I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

- Before the pandemic recession was on the minds of investors. But Trump voters remember it the way the Republican billionaires tell it.
I wonder WHY recession would have been on anyone's mind, when for 2 years leading up to the pandemic (all of 2028 & 2019), ther was no recession. In fact, for a whole year 2018 Q4 to 2019 Q3 there was infrwass of GDP each quarter.

Thanks for reminding me. :biggrin:
Um....Trump held the 1 year record for the largest single term contribution to the national debt. AND is the only president in US history to leave office with fewer jobs than he started his term with. Trump had no discernible impact on the growth of the US Economy with virtually no change to our growth trendline until it suddenly collapsed in Trump's last year in office.

Add J6 to that where Trump just watched TV for 3 hours while the supporters he sent to the capitol attacked it and prevented a peaceful transition of power, Trump's call for the termination of the constitution, and Trump being a convicted felon, and a rapist, and its pretty easy to see why Trump shouldn't ever be president again.
Parrot of the year. Did this come verbatim from CNN, MSNBC, or PBS ? All horsefeathers, either way.
Trump had the highest quarter of GDP growth in US history.

Trump did just the OPPOSITE of sending supporters to attack th capitol. His speech just before the protest began (video posted 10,000 times on the internet) exhorted his supporters to "PEACEFULLY & PATRIOTICALLY make your voices heard")

Trump did NOT call for termination of the constitution, he is NOT a convicted felon by any legitimate cout, and NOT a rapist, and its pretty easy to see why Trump should be president again, after the train wreck that Joe Biden has made of the USA. 😐
Repubs don't notice the incoherence of his unhinged screeds. They're too busy gazing in to his eyes.
Trump is the fully coherent one. Biden is the uncoherent one, with his brains falling out of his head.
Partisan hack much?
Objective assesser.

1. RECORD positive numbers on the economy, record highs in stock market, despite Covid shutdowns
2. stopped the absurd practice of giving China unrestricted access to our valuable market, and reduced the amount of imports coming from China.
3. holding China accountable for cyber theft,
4. taking Mexico and Central American countries to task for illegal immigration,
5. created 10 million jobs in 4 months, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs,
6. unemployment claims hit 50 year low,
7. lowest unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled in US history, 8.lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years,
9. lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma,
10. 4 million Americans off food stamps,
11. vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever,
12. highest median wage in US history .
13. Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE,
14. FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. > drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases,
15. reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars,
16. Signed Right-To-Try legislation,
17. $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic (the most ever),
18. Signed VA Accountability Act,
19. expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care (I got surgeries and benefits from this myself),
20. United States was a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957,
21. withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord,
22. pressured NATO allies, and they're spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016,
23. made the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces,
24. withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal, 25. moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem,
25. protected Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court, 26. issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay,
27. MCA deal,
28. reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports
29. greatest number of heavily attended rallies in US history
30. net exports increased $59 Billion in 2018,
31. improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement,
32. we were BUILDING THE WALL.
33. provided quality detention centers for migrant children in Southwest Key Programs
34. created 8,700 Opportunity Zones with investment incentives for companies to invest in distressed communities
35. Got Israel/UAE/Bahrain aggreement (the Abraham Accord), establishing Middle East peace
36. Defeated ISIS and killed their leaders incl. # 1 al Baghdadi.
37. Killed Iranian terrorist leader Sulemani.
38. Stopped domestic terrorist mobs by sending federal troops & National Guard
39. record of number of regulations cut, further boosting the economy
40. opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines thereby making America # 1 energy producer in the world (no other president ever did that),
41. rebuilt the US military to a $721 Billion/yr budget
42. increased wages for military personnel
43. Through the COVID pandemic, our Covid mortality rate was REDUCED from over 17,000/week in April. to about 2000/week in June. and remained very low throughout the year, as a result of the many smart things that Trump did.
44. Massive production of Ventilators - These were left in short supply after the Obama/Biden admin (we now have so many we're exporting them),
45. the Navy hospital ships sent to New York,
46. the stimulus checks,
47. The Task Force advice (ex. social distancing),
48. opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies,
49. federal aid to hospitals, rapidly expanding production & distribution of medical supplies
50. travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for),
51. Trump's advocacy of Hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), and Regeneron.
52. fast, continual development of a vaccine, and rapid success of Operation Warp Speed.
53. Created & signed the MISSION ACT, replacing the failed Obama Choice Act
54. Presided over the largest GDP growth (34.8%) in US history.
55. Got $ 250 Million/year to black colleges.

I do. I value the freedom to have my vote count and not canceled by Republican politicians like Speaker Mike Johnson:

Johnson Played Leading Role in Effort to Overturn 2020 Election​

Representative Mike Johnson recruited House Republicans to back a lawsuit to overturn the results, and he was a key architect of his party’s objections to certifying President Biden’s victory.​

If your word is good that we should value freedom over any particular course for society, then you should help Trump lise in 2024 by voting for his only viable opponent.

I know you defend a woman’s right to choose - So put your vote behind your word and vote that one issue ties time around.
A woman does not have a right to choose. In a matter between a woman, her doctor, and the unborn baby, the unborn baby is who has the right to choose, and 100% of the time they choose life.
Parrot of the year. Did this come verbatim from CNN, MSNBC, or PBS ? All horsefeathers, either way.
Trump had the highest quarter of GDP growth in US history.

Trump did just the OPPOSITE of sending supporters to attack th capitol. His speech just before the protest began (video posted 10,000 times on the internet) exhorted his supporters to "PEACEFULLY & PATRIOTICALLY make your voices heard")

Trump did NOT call for termination of the constitution, he is NOT a convicted felon by any legitimate cout, and NOT a rapist, and its pretty easy to see why Trump should be president again, after the train wreck that Joe Biden has made of the USA. 😐
Of course Trump sat and did nothing for 3 hours while the supporters HE sent to capitol attacked it.

That was a profound failure of leadership. No wonder why 3 of his 4 chiefs of staff don't support him. They know the man.

Trump is the only president since HERBERT HOOVER to see less jobs at the end of his term than he had at the beginning.

Trump held the single term record for the most added to the national debt.

Trump did call for the termination of the constitution.

"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution"

Trump is absolutely a convicted felon. Your fantasies that he somehow isn't is meaningless delusion.

A jury found that Trump is indeed a rapist. With 25 other women accusing Trump of some form of sexual assault. And Trump himself insisting that he can grab women by the pussy because he's famous.

Pick any of these reasons why someone wouldn't want Trump to be President again.
A woman does not have a right to choose. In a matter between a woman, her doctor, and the unborn baby, the unborn baby is who has the right to choose, and 100% of the time they choose life.
The fetus has no capacity to choose. That's the entire difference between a baby, who's been "born", and a fetus, which is not a person until that happens.

The Jews have it right on this one. Whackadoodle fundies, not so much.
Objective assesser.

1. RECORD positive numbers on the economy, record highs in stock market, despite Covid shutdowns

That's a lie. We'd lost jobs under Trump. Trump was the first president since Herbert Hoover to have fewer jobs when he left office than when he started. The stock market's highest record ever is under Biden.

2. stopped the absurd practice of giving China unrestricted access to our valuable market, and reduced the amount of imports coming from China.

Nope. It was 481 Billion in imports from China in 2016. And 506 Billion in imports from China in 2020.

What Trump did do however, was severely damage our export market to China, especially for food.

3. holding China accountable for cyber theft,
4. taking Mexico and Central American countries to task for illegal immigration,
5. created 10 million jobs in 4 months, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs,

Trump left office with a net LOSS of jobs. The first president since herbert hoover to do so.
6. unemployment claims hit 50 year low,

Unemployement claims were up. Obama delivered an unemployment rate of 4.7% in January of 2017. Trump returned us to 6.7% by January of 2021.

And we've hit lower unemployment numbers TWICE under Biden that Trump ever since.
The fetus has no capacity to choose. That's the entire difference between a baby, who's been "born", and a fetus, which is not a person until that happens.

The Jews have it right on this one. Whackadoodle fundies, not so much.
But that fetus is still somehow a "person" when it is killed with the mother.

Guess we have "whackadoodle" courts, huh?
That's a lie. We'd lost jobs under Trump. Trump was the first president since Herbert Hoover to have fewer jobs when he left office than when he started. The stock market's highest record ever is under Biden.

Nope. It was 481 Billion in imports from China in 2016. And 506 Billion in imports from China in 2020.

What Trump did do however, was severely damage our export market to China, especially for food.

Trump left office with a net LOSS of jobs. The first president since herbert hoover to do so.

Unemployement claims were up. Obama delivered an unemployment rate of 4.7% in January of 2017. Trump returned us to 6.7% by January of 2021.

And we've hit lower unemployment numbers TWICE under Biden that Trump ever since.
Nothing in the list I posted is a lie. You are DUPED.
The fetus has no capacity to choose. That's the entire difference between a baby, who's been "born", and a fetus, which is not a person until that happens.
In surveys taken of people whose mothers contemplated abortion, 100% of them said they chose to be born and not aborted. These are the fetuses choosing. CNN "fortgot"to tell you , huh ? Shucks!
Nothing in the list I posted is a lie. You are DUPED.

So Trump cut imports from China, huh? Here are stats of imports in 2016:


And here are the stats in 2021.


Just FYI, 481 billion is less than 506 billion.

But everything was accurate, huh? You never fact checked anything, did you? You just aped a list from the internet.

You're so easy, Prot.
I will answer that question because you are full of shit! First off, Trump inherited a vital economy from Obama. And second, Trump ran that economy into the ground by doubling our national deficit. The only thing Trump did in office was give Taz cuts to the rich. That's it! That's all!

Fuck Trump and fuck you for trying to act like he is something he is not.
HA HA HA.Making habit ao making fool out of yourself ?

1. NO, Trump did NOT inherit a strong growing economy built by Obama. The fact is Obama's awful economy was SINKING badly with 2 consecutive RECESSIONS (3.6.....2.5.....1.6.....0.7), and was rescued by Trump, who posted great RISING GDP #s in 2017/2018, from 2.0 to 4.6



2. For your information, Tumps tax cuts were bigger for the lower income folks (3 & 4%), than they were for the rich (2.6%)

Come back when you know what you're talking about.

HA HA HA.Making habit ao making fool out of yourself ?

1. NO, Trump did NOT inherit a strong growing economy built by Obama. The fact is Obama's awful economy was SINKING badly with 2 consecutive RECESSIONS (3.6.....2.5.....1.6.....0.7), and was rescued by Trump, who posted great RISING GDP #s in 2017/2018, from 2.0 to 4.6



2. For your information, Tumps tax cuts were bigger for the lower income folks (3 & 4%), than they were for the rich (2.6%)

Come back when you know what you're talking about.

Trump's tax cuts resulted in revenue losses over what we would have had with out them. Contributing mighty to his RECORD single term addition to the national debt. Trump added almost as much debt in 4 years as Obama added in 8.


With Trump demanding a massive reduction in the fed funds rate and a return to cheap debt. Trump's entire career has been about taking on massive debt loads and leveraging that debt. He did the exact same thing as President.

Why would anyone want more of this?
Trump's tax cuts resulted in revenue losses over what we would have had with out them. Contributing mighty to his RECORD single term addition to the national debt. Trump added almost as much debt in 4 years as Obama added in 8.

View attachment 962549

With Trump demanding a massive reduction in the fed funds rate and a return to cheap debt. Trump's entire career has been about taking on massive debt loads and leveraging that debt. He did the exact same thing as President.

Why would anyone want more of this?
Easy. Just look ar the list of Trump accomplishments, and then look at the train wreck we have got from Biden, with consecutive recessions & 100-200% inflation.
Trump's tax cuts resulted in revenue losses over what we would have had with out them.
What we HAD without them, was what we HAD in Obama's last year > 2016 - 3.27 Trillion.

No, we did NOT have revenue losses after the Trump tax cuts. We had revenue GAINS.
2017 - 3.32 Trillion.....
2018 - 3.33 Trillion....
2019 - 3.46 Trillion
Come back when you know what you're talking about.

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Easy. Just look ar the list of Trump accomplishments, and then look at the train wreck we have got from Biden, with consecutive recessions & 100-200% inflation.

His accomplishments like.....being the first president since Herbert Hoover to leave office with FEWER jobs than he started?

With Biden holding RECORD stock market valuations, hitting historic lows in employment TWICE that Trump never saw in his entire term?

And 100 to 200% inflation? Are you okay? Inflation under Biden is 3.3, with the highest we EVER saw under Biden being 9.1 and that for only a month.

Add to that Trump's call for the termination of the constitution, Trump's MASSIVE increases in the national debt -nearly matching Obama's 8 years in only 4, Trump's profound failure of leadership watching his supporters attack the capitol for 3 Hours and did nothing. Trump's term was the first failure of a peaceful transition of power in our nation's 230 year history under the constitution.

Oh, and the 34 felony convictions.

Why would ANYONE want ANY more of that?
Got any sources to back these claims ?
You bet.

Ignore as you will.

Just like you ignored the 34 felony convictions, his 50+ felony indictments, Trump's call to terminate the constitution, Trump sitting on his ass and watching TV 3 hours while his supporters attacked the capitol, Trump's record single term addition to the national debt, and Trump being the first president since Herbert Hoover to have fewer jobs at the end of his presidency than he did at the beginning.

Your willful ignorance doesn't make a strong case for Trump.

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