I said: "Next the Left will turn to normalize Pedophiles"... and it comes out of 'Salon':

I'm right with you on exposing and stopping the Left's demonic campaign to prey on children sexually which they are pushing on every front. I'm just saying this guy isn't an example of it. It's clear you hate pedophiles so much you believe the worst about them, even that they choose to have these feelings, which is entirely untrue. I hate child molesters, people who act out on those feelings but not every pedophile is a child molester. And this guy isn't either.

There's somebody in my own family who is like this, molested as a boy and grew up attracted to boys as a result. He doesn't molest children and in fact he never even seeks access to them. He knows right from wrong which is more than can be said for the perverts on the Left.

I'm sorry it embarrasses you, but you chose the wrong article to make your point.

I'm not embarrassed in the least. And hate is an irrational emotion. There's nothing irrational about the dislike for Evil. And Pedophilia is evil.

Where one intends no harm, one does not take to public venues to describe one's self as evil, then ask the world to not hate them.

Where such 'feelings' are present and where one possesses the means to know what they are and that they're wrong, one takes measures to solve the problem, NOT to discuss them or to cull approval. And APPROVAL is what the author of that article is seeking. From there it is just a quick skip to finding a young'ne who 'consents'... and PRESTO... full on, active pedophile engaged in the harming of children or exploiting a child that is already injured. Which works out the same.

There is NO PLACE for tolerance of these would-be people, PERIOD! And rest assured, where you accept this child-fucker, you step out onto complicit.
Where I accept this child fucker? You aren't even listening and now you're just making shit up.

Choose a better article next time to make your point.
The article is comprised of a pedophile seeking validarion and acceptance.

The point is that there is no means for viable human beings to accept pedophiles... At any level, for any reason.
What's even more confusing is how the progs can say a man slurping on another man's johnson and then ramming his pecker up his anus is NORMAL, but an older person that's attracted to a younger person is SICK.

Where in the hell did the guide lines for that twisted judgement call come from? Sounds like insanity to me.

That's the nature of Relativism... there is no objective basis for any of it. Therefore it is all just the addled ramblings of the intellectually less fortunate.

Which... is sadly, today... presently 'operating' the US Government; representing the core of US Pop Culture.
It takes a brave person to call their opponents pedophiles.

Nope... just as it does NOT take an intelligent person to project that those RESPONDING TO A PEDOPHILE, are merely 'calling' the pedophile, a pedophile.

And just to play the devil's advocate here... I guarantee you, one of the angles that will be used will be CHILDREN that INSTIGATE sexual contact with an adult. Then who do you blame? Can't put it all on the ped. Soon people will say the same thing they do about fags, "well they both wanted it and no one was hurt, so what's wrong with it?"

Yup, I can hear it now...

Another Conservative unable to tell the difference between consenting adults having sex- and a man raping a child.

What is wrong with you people?
The ancient Greeks diddled little boys, and it was accepted. I think the liberals want to go back there. They will ignore everyone who tries to stop them.
Any way, the author of the Salon article is lying. If he has pedophile urges, he will act on them. Also, a pedophile can't be cured. The Catholic Church tried to rehabilitate pedophile priests and it never worked. I personal know of one priest who was given a second chance, and when he came back to the parish he did it again. The police took him away in handcuffs.
The ancient Greeks diddled little boys, and it was accepted. I think the liberals want to go back there. They will ignore everyone who tries to stop them.

Key word here: "Ancient", as in LONG AGO failed cultures. The Homosexuals in Afghanistan still rape little boys... and have ya SEEN Afghanistan? It makes Memphis look like Nirvana!

Pedophilia is a presentation of raw, unadulterated evil, it is the ultimate sign of a spiraling degeneracy... and usually presents with other symptoms of mental disorder, such as homosexuality.
The ancient Greeks diddled little boys, and it was accepted. I think the liberals want to go back there. They will ignore everyone who tries to stop them.
True. But this article is not an example of that. This is a great thread based on the wrong article.

The article is precisely an example of that. Here's a clue: No Pedophile action has ever occurred prior to a pedophile thought.
The ancient Greeks diddled little boys, and it was accepted. I think the liberals want to go back there. They will ignore everyone who tries to stop them.
True. But this article is not an example of that. This is a great thread based on the wrong article.

The article is precisely an example of that. Here's a clue: No Pedophile action has ever occurred prior to a pedophile thought.
Here's another clue, not everyone who has those thoughts acts on them. Some decide to stop the cycle of abuse. It seems your hatred waxes so hot you aren't interested in the facts. The subject in your article was abused as a boy, as is the case with nearly all pedophiles. But he chooses not to abuse children in spite of his urges. Your absurd argument is that he has no choice, no free will, and no control over his actions. He's doomed to molest children simply because he was molested. Ridiculous.

Next time choose a better article where Leftists are actually pushing for sexual child abuse. Seeing as there are so many to choose from, it puzzles me that you settled for an article that rebukes the perverts on the Left.
And just to play the devil's advocate here... I guarantee you, one of the angles that will be used will be CHILDREN that INSTIGATE sexual contact with an adult. Then who do you blame? Can't put it all on the ped. Soon people will say the same thing they do about fags, "well they both wanted it and no one was hurt, so what's wrong with it?"

Yup, I can hear it now...

Another Conservative unable to tell the difference between consenting adults having sex- and a man raping a child.

What is wrong with you people?



Rape is an act of violence, expressed through sexual dominance.

Pedophiles do not force themselves on children... they form "loving, caring relationships",which lull the child into sexual consent.

Reader, you should know that the above cited would-be "Contributor" has been repeatedly challenged to state the basis on which it rejects Adult/Child Sexual Behavior. And without exception, where it registered even an implication rejecting the acceptance of Pedophilia, it's only basis for such was "IT'S ILLEGAL!".

This despite it BEING a Homosexual which was ILLEGAL in the US since the Inception OF the US... until quite recently. Meaning that it is highly selective in recognition of "The LAW". Thus it's answer is A LIE!

Homosexuals are sexual deviants. Pedophiles are sexual deviants.

You can't have one, without the other.
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Here's another clue, not everyone who has those thoughts acts on them.

And not a single pedophile act has ever been committed, without a pedophile thought having preceded it.

Tolerate those who have the thoughts and you've already tolerated the action. Because if you can't draw a line on those who THINK ABOUT IT, you will NOT draw a line on those who DO IT.
Pedophilia "outings" will follow. Generally, we will more and more see pedophiles and the kids they molest as loving couples. We will see it movies, TV shows and books. And it won't be long before normal people who oppose pedophilia will be labeled as "haters" and pedopobes."
Here's another clue, not everyone who has those thoughts acts on them.

And not a single pedophile act has ever been committed, without a pedophile thought having preceded it.

Tolerate those who have the thoughts and you've already tolerated the action. Because if you can't draw a line on those who THINK ABOUT IT, you will NOT draw a line on those who DO IT.
Your argument that temptation leads invariably to sin and there is no free will is stupid ratcheted up fortissimo. I can't dumb myself down enough to talk at your level.
Pedophilia "outings" will follow. Generally, we will more and more see pedophiles and the kids they molest as loving couples. We will see it movies, TV shows and books. And it won't be long before normal people who oppose pedophilia will be labeled as "haters" and pedopobes."

Yes... as such is the nature of evil.
Here's another clue, not everyone who has those thoughts acts on them.

And not a single pedophile act has ever been committed, without a pedophile thought having preceded it.

Tolerate those who have the thoughts and you've already tolerated the action. Because if you can't draw a line on those who THINK ABOUT IT, you will NOT draw a line on those who DO IT.
Your argument that temptation leads invariably to sin and there is no free will is stupid ratcheted up fortissimo. I can't dumb myself down enough to talk at your level.

That someone is 'talking about it', is a serious and inescapable sign that they are JUSTIFYING THEIR THOUGHTS... thus they are rationalizing that their nursing of those thoughts is bending their will toward embracing those thoughts, it is a step toward taking action.

There can be no doubt that the individual who published that article has an extensive file of Child Porn... which is the last stop before they 'have a child'.

Your mindset is precisely the same one that the Catholic Church had when it accepted Homosexuals for the Priesthood; that they only had thoughts of sex with people of their own gender. And all that came of that, was thousands of little boys being pursued by hundreds of homosexual priests, who not only broke the law, they broke their vows; they broke their sacred bond.
In a year you will support it or you will be called a pedophobe by your fellow liberals.

Maybe not as soon as a year. Maybe ten years. But it is coming. We can clearly see it coming, and unless current trends in social degradation are stopped, we will live to see it.
It takes a brave person to call their opponents pedophiles.

Oh wait, it doesn't. You only see the biggest wusses doing that. They can't argue honestly against a liberal, so they squeal out "you pedophiles!"

You are known by the company that you keep, by the causes you defend.

If you choose to take the side of pedophiles, then don't complain when that is taken as a reflection on your own [im]moral character.

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