I remember when America was normal.

Sometimes....when I watch old films or TV series.... from the late 1950s and early 1960s..like "Father Knows Best" ....etc...

I see when America was normal....and I like it....

It all seems so far away.... like a Lost Kingdom .....like Paradise gone.....

Depressing to see all gone.
Normal all except for the racism part yes, but the seventies, eighties, and nineties began the climb out of that situation. Just hope that the country doesn't end up being made to regret everything it has done to become inclusive.

Sadly we see some who are making this nation feel a fool for ever giving them more than an inch, and this is because they will never be satisfied until in their minds whitey is destroyed or made into a minority in which is heard in their speak in certain corners.

This goes for all those whom have allied themselves together under that specific cause.

People are smart today, and they know the difference between good decent Americans of all stripes, and they know who the race baiters, racist, and terrorist are whom want to create chaos, anarchy, and destruction in this country going forward.... It's all in order to move their special agenda's, religion's or cults forward in order to take over the country eventually from those in which they hate or see as in their way.

When idiots like Skye talk about what life was like on TV in the 1950's and 1960's, when American was "normal", I laugh and laugh and laugh. In the 1950's and 1960's we used to laugh about TV shows like "Father Knows Best" because those shows were NOTHING like real life. Shows like FKB and Ozzie & Harriet, showed an idealized view of American life that in no way mirrored reality.

It's laughable that conservatives now hold these shows up as roles models from the past. And pathetic.
Don't you have elder relatives that can clarify what Skye was talking about ? It was a different time for American's who made the best of that time for themselves, but sadly it wasn't so good for others. Now aside from the racism in those days, American's really showed their potential in so many ways, and of course millions assimilated into the culture even though it was reluctant to include them. It all began working out for everyone (blacks, whites, yellow's, tan, and orange), whom wanted the dream.

But then it all began to split again, and this happened as groups become more and more powerful in their own right, and they began to state their case in which they we're holding back for years and years on.

The whites figured that all was going well, and the nation was healing or has healed over time, but certain groups are saying otherwise. Now it can all be addressed properly, but it needs to be done to everyone's satisfaction, and it can be.
Sometimes....when I watch old films or TV series.... from the late 1950s and early 1960s..like "Father Knows Best" ....etc...

I see when America was normal....and I like it....

It all seems so far away.... like a Lost Kingdom .....like Paradise gone.....

Depressing to see all gone.
Normal all except for the racism part yes, but the seventies, eighties, and nineties began the climb out of that situation. Just hope that the country doesn't end up being made to regret everything it has done to become inclusive.

Sadly we see some who are making this nation feel a fool for ever giving them more than an inch, and this is because they will never be satisfied until in their minds whitey is destroyed or made into a minority in which is heard in their speak in certain corners.

This goes for all those whom have allied themselves together under that specific cause.

People are smart today, and they know the difference between good decent Americans of all stripes, and they know who the race baiters, racist, and terrorist are whom want to create chaos, anarchy, and destruction in this country going forward.... It's all in order to move their special agenda's, religion's or cults forward in order to take over the country eventually from those in which they hate or see as in their way.

It's only going to get worse unless white people in America finally get off their butts and take a stand. Demand that Washington finally grow a pair and speak up for our interests for a change.
The stand needed taken is to ensure fairness across the board always, but that might be impossible in some cases anymore. The events happening are mostly going on in concentrated area's or in some area's where the race or cultural ratios end up so far out of balance, that one group or maybe a few groups allied together, end up attempting to dominate another group, and they do it in a very revealing way in which exposes their sometimes nefarious or ill intent towards the one group that is attempted to be dominated.

How are we supposed to ensure fairness when DC politicians won't even say our name?


When did that become a dirty word? Every time Trump opens his mouth, he brags about all the great stuff he's doing for blacks, hispanics, gays, jews, etc etc etc. Everybody except the majority who put his ass in the white house in the first place. The only time that dreaded phrase is mentioned is when the mainstream media is celebrating our demise or blaming us for something.
Yes, I agree that "white people" has become a dirty phrase sadly enough, and it definitely needs to change back into something good again. Yes the blame game needs to end, and we should work towards fairness and equality for all that are compatible to the American way. The merit system should be reinstated, and those who work hard and live a crime free life should be rewarded, and not the opposite as we see taking hold now.
Nothing more ridiculous than rightists whining about how "terrible" everything is "these days."

They long for an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with, a past far from ideal for women, black Americans, and other minority communities.

What it comes down to is fear.

You can point to everything the right hates and whines about in 2019 America and it comes down to fear.

What are they scared of? Change. In the macro, its that the US is losing it's leadership position in the world so that change in stewardship causes fear. Don't get me wrong, we still lead in a great many important areas but that isn't what the right hangs it's hat on. Having the most Nobel Prize winners is probably viewed as a sign of weakness among them. Having an economy robust enough to both support domestic producers AND have a $621B deficit (stuff we buy from other nations minus the value of what we send out) isn't something to be proud of. The fact that other nations are doing what we used to do bothers them greatly; for some reason.

What is more troublesome to them is the small changes. The Fortune 500 has 24 female CEO's. This is too many for the right wing. We have Arab and bi-sexual women in office in Washington. That makes them uncomfortable. More women are graduating from college than men. Buying power for angry white dudes is dwindling. So what happens? Trump comes along and gets rid of funding for low-cost contraception and they cheer as if it is a soccer match. He gets rid of homosexuals in the military and they think it's a point scored for their team. Hell, he even, for some reason never quite explained to even his supporters says that Mexicans coming here illegally are rapists. More points for their team?

I have to tell you two things....

I cannot imagine living your life to where someone else having such life-altering pain and slander inflicted upon them produces such gleeful responses.

The other thing is this....

I too am uncomfortable with some of the changes. There is a discussion on the thread about intramural sports where bisexual athletes compete with one gender or the other. This is ridiculous. The governing bodies of the sports and the school districts are under no obligation to make these accommodations. I remember when Obama foolishly waded into the who bathroom argument. It was pure stupidity.

I could go on and on about this type of nonsense.

One good thing I hope comes out of Trump's administration is that the judges he's appointing may have some affect on this nonsense. If you have outdoor plumbing, you play with the boys. If you have indoor plumbing, you play with the girls. It's pretty simple.

But in the final analysis, the civilization does not rise and fall on the issue of this or that. The fear from the right is palpable on the topic though.
does it matter?

Yes. I believe that he is lying, for starters. I wanted to see if he'd keep lying.

Now, since you piped in, I'll go against my better judgement and engage you on what you've said here.
These young people are not simply "deciding that they want to be girls today". Nor are they trying to game the system
so they can play a sport with girls because they aren't good enough to play with boys.

Try...if you can....to have empathy. Imagine that your son is an athlete and he has come to you and told
you that he is transgendered and wants to live his life as a female. Consider how she would get treated in a boys locker room.
Consider how she would feel knowing that she was unable to be who she is. That is what we are talking about.

You are, likely purposefully, taking an ignorant and short-sighted approach to the issue. I believe that you do so because
it beefs up your "I'm an independent" online persona using an issue that doesn't personally affect you. I believe that you are
intelligent enough to work through this issue with more thought and less stupid.

This is a complicated issue that has no simple solution. Each organization will go through the process of deciding how
transgendered people will be treated within the law and with an eye toward fairness and sportsmanship.

youth sports are not the place for social engineering. My solution is simple and fair to everyone as everyone has the same rules.

Of course. Simple. Simple is always the best approach to complicated issues. Build the wall!!!!!

There is a place and time for complicated issues to be dealt with, youth sports is not that place.

Says who?

Empathy. It's a cool thing that will help you. Try it.

What about empathy for the other 99% of the players on youth sports teams that are impacted by having a member of the opposite sex on their team
Poor employers should struggle. It's called capitalism. If they can't find good workers they are doing something wrong. Basic economics.

There are plenty of applicants...and I mean plenty. The problem is the quality of the applicant.

perhaps in your neck of the woods that is true, but not for most of the country
You lost the debate, old man. Coward you are.

Yeah. You're afraid to talk to your own players about important issues and I'm the coward. Perfect.

They are 12-year old girls. What time would I have to talk to them? I am not their parent. You're so freaking clueless. And a loser.

Time? A coach with any ability spends hours upon hours talking to and with players about things having to do with their sport and life in general. You are apparently only concerned with part of the job.

It's OK. They'll get better coaching someday.

Not in AAU. We play 3-4 games back to back. We barely have time to discuss bathroom, drinks/food injuries. And again not my place to teach life lessons. I leave that to the parents. It is not a job as I volunteer and my train of thought is that those people have a mental disease.

And you have zero empathy for those horribly ill children who are just trying to fit in and get by. You're a winner!

and you have zero empathy for the other 90% of the team
Hence I had my daughter guard him. Forfeiture is for losers and Leftists like you. Plus the other parents gave me the green light. What sort off person doesn’t see at least my side of this even a little? A single minded fat leftist. You.

I see your side. You have no tolerance for people who are different. Fuck that kid. She can go play with the other weirdos!

You rock, Dad.

It’s a he. People like you are ruining this country. You’re entitled to your opinion but I just laugh at your expense. Have another Whopper. Fatty.
I think I will go with psychiatry and the knowledge that our society only needs more tolerance. These little people are no threat to anyone. Much like refugees from Syria you people are terrified of...
every other modern country has done this. You are regressives Who seem to enjoy watching the middle class disappear...

Then why do we have separate girls and boys teams? It’s about fairness. Boys are biologically bigger and stronger and hence should not be playing vs girls in 7th grade.

7th grade boys are not bigger and stronger than girls.

yes they are.
Yeah. You're afraid to talk to your own players about important issues and I'm the coward. Perfect.

They are 12-year old girls. What time would I have to talk to them? I am not their parent. You're so freaking clueless. And a loser.

Time? A coach with any ability spends hours upon hours talking to and with players about things having to do with their sport and life in general. You are apparently only concerned with part of the job.

It's OK. They'll get better coaching someday.

Not in AAU. We play 3-4 games back to back. We barely have time to discuss bathroom, drinks/food injuries. And again not my place to teach life lessons. I leave that to the parents. It is not a job as I volunteer and my train of thought is that those people have a mental disease.

And you have zero empathy for those horribly ill children who are just trying to fit in and get by. You're a winner!

and you have zero empathy for the other 90% of the team

That's awesome.
They are 12-year old girls. What time would I have to talk to them? I am not their parent. You're so freaking clueless. And a loser.

Time? A coach with any ability spends hours upon hours talking to and with players about things having to do with their sport and life in general. You are apparently only concerned with part of the job.

It's OK. They'll get better coaching someday.

Not in AAU. We play 3-4 games back to back. We barely have time to discuss bathroom, drinks/food injuries. And again not my place to teach life lessons. I leave that to the parents. It is not a job as I volunteer and my train of thought is that those people have a mental disease.

And you have zero empathy for those horribly ill children who are just trying to fit in and get by. You're a winner!

and you have zero empathy for the other 90% of the team

That's awesome.

no, it is reality.

do you even understand why they separate teams by sex?
Progressives are destroying two hundred years of REAL progress



Darn, those progressives.
Time? A coach with any ability spends hours upon hours talking to and with players about things having to do with their sport and life in general. You are apparently only concerned with part of the job.

It's OK. They'll get better coaching someday.

Not in AAU. We play 3-4 games back to back. We barely have time to discuss bathroom, drinks/food injuries. And again not my place to teach life lessons. I leave that to the parents. It is not a job as I volunteer and my train of thought is that those people have a mental disease.

And you have zero empathy for those horribly ill children who are just trying to fit in and get by. You're a winner!

and you have zero empathy for the other 90% of the team

That's awesome.

no, it is reality.

do you even understand why they separate teams by sex?

Why is it that people who offer simple arguments about complex subjects think that others want to keep having a simple minded discussion? This matter is complicated. Your dopey question ignores that fact. And you are clearly incapable of diving deeper....so you stay right there on the surface.

I'd argue that youth sports is EXACTLY the place where transgendered athletes should be permitted to express themselves freely.

I won't do so with you, however. You ain't ready.
Why is it that people who offer simple arguments about subjects think that others want to keep having a simple minded discussion? This matter is complicated. Your dopey questions ignores that fact. And you are clearly incapable of diving deeper....so you stay right there on the surface.

I'd argue that youth sports is EXACTLY the place where transgendered athletes should be permitted to express themselves freely.

I won't do so with you, however. You ain't ready.

When people have nothing left, they make the matter so complicated it can never actually be addressed. That way they can just go "well, it is complicated" and walk away feel good about themselves.

how about this...we divide teams by sex as they were originally and not gender? Then it is no longer a complicated issue when it comes to youth sports.

Or how about we get rid of all sex based sports and just integrate all sports?

Do you have kids of your own?
Not in AAU. We play 3-4 games back to back. We barely have time to discuss bathroom, drinks/food injuries. And again not my place to teach life lessons. I leave that to the parents. It is not a job as I volunteer and my train of thought is that those people have a mental disease.

And you have zero empathy for those horribly ill children who are just trying to fit in and get by. You're a winner!

and you have zero empathy for the other 90% of the team

That's awesome.

no, it is reality.

do you even understand why they separate teams by sex?

Why is it that people who offer simple arguments about complex subjects think that others want to keep having a simple minded discussion? This matter is complicated. Your dopey question ignores that fact. And you are clearly incapable of diving deeper....so you stay right there on the surface.

I'd argue that youth sports is EXACTLY the place where transgendered athletes should be permitted to express themselves freely.

I won't do so with you, however. You ain't ready.
If your born a female, you are a female, etc. Sure is a coincidence that these men saying they're women always win when competing with women.
Why is it that people who offer simple arguments about subjects think that others want to keep having a simple minded discussion? This matter is complicated. Your dopey questions ignores that fact. And you are clearly incapable of diving deeper....so you stay right there on the surface.

I'd argue that youth sports is EXACTLY the place where transgendered athletes should be permitted to express themselves freely.

I won't do so with you, however. You ain't ready.

When people have nothing left, they make the matter so complicated it can never actually be addressed. That way they can just go "well, it is complicated" and walk away feel good about themselves.

how about this...we divide teams by sex as they were originally and not gender? Then it is no longer a complicated issue when it comes to youth sports.

Or how about we get rid of all sex based sports and just integrate all sports?

Do you have kids of your own?

I'm beginning to really question your libertarian bonafides. You should work on that.

I'm now "making it complicated"? How about that.

And yes. I've got three grown children. Two of whom are athletes. I see the big picture and I know that youth sports serve many purposes which are not hindered by allowing transgendered athletes to be themselves.
And you have zero empathy for those horribly ill children who are just trying to fit in and get by. You're a winner!

and you have zero empathy for the other 90% of the team

That's awesome.

no, it is reality.

do you even understand why they separate teams by sex?

Why is it that people who offer simple arguments about complex subjects think that others want to keep having a simple minded discussion? This matter is complicated. Your dopey question ignores that fact. And you are clearly incapable of diving deeper....so you stay right there on the surface.

I'd argue that youth sports is EXACTLY the place where transgendered athletes should be permitted to express themselves freely.

I won't do so with you, however. You ain't ready.
If your born a female, you are a female, etc. Sure is a coincidence that these men saying they're women always win when competing with women.

They don't.
I'm beginning to really question your libertarian bonafides. You should work on that.

Because I think that boys should compete with boys and girls with girls you question my libertarian bonafides? Is that a joke? You do understand the only reaons it is allowed to happen is because the government has forced them to at the risk of being sued.

I'm now "making it complicated"? How about that.

Yes, you are. So, tell me what is wrong with my plan of basing teams on sex and not gender? There is never any confusion about what sex a person is as there is with gender.

And yes. I've got three grown children. Two of whom are athletes. I see the big picture and I know that youth sports serve many purposes which are not hindered by allowing transgendered athletes to be themselves.

I assume you are ok with transgendered athletes competing in the Olympics or professional sports based upon the gender they feel like they are?
and you have zero empathy for the other 90% of the team

That's awesome.

no, it is reality.

do you even understand why they separate teams by sex?

Why is it that people who offer simple arguments about complex subjects think that others want to keep having a simple minded discussion? This matter is complicated. Your dopey question ignores that fact. And you are clearly incapable of diving deeper....so you stay right there on the surface.

I'd argue that youth sports is EXACTLY the place where transgendered athletes should be permitted to express themselves freely.

I won't do so with you, however. You ain't ready.
If your born a female, you are a female, etc. Sure is a coincidence that these men saying they're women always win when competing with women.

They don't.

have you seen any stories about or known any transgendered athletes that are biologically male that have chosen to compete in women's gymnastics?
I'm beginning to really question your libertarian bonafides. You should work on that.

Because I think that boys should compete with boys and girls with girls you question my libertarian bonafides? Is that a joke? You do understand the only reaons it is allowed to happen is because the government has forced them to at the risk of being sued.

I'm now "making it complicated"? How about that.

Yes, you are. So, tell me what is wrong with my plan of basing teams on sex and not gender? There is never any confusion about what sex a person is as there is with gender.

And yes. I've got three grown children. Two of whom are athletes. I see the big picture and I know that youth sports serve many purposes which are not hindered by allowing transgendered athletes to be themselves.

I assume you are ok with transgendered athletes competing in the Olympics or professional sports based upon the gender they feel like they are?

This isn't a matter of how they "feel" like they are, moron. It is their gender.

The Olympics and professional sports present an even more complex set of issues. That is why gender testing is done in those cases. Athletes must meet standards for testosterone, etc. That's why youth sports is the best place to allow these individuals to express themselves freely.

And yes. A libertarian doesn't object to individuals doing whatever they wish so long as the life or liberty or property of others is not taken. Right? Your objection to transgendered youth athletes playing on teams according to their gender is not based in libertarian ideology. It's you expressing your discomfort about those weirdos. Own it.

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