I sincerely want to know!! Why does Obama et.al.. REFUSE to


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Under stand this fundamental FLAW in ACA!!!

99% of the people of AMERICANS that want and NEED have coverage!

There have NEVER BEEN 46 million uninsured!
It is the bogus number Obama uses but Obama obviously doesn't know that :

18 million people under 34, make over $50k and don't WANT and NEED health insurance! SO Why force them to buy it?
Don't believe me?? CHECK THESE FACTS:18 million Source: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009

14 million don't know they already qualify for Medicaid and all they need do is REGISTER...
So subtract that 14 million!
14 million SOURCE: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf

Finally 10 million are NOT citizens! Why should they be covered???
10 million SOURCE: US Census Bureau

That means 42 million don't want, don't know and aren't allowed: leaves 4 million!

NOW A simple solution...

TAX lawyers' $270 billion a year because they cause $850 billion in defensive medicine costs as 90% of physicians say they send duplicate tests,etc. all out of fear of lawsuits!
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

Take the 10% or $27 billion and pay the premiums for the 4 million!
THAT's IT... Solves the problem we ALL that WANT insurance can HAVE insurance!

How complicated is that??? Certainly NOT as a gigantic cluster...K that this ACA has become!

ACA is such a horrendous and poorly written law with no substance and plenty of fluff that O is compelled to force the govt shutdown in an effort to use against the R's next year. They're desperate and its all they have left to offer.
It's not about fixing health care. It's about screwing it up so badly that people scream that something be done, which if course is single payer.
My question still is from all your perspective... do you agree with the numbers and sources I've quoted because I had someone on this forum say if this is true WHY haven't the MSM picked up on this??

Here is one publication that has historically been writing about this fallacy.. since 2009!

The American Spectator : The Myth of the 46 Million

Fact Sheet: America's Uninsured | Media Research Center

The B2 Journal - Archive / 2009 / 2. The 46 million myth 2009!

you are correct, but the real issue is that we, the U.S. Society as a whole as grown complacent and ignorant in general. We believe a politician twisted words and never do any real study of the problem or our governments proposed solutions. The infamous Romney quote that doomed his bid for the presidency was 100% true. And we will continue on this path in this country of have's and have not's until we as a society grow a spine and realize that the ONLY person that can improve your life is YOU!!!!!
Hi HM: This is an interesting point.
Can you forward it to Chris X Radio at Home Page
He no longer does his weekend show live, but if you are on the internet
you can tell him live on air at 1070knth on the weekday evening call in shows.

He is moderate independent but happens to align with conservatives on this thing.
He certainly welcomes new points or information you have to share!

Under stand this fundamental FLAW in ACA!!!

99% of the people of AMERICANS that want and NEED have coverage!

There have NEVER BEEN 46 million uninsured!
It is the bogus number Obama uses but Obama obviously doesn't know that :

18 million people under 34, make over $50k and don't WANT and NEED health insurance! SO Why force them to buy it?
Don't believe me?? CHECK THESE FACTS:18 million Source: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009

14 million don't know they already qualify for Medicaid and all they need do is REGISTER...
So subtract that 14 million!
14 million SOURCE: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf

Finally 10 million are NOT citizens! Why should they be covered???
10 million SOURCE: US Census Bureau

That means 42 million don't want, don't know and aren't allowed: leaves 4 million!

NOW A simple solution...

TAX lawyers' $270 billion a year because they cause $850 billion in defensive medicine costs as 90% of physicians say they send duplicate tests,etc. all out of fear of lawsuits!
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

Take the 10% or $27 billion and pay the premiums for the 4 million!
THAT's IT... Solves the problem we ALL that WANT insurance can HAVE insurance!

How complicated is that??? Certainly NOT as a gigantic cluster...K that this ACA has become!

Obama is blaming EVERYONE else which is his modus operandi.. BUT that's because he truly thinks the Majority of Americans are IDIOTS that he can lie to and THEY will believe him!
He plays this race card all the time making people feel guilty for confronting him when he so grossly screws up!

Obama to this day keeps stating there are 46 million uninsured!
The Affordable Care Act, the most sweeping health care program created in a half century, is expected to extend coverage to 25 million Americans over the next decade, according to the most recent government estimates.
But that will still leave a projected 31 million people without insurance by 2023.
Left behind: Stories from Obamacare?s 31 million uninsured
BIG f..king LIE!!!

Of Obama's 46 million "uninsured" bogus number:
1) 10 million ARE NOT CITIZENS!!!
2) 14 million when asked by Census if they were uninsured said YES... YET all they had to do was register with MEDICAID!!! YET that number is part of the BIG LIE!
3) 18 million DON"T WANT health insurance as they are under 34.. even though they can afford (Make over $50,000) YET they are counted!
That leaves of the 46 million PHONY number 4 million that truly need health insurance!
SO why the f..k is Obama SCREWING Around with the 99% of us that want, that have ,that pay for health insurance??? BECAUSE HE is either IGNORANT or wants
to bankrupt our country! This f...king idiot wants a "single payer" system and we ALREADY HAVE 99% of those that want and need COVERED!!
He wants a single payer WHICH means $100 billion a year will be gone in Federal/state/local and your local property taxes will be INCREASED!
Why should anyone believe Obama when HE keeps STATING THE GIGANTIC LIE

Why, indeed?

“It’s obvious why the majority has cooked up this amendment in secret, has introduced it in the middle of a snowstorm, has scheduled the Senate to come in session at midnight, has scheduled a vote for 1 a.m., is insisting that it be passed before Christmas — because they don’t want the American people to know what’s in it,” said

Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee.

TOTALLY discredited many times...but he IS saying 40 million lately. They all count, and no more freeloaders...

HM is incensed over losing his free toothpaste from Medicare Plus giveaway, which is also cut in the Ryan Plan...
TOTALLY discredited many times...but he IS saying 40 million lately. They all count, and no more freeloaders...

HM is incensed over losing his free toothpaste from Medicare Plus giveaway, which is also cut in the Ryan Plan...

WHAT F..king "FREE LOADERS???? That is such a disgraceful...f...king LIE!
WHO are they??? YOU are assuming THOSE 18 million under 34 making over $50,000 would NEVER pay their health bills??
WHERE are you statistics supporting THEY are free loaders??
When you consider they pay less then $1,000 a year for health service.. what else do they need?
BUT more importantly WHY do you want to spend BILLIONS on people that came to this country illegally?
Or WHY are you so f...king dense to comprehend 14 million people ARE ALREADY eligible for MEDICAID!!! SO why are they counted??

Again 18 million don't want,, 10 million are not legal and 14 million don't know! 42 million of the 46 million!
and hm keeps posting the great lie
And I will keep posting UNTIL Some one proves these sources are incorrect!

10 million illegal aliens counted as "uninsured" by the Census even though they aren't legally able to buy health insurance.
SOURCE: US Census Bureau

14 million counted as uninsured EVEN though they simply need to register with Medicaid and they are covered.
But when asked by the Census these 14 million didn't know their poverty level allowed them to be covered by Medicaid.
SOURCE: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf

18 million that make over $50k so they can afford, are under 34 but they don't need it and don't want insurance are counted! These people should NOT be forced to buy health insurance just to raise the RISK POOL when there is NO
need? But idiots NOT obviously aware that 24 million aren't legal or are covered, think they must add these people and
it creates that bogus phony number of 46 million!

Some one please prove these are WRONG and IF YOU CAN"T please pass it on to your local MSM and get them to admit this bogus lie!
I've asked dozens of times for someone to PROVE ME WRONG!
Prove these numbers are wrong and when obama said:"accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children," BOLD FACE LIE!!

18 million are under 34! Make over $50k and don't want to spend more on employers plans.. so bogus number!
I'm not saying it CHECK THIS source: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009

14 million are already covered all need to do is register with Medicaid! SOURCE: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_...ed-America.pdf

10 million are NOT citizens! SOURCE: US Census Bureau

42 million that don't want, don't know they are covered and aren't legal!

Visit these sites and see how they show where the above FACT that 42 million don't want, don't know and aren't legal of the supposedly 46 million!

The American Spectator : The Myth of the 46 Million
The Phantom 46 Million Uninsured | CNS News
The Real Story On The Uninsured | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation
The reason I keep bringing this up is NO ONE HAS REFUTED IT!!!
YET ACA still exists because it passed by just 7 yes votes a very slim margin!
Think if these 7 "YES" votes and realized all of this 2,000 page, now 15,000 pages of regulations was to provide what coverage for less the 4 million that wanted and needed coverage??

And if something so blatantly obvious to a layman like me that 18 million under 34 making over $50k don't want or need WHY are they counted as "uninsured' other
than to PUMP the number.
And may one of those 7 yes votes didn't KNOW that 14 million people who told the census they weren't insured ALL they needed to do was register with Medicaid and they are covered????

Finally do you think your congressman that voted YES for ACA was aware that the 46 million number used to pump the ACA passage.. 10 million were not citizens???

There NEVER WAS A NEED for ACA! With less the 4 million people that wanted and need health insurance a simple $27 billion a year would pay the premium for these 4 million! And where would that come from? Tax lawyers like ACA taxes tanning salons because tanning causes cancer.. Well lawyers cause fear of lawsuits.
Fear of lawsuits cause 90% of physicians interviewed to state they practice "defensive medicine" A COST of $850 billion paid by Medicare and your insurance companies that get it from your premiums!!!
ACTUALLY, has been many times, but you appear to be braindead...



The rest is just Pubcrappe...
The American Spectator : The Myth of the 46 Million
The Phantom 46 Million Uninsured | CNS News
The Real Story On The Uninsured | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

Why would one wish to visit sites that are completely devoid of credibility, and only propagate rightist lies.

The OP is also devoid of credibility, given the fact he advocates forced sterilization for women who have had abortions.

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