I Remember the Democrat Argument FOR Homo "Rights"

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
How does that affect YOU?"
Talk about a punchable face!
I hope it tries.

I like eating pussy! Believe me, I don't understand why you have such a problem with sex? Were you abused sexually my friend? If so I am sorry. :(
I like eating pussy! Believe me, I don't understand why you have such a problem with sex? Were you abused sexually my friend? If so I am sorry. :(
What does this video have to do with sex, perv?

You're okay with "men" entering women's bathrooms with someone's daughter?

I hope it tries. It'll be a bloody pulp on the floor of a woman's bathroom in Kansas
What does this video have to do with sex, perv?

You're okay with "men" entering women's bathrooms with someone's daughter?

I hope it tries. It'll be a bloody pulp on the floor of a woman's bathroom in Kansas
I am a mother of a daughter but going to the bathroom also doesn't have anything to do with sex. I could just as easily say that men are perves and shouldn't be allowed within 50 feet of woman based on the same argument. Dangerous animals.
I am a mother of a daughter but going to the bathroom also doesn't have anything to do with sex. I could just as easily say that men are perves and shouldn't be allowed within 50 feet of woman based on the same argument. Dangerous animals.
But at the end of the day I realize that 98% of men don't do this shit either and neither do transgender people.
I am a mother of a daughter but going to the bathroom also doesn't have anything to do with sex. I could just as easily say that men are perves and shouldn't be allowed within 50 feet of woman based on the same argument. Dangerous animals.

Just shoot 'em. In the back.
I am a mother of a daughter but going to the bathroom also doesn't have anything to do with sex. I could just as easily say that men are perves and shouldn't be allowed within 50 feet of woman based on the same argument. Dangerous animals.
You just defended a limo wristed man bragging that he can walk into a woman's bathroom and you're okay with that.

I don't believe you're a woman. You mean "trans woman's. Hell, you can't even define woman.
I like eating pussy! Believe me, I don't understand why you have such a problem with sex? Were you abused sexually my friend? If so I am sorry. :(
Why can't people keep their sex lives to themselves, like they did before they had to shove it in everyone's face? I don't want to share my sex life with you and I don't want to know about yours. I don't give a rat's ass and I'm not interested in hearing about it. To forcefully advertise sexuality in public is sexual harassment of the masses. Decades ago people in general just had so much more couth.

People who can't just keep it between themselves and their significant others obviously are more turned on by cultist imagery and posturing than they are by the ones they have sex with.
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A police affidavit shows that late last month Sean Ojeda, also known as Alicia Gray, was sitting on a bench near the grocery section in Walmart.

When she saw the 16-year-old, she followed him into the bathroom and began inappropriately touching the teen.

"Pretty much said you know, I want you to have sex with me two times, and my son shockingly looking at the person and turned to grab some paper towels telling him you need to leave me alone."

After another person walked into the bathroom, the affidavit states the teen walked out of the bathroom and told his uncle, who was also in the store, what had happened
What does this video have to do with sex, perv?

You're okay with "men" entering women's bathrooms with someone's daughter?

I hope it tries. It'll be a bloody pulp on the floor of a woman's bathroom in Kansas
coming from the mind of an ignorant bastard says it all ...

Predators in bathrooms​

The claim: Sexual predators will take advantage of public accommodations laws and policies covering transgender people to attack women and children in bathrooms.

The facts: Anti-discrimination protections covering gender identity have been around for years, and there is no evidence they lead to attacks in public facilities.

Explained: As of March 2017, 19 states, the District of Columbia and more than 200 municipalities have anti-discrimination laws and ordinances allowing transgender people to use public facilities that correspond to their gender identity.

ransgender people don’t deserve protections​

The claim: Being transgender is not a valid condition. Transgender people are mentally ill and should not be afforded the same legal protections or healthcare guarantees as gay and lesbian Americans.

The facts: The clear majority of mainstream medical, psychiatric and psychological communities agree that being transgender is not a concocted fantasy or mental illness. It’s simply a valid state in which one’s gender does not match what was assigned at birth.

Explained: The medical community defines gender identity as the way in which people perceive themselves, which could be different from their gender at birth. A transgender person’s gender identity is different from cultural expectations based on the gender they were born with.

Characterizing transgender identity as a mental disorder contributes to precarious legal status, human rights violations, and barriers to appropriate health care, according to a study published in The Lancet in 2016.

A condition is designated a mental illness when it causes significant distress. For many, simply being transgender does not cause dysfunction – it’s the social stigma and barriers to expressing one’s identity that cause problems, according to the American Psychological Association, the American Medical Association and other healthcare organizations.

The World Health Organization is set to adopt the same position in its next edition of the International Classification of Diseases, due out in 2018.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) includes the term “gender dysphoria” to describe the distress some feel. The term was adopted in 2013 to replace “gender identity disorder,” which designated transgender identity a mental illness. The change bore echoes of a 1973 decision to remove homosexuality from the DSM.

Letting children identify as transgender is harmful​

Claim: Children are too young to know if they are transgender, and supporting a child who identifies as transgender is child abuse.

The facts: Research shows that not allowing transgender children to live their gender identity is harmful, and can be deadly.

Trevor, 11

Being trans in Texas: Students, moms sound off on bathroom rights

Explained: Decades of research suggest that when it comes to psychological traits and abilities, boys and girls are more alike than they are different. A child’s parents and environment are more likely to influence their gender expression than the body parts they were born with, and the concept of gender becomes more fixed as we grow.

Just as it advises for adults, the medical community endorses letting children live their gender identity to avoid gender dysphoria or other conditions that may hinder mental or social developmental.

Groups including Family Research Council, considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, cite the American College of Pediatrics in arguments against supporting transgender children. The American College of Pediatrics is estimated to have only a few hundred members compared to the 64,000 members belonging to the well-established American Academy of Pediatrics, which supports allowing transgender children to socially transition at an early age.

those are the facts moron ...
This all started with letting fags get married.

When we let fags get married and let them become mainstream we knocked over the first domino that lead us to tranny kids and trannies sexually abusing kids.

Everytime a society lowers it's standards, morals and values for a group like the fags we lower the bar. Everytime you lower the bar all you did was accept something you once didn't accept, and you put that bar closer to the group below them. We lowered it fags, then we lowered it for drag queens, then we lowered it for trannies, now the pedophiles are trying to grab ahold of it. If we never lowered it for fags to begin it wouldn't be anywhere near the kid diddlers now.
coming from the mind of an ignorant bastard says it all ...

Predators in bathrooms​

The claim: Sexual predators will take advantage of public accommodations laws and policies covering transgender people to attack women and children in bathrooms.

The facts: Anti-discrimination protections covering gender identity have been around for years, and there is no evidence they lead to attacks in public facilities.

Explained: As of March 2017, 19 states, the District of Columbia and more than 200 municipalities have anti-discrimination laws and ordinances allowing transgender people to use public facilities that correspond to their gender identity.

ransgender people don’t deserve protections​

The claim: Being transgender is not a valid condition. Transgender people are mentally ill and should not be afforded the same legal protections or healthcare guarantees as gay and lesbian Americans.

The facts: The clear majority of mainstream medical, psychiatric and psychological communities agree that being transgender is not a concocted fantasy or mental illness. It’s simply a valid state in which one’s gender does not match what was assigned at birth.

Explained: The medical community defines gender identity as the way in which people perceive themselves, which could be different from their gender at birth. A transgender person’s gender identity is different from cultural expectations based on the gender they were born with.

Characterizing transgender identity as a mental disorder contributes to precarious legal status, human rights violations, and barriers to appropriate health care, according to a study published in The Lancet in 2016.

A condition is designated a mental illness when it causes significant distress. For many, simply being transgender does not cause dysfunction – it’s the social stigma and barriers to expressing one’s identity that cause problems, according to the American Psychological Association, the American Medical Association and other healthcare organizations.

The World Health Organization is set to adopt the same position in its next edition of the International Classification of Diseases, due out in 2018.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) includes the term “gender dysphoria” to describe the distress some feel. The term was adopted in 2013 to replace “gender identity disorder,” which designated transgender identity a mental illness. The change bore echoes of a 1973 decision to remove homosexuality from the DSM.

Letting children identify as transgender is harmful​

Claim: Children are too young to know if they are transgender, and supporting a child who identifies as transgender is child abuse.

The facts: Research shows that not allowing transgender children to live their gender identity is harmful, and can be deadly.

Trevor, 11

Being trans in Texas: Students, moms sound off on bathroom rights

Explained: Decades of research suggest that when it comes to psychological traits and abilities, boys and girls are more alike than they are different. A child’s parents and environment are more likely to influence their gender expression than the body parts they were born with, and the concept of gender becomes more fixed as we grow.

Just as it advises for adults, the medical community endorses letting children live their gender identity to avoid gender dysphoria or other conditions that may hinder mental or social developmental.

Groups including Family Research Council, considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, cite the American College of Pediatrics in arguments against supporting transgender children. The American College of Pediatrics is estimated to have only a few hundred members compared to the 64,000 members belonging to the well-established American Academy of Pediatrics, which supports allowing transgender children to socially transition at an early age.

those are the facts moron ...
Everything listed in this posting as a "fact" is either false or totally uncorroborated. There are NO LONG TERM STUDIES on trans-gender people who either transitioned or did not, and comparing their future mental health. Indeed, with the limited data available, it appears that the mental/psychological/emotional problems that initially led to the trans-delusions are just as bad after transition as they were before.

Most importantly, there is no medically discernible trait whatsoever that supports the delusion of being a member of the opposite sex/gender (which terms are interchangeable). Boys are boys and Girls are girls. Humans are binary, except for extremely rare genetic anomalies, which are not the subject of the current controversy.
I am a mother of a daughter…

Yeah, right, matthew.

coming from the mind of an ignorant bastard says it all ...

Predators in bathrooms​

The claim: Sexual predators will take advantage of public accommodations laws and policies covering transgender people to attack women and children in bathrooms.

The facts: Anti-discrimination protections covering gender identity have been around for years, and there is no evidence they lead to attacks in public facilities.

Explained: As of March 2017, 19 states, the District of Columbia and more than 200 municipalities have anti-discrimination laws and ordinances allowing transgender people to use public facilities that correspond to their gender identity.

ransgender people don’t deserve protections​

The claim: Being transgender is not a valid condition. Transgender people are mentally ill and should not be afforded the same legal protections or healthcare guarantees as gay and lesbian Americans.

The facts: The clear majority of mainstream medical, psychiatric and psychological communities agree that being transgender is not a concocted fantasy or mental illness. It’s simply a valid state in which one’s gender does not match what was assigned at birth.

Explained: The medical community defines gender identity as the way in which people perceive themselves, which could be different from their gender at birth. A transgender person’s gender identity is different from cultural expectations based on the gender they were born with.

Characterizing transgender identity as a mental disorder contributes to precarious legal status, human rights violations, and barriers to appropriate health care, according to a study published in The Lancet in 2016.

A condition is designated a mental illness when it causes significant distress. For many, simply being transgender does not cause dysfunction – it’s the social stigma and barriers to expressing one’s identity that cause problems, according to the American Psychological Association, the American Medical Association and other healthcare organizations.

The World Health Organization is set to adopt the same position in its next edition of the International Classification of Diseases, due out in 2018.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) includes the term “gender dysphoria” to describe the distress some feel. The term was adopted in 2013 to replace “gender identity disorder,” which designated transgender identity a mental illness. The change bore echoes of a 1973 decision to remove homosexuality from the DSM.

Letting children identify as transgender is harmful​

Claim: Children are too young to know if they are transgender, and supporting a child who identifies as transgender is child abuse.

The facts: Research shows that not allowing transgender children to live their gender identity is harmful, and can be deadly.

Trevor, 11

Being trans in Texas: Students, moms sound off on bathroom rights

Explained: Decades of research suggest that when it comes to psychological traits and abilities, boys and girls are more alike than they are different. A child’s parents and environment are more likely to influence their gender expression than the body parts they were born with, and the concept of gender becomes more fixed as we grow.

Just as it advises for adults, the medical community endorses letting children live their gender identity to avoid gender dysphoria or other conditions that may hinder mental or social developmental.

Groups including Family Research Council, considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, cite the American College of Pediatrics in arguments against supporting transgender children. The American College of Pediatrics is estimated to have only a few hundred members compared to the 64,000 members belonging to the well-established American Academy of Pediatrics, which supports allowing transgender children to socially transition at an early age.

those are the facts moron ...

This all started with letting fags get married.

When we let fags get married and let them become mainstream we knocked over the first domino that lead us to tranny kids and trannies sexually abusing kids.

Everytime a society lowers it's standards, morals and values for a group like the fags we lower the bar. Everytime you lower the bar all you did was accept something you once didn't accept, and you put that bar closer to the group below them. We lowered it fags, then we lowered it for drag queens, then we lowered it for trannies, now the pedophiles are trying to grab ahold of it. If we never lowered it for fags to begin it wouldn't be anywhere near the kid diddlers now.

It started long before that.

It started with the faggot/pedophile rights movement, back in the 1970s. The faggots only disassociated themselves from the childfucker when they realized that sane people ere never going to support any right for faggots, if that meant accepting childfuckers too.

But we let the camel put that noise in our tent, and forty some years later, now they're bringing the childfuckers in with them, just as man of us knew that they eventually would.

You just defended a limo wristed man bragging that he can walk into a woman's bathroom and you're okay with that.

I don't believe you're a woman. You mean "trans woman's. Hell, you can't even define woman.
So when YOU walk in and take a piss in the mens room, do you often check out mens dicks?
Or do you always piss sitting down in a stall? LOLLOLLL
I am a mother of a daughter but going to the bathroom also doesn't have anything to do with sex. I could just as easily say that men are perves and shouldn't be allowed within 50 feet of woman based on the same argument. Dangerous animals.

That’s why there are seperate restrooms moron. And just because a man wears a dress does not mean he is not sexually attracted to females.

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