two urinals and three stalls and the stalls are taken, she/he will either have to wait, piss his/her panties or back up to a urinal.

I agree with most of what you posted except for the bolded.
Here's the form you fill out if you need the Bias Response Team to run to your rescue-

They make the rules.

Break 'em, and the Bias Response Team will be knocking at your door.

Is that you passively agreeing with the contention that men want to use the women's room? If sure came off that way. You wouldn't want to use an obvious bit of disinformation just to try to make your point, would you?

Are you denying that there are MEN that want to use the woman's room?

Are you denying science?

There are transgendered women who want to use the women's room.
Not once have I seen this. I suppose they are around though. I don't care.
Women by their physiological makeup are not sexually aggressive. So if a trans chick came into the mens room to use the toilet, chose a stall so she/he can squat, have at it.
Just remember, there won't be a tampon dispenser in there. And if there are two urinals and three stalls and the stalls are taken, she/he will either have to wait, piss his/her panties or back up to a urinal.

I agree with most of what you posted except for the bolded.
Please explain....
Is that you passively agreeing with the contention that men want to use the women's room? If sure came off that way. You wouldn't want to use an obvious bit of disinformation just to try to make your point, would you?

Are you denying that there are MEN that want to use the woman's room?

Are you denying science?

There are transgendered women who want to use the women's room.
Not once have I seen this. I suppose they are around though. I don't care.
Women by their physiological makeup are not sexually aggressive. So if a trans chick came into the mens room to use the toilet, chose a stall so she/he can squat, have at it.
Just remember, there won't be a tampon dispenser in there. And if there are two urinals and three stalls and the stalls are taken, she/he will either have to wait, piss his/her panties or back up to a urinal.

I agree with most of what you posted except for the bolded.
Please explain....

You really don't think women can be sexually aggressive? As with men some are not but the majority....well yeah. Granted it would be hard for a woman to rape a man but really that is the only difference.

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